Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Nov 1918, p. 8

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~~". Page E.ght THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN BONK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bsy- field St. Phone 384 1228p tf POR SALE--Three General purpose horses, apply to D. C. Howard, 124 Dunlop 8, 27th PROF. D. E, WEIR-- Tescher of Piano aa Viobu. Piano Tuner. 6 Owen Bt. Bwmne. 48) of FOR SALE--Improved Brantford Windmill in good condition, 40-ft tower, Apply to this office. 42-tfe HOUSE TO RENT--No, 4, Mulcaster Street. Immediate possession, 'Rent $8.00, Ap- ply on. premises. 42tfe, HOUSE FOR RENT--No. 34 Ross St, all moderp conveniences, Vacant Nov. Ist. Phone 33 or 54. 41-tf. FOR RENT--First-class brick residence, all conveniences, on Brock St. set's Music Store. RADIANT HOME HEATER For Sale-- Nearly new, large size, cheap, Apply to %7 McDonald Street. 45-50p TO LET--Arlington Hotel. low rent, suit- able for u good boarding house, Ten bed- rooms. C. T. Devlin, 44th FOR SALE OR RENT--Solid brick house, 9 rooms, all conven- SOR SALE--House, lot, (shout 244 acres! aud stuble at 56 Penetang St., Barrie. Baquire on premises 35-4 FOR SALE--Team of well-natched Clyde colts ising 3 and 4 years. Apply J.H. Blackmore, Lefroy, R.M.D, 2. THE CELEBRATED HOOVER POTATO DIGGER for Sule by D.C. Howard. Call aud cee them at 124 Dunlop St. 27tf 2OU-ACRE FARM--Suitable for all modern farm. Good house and barn, in Flos Township. Apply Box 178, Barrie. 44tfe fennel MEN WANTED. hardwood near Painswick. Will pay top price. Apply R.A. Carr, 148 Toronto St 44-46p €LEANING AND PRESSING--Your old and overcoat can be made to look bke cev by Hurry Twiss, Ross Block, Dunlop St ee rs FARAVED -About oge month ago, from part of Lots 23 snd 24, Con. 9, Vespra, ane ur-old red und white heifer Phnue 608; 45-47p TO RENT In Barrie, comfortable honae mith barn, and half or one uad one quar- ter nere af good garden. F Lawrencey 4 James street 45-46 ROUGH CAST HOUSE TO LET--30 Mac mus, convenie also Apply W. G. Luck, 45-tfe. Club Bug, initialed RLF. 'Apply Gar- PPY soti | past week owing Lo labor trouble Devlin ait! 42-47p | To cut shout 200 cords | ---- Local News Buy another bond. Picture framing. W. A. Lowe & Son. A3-tf The weather-man has been assisting the Fuel Controller so far, "Do your Christmas shopping early" 'will soon be seasonable advice. * J --Geo. Cameron shipped in tb weeks 300 hogs, 62 cattle, 101 sheep and lambs, and 5 calves, A derailment of twenty freight cars above North Bay made "The National" four hours late on Monday. Express deliveries were very |slow for several days during the in Toronto. Tomorrow closes the deer- hunting season. 'The weather has been the worst the hunters have had in years. The price for notices in the Local Column or for any other reading notices in The Examiner is ten cents per line. A5-tf Have you renewed your mem- ership in the Horticultural jely? A special fall premium of 25 tulip bulbs is given fur do- ing so. hare in Viclory--buy a Necessary savings may be Bond. helped by buying your carpet j needs from Dougall Bros. 45-46¢ pe | GOOD PLAIN COOK WANTED--Apply American Hotek 46-470. 'FoR SALE--Light Sleighs, good am now. "Apply this office, 46-40p STRONG BOY Wanted to help in Bakery. C. Brown, Barrie 41tf UNFURNISHED ROOMS to Let-- 46-46p FOUR Enquire at 15 Ross street. TO LET--Three rooms, Enquire at this office. furnished housekeeping 46-46p OTTAGE FOR SALE--Large lot, central. Apply W. J. Lennox, 11 Peel St 40p-tf SURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfc 'WANTED AT ONCE--A good maid. Ap- ply Mrs J. J Jamieson, 103 Collier St. 46-46 FOR SALE--Small Range, coal or wood ; hot water front. Apply 99 Bayfield St 16 6c WAR OVER~ Cheap meat of all kinds. At Jno, Binghum & Sons, Elizabeth St 46-47 Burne and Hillsdale. Will iim: | FOR RENT Storage for car or goods. Can der return to Examiner office and re- | be found at 100 Owen St. Enquire in seve $5.00 reward. 45-48pp | premises, Ade @ DRIVER WANTED--For a grocery store | FOR FIRST-CLASS Hard and Soft Wood, in town dy job and good wages to a) cut and split to order, cull Lewis & Co., strong honest boy or young man. Apply phone 91 Ge. Box 49, Harrie Post Office 45-46p |FOR SALE--Good Coal Heater, alo ART CLASS sits; Wed, and Fri, 10.30--12; Sat, 2-- 330 /p.n. Mrx F.S. Williams, (London sad Parix diplomas), 261 Daniop St. or Ovenden College. 41-46p 'idence and st! peth und Mary Sty. present tenant, W D. Minnikin Apply Mra. Meaford Webb, 26 Small St. Phone 119, 38-tfe ee ee BARM FOR SALE oF Rent--Lot 7, Con. 9, Rasn, near Cookstown, 100 acres, all etosred, oud clay loam; frame house, turge barns Easy terms, Andrew Cun- siagham, 26 Small St. Phone 119, 38tfe WIRAYED From Lot 25, Con, 12, Innisfil, 3 yearling cuttle with nick in left ear, os wth gry Fincer plea: iy airung, Rural Route, 1, Allandale, or 40-tf On to the premises of lot 23 sa, about Oct. 10, 1 red steer, rently one yeur old, Owner may fave same by proving ownership and peying expenses, Wesley Martin, RR3, Thorton 45tlc. TIGATING--Choice huil- fine fruit trees, bewutifully sit- sisted west side of Toronto St. on brow of il. Busy distance of new Collegiate, sucrifice for quick sale. Apply Box Examiner. 42-47 BETURNED SOLDIERS, PATRIOTIC WOMEN AND OTHERS--We will pay you handsomely to distribute, *religiou and patriotic literature in your commu- Spare time may be used. Samples International Bible Press, Toronto. 45-46-48-49-51, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17, un. 2, Flos, 100 scres, 75 acres cleared, balance pasture and bushi Comfortable house, bank barn 40x60, driving shed and outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1019, with plowing privileges. "P. A. Coughlin, Phel 25tf. Fpston. BOR SALE--A two-storey Brick Cottage at Tollendal, three scres land, good stables, good apiary, first-class location, no foul mod; abundance of good water; ideal ace for a retired farmer, gardener or apsarist: Price right, terms easy. W. J. Reaieiow, Allareaie, 48-486 Fs are in do- ~R. These sys- promptly place every Graduate of 's Pelegraph and Railroad Schoo! at salary, We therefore ask you to prepare at once. Write for particulars, WwW. 'Yonge, 87-52p FARM FOR SALF--100 acres North %, foam, stock fnrm, well watered and fenced. 10 acres barn ns, water sya- tom; harn"26x31; Piggery frame 26x61, eament: floors; implement house, Apply 'ex premises. 6148p Painting, drawing, port-' nuungle. Both reasonable Bayfield St Apply 152 46-46p jFOR SALE--Bay mare, four years old, sood quiet driver. Apply Chax. Robertson, | Barrie RMD 46p, ae | HANDSOME BLACK PONY FQR SALE-- RG. White- 45-48p Quiet to ride and drive. wood, Craigvale WANTED--A good strong boy or man for delivery rig for grocery, flour and feed department. Brown & Co. 46-tfe HOUSE FOR RENT--On Perry street, six rooms, modern conveniences. Apnly | J. F. Box 868, Barrie P.O. 46-460 HOUND LOST---Black lugs and back, half white tail, white legs, Finder please no- tify T. H. Aconley, Shanty Bay. 46-46p PASTURE LAND for Sale---50 acres, -vell fenced, spring creck, some good wood, Township of Innisfil, Apply at this of- fice. 46-48p |FOR SALE--Ford Rondster in good condi- tion; tires nearly new; one new tire extra. Anoly A. T. Moore, Shanty Bay, at E. V. Wilson's farm, 46-51p RS WANTED--Good prices paid for all kinds of raw furs. Satisfegtion guaran- teed, Harry Tevit, PhonelS4, Bayfield street, Barrie. 46-51p | WANTED--Good girl or woman to ac' as housekeener, family of five; good home and good waces. Apply 135 Cumberland street, Allandale, 46-48p WANTED--Modern Motor Boat, good con- dition for personal use. Cash. Write full particulars to George Simmons, 33 Jarvis street, Toronto. 5 HEIFER LOST--On Nov. 13, dark red, rising three years, dehorned, white face, good condition. 'Albert Pratt, R.M.D.. Allandale, Stroud phone. 46-46¢ PURSE LOST--On Oct. 30, between Edgar and Craighurst, small black purse con- taining about $45. rd on returning to Howard Brandon, Guthrie. 40-46p FURNISHED APARTMENT of three or four 'rooms wanted by young couple for light, housekeeping. Must be warm snd comfortable. Apply Box "'A". 46-46p A REAL are od ti a jes assenger Hupmobil tires, moaren, electric lights. Address Corporal H. E. Knowles, Repair Section, Camp Borden. 46-46p LOST--Between Smith's Furniture Store and McDonald street on Mulcaster street, Hand Bag.containing between three and four dollars in silver. Please leave at Robertson's Drug Store. 4646p 'write or pone to Thos. E. Ross, Guthrie. Phone 822, Oro. 46-48¢ Attendance was pretty well up| to normal when the schools re- opened on Monday. --wW. D. Minnikin has moved his undertaking parlors two doors south on Mary St., occupying the property purchased from Mrs. W. A. Pae. 46-47c Quite a number of people; motored to Toronto, Monday afternoon, and saw such a cel bration as put all previous jubi ations away in the shade. Woolly West" played to a rather small house, Tuesday night, but these fun-makers never appeared to better advantage here. | Rev. J. R. Aikenhead of Daven: port will conduct the anniversary services of the Central Methodist Church, on Sunday, Nov. 24.! Special collection for church debt} fund. 46-47 | Last Friday and Saturday! Judge Vance heard an action| brought by the Bell Telephone Ci against Mrs. Adamson for ob- structing a lane leading from their property to Maple Ave. The vase was nol completed and ad journment was made until No' The Women's Missionary So- ciety of Collier St. Methodist Church will bold a social on Wednesday evening next, Nov. 20, ! in the Sunday School. An inter- esting feature will be a display of articles brought fre Palestine} and Mesopolamia by Capt. P. A.| Sarjeant. Robt. W. Sutherland. brake-! man, had his right foot badly crushed at Graigvalr yesterday morning. fle was running on the Toronto way freight and when | kicking in a coupling pin his foot was caught between the draw| heads, necessitating the ampula- tion of the toes, Chas. Caldwell, met with a motor Dyment's corner, Monday morn- | ing. When turning off from| Bradford St... they car skidded, struck a telophane pole and then | Charlotte acdident ut) banged against the curb taking of two wheels. The driver had his lip cut, Plo. Dorland received some ents in the nose, and He Coles got a ent im the side of the head requiring several stitehes. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs, Geo, Overs left last week | fo visit her son in Vancouver, -- | Jos. He spending two} weeks with his father im Cartier.) Capt. Bolster, RAMA, is visiting his sister, Mrs. FL OR. Porritt. Pre Mason Wright of Toronto spent the week-end at the howe of DOH. MacLaren Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Merton and | children af Toronta were with Barrie relatives over Sunday. Wm. Jacobs of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jacobs. | Mrs, Stewart Macdonald of Hamilton is spending a week with her father, Crown Attorney Gotter Mrs. Harry (irasett and little daughter have left on a three months' visit in New York and Rhode Island. : Mrs. Charles Cavanagh and her | two sons of North Bend, Oregon, | are visiting her sister, Mrs, A. Paddison, Brock St Geo, W. Livingston came home from hunting last week rather seriously ill with influenza and was taken to the hospital. Misses M. Banting and F. Hub bert have returned to their schools at Crown Hill after being at home three weeks on account of the "flu," E. J. Hewson, publisher of the Pevetang Herald, was in town this week owing to the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Blackmore, and called on The Examiner, J. F. Goodfellow of the Whitby Gazette was a caller at The E: aminer office on Saturday. He; was in town making a short visit to his aunt, Mrs. Jo: ood fellow. Husband and Wife Tal Another of those exceedingly sad cases where husband and wife are taken almost together, leaving a family of small cl dren, occurred this week, the terrible blow falling upon the home of Aldon R. Skinner, Bay- field St. On Sunday the husband died in the hospital after a week's illness, and his wife followed him to the Great Beyond at noon on Monday. Both were 28 years of age, there being but three months between them. Aldon R. Skinner was very well known in town, having been a cab driver for W. J. Shannon for several years. He was a faithful and trustworthy employee and was esteemed by all who knew him. His mother and one brother, Fred, live in Barrie, and Norman is overseas. About nine years ago he was married to Jessie, daughter of the late James Graham and Mrs. Graham of Barrie. Her mother lives at Crown Hill and with her are a brother and sister. Other mem- bers of the family are Alex. Graham and Mrs. Angus Cam- eron of Oro, Mrs. Jos. Fitzgerald of Toronto, Mrs. Sid Shierlock and Mrs. 0. McCutcheon of Bar- rie. PRICES ON CORSETS which are less than those which are asked by the man- ufacturers for the same lines at the present time. There are no better Corsets at the price than the D&A . While they last we are of- fering about 10 dozen pairs of Corsets at $1.00 PAIR the manufacturer's price of which is now $1.12 We have all sizes, 19 to 30, "BRASSIERES" Ina variety of styles which will appeal to you. The prices range 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 each 'Tn These HIGHER PRICED CORSETS CORSETS you can get the comfort and Made in Canada The D&A Corsets fitted on Canadian Models und combine the best features of Peris, London and New York desigas, though sold at "much lower prices. There is @ model for every figure. Ask your corsetitre. DOMINION CORSET CO. Mostreal QUEBEC Toronto Makers also of the La Diva Corsets and D & A" Good Shape" Brassiéres wear of a made-to-order cor- set at double the price. We have styles to fit all fig- ures, slight, medium and stout, in low, medium and high bust. We stock all sizes from 19 to 36. Medium qualities range from $1.50 to $2.50 pair. Ask to see our Values at $3.00 and $3.50 CHILD'S AND MISSES' WAISTS Infants' girls' styles, to the styles suitable for big girls ind misses. from and small Range of prices in these 35c to $1.25 WE GIVE A Sc COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, Skinner, four little boys, 'the oldest about eight years, are left orphans, The double funeral took place from the chapel of Smith & Co., Tuesday afternoon, to the Union Cemetery, Rey. H. D. Raymond officiating. Those who acted as pall-bearers were: 0. B. Patter- son, Walter Patterson, John Vair, H. Hook, T. Pearce and ©. | R. Seott, WITH THE MEP IN KHAKI. (Continued from page 5.) ycle was y a motor truck. Capt. Clarke was injured in the head and chest, and both arms were| broken. He was wounded in go- ing over the top at Passehen- daele, but returned later to went over the top three times in eleven days just prior (o his accident. He has been nearly three years overseas. France. He Conflicting Reports Mrs, M. W. Thomas, who has been staying with her mother, Mrs, Chas. Drury, Toronto St.,/ ince her hushand went overseas, was shocked on Monday to see the name of Capt. M. W. Thomas, Victoria, in the list of dead. Enquiry at the Records Office, Ottawa, brought the reply that the only report they had on Capt. Thomas was "slightly wounded on Nov. 1. Still doing duty." This being the case it is hard to understand how the name should WANTED BRANCH MANAGER, to take charge of Branch office of a large financial institution, must be man of financial stan- ding, having insurance, finan- cial or selling experience, pro- gressive and capable. A guar- anteed yearly saJary and splen- did future to rigat party. Ap- ply, giving full particulars to; By the death of Mr. and Mrs. Box "H", Examiner. ! ee dh PE have appeared as it did in Sun- day's casualty list. On Tuesday there came to Mrs. Thomas: a delayed cable (dated Noy. 7) from her husband bear- ing the message "Well now." This cable, taken in conjunction with the report from the Records Office, seems to indicate that the casualty published on Monday must have been an error. CREDIT SALES On Wed., Nov. 20, Eddie Ross, lot 10, con. 4, Innisfil, farm stock, implenients, etc. Sule at 12.30 p.m. H. A. Grose,' auc: tioneer. On Wed. Nov. 20--J. Brown, Lot 3, con, 12, Innisfil; farm stock, implements, ete. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auc- tioneer. On Wednesday, Nov. 27--Jno. Marshall, Jot 18, con.'8, Innisfil, will sell farm stock and implements, ete. Sale to .om- mence 1 p.m, sharp. W. A. McConkey. auctioneer. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE OPLE TRADE COFFEE DRINKERS Paste the following In your Re- celpt Book: It is possible to make a very Poor cup of Coffee, even if the best grade is 'used. Try this:-- }Scald an ordinary jug put in the Coffee, then nearly fill with boil- ing water, place a table napkin on top, and set the jug in a pan of boiling water for 20 minutes or more, then put 3 cup of cold water on top and serve. You will be pleased with the result. T. N. HOBLEY TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANT For your Christmas baking we have choice Dried Fruits, Raisins, Currants, Shelled Nuts and Sweet Cider. 46-48 all sizes, at 43-tf Congoleum rug: W. A. Lowe & Son' ashen REnaaiaininnieieiemmmmemmmmnmneeninet ee eed & reconstructed world. bonds and complete our Canada must still continue for a time to maintain her forces; must provide transportation to bring them home; must arrange for their future, so that they may again become self-supporting units in This ~ by J.D. WISDOM & CO. CASH GROCERS, ESSA' ST. -Our part then is to buy great victory.

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