a THE +: BARRIE. > E 'WITH WHICH Is AMALGAMATED----------------- THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING CIRCULATION . THIS WEEK . 3600 Copies AMI 12 Pages FE ' SECTION 2 ¢ PAGES 5 TO 12 55th Year. J, A. MacLaren, Editor { W. C. Walls, Business Manager ~ BARRIE, CANADA. OCTOBER 17, 1918 awit been sudering fran ean y liver, gente until the two years of Notlawas south of th was pioneer He Bell, came t vince The Late John A. Bell New eiizen when John om [slay and tock up a igh farin an active ecutive for last AML Kinds Mr. Bell': where port, He ed in ,the fight the these h }ehar Leshe Bell Ministry af One nwell last its heme with on Wednesday, Lowell Angus Bell Mr. Rell Fer some months he had set the sain the 'Township a about half a mile Lodge Village of Duntroon, aree aft ifoone oof the Rev. Alex a son of the township, Angus ofeiating as did se many others, #Ssisted by Avenin that section of the preg place on the possible Finipire's aiheie Bell, now ia Devonport hospital with a bad wound m the leg. Capt. Htussell Bell, Eastern Ontarie Regiment laughter, esteem and had a Simeoe Ex- In the Liberal North many years. election he favored Union Government. of patriotic effort had hearty sympathy and his vigorous sup- wa> intensely interest- war and not only f onzag din recruiting the battalions but whole- ave his three sons to battles. All been wounded. the eldest, is who was invalided Istedsand is new in a company in is with the Imperial Munitions at Ottawa. Mary, lives at her mother in New wax oan elder and oY Mary Kirk, New many years. In fra- but tts ilness was not es he was a member nal the iat tec weeks of the Knights of the Maccahees, oMr. Bell was born sixty. the Independent Foreste the Workmen and of Stayner Masonic and A.M. which had he funeral on Friday. Shepherd was the ergyman and was Rey. Mr. Bamford of An indication of the in which Mr. Bell which he converted Was held was seen in the very into a fine agricultural property. large attendance at the funeral, the and the many beautiful floral Mis homest ture years. grain fue, Paton store ing a and also business, tion to his By ness ded highest accepted ad until he Jobn. remained on reached ma- [ributes when heTbegan buying Lisle. About years be bought out the Hay & name al New Lowell, buy selling gra The business at New Lowell will continued under Mr. Bell's Pin, Geo. Bishop Killed mucting an insurance pi. Gey, Bishop, sen of John Threw Hisheap oT, Vespa, was 1 ited in action an sept. He in establi=hing a wid enhisted with the 157th Bn. and whieh he enjoxed until hts A wan di eeaps A he ree tees with Whom he had DUSI- feathers, one af whens, Wesley, Hine fe wane held an the (eye esteem, word he Tce eonllily a big Sli . -- ture to a decument. Whie Sow. = moat his ae. | Lowell was the tivities practically throughout all of tt surrounding being ness. farmers, steadily tion and increased his operations, ihe turnover of the pa in particular heing very Some years ago he built a stor elevator being placed of greater dimensions ssary to lake business extensive ofp he this Hn ne and Village of asure became known as one of, me the large shipping ronnty, Though busty own affairs hi devote to public ing the administ sioners he was one of the eight-|entisti and proved himself an able representative tion of the was very much interested. He was we son, extornbed "| his husi-| with the | As the years. pas widened his conners | his ope st few ae | w: Lowell and apen| destroyed by fire he it with a new building this being ! eare of his RBeearise of his enersy ew Lowell in no small points in the vecupied by his! Iso found time to! The Late Cpl. Pemberton matters. Dur-{ J. A. Graham, Shanty t time the county affairs ceived werd on Sept. 28 thai d by commis-\J. D. In the inaugura- | Pemberton good roads system he{{57th Bn.. Pemberton, resided wih hun, died of wounds « that unit in October, who pri : Sept. enlisted -- with going overseas 1916. When Steady Savings Bring Real Wealth A Savings Account, steadily added to, even if only by small brings increased happiness to oneself and family.and adds real wealth to one's country. Decide to-day to let The Bank of Nova Scotia help you to opening a Savings Account here. Interest paid half-yearly. 6,500,000 12/000:000 130,000:000 Bank of Nova Scotia A. G. MACLELLAN amounts, - save by WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI Pte, Virgil Ross Phelps, son of {and was employed in Toro Norman Phelps, publisher of ihe|when war broke out, He went North Bay 'Times, died from) overseas with the 76th Battalion, wounds on Oct. {. fand won his promotion te Cap- Win. Salter has received ajtain on the field, as well as the cable from his brother, Lt. C.|Mulitary eross. Capt. Lawrence Salter, stating that his wound|W@s a nephew of Mrs. TV. H. was a very slight one Redditt and made the aequain- Pte. J. We Clark, who enlisted | Of a number of Barrie in the 75th Battalion three years | Peuple while as a heut- enant in the 7 Word has been received at the home of Mrs. A. EL Hooper, 93 Burton Ave. that her husbanil, :Ptr ALE, Hooper, bas been gass Hooper entisted at Ba with the uverseas on tu his home, . Toronto, son of Mr. and tole, was wounded in the hip oon Gel. 6. He had been in drance only bout a wee Pte, WoC. Barnes, 75th Ba son of Mrand Mrs. Chas, Barnes, has returned 39 Gladstone AW tis Gale Auzust of the same, was wounded on Vet 2) SUN | voap amd going to Pranee witht shot wounds in left arm. He en- |) month, He was sent to F listed with the Queen's Own Jan., 1916. went of the followin land in ¢ ve sulter feom shell sho Pte. A. J. Chappel, mention of! poturuing ta Kranee in Nov., 1917-| whose home coming was made) after spending wie nenth in in last week's Examiner. arrived | Pyqnee ie Was 'agai ses. back home last Tue evening, 4C- lig England, vl < time awiag lo companied by his wife, and was |yjyamon cemihiess warmly welcomed by" relatives |hy was gassel the same cone und and a number of citizens. word has now been reesived of Ptr, Jack Judd, who was here|his being gassed the secund toe. with the 76th Bn, is spending aly) canversation with W few days at HD. Jamieson's. We! euivile of Fort. William reached France in July, 1916, and jj. fp Barrie. this. week. The saw fighting on the Summe, allaminer learned that bis 0 Vimy Ridge and elsewhere. He lGorden, is a staff-captain with was incapacitated from active|Gon, Lawson on the Head- serviee by shrapnel wound in the |quarters staff in Ialy. He enc hip. = listed with the 94th Bn. and when Pre, John Thomas Alpi. son lthat unit was broken up in Eng- ef Mr. and) Mrs. Geo. Alpin. and he transferred to the Im- Allandale R.M.D., was dangerous-|pcrials, Mr. Colville had just ly wounded un October 8. Pl /pecoived a letter from his sother Alpin, who is only 20 years oll. son, Lieut. Bruce Colville, in enlisted with the {57th Bn. but! which he said he had just been went to France on March 27 with through a month's bard fighting | the 38th Bn. Jaround Artas and Amiens and had | Pte, Stanley A. Carpenter' is |"imissed all the iron up to date." again in the uialty list, this | He went in a draft of 200 time suffering with gunshot laficers in 1916 and has been wounds in right leg. He had been !wighteen months in France. jonly ehild of Mr. and Mrs. ¢ _[G.. has been Lawrence was born in Watfe .|the Methodist Church, where h in the trenches less than to | "4 @ pouse locws Three Sone weeks after 'recovering from : é | gas allack, He is a son of Mv. Five sens of J. G, Douse, post-| and Mrs, Frank Carpenter, Owen mister of Lefray, answered the) = Rid une ot the originale. call te the colurs. To-day theee Private Allen MeMiebael, sen "f them: are dead, another is and the w fifth has heen invalided home. ASEM atthe Bate nied and in hospital, 18 Geueral Mtl Sept, 28) The ef the late by rie, was adamilted to Hospital, Canners that he had tragie news autterme fe duashot Wounds) st (Wo sons in action on the in Weft Ti Pen vsistis same day reached the father on] leaving Barrio, fifteen years ago Tuesday in a message frou OttaM The official announee- Private MeMichael was employed lin the officer af the Master ent. stated (hat Lanee- [Mechanic at Allandale. Gerdon Douse and Pte. Henry Pp nveH, Fanleat | Christopher Douse, of the 42nd CharlessH. Baglestone, f-- noval Highlanlers of Canada, ported killed in action, was th jad been killed in action on Sept, The firmer hoy was an em- ployee of the Bank of Toronto! in Torente, while Pte, Henry jlived at home The news of the double be. 2 jreavement came hard on the heels of an earlier message telling of tte death in action of Pte, John Faglestone, of Camberwell, Lon-i don, England, He eame to Canada and for the last his home he was fo lee Co Me Je wher the Knicker was twentyseight years old and iavrison Douse, 3rd Battalion, unmarriad, ' whe was killed on Aug. 8. Ple . sanee 0 was oa fs °. Capt. Ernest W. Lawrence, M. noise was an employee of killed in action in Pringle and Reoth of Toronto. mother, who was | The other lwo sons are Perey, Indian road, ees iwho was wounded at Vimy and is still in an English hospital, and Bert, an employee of the Royal Rank of Toronto, who was. in- valiled home some time ago. Vory deep sympathy is felt for Douse in the loss of three of ithe five brave sons who offered 'themselves to the service of their country--making a family record not often equalled. France. His living at 314 ronto, died in August last. 'Cap' transfer- 'Two James. are | My in England he was red to «the 75th Bn. brothers, Fred and serving with the forces verse William Pemberton, Shanty Ba' is a brother of the three soldiers. Memorial Service Shanty Bi Oct. 14.--The memorial service for Cpl. Joseph Pemberton of the 157th Bn., who had made his home al 'Mrs. Graham's. of the 3rd concession, | since he was 9 years of age, was held on Sunday afternoon last, in had been a Sunday School schola He came to Canada from Eng- land, has one brother still here and two are serving the King "over there." He also has a widowed mother in England. He was 26 years of age last July. B: all who knew bim he was highly spoken of. Rev, Creagh conducted the service, preaching from "Honour all men." The preacher said that doublless the atten- dance at Sunday School had affected Joe's life all the way through; he spoke also of the fact thal he had not waited to be called to service but had offered himself, well knowing the dangers to he faced. ported to have died from wounds. The church was quite full "to He was 25 years of age, the honqur his sacrifice. The hymns youngest son of Rev. E. J. Peck, "O God our Help in Ages Past,' |{he well known Arctic missionary "Onward Christian Soldiers' and; whose family live' for some time Pte. H. M. Peok Killed Pte. Henry Martin Peck is re- "Nearer My God to Thee" were, Barrie hut 'iow reside im sung, and the choir sang two , Ottawa. He was an honor appropriate anthems. |graduate in science, taking his degree at Toronto University in Freemen Buy Bonds. 1916. After his graduation he TERMS--Gingle Copies ets. Per canem [in advance! $1.50 No. 42 Deminion Government in the! Poace River district, on the east coast of Hudson Bay and in the mountain district of Southern | Alberta. | Enlisting with the 67th Balto) he went overseas in April, 1917, | and transferred to the Princess | Pats. Some months ago he was | invalided to England with treneh fever but returned to the battle line on Sept. 2. A month later! he received the wounds which added his name to Canada's great | roll of honor, | te. Cecil Ferguson Dead | Last Sunday Mrs. Cecil Fer-| euson, Perr received notice | th her husband was seriously | England and yesterday cane eable conveying the sad ine | belt that he had died on! from influenza He seas with the 177th Bu. as bandsman and owing to phy: teal unfitness did not reach France but had been engaged in avroplane stores, Before enlis! ng he was employed by Chas Brown, baker. There are two} children, a boy and a girl. A Memorial Service On Sunda ning, Oct. 13, a spec! service was held in the Central Methodist Church in| memory of Caton Jourdan, | Chester 'Thompson, Clement Etherington and George Bishop, all of whom had been members of that church, and as christian men had nobly responded to the call of their country and of} humanity by offering -- their services in the early days of the war, and after bravely doing their part at the front fer many months had at last laid down | their lives After some comment on the above the Pastor spoke to the| large congregation present on the text, "What is your life?"| Dealing with the question from the three standpoints: What is| yonr life in its duration, its pos sifilities, and its purposes? The Late Pte. B, Mitchell Pte. Bernard Mitehell, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs, W. R, Best, died of wounds in France . 8. He enlisted with the 208th Trish Canadians in July, 1916, trained at Camp Borden, weal overseas in the spring of 1917 and was transferred to the 58th Bn, He had been seven| months in France and as a mem- ber of a Lewis machine gun s tion had taken part in the heav fighting of the summer, He was sixteen when he enlisted, he- lieving that it was his duty as an Fnglish boy to give his life if necessary in defence of liberty. He was eighteen years and ten months old when he received his wounds, after which he only lived; died as he a few hours. He would have wished and his body rests beneath the soil of France, where so many of Canada's bravest boys li A woll attended and impri memorial service was held in the| Methodist Church on Tuesday | evening, October 8. Rev, R. W. Carr spoke feelingly of his ac- quaintance with Bernard Mit- chell and of the bright future which might have been his had not a sense of duty called him to make the sacrifice. Rev. W_ 8. Irwin spoke very ably from the text, Proverbs 2: "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." Ap- propriate music was rendered by the choir. Pte. A. Jacks Won M.M. On Monday, October 14, word was received that Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jacks, of Stroud. had been admitted to the military hospital in Boulogne suffering from gunshot wounds in the left hip. Later in the day Mrs, Jacks received a letter stat- Slaves Wear Them! was doing survey work for the! (Continued on page 9.) |He was a 'Liberal, for these Jof all kin ; Business Death of F. R. Redditt It was with very keen regret his Barrie friends learned of the death of FL R. Reddit, who fell a vietin fo Spanish influenza and passed away at bis hame Brantford on ment Sunda In took place at Gaderi¢h on Had not the preva- the disease mare such a step unwise a number of Barrie friends would have attended the funeral. Frederick Russell Reddit born at Richmond Hill 44 years ago. For fifteen years he was with the firm of Sarjeant & King leaving three years ago to accept a pusilion with the E. B. Cromp- ton Co. of Brantford, As a sales- man. Mr. Reddit! was very popu- lar and highly successful, while outside his business connection also he had a great many friends in town and country, all of whom will deeply sympathize with the jhereaved wife and little daugh-- ter and son Mr. Redditt was a Past Master of Corinthian Lodge, A. F. and A. M., cecnpying the chair in 1912 Presbyterian and a FE, G. Reddit, formerly bandmaster of the 157th Bn. and was jnow in England, is a brother, Precautions Against the "Flu" (Continued trom page 1) not possible to placard s, but people ara requested to abstain from visit- ing where the disease exists and to refrain from social gatherings It is There was a difference of opin- ion as to the advisability of clos- ing the schools, some of the members thinking that the Board of Education should be consulted. It was suggested that the M.O.H. ascertain as quickly as possible the extent to which the school attendance was already affected. While no definite resolution was adopted, it was understood that the M.O.H. would take action re- garding closing the schools if he deemed it necessary after he 're- ceived the information. Schools Closed Yesterday the trustees of St. Ma and Mr. Turner of the 'Cotlege voluntartly closed their schools, The Board of Education having declined to jact, the M.O.H. issued an order 'for the closing of the other schools, the order taking effect at noon. The period of closing has not been stated. Precautionary Measures The action of the Board of Health is almost entirely pre- cautionary and .preventative. se far there has not been much in- crease in the number of cases and it is hoped to prevent the disease getting a serious hold in the community. Closing In Oro night all the schools in Last ,|Oro were closed by order of the Board of Health which also has |placed a ban on church services or any kind of public meetings until further natice. Several cases are reported in the town- hip. Orillia's Closing Order In Orillia. notice has been given to close until further notice all schools, colleges, theatres, pool rooms, Sunday- schools, churches, public halls, ete.. ete., and to prohibit public gatherings of any kind whatso- ever, Further, merely as a pre- cautionary measure, case the disease should become epidemic, the armory has been secured for hospital purposes and will be fitted up as such. Elmvale Soldier Killed Mrs. Wm. Forsyth, Elmvale, received word Sunday that her youngest son, Pte. Tom Forsyth, had been killed in action, ' > \