ared for an d theoretical, ce gnd, Studio, 10." " Season 34-yrly ---------- -------- NAN an & Brown ing probate of 'ation, and ancer, ete 8 Dunlop 8 SON Public, Com- loan at lowest Owen St. (ia ORS, ETC. ikling, rdon Pluxton .B. TC. Bank of loney to Ions. ELL 3 FOR THB e of Ontario, yancers, ote. 1 Ross' Bloek, ' of Toronto site Elizabeth hone 167. S London, Phy- ind Residenea, yne 165. ULL R. S. Broad). Elizabeth. and 108. \RT 'ity, Toronte, Specialty-- Corner Bay- ne open unt) YON will be at 92 urday. -- Dise Throat. Com pam, and by North 8826. --<------ 'Ss AMPBELL ints € St., Toronto 171, Barrie) rampbell, CA. gineer Department. ry Streets sh, Doors, 8, Mould= 'anks, eto. 8 large id Dressed and Pre- rning and Dressing building. THE BARRIE EXAMINER . Thursday, October 24, 1918 \ Without Music You Cannot Live a Full Life Music is now recognized as a necessity in the" home. Music feeds the soul, as food feeds the body and literature feeds the brain. Next to religion, it is humanity's greatest comforter. The New Edison opens the doors to the world of music. It brings the supreme art of the greatest singers, instrumentalists and musical. organizations to you with such unerring fidelity that the artists themselves could give you no more. Lhe NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" does not merely imitate ; it actually re-creates, . Before audiences totalling morethan two millions, thirty great artists have conducted tone tests which proved that no shade of difference , could be detected between the artist and the instrument. They have sung in direct comparison with the New Edison, then suddenly ceased, permitting the instrument to continue alone. The only way, the listeners could tell when the artist stopped was by watching his lips. And with the lights lowered, they were unable to say when it was the living voice they herd and when the New Edison, Could a more convincing test than this be devised? Doesn't it prove the truth of our assertion that ownership of this instrument is eqdivalent to having all the great artists of the world literally at one's command ? Come in and hear the New Edison here, or allow us to send fone to your home, where you can hear it at your leisure. James G. Keenan, 'Barrie, Ont. but our A. came y ftssistan and made it "tu secure enough '157TH BN. MEN mere mine ma huey FOREGATHERED "" crowded together in Corporal Bradford's "post office" hut. The maximum floor space of this hut is only 153 x 25% ft., but there was room for everybody, and then some. We had no lounges or easy chairs, but the boys are quite used to searching for the soft side of a hard board, and on this occasion there were "no complaints" about the accommo- dation. T would like to acknowledge with ) gratitude that the financial out- lay involved in this affair was provided for by money received | from some of my good friends in, Orillia, and 1 am_ glad to say) there is enough still in hand to provide for a similar entertain- ment at a later date. Tam glad to add that it did not appear at all out of harmony with our evening programme to close by uniting our voices and our hearts in the words of "Abide | With Me" and the prayer which | our Master tanght to His follow- ers in'the days of long ago. Tam enelosing with this a sist) of those who were present. Sincerely yours, FW. Anderson, Capt. | Formerly Chaplain 157th) Ba.) Those Present at 157th Bn. Social Re-Union Soinewhere in France, Sept. 20, 1918. Capt, F, W. Anderson, Chaplain, attached ard Brigade Can, Eng. (Orilliw) | Lieut. C, A. Norton, Midland, 116th Bn. | Can, Inf + GH1549 Co. QM. Sgt. R. F. Parker, Pene: tung, 116th. Bn. | 643908 Co. QM. Set, L. Onions, Waubaw shene, 116th Bn. ? 33808 Sgr F. A. Knox, Orillia, 116th Bn. 343813 Sgt. Ro J. Shunn, Orillia, 16th Bn. 43853 Set AE, Calverty, Orillia, 116th (4075 Set. AL. McDonald, Orillia, 116 th Bn | 642030 Sgt. K. Nettleton, Collingwood, | 116th Bn. 44410 Set, G. Eggleston, Midland, 116th {Ba - 64475 Set A. Ho Smith, Midland, 116 | th Bn, 644050 Sgt. C. A. Nicholls, Midland, 116th Bu. 643803 Corp, W. H. Bradford, Orillia, 116th Bn. 644158 Corp, G. E. Holmes, Orillia, 115th Bn, . #43969 L. Cpl. T. Sanson, Orillia, 116th Bn. | 644734 L.Cpl J.-C. McCabe, Midland, 16th Bn, 644767 LCpl J Fitzgerald, Midland, Bn, Orillia, I ps eats of the faney Capt. Anderson Reports Pleas- "0"! help the boys forget for! x a few iminules the monotony aid ant Time Spent by Number jjjiiine-~ of the ordinary govern- of Simcoe Soldiers. toeet srub rations, son Twas told that Pneed not ex- rranes Kept 2ic apna Beet muere Mean 50° present, but , . mat oases Wweowere seen able to count 60, Hu the Kaito of The Examiner, Quy then fe, cant finally 74 bear Sirs Your readers uiay qaies were written an be interested in the story af a eps veer Tai little social function which 1 as 7) were bona fide niembers of the able ty ateaupe for the boys ef 1571 Br. twe of Liem bemg on he old Ga7th Ba. of Simeoe Goel ees wa Fe tay abide HL UN who are still with the 116th Boe! ay ins Can. Inf, after baviaw in France, been wounded several months towill be remembered that), Of the retaining <1, one about 400 of the home County was visiting his brother ot the In. were transferred to the HGR Tigih. and five we in December, J916, amd the Bo.\ fey, Canada, vias E came across to France in Bebra" pouty ty their fighting units bh ary, 1917. Only about 70 of thes yy erance original 400 are now with the Ba.) Eyervane petted the absence and several'of these are Wearing |p Gup wood oll Battalion Sergt.- the wounded stripe, but have Yajor, Johnston, who had pro-| wen returned to qaty in Fr mised to by but a 'stand This » draft from the 4 onder He if naw was made up mainly of the tWo Sot Mig. of the Znd Can, Div. companies whieh had been Employment Company, and, as quartered in Orillia and Midland, hos alli say, be ddake' ten|® tauether with the brass band and ricer then when RACWAS sone other details, 1 was de- trying to whip inte line the ui- lighted to find so many of MY puly efements of the 157th in Gl friends still in such splendid (ainp Borden lwo years ago. fighting form after all they have "Wie the "eats". formed. an been tne URD. es just come back "sential element in a most en- he Bn. had just come back jy yabie entertainment, it would into reserve after very strenuous JOvahl® enter iinet this was experiences in the front and sUP- the most important feature, for port positions, following their' \ hag speeches, and songs, and splendid share in the recent jacitations, and clog-dances, and Olfensive operations, Our plans TeCAnons, ane ee trom. Percy Tipping's three-piece orchestra, |which gave life and. spirit to the i whole programme, It is Onnecessay for me to say tbat the finest of good fellow- ship was shared and enjoyed by \everyone, and it ix impossible for |me to portray the picture of lthose happy faces as they were Kitep the home bright and ch it will be welcome the boys when they come back from""over there" a Mu a vital necessity in times like these. No. other effectively "tupp the dark clouds inside out" as the stirring, songs bo jerrible war, "an have these songs played by the greatest military bands, Sng by the best singers. and join in the chorus yourselt,iffyou havea > BRANT-OLA K/ 'The Brantola plays all records equally well, so all the patriotic songs can be played in your home built Bass i.eione nd orp wattage tS! cba 'The Brant-ola is made in seven diff aka aN eate ain Caeet a ee ay te: Eee te Wales eae 7 Bundsmun W. H Pott th Ba 642078 Bandsmun FE. E. Stesey, Orillia, 116th 642076 Bandsmay P. G. Tipping, Cold: 544702 Pte. J. Dubewu, Penetang, 116th | water, 16th Bn Bn | 6 Bundeman D. Greenlaw, Midlind, -- §44578 Pte. T. A. Dusomé, Penetang, 116 16th Ba, th Br, (642071 E. H Plouffe, Waubaushene, 115 644599 Pte. J. Musser, Pepetang, 116th th Bu Bn. 0 Bandsman JG Weir, Colling 642068 Pte. G. C Barrie, Penetung, 116th sth Bn Bu. 642052 Bandsmun &. Allen, Barne. 11sth 44566 Pte. F. J, Cadieux, Penetang, Bn. Lith Ba, | 642033 Bundsman, G. Andrews, Berton, 44628 Pte. Vaillancourt, Penetang, 116th i16th Bi | in Bn, G44712 Pte, H. Hamelin, Penetang, 116th | ay Bn. W. A) Vasey, Regina, ) 644001 Pte, J. Brown, Coldwater, 116th ; Bu Geo, Cook, Orillia, 16th Bn. B44 Pte. W. K. Cooke, Coldwater, F Smith, Onillis, 116th Bu. | 1160) Bn RL. Woodcote, Orillia. 116 | 644005 Pte. J. Chambers, Coldwater, 116 | . th Bn js A. Dayis, Orillia, 116th Bn) g44012 Pte. N. Evoy, Coldwater, 116th 3G Turner, Orillia, 116th | py, in. . | 843070 Pte. C, €. Spearin, Moonstone, j | 44004 Pte. VR. Phillips, Orillia, 116th |q)6eh Bn, Ba, | "527661 Pte. E. A. Thomas, Colli d, "HHA617 Pte. D. J. Piette, Midland, 116th BL Ete. cB, a Tapes, Cone een 644424 Pe. C. H. Burgess, Midland, 116th | Pte. A. B. Kennedy, Collingwood, Bn. 1 644864 Pte. M. Meikle, Midland, 115th |" §44879 Pte. 'T. Cavin, Camp Borden, 116 ; «(th Bn. 44507 Pte, J. Nicholls, Midland, 116th |'"gg2519 Pte, W, J. Buteh, Barrie, 116th Bn, Bn, 44855 Pte. Ro Bowman, Midland, 116th |" 443968 Pte. W. J. MeCutcheon, Barrie, 116th Bn, 644596 Pte, R. Lucas, Toronto, 116th Bn. 643253 Pte. J: S. Forbes, Toronto, 116 @ in, 144729 Pte. G. C. Reynolds, Midland, 116 th Bn. 644830 Pte, S, G. Reynolds, Midlund, 116 | SBP th Bn. errr (41501 Pte, W. Mackenzie, Midland, 116 | , 042070 Pee. T. M, Ness, Guelph, 116th 44514 Pte. N. Dault, Kearney, 116th Bn. 644616 Pte. J. A. Piette, Midland, 9th 'can. T. M. Battery. 644481 Pte, B. Johnston, Midland, 1st Bn. 644522 Pte. D. Quinlan, Midland, 116th Bn, 944833 Pte. R, S, MacDonald, Midland, 116th Bn. " Bn. Can, Inf. 644533 Pte. F. A. Symons, Midland, 116 |" 170) pte K. § Duncan, Midland, Ist Bn, Can. Inf. : h Bn. 644529 Pte. E. H. Smith, Midland, 115th Visitors 334878 Gur. H. A. Ness, Toronto, (for- merly Barrie) 10 Bty. CFA. New Arrivals 3107089 Pte. J. Goodstein, Cleveland, Be ' Ohio, 116th Bn. tte Pte, S. Jarvis, Penetang, 116th | "33 065) bie R. J. Smith, Midland, Cun. me = M. G. Corps. 3310616 Pte, Dan Howard, Midland, Can. Bn. 644411 Pte. H. R. Anderson, Midland, 116 h Bn. 644428 Pte. A. Bacon, Midland, 116th Bn. 644565 Pte. W, Condon, Penetang, 116th M. G. Corps. 3310496 Pte. B. J. Hart, Midland, Can. M. G. Corps. 3317205 Pte. J. E. Fitzgerald, Wyebridge, Can. M. G. Corps. Prisoners of War Fund 'The Canadian Red Cross undertakes to despatch to every Canadian prisoner in enemy countries, regardless of rank, the maximum amount of food and clothing per- mitted by the Regulations of the Central Care Committee for Prisoners'of War, which was established by the Joint Committee of the British Red Cross and St. John of Jeru- salem to be the central authority with re- gard to all British prisoners. Under this Central Committee, the Pris- oners of War Department of the Canadian Red Cross Society operates and is recognized 'as the official committee for the care of all Canadian prisoners of war in enemy countries, - This Department is finance from tbe eral funds of the Canadian Red Cross ety, and by contributions spécially des- ignated for the support of prisoners. 'No food, clothing or other articles, ex- 'copt money, letters and newspapers, cen reach Canadian prisoners in enemy coun- tries unless they are either sent by the 'Speeding em up ont Frys Cocow The best way to get the most work out of the "human engine" is to give it the food that has the most energy in it. Ofall foods, certainly this means FRY'S COCOA --the great food beverage thct is all deticious nourish- ment. If you have to work harder these days, try a regular course of FRY'S. You will need less of other and more expensive foods. There is concentrated strength for muscle and brain in every single cup. Truest economy--use FRY'S -sociogetietni tet Influenza Germ a Smail One kin, = Paris, Oct. 14--Dr. Charles Nicolle and During 1918, the Society reckons upon ' his colleague, Dr. Lebailly, who isolated the supplying some 2,700 prisoners with six | microbe causing Spanish influenza at the parcels of food pér month, each weighing | Pasteur institute at Tunis, of which Dry ten pounds and costing ten dollars, besides | Nicolle is director, announces that the the full bread ration permitted (forwarded | germ is too small 'to be, visible with the from Switzerland, Hollund or Denmark) | microscope. It has been clearly identified, and "smokes", medical supplies, clothes, | however, because by its use the malady bas and books according to needs and limited | been reproduced in a monkey and @ man. only by regulations, poetical Canadian prisoners interned in neutral] --Upholstering and furniture countries are fed hy the authorities of the| repairing neatly done oy compe. country at a rate agreed upon and paid k all Bros. tf by the British Government. Tobacco, news- tent workmen et Dovgall Be papers, and a few personal articles are supplied by the Red Cross. 'The cost of fingneing this Department of Red Cross work "in 1918 is estimated at $600,000 for Cunadian Prisoners, 'The following sre the receipts since the lust published list, Mrs R. Carr... C. McPhee Union School § June 2, A Friend ......... June 6, Mrs, C. J. Banting June 27, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs, Sims . Jyly 8, Mr. Bennett... \July 11, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond ... Care Committee, to issue to the next-of- 'THE Never-Failing Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead le until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall 5.00 Stone Sufferers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt's Specific will cure witout pain or oper- J.-H. Bennett Judge Vance Mrs. R. Carr . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mra, Banting ........ J. Lennox .csccccceeees Net Proceeds of Garden Party at Mr. Leslie's. esgeee 1431.50 Women's Institute, Cookstown - 50.00 Women's Institute ut Cookstown have undertuken to keep a prisoner. This action is to be commended and it may be that other Institutes will follow. It costs $100 a year. October 19, 1918. For Sale at All Druggists. Recommended: by Wm. Crossland Druggist, Barrie, Ont. J.W. Bi SetANO ae TROT OR Women Should Take special care to keep free from headache, back- ache, constipation, w ess and depression. For these recurring ailments and other condi- tions peculiar to women, Beecham's Pills are a tested and effectual remedy. They act gently and promptly on the stomach, liver and bowels, and exert a:tonic, strengthening effect on the bodily functions. These famous pills are purely vegetable, contain no habit-forming drag, and produce no dis grésable after-effects. omen the world over, find needed help and strength in Bécepamys PUS "Largest Sale.of Any Medicine in the World" Worth aGuineaa Box Canadian Red» ross Society itself or under its direction or bear the coupon which this Bociety is empowered, by thé Central "rpaterties aCe Ameen inbeeag ts cone