Underwear rment $1.25 Regular $2.93 ular $3.25 $1.98 $14.98 Regular $3.98 Waterproof -Each 38.98 Rubber sole --Pr. $4.25 ts, Shoes, nderwear, Buy. out of the-high rent dis- tri ri Save Money Loof net having inery at Allan- ' nothing: far as this urs teal volety thildren's Aid clive Just now. woman was king her own from its foster s fined 810, At Inspector Jnstice man for neglect- and she was sen= wonths in Toron- onds. -* } ) ves Wear Themt »ry Bonds. liral Hair Restorative, guaranteed to restore tural color or money nota dye and non- ), On sale in Barrie Droggist. -20-4feow Thursday, October 17, 1918. s isa habit that tion, of inde 1d and the knowledge & Bank UNION BANK HEAD OFFICE BARRIE BRANCH, . COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. McMILLAN, Manager. THORNTON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. : "THE FASCINATION OF SAVING Watching Tena meee sp A leding ledge that pag ety in the for future uncertainties ® Savings Account with this Bank now. °233\ Interest allowed at current rates, true satisfac ing about by opening OF CANADA WINNIPEG, MAN. A. LESLIE, Manager. BOARD CAN'T SELL | OLD B.C.L. SITE (Continued from page t) Trustee Stephens said the Board of Health was divided on! this point. If the school chil- dren are liable to carry the disease, better take precautions Trustee Fisher was of the opinion that much of the trouble was due to the effort.to save coal. If people got their fires going another week would finish the influenza, Closing the schools, | the collegiate particularly, might | inean a very serious thing to the j pupils. | Trustee Maleomson did not} think the closing of the schools would keep back the children as much as some tried to make out. With so many pupils away, the work would have to be gone over is hitting othe 1 should certainly the M.O.H. as trying lo place the respon- sibility on {he Board. It was not any recommendation buf a man- alate from the M.O.H. if they were to close the schools, A formal notice should be given and such had not {heen Board Trustee Love Little had reports * schools showing that absent on 'Tuesday 'The motion was withdrawn a i stated that Dr. 180 were It was decided to ask th xchool nurse to report to th chairman of management th condition in whieh she finds Qh scholars for the next ten days. Caretakers' Sal Applications from caretakers for higher pay were Said over until next meeting. Save for Victory Bonds. sweetheart Is est enjoyment [bags apples from Mrs. Jamieson, received by the} from the} A Soldier's offering to his ' sweetmeat that gave him most refreshment and great- The Flavour Lasts Simcoe Co. Canning Kitchen During the week ending Oct. 10 the following commodities were receiyet! at the Kilchen--3 Thornton; 1 bag from Mr. Wright bags from Dun- troon, 8 bags from Stroud, Head Avening, and a of apples and corn from Mrs, Pratt, Vespra. Tocal contributions were 1 bas- ket of apples, 1 of tomatoes, and a bag of erabs Shipments of fruit and vege- tables were received froin Aven- ing, Cookstown, and Balteau, 17 | ch s from . 'and 25 gts Women's | Crow's Corners, The week's outpul was 30S tins apple burter, 71 tins crab- | apple marmalade, 928 tins can- ned apples, i 'tins preserved from Society of of pres Patriotic green tomatoes, 34 tins carrot | marmalade, 19 tins tomato con- serve 116 tins canned crab tted that a shipment} from Everett, and from West} Simeoe was not formerly ac- knowledged Golfers Raised $120 Roval Canadian -- Golf ion conceived the idea of Red Cross Golf Tourname: The lo comprise every club int Dominion and to errate incentive ds a band little silver 5 suitably inseribed, to each competition, and fixed Phe Barrie Club fell into line for the which a n and in naturally the when on duty. g Day for the events. | form a local c.5 priee was put upon each stroke of the net score. All the events were pulled of between 2 and 6 p.m. and the Sceretary-Treasurer's responsi- bility in compiling the records and collecting the charges was made easy by the spontaneous and unanimous desire, on the part of each member, when drop- ping his currency on the Secre- tary's table to leave no shadow of doubt that the balance was in favor of the Red Cross fund. The receipts amounted to better than $90.00 and to this is added a sum in excess of $30.00, the proceeds of a Bridge, at the home of Mrs. L. F. Cross, Cap- tain of the Ladies' Golf Club. The trophy for the handicap match was won by His Honour, Judge Wismer, and when Presi- dent Cross made the presentation tion in reply. RED CROSS NOTES A special meeting of Barrie Branch will be held on Monday, Oct. 21, at 4 p.m. Ex- ecutive and members are specially request- ed to attend. 'The following letter received from the shipped by Barrie Branch and made by the women of Allandale: tell you how grateful we feel. people over there, (Sisters of Service). the popular Judge and enthusias-, lic golfer evidenced his apprecia- | Chairman of the Relief Committee, Secours | National, Toronto, refers to the garments | Dear Mrs, Calderwood:--When I came | buck to work after short holiday, it was | 'a wonderful encouragement to find that splendid contribution from you and I can't The good news from France ought to-put heart into our fresh endeavours f@ the poor stricken T feel that it will take Ontario Emergency Volunteer Health Auxiliary anted, Volunteers !' The Provincial Board of Health, with the authority of the Government of Ontario, has organized an "Ontario Emergency Vol- unteer Health Auxiliary" for the purpose of training and supplying nursing help to be utilized wherever needed in combating the In- fluenza outbreak. A strong executive has been formed in Toronto. It is strongly recommended that each municipal council and local Board of Health, working in co-operation, take immediate steps to The Volunteer Nurses will wear the officially authorized badge "ONTARIO S.O.S." This "'S.O.S." call may be urgent. taking lectures are already opened in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto (Private Bills' Committee Room, ground floor), where they will be carried on every day at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. until further notice. Young women of education are urged to avail themselves of this unique opportunity to be of real service to the community. If they are not needed, so much the better. If they are needed, we hope to have them ready. All towns and cities are urged to organ- branch of this organization. ize and prepare in a similar manrier. A Syllabus of lectures is being sent to the Medical Officer of Health of all cities and towns. on application to John W.S. McCullough, ecutive, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Telephone Main 5800. W. D. McPHERSON, President. Further information . NEWTON, Secretary- Treasurer. J. W. S. MCCULLOUGH, Chairman of Executive Committee. beautifully made, we realize what s wel-| Mrs. Jackson; next week, Mrs. Little, urs, come such things will receive and what a | MacLaren, Gordsend they will be. Please tell your| Donations on Saturday, Oet. 12:--Utopia, workers that we think it a good omen to|$5.50; Midhurst, 4 pies. begin our Fall shipments with their fine donstion and assure them of our gratitude SHANTY BAY and appreciation, W. J. Pue has had s card from Douglas The Baptist Church end Salvation Army |*® é2¥, that be is nrogrest ng ev rad had charge of the shop on Saturday, Oct. | their Thanksgiving service at 3 p.m. Rev. 12; net receipts, $38.00. Trinity Chureh| R. J. Falls, chairman of the Barrie Dis: fit have ab day, Ose, 19, and| trict will preach; at 7.30 pm, Rev. A, will have charge on Saturday, Oct. 19, and | piel of Ardtrea will preach. 'There will the following Saturday 8t. Mary's Church. | Pusell of Ardteee Wil Previny is expected. Shop Committee this week, Mrs. Barber, | Collections. for church expenses in consequence. At the same time the volume of te been very heavy. emergency. The Bell Telephone Company all the effort we can make this winter to meet the appeals. Already they write and cable us of full. hospitals and forlorn re- fugees, and when we receive.» contribution like yours of quilts and clothing, all 00 M.D., Chairman of Ex- has greatly increased. So many people are ill at home that the telephone has been used continuously and the load of extra calls on our depleted operating force has Please keep this extraordinary situation in mind and use your telephone only when absolutely necessary. You will thus be helping to keep the service intact to meet the urgent needs of the community in the present Classes may be had NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that « Court of Revision will be held on the 4th day of November, 1918 at ten o'clock in the forenoon at the Council Chamber, Barrie, for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessmenta or the accuracy of the froncage messurements and any other complaints in connection with the sewers on Charlott Street west of Duckworth Street and on Mary Street north of Sophin Street, which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Court. A.W. SMITH, Town Clerk. Dated at Barrie this 16th day of October, 1918. 42-420 a Telephone Service and Spanish "Flu" . , u In common with the general community the t operating staff has been affected by the present epidemic t of colds and influenza and has been seriously depleted ; lephone calls of Canada. Ss