i Arrears Costs Total | Plan Lot + 452-125 677/583 36. = Bis Ie & : 75 7? OF SIMCOE 350 125 476/583 42 4 co 443.125 5.64 /633 55. TREASURER'S tis ilies & ; 452° 125 ; 452 1.25 577|538 88, 66 See 99 SALE OF LANDS 2 ae uicide ches' 160 125 275/853 97 150 125 2.75 . IN ARREARS FOR TAXES 128 1s toe nes --_-- 2.98 4.23 *, sos The sale of lands in the County of Simeoe oe sas HOUSANDS of people commit suicide fm arrears for taxes will be held in the 125, 6.7 |838 27 by inches ! OURT HOUSE, BARRIE, on 125 864/533 278. ' " . 125 8.64 /540 30. Friday, November 1st, 1918 125 g04/640 a0. If one should take minute daily doses att PM. 15 3.4 3. of some irritant or poisonous drug, no The list is being published in the Ont : += A : * * Gaze fon Satur, duly 7, Berurday, 125 403 a. particular effect might be noticed until . 3, Saturday, Aug.'10, Aug. 17. 5 + F ; f Gi A sony of he nt pone nthe Court 1s 28 6 accumulation of the poison made its action use, and copies may be had in the Treas- t i corres 135 bse evident. The following are extracts therefrom: 25 475 Yet how many realize that irritantand poi- TOWNSHIP OF FLOS 125° 4.75 q Past Lot Cop. Acres Arrears Coste Total 1a 352 sonous substances are formed constantly, + | Nees, 19. 100 1587 4322 s2209 ; f + even in health, during food digestion and 1 tos 30, TON NSINP OF INNISFIL 5 the preparation of its waste for elimination? | t 30, i Bro.. .: 5 63. 2 Re Cor is g's "9a, S34 Oras Uf the bowels act regularly and thor. . not cure constipation, They make | PISWCor 15 12 3 440 300 "Fa0 oughly, 'such dangerous matter is "constipation a habit, They donot ( Pepe 28 14 10 solo aoe ga safely gotten rid of. prevent "'suicide by inches.' : ; Pt Bro....32 14 % 11.60 3.05 1465 But if constipation exists, there wetenee Lorged and, the Nujol | MEDO! sults ptag nu f intestinal 'reatment not only overcomes con- Pt NI ae epee Ge NTE increased "oredaeclen, of pelea stipation, but prevents stagnation and & ee ee one 16 360 33.66 substances, and their absorption into makes self-poisoning impossible. aj "yo 4 ¥ 'a the blood, which carries them all over Nujol is not a drug, does not act like NW %..20 13 50 242.28 8.80 251.08 the bod an rf + it is 'bso! tel: le 7 a Lot INP24 13 1 dal "B11 17.52 The result is disease or disorder, Nujol nelpa Natare resetabieh aay, ' TOWNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA which, if neglected or allowed to daily, thorough, bowel evacuation. . 8 75ec.Pt36 4 75 1633 3.16 19.49 continue, cripples or kills. * b r Not Pat. Pt. 37 4 15 8.85 3.00 11.655 y 'The victim of such self-poisoning Warning: a : TOWNSHIP OF ORO : > commits suicide by inches, NUJOL is sold only in sealed bottles i . Ct Pt.26-27 8 75 95.60 5.14 100.74 5 Constipation isa bad habit. It isa Restiog ie Nujol Trade Mark. Insist ce oo! NE. 7.9 80 10.75 3 13.77 33 Og sin against the body, on Nujol. fou may suffer from F 4 Barillia Park 31 4.87 3.00 25 2.60| But there is an even worse habit, a *Ubstitutes. ' 2 Or ar '3 ' ry 25 2.60) sti against Nature; the taking of Send for Instructive Booklet : ¥ = ¥ 25 o its, stor oil, laxative mineral i Lous 377 00 oe tratcrs, and salta to Mforce the bowels, CHARLES GYDE & SON z 2 to "Becat h drugs di 0, wae aves. 8 22 23 300) move. use such drugs do P.O, Box 875, Montreal ; "IT. 3.77 3.00 ao i TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA 125 644 CANADIAN SELLING AGENTS! FOR . North Division 125 14: H i BE X83 $0 38.20 200 381 Nujol Laboratories 1 Plan 551.15 13 % 21.61 3.29 Bi Vs B %eoW4l2 15 % 40 3.00 STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) | South Division NEW YO Jackson's Plan aK. CITY Lot 1Pt 4 1 % 49.05 3.97 i BE lecBro 10 2 1 437 3.00 a q BE CrNEY6 3 % 355 3.00 25 Plan 426 16 % 349 3.00 25 Plan 428 Homewood 25 pee) 4 4 4687 3.93 25 Plan 428 Homewood Ave. 25 Lots 31,32,33, % 523 300 25 Plan 563 88 1.74 3.00 25 Plan 572 9-10 21.67 3.29 25 10 4 6 7151 4.52 25 TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE 25 PoAPt 10 4 % 2017 3.25 1 N Creemore Bt Pt....10 % WAT 3.25 W 535841 15 5 50 8.00 NE 9 % 34.00 3.60 r | Y Plan 514 27 % 55.36 4.14 Plan 520 11 % 2230 3.30 Plan 525 5 % 25.63 3.39 aan ----__--- Plan 525 14 % 950 3.00 re 2 135 ; inued fe Minute Address--Lyle Jennett fas gy '7 Sue as 135 #8 Lot Arman Cosa Tots | PRIZE WINNERS ia Plan 595 98 % 1961 324 4 705 |558 2 ses ee es 728 125 848 AT SCHOOL FAIRS pckitt® Five Minute Addrom--Jean 'Mo- TOWNSHIP OF TOSSORONTIO 235 G : a id ae (Special by Mr. Longman)--Map--Perey- BS PLWH 27 2 48 2152 3.28 25 i oe ---- Wilson 7, Olive Linn 7, Irene McQuay 8, WeawPe 25 125) ae (continued from page 6) Mable Curter 4, Jean Higginson 9. E 4:178% 39.75 3.75 25 125 1059} Sweet P i oom - School Parade--SS. No. 15, SS, No. 25 30 | , Sweet Peas--Viola Wilson 7, Addie Me- 7, SS. No. 2. ' 4155 63.72 4.34 25 ie ee a a Asthin Fetdiae-y* wy 4 : : 1 Fletche : + do que oe 2 125 "10.89| Carter 4, Wilfred Donnelly 15, Myrile Gon Clear the Decks! 125 10.9 |bett 4, Lloyd MeDonald 18. Get ready for action! 198 inne Russet Apples--Vivian McCann 9, Thoo- Forget each attraction 125 10.89 | 70% Morris 6, Elwood Curter 4, Vernon | 'That leads you away from your part! 125 1080 Jennett 7, Phyllis Morrison 4, What part'll you have shown 125 1039 |, S00w Apples--Russel Elphick 9, Atlan {10 this VICTORY LOAN? : 60 [Earley 4, Arthur Fletcher 7, Meaford Dou, | Will you back it with all of your heart F nelly 15, Reta MeDonald 15. Canadians fighting Table Boquet--Olive Linn 7, Addie Mc. | A®® 4 ighting Rare Cullough 7, Mildred Hens, o" ihe Me-|""" 'Their Allies with proof of their kill Donald 15, Verna Irwin 2." 'The foe they're pursuing 5 200 264.25 9.35 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA N 5aSE%2 6 5 1,05 3.00 820 W 4 6 20 1828 4.20 12 86 3299 3.57 VILLAGE OF TOTTENHAM Plan 200 Lot 4, } Mow much are YOU doi poor ies Be Tomatoes Verna Morris 2, Theodore | "ty give the 'Kauer his fill? Plan 379, Lot 59, Dorrit, Muriel Thompson 7,' Violet Me-' you know of a way ee Cw. 86 ald 15, Reaford McDonald' 15, I You can help win the feay-- Cockerel & 2 Pullets--Era Graham 1, Quite clearly this way has been shown. TOWNSHIP OF TAY ac NW 1% Geo. Lennox 6, Ralph Robinson 5, Leila | Canutiuts all' 8% 100 1 13% 5.85 3,00 Davis 9, Elwood Corbett 6, Arise at the call E4%8W 125 Cockerel--Rusvell Elphick '9, Sherlock | AND CARRY THIS VICTORY LOA\t % Pt 108 1 4% 39.25 3.73 +138 Barlow 6, Leils Davis 9, Lorne McLennan 7, --William F. Kirk. Ord. 63B 2 4 217 3.00 1.25 ) | Robert Spencer (9 Inns.). (NW % 18) 14 1.25 Pullet Lorne MeLennan 7, Robert Speu- | Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. (Broken 19) 4 196 299.86 10.24 514 125 cer (9 Inns.), Willie Ball 2, Almeda Elliort E Pt 92 1.25 817, Weston Corbman 6. ; 7 7 % 1464 341 92 1.25 Spring Colt draft--Tonimie Lyons 7. P 1 8 65 29.55 3.48 3.92 1.25 3| Calf Dairy--Eliott Terry (9 Inns.) 3.60 125 Calf Beef--Kenneth Banting 7, Whitney 10% 20.55 3.48 3.60 1.25 4: Goodwin 6. Ss 3.60 125 485 Spring Lamb-- Alvin Pearson' (9 Inns.), mY 7 No.2 7277 300 360 125 4.85 128 774 | Torence Hunter (9 Inns.), Robert Spencer $ SAV D 11 1 6.00 3.00 360 125 4.85 1250775 | 'uns. . 11 , 15 36.98 3.67 481 125 6.06. 136 2% Almede' Elica Higsinnon 8; Jean MeLean 7, 5 r ef imeda Hott 7, Violet McDos lie TOWNS OF Tay ie 3 Btn Seni) AN OPERATION Port MeNicoll Subdivision 192 125 3.17 in Weed seeds--Elsie Curr 15, Williard sfe- Flas Anreass Conit: Totel Us i a 125 Donel 18° Vii wepemet 18, Roy Me- 5 : ld 15, Violet McDonald 15. 652 $1215 $135 81340 i 135 qpltmtett--Blsie Carr 15, Reg. Mekensie (9 By taking Lidia. Pinkbam's . Inns.) B52 5.09 1.25 aitis, Grasses, Clovers--Reg. McKonzi Compound, One 552 is 125 (9 Inus.}. * McKenzie) o£ Thousands of SuchCases. 552 6.05 552 6.05 tor Pedwell 15, 553 4.03 Hammer Mandk 558 6.74 _ 553 5.69 653 4.03 853 6.18 553 5.08 553 3.80 553 3.80 Fa if 553 5.77 | Plan Lot 553 565/529 62.. 0... 2... 288 125 411 553 330/529 EB77.... 08 553 475/529 78... 553 435 " . ee: osicns x aati 553 4a : 104 x \ ' 480 135 nn Whites le 2 al 8) ¥ . 7 | nol fay Con- a 4.75 : i. . Wilma Thompson (9 Innis) 554 4.75 5 4 25 4" Buttonholes--Elsie Carr 15, Ethel Mat- 554 45 : : . < thews 14, Thelma Corrigan 1, Edith Amold" 554 5.68 ee) "BBA 5.68 Knitted Socks--Leonard Graham 4, Mabel B54 5.68 f Truex 9, Harry Early 4, Mabel Hand 1, 554 354 : aa Elsie Rainey (9 Inns.), B54 5.38 98 15 | blood. peinronFlise Carr 18, Trene McQuay 8, - B54 588 i 25 + et 4 1a Davis 7. a Fegn B54 5.09 |538 29.1 Ms 200. i -% Crochet Work--Cora M. Arnold 4, Addie 842 i 5. ¥ . 'MeCullough 7, Myrtle E. Corbett B44 446 8.48 Leon M. Freer $f