: . Page Twelve | VICKERS' SI 'Thursday, October 17, 1918 October. 17; 4913) TENTH ANNIVERSARY sae] AND HARVEST THANKSGIVING Begins Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, 1918 It is to be the Greatest Economising Event of the Year A MASSING OF BARGAINS IN'EVERY DEPARTMENT With Economy the Watchword of the hour and rapidly rising costs in practically all lines of Merchandise, Thrifty Shoppers will need no urging to share in these offerings. It's to be a Huge Departmental Sale Possessing a Greater Greatness than any of our previous attempts, because if ever there was a time when Bargains in good Merchandise would be appreciated that time is NOW, when in the ordinary course of events the dollar is worth but one-third of its former value.. There'll be lots of Merchandise--Lots of Bargains--Lots of Enthusiasm--Each Department Head will endeavor to outdo the others in volume of Sales--each has been given a free hand. Read every word they have to say: An Event-of Economies That the Thrifty Should Not Miss ' 1 Thrift Will Win | the War Spe at Vickers' 'o Save MR. MALCOMSON: MEN--This Anniversary Sale Is a genulne sale--good goods at a saving. There's going to be a great upheaval, the sale will be the biggest ever held under this roof. You'll save money and get real good goods to boot. R. MALCOMSON. What is best for you is best for us; your interests and ours in buying Clothes are identical. We cannot do anything better for ourselves than to do our best for you. It's a very simple rule of business and all of our Men's Overcoats and Suits are bought right-- right in style, right in price, and for this Sale we offer you your pick at a straight discount. Come on in and See ---- MR CARSON: In helping to make this 16th Anniversary Sale a huge success, we make special offerings of reliable merchandise at real money-saving prices. With the price of every line of Mer- chandise advancing, these reductions. should appeal to you as a rare opportunity to save. Every dollar saved Is a dollar made. A. CARSON. Men's Neokwear Special 15 dozen only Men's Swiss Silk Ties in Light and Dark colorings, plain and fancy weaves, regular selling 35¢ to 50c. Anniversary Sale ..........-.---5- 260 Fleece Lined Underwear We have but 12 dozeg Men's Natural Fleece Lined Underwear in sizes to 42. These Garments are our best grade, selling regularly at $1.00, Anniversary Sale... .750 Men's Cashmere Socks 27 dozen only Men's Fine Cashmere Socks, absolutely pure Wool, British medium weight, sizes 94 lo 11. Regular 75c. Sale Price .. . 3 palrs for $1.90 MISS HOBSON: Sell Goods--Glive Good Service--Beat the Record--These are my Instructions, and if you'll come to this great Anniversary Sale you'll see how easy It ts for us to make our sale books the biggest yet. There are real Bargains and money savers and offerings that will please you. GLADYS HOBSON. 80 pairs Flannelette Blankets, large 11/4 size. am Grey and White, Pink and Blue Pure Wool Whitney Gloth Coating, for Girls' and_ Wom Coat grand Cloth, ° borders, finished ends, regular $3.50. heavy weight, splendid wearing quality in Navy, Dark Brown and Mid. Grey. Regular $4.59. Safety Pins, good quality. Card . s BS $5.00. Anniversary Sale a:azeiiaince 85 White Tape, all widths. Bolt .. Anniversary Sale Price .......... White Waist Bargains 36 Pretty Voile Waists in a variety of styles, all with long sleeves, open' down front, some clusier 'Tucks and others lace trimmed. All up-to-the-minute styles, sizes 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44. Regular 81.25, Qn 8a +» 980 Cotton Batting, Underpriced 200 lovely soft, pure white, Cotton Batts, for Cushions, Quilts, ete., etc., full weight, 8 ounces, dpy cleaned, very special value. Regular price 30c. Anniversary Sal Bargain in Best Liama Hose 800 Pairs Fine Cashmere Hose for Wo- men.» The best'known Llama brand. This is our finest and best Cashmere Hose. It is good wearing apd elastic, seamless foot and full sized. The best British Make we know of. They are our old stock and are in sizes 84, 9, 9} and 10. It is our Special $1.25 line, present market value is $2.00. We offer 800 pairs for this Sale at Palr + $1.10 ----$--_--_----$ ARMSON'S DELIVERY SYSTEM: In addition to our splendid delivery system we have brought into commission an extra car to take care of rush deliveries during this Mammoth Anniversary Sale at Vickers'--s0 if by. chance you do not re- ceive your parcels as promptly as promised we ask your indulgence, and assure you no effort of ours will be spared to give you Al Service. E. J. ARMSON. MISS TRIBBLE: We've all been asked to make this Salo' Bigger and Better than any in the history of this Store--the Sales Offerings will surely be of especial interest to you If you come to this Store.. When you come once you'll come again EVA TRIBBLE. MISS BRENNAN: It Is simply amazing the quantity of Hose we sell and now during this Sale we are askod to double the sales--it will be done, because the offerings In Hosiery will be beyond dispute the best you have ever seen. ZITA BRENNAN. 300 Bargains for Early Callers 300 pairs Women's and Children's Wool and Cashmere Hose at a Bargain. These are all old stock lines, being the remainder of odd lines of which we have but 4 to 1 dozen left of a size. They are ribbed Wool and Cash- mere and Plain Cashmere in sizes 6 to 10, regularly selling at from 6c to 7 ed to clear at this Sale at 600 Pairs Manufacturer's Sample Hose in both Children's and Women's sizes, In- cluded in this lot are some very fine Lisle and Silk Boot Hose, covering a very wide range of qualities. "These were bought at a big dis- count and offered at from half peice. 2 40% less (heir value. Pair'. to $1.00 Be Sure and Look These one Bargains in Corsets 23 pairs of high grade Corsets of which we have only 1,2 or 3 pairs of a style, in Nemo, and C/C A La Grave Makes. These are all good styles of discontinued lines selling 0 up to $3.00. Bale cece cewoeesess Regular In sizes 20 to 28, ase dwe eee . $1.00 A 50c Special in Corsets Made of mid weight Coutille this Corset is in While, a good fitting' line, well boned, well stayed, long waist, lace in back and trimmed with lace on top. Sizes 18 to 27 Special... eee . 500 Miss NASH: This Anniversary Sale Is to be the best ever and only by giving Bargains in real good Merchandise that Is wanted every day, can we reach the objective. EVELYN NASH. Reduced Prices on Women's Coats It is not good Merchandising under present market conditions to offer brand new garments at a cut rate, but this Anniversary of ours must be celebrated and nobody, what- ever their needs, will be excluded from participating in this celebrati : Women's Coats are all reduced in price and the colleetion offers a wide range of choice, Come To This Store for Your New Fall Coat and NOW A Grand Chance to Save on Walsts and Dresses On Tuesday, the first day of this Anniversary Celebration, we place on sale 1 entire set of a leading Manufactur Samples in Silk, Crepe, Voile and Ninon Waists and Silk and Velvet Dresses. They're simply beautiful and make a remarkable showing. Only one of each style and offered at 1-8 less their value, Walsts 880 up. Dresses $7.88 up. Take Advantage Quickly --_--_--$-- $$ $$ MIR. EVANS: To commemorate this 16th Anniversary Sale the Dress Goods and SiIk Department will offer you Bargain Values that will place our Sales head and shoulders above any previous Sale--If you would save and serve take advantage of these special money saving offerings H. J. EVANS. Bargain In Black Silks 2 whole pieces Fine French Paillette Silk in Black, full fine lustrous finish. Negular $1.85. Spedlal Sale 30 inch Black Paillette Silk, in light weight for Dresses and Waists. stock. Our old $1.25 line, offered for Anniversary Dress Goods--Cheap 2 pieces Union Gabardine, 38 inches wide in § Suits, Skirts and Dresses. Regular 85¢, Anniversar Gheck Tweed Suiting in gold and blue mixtures, 38 inches wide, heavy weight suitable for Skirts, Suits and Children's Coats. Regular $1.00. Anniversary Sule . Pure Wool Cheviot Serge Suiting in splendid weight for Dresyes, Skirts and Suits, in Cadet and Nayy Blue. Our regular $1.35 Cloth. Anniversary Sale .....+.0-+5 see 98 Crepe de Chene, made_in Japan, pure, in splendid quality, shades of Burgundy, Taupe Brown, Maize and Helio. Full 36 inches wide. Regular 31 Anniversary Sale. ..$1.19 6 inches wide, good weight, $1.39 i Grey and Sand shade, suitable for Sale. 5To DAN i'm one of the juniors and I've got to take a hand in this 16th Anniversary.. sure going to be some Sale.. There's going to be a lot of goods sold and a lot of money wed by our Oustomers., If you want to see any of the offerings, I'll be on the Job--but come early for the best DANIEL HOULIHAN. 32-inch Good Quality Canadian made Colored Flannelette, not the flimsy kind, but (a real good cloth in various stripes of Blues. G Pink and Natural. Present wholesale . 300 price of this Flarinelette is 34 3-4 c. We olfer this at Yard . No reduction for Quantities 34 and 35 inch Fine White Flannelette, domestic, soft, 'no dressing, ready for the Regular 350. 27 inch Pure Bleached Flannelette, without dressing, a fine even thread and lofty finish, medium weight, regular 30c, 35 pieces to 260 needle; 20 pieces to sell. sell. Special Sale ..........seeeeeeeeee Sale . CARL: . in, my running mate, anys he's going to top my sales during this Anniversary he'll have to go s 've a lot of Bargains to look after and the Bo' jays that please and profit evel Sane who sees them. They sure will, and I'll be thi to show CARL SCAMMELL. they' you.. Come early, please. See the Remnant Tables About. 300 pieces of odds and ends, gathered from every Department, to he cleared at prices that spell Bargains--There are Short ends of Print, Ticking, Dre ioods, Tablings, Towellings, White Cottons, Chintzes, Cretonnes, Art Sateens, Dress Linings, Flannelettes, Kimona Cloths, Shirtings, Ginghams, etc., ele. All at Bargain Prices. See the Remnant Tables, Miss CURTIS: 'As Cashler and Bookkeeper's duties will be very arduous during the Salo, no 'phone orders will be taken for goods on Sale, excepting from 7 to 8 o'olock wach evening during the Sale.. Orders taken will be delivered 0.0.D. the day following--Phone number 253. aaa A RR RE And Men and Women, Boys and Girls, if you would save and procure all your needs at the same time Come to this Great Anniversary Sale and Harvest Thanksgiving, for no such Opportunities will be presented for a long, long time. Terms of this Sale are CASH and No Sale Goods sent on approval. 7 MISS TYMON: This Sale will be a Sale to remember. We've been preparing for some days and on Tuesday morning the race begins.. Come early and save while you spend.. There'll be plenty of. opportunities on real good Merchandise. ESsi--E TYMON. 72 inch Fine Pure Table Linen, bleached, 1 piece only, wide stripe and Chrysanthemum design. A beautiful finish. our regular $3.25 Cloth. Sale, Yard .........eseeeeees $2.70 72 Inch Extra Fine Bleached. Table Damask, pretty floral design, a cloth with splendid wearing qualities Regular $3.50. Sale... .... wee ee ee $810 16 Inch Bleached and Half Bleached Pure Linen Towelling, 8 designs, in plain, plain with border and stripe. This is our special 35c cloth. Present market value 45c. On Sale, Extra . 300 16 Inch Heavy Unbleached Twill Roller Towelling, with red border, good wearing, good drying, a very popular cloth. Regular 25e. For Speolal .................----- 180 20 inch Heavy Pure Linen Towelling, an excellent cloth for Tea. Towels, ve good quality and very scarce. Our old price 45¢. For Special ......... 06sec eee e eee 390 Linen Sets $11.00 3 only Linen Sets. large size cloth, 1 dozen Napkins neatly boxed, pretty floral de- signs, the last of our old $15.00 line and offer- ed for this Sale, at Set . $11.00 A Rare Bargain MISS M. NASH. . As Nicknacks and Notions are getting to be so very expensive compared with former years you'll find the Specials In our Small- wares Offerings to be very Interesting.. Every little saving helps some and these specials will be all displayed in trays for easy choosing. MINNIE NASH. Fine Mending Wool, Black and White, Skein orted Hairpins. Wolsey Mending Wool. fe . Hair Nets with elastic. 2 for. Best_ Bras 400 to sheet, Vickers' Values... ce ceeec esc e evens eeceeeee Fresh Water Pearl Button, 10¢ dozen, for 60 Plain Black Pins 10c¢ box, for .... White Collar Supports, 2 sets for . Dolly Varden Crepes 220 48 patterns, pretty Dolly Varden Crepes in Light and Dark colorings, including Black on White Ground, White on Black ground. These are much called for for Kimonas, Sacques, Waists-and Dresses. Our Special 29c line. For Sale ....-.-+--+++ teeenes 220 ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO OUR PATRONS The hand of progress turns another page in this Store' 's History. For 16 years we have catered to your needs in the Fraw- ley Block. It has been 16 years of activity, 16:years of pleasant associations, 16 years of honest endeavour to meet your require- ments at an advance on cost consistent with: good merchandising. The success we have attained could only be achieved by your co-operation and indulgence in our shortcomings. Our experience--our energies and our efforts have been direc- fed in the endeavour to serve you well and gain your confidence, and it is for your confidence, your Patronage, and the pleas- ant associations that we want to thank you for sincerely. GEO. VICKERS,