17, 1918. EARTH | THOMAS Pounds by Wife Also: nteer reason Pecan 'ul amprove= je an oxtra~ said A. Hl. trout be » have he piling war stand the es, wath he Hither, seen whale health sys. ain bed for hat little 1 red to do. me foul, and it ing was and < very rest daze ott for vp anid yurs. [was Ml the tine to my work medicines, muthing that tomach jen ceneral W: the rizht bis n to he es It has gol splenilid con. fine and Lt Tawant ane rer a particl: 'tion, and 1 hate to pet and [ seldan Iam feeling new and been taker ley has be ir medirine doubt about ake n Barrie hy Orillia by M Imvale by W 'oy hy G. ft oN. BW rckiay an Bas tlie, in Allis-- . in Lisle by 1 Gilford hs Tottenham hs in Penetans A. Nettleton A: Stone Rumbl iMard, rie, in Brad- ref, in Stronid in Craighurst avoad hy Jury Ewart hy A ML. St. Lonis on, in Moon- . aud in Vy W. Brown. -- Nos. hard RIA 'Children Always Bought . a ; i _ ' Li Thursday, October 47, 1918. A Positive Luxury in Infusion = Pure Tea, without admixture .. . of Any Kind, foreign to its growth. has the reputation of century behind every packet sold. nearly a quarter of a Baar IN WOMAN'S REALM Hillman--Griffin A very quiet wedding was yolemnized ut Orillia on Sunday morning, September 29, at the Methodist Parsonage, when Miss Maggie Muy, second daughter of Mr. und Mr. Aaron Griffin, North Orillis, was mar: ried to Mr. Alfred' Guy Hillman, of Bruce- bridge. The bride wore u very pretty suit with hat to match end wus sccompanied ky her sister, Mise Bella Griffin, as brides- maid, She was given away by her uncle, Mr Chas, W. Herbert, who also wcted as test man, The groom's gift to the bride was 4 beautiful nceklace, to the bridesmaid a wrist watch and to the groomsman a tie pin. After the ceremony they returned to the bride's home, where s sumptuous din- ner was served after which the bride aud groom left by motor for points north. They will reside in Barrie on Sanford street Handy--Little Wednesday afternoon, when their eldest daughter, Sophie L., wax inartied by (he Rev. A. Strother of Cree- ¢ to Mr. Howard G. Handy, third son of id Mrs, Albert Hundy of Barrie. 'the wore a white crepe de chene drew trimmed with seed pearls and looked very pretty as she cyme into the parlor leaning urm of her father while Miss Dorothy played the wedding march. Atter receiving the congratulations of the omne chste friends and relatives the young conple Weft on the afternoon train for southern cities amid showers of confetti_and geod wishes 1 Tattle Ronis s Wear Them! wy Boiids Freemen Buy Save for Vic Roache--Sullivan de chene gown embroidered with old rose. Her bridal veil was trimmed with orange blossoms and baby tibbon, Her corsage bouquet was sweetheart roses entwined with maiden bair fern, and was decidedly attrac- tive, The bridesmaid, her second eldest sister, Ellen, wore a silver grey silk poplin dress' and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Walter Brown, a friend of the groom, of- ficinted as best man, and the wedding' was performed by the Rev. L. Vaughan, of St jarnabas church. The groom's present to the bride was a pearl sunburst, and to the 'bridesmaid © cameo pendant. They will take up hourekeeping with the parents of the bride, at 95 Argyle street, 'Toronto. Johnston--Gowan The murriuge of Mrs, Emma M. Gowan ta Mr. Robert A. Johnston of Iroquois Falls, Ont. took place very quietly ut 54 Fecles Street on the morning of Thauks- giving day, Oct. 14th. The unattended bride was attired in = becoming fuit of plum-colored silk velvet with hat to match. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Herman Moore of the Central Mothoslist Church immediately after which the bridal couple left on the 11 o'clock train to spend 'a fortnight with friends in North Bay and Sudbury. Upon their arrival at North Bay a recep- | tion wax given in their honor at the A verp quiet but pretty wedding took | of the bride's sister, Mrs, William Rayner, place ut the Church of the Angels' Guard- ian, Orillis, on Wednesday morning, Sep- tember 25, with Rey. Father Carberry of ficiuting, 'when Mise Catherine Eileen Roache, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Roache, North Orillia, became the bride of Mr. Chas. William: Sullivan, only son of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Sullivan, Mount St. Lows, 'The bride was neatly' attired in 4 navy blue tailored suit trimmed with white, end a white plush hat with ostrich tips. "She ulko wore the gift of the groom, where a dainty wedding breakfust ws ser- | ved to a number of relatives and friends, Many costly and beautiful gifts were re ceived by the bride among which way a handsome set of Canadian mink furs, (he gift. of the groom. The good wishes of their many triends go with them. Orillia Red Cross Following are some extructs from the annual report of the Orillia Branch, C.R.C. a diamond pendant and carried a white | 8.--- prayer book. her sister, Miss Theresa Rowche, who was becomingly gowned in grey silk poplin with white silk trimming and hat to match. 'The groom was supported by Mr. Richard Me- Donald of Orr Lake. The groom's gift to the | bridesmaid was a gold pendunt set with | with umethyst snd pearls, and to croomsman, gold cuff links. After the cere: mony the hipry couple took the morning train simidst good wishes to Toronto en route to Niagara Falls, The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents showing the |high esteem in which they are held. Her cake was unique in that the top story was that of her mother's wedding cake of twenty-five years ago. After the honey: moon Mr. snd Mrs. Sullivan will reside at 'Hillview Farm", Mount St. Louis, Stobie--Oades A very pretty wedding took pluce at the home of Mr, and Mrs, David Stobie, 95 Argyle street, Toronto, when their eldest daughter, Jrssie Henderson, was united in merriage to Mr. Frederick George Ondes, eldes' son of Alex. Oades, of Craighurst The bride was attired in a silver grey crepe occasions, have gone to words, re-create her voice. continue the air alone, Only Edison makes this test. and every shade of expression, machines, merely ripredact. James G/Keenan, Music Lovers Amazed by Edison's Daring Test All told, 2,000,000 music lovers in Canada and the United States, on more than 1500 different filled with curiosity regarding a startlingly novel musical recital to which they had been invited. | The NEW EDISON They beard the instrument sing in the artin's voice--in other Presently the artist herself began to sing note for note with the instrument. strove in vain to distinguish the faintest shade of difference between the actual voice and the Re-Creation. out warning, the artist ceased singing, leaving the instrument to Only by watching the artist's lips did the audience know that she had ceased singing and that they heard the instrument slope, This is the famous Edison Tone Test. because only the New Edison actually re-creates the human voice and the music of human-played instruments with every tone quality Ordinary phonographs, and talking Uf you have wet been.fortunate enough, to witness an Edison Tone Test, you may at least bear Edison' s coonderful new pho segraph at cur store, Make the time to suit your convenience, ings om absolutely ol Sunlight Soap BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO one of their local theatres In each case they have come away amaz- ed at the almost unbe- lievable demonstration which had taken place before tlitir very eyes, and ears--the most daring test'of a phono- graph or talking machine ever made. They saw a noted Edi- gon artist stand beside Musically trained cars 'Then, suddenly and with- Only Edison can make this test, 168 - Barrie, Ont. The bride was attended Ly | "During the year we made 38 shipments to Head Office, Toronto. There were 58 cases, 30 of which were soldiers' comforts' und 28 Red Cross supplies, The contents are ux follows: 1,680 bandages, 5,124 pains socks, 1,146 pairs pyjamas, 1,662 house- wives, 90 cheesecloth undergarments, 700 the | personul property bugs, 312 handkerchiefs, 72 towels, 274 comfort bags, 67 quilts, 702 pneumonia jackets, 6 flannel shirts, |.66 khaki shirts, 6 sheets, 5 pillows, 90 trench caps, 6 wristlets, 6 pillow cases, 20 cans tooth paste, 16 tooth bruahex, 30 wash cloths, 210 stretcher caps. --Total Tt ix with a sense of indebtedinew and gratitude that I read the following list of donations from the Red Cross Branches and Women's Institutes of the country surrounding Orilliu, a» well as from Orillia societies and individuals, received during the year and duly acknowledged through he local newspapers: 532 pairs socks, 156 py- jamas, 208 bandages, 115 personal property bags, 12 spools, 9 pillows, 1 pillow case, 13 cheesecloth undergarments, 24 handker: chiefs, 1 quilt, 11 yards cheesecloth, 24 mouth wipes, 21 shirts. Receipts Balance on hand, October 17 Monthly usbscriptions Donations Fees Life, Memberships Rales needles, donated articles | Proceeds luncheon, tea, concert Proceeds sale of horse Amount April canvus | Proceods French Red Cross Refunds Grant W.P. & L, Commission Grant Town Bag collectiony Bank Interest $ 182 50 Expenditure Materials for work and supplies $7895 91 Expense re. Nov, Luncheon 28 30 Cartage and express 7 60 Board of horse 20.00 Net Proceeds of French Red Cross 1390 04 Tage for French Day 13 20 Telephone é wo. 180 Care of rooms 12 00 F. Gordon Osler, Esq., Hon, Treas Cun. Red Cross. 1600 00 Balance on hand 1219 89 $12,188 24 _ Stroud W. I. The regular monthly meeting was held at the home of Mra, H Wallace, members ind visitors to the number .of thirty-five being present. The program consisted of "The Sunny Side of Life," by J. Goodfellow, and violin, 'piano und vocal music by Misses Jacks, MeConkey ond McDonald. 'A committee was appointed to arrange for the collecting of chickens for the Canning Ki:chen on Friday, Oct. 18th. A number of the members will also assist at the Kit- chen on that date, Mrs, A. Martin and Mre. F. Warnica were appointed delegates to the Convention to be held in Toronto, Nav, 20, 21 and 22, The next meeting will be hheld at the home of Mre. G. Harper, when, it is hoped, Mrs. N. B. Johnston of Barrie will address the meeting. FINANCIAL STATEMENT On hand, Sept, 12 Sept. Subscriptions . Special Donations ..... Booth at School Fair . Expenses School Fair Field Comforts Wool Fund ..... Field Comforts Christmas Boxes. Cash on hand Lefroy Red Cross Report of Lefroy Red Cross for the Past Three Months. Balance on hand, June 30 . Mm. Tebo, Treas. Shipments July 16.--30 pre. socks, value $30.00, 16 suits pyjamas, value $17.60; Sept. 19.--35 prs. socks, valued $35.00, 15 suits pyjamas, valued $16.50, Ivan Grose, Sec'y. Freemen Buy Bonds. Slaves Wear Them! Presentation at Midhurst A number of Midhurst friends gathered at the home of Miss Vids Gill on Tuesday Oct. 1, and presented ber with a handsome cubinet of silver, accompanied by the fol- lowing uddress:-- Dear Friend: -- As circumstances have arisen which ren der it necessary for you to Kever your con. nection with us, we cannot let this oppor- tunity pest without expressing the sor- row we feel at your approaching departure. We assure you that we will miss you, Your regular attendance at Sunday School, En- deavour and Choir practice, and at the church services, where you have so ably assisted, and the assistance you have kindly rendered on other occusions, have endeared you to us all. We would therefor ask you to uccept this gift os a slight token of the esteem in which you are held by us, and x» you look upon and use it, may it re- mind you of the many pleasant hours we have 'spent together in Midhurst, And now we with you much happiness at your approuching marriage, and hope the new telutionship into which you are about to en- ter may prove to be a jong and very happy one, LADIES AID AND FRIENDS. Favorite Two generations use and prefer Comfort--it has the largest sale in Canada. same--but the Bar is Bigger--real thrift! The demand for Comfort, "the soap that mother used", is greater than ever--the people know its value. Try Comfort Soap and get a brighter, cleaner, easier wash. Ask for the Bigger Bar. PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED, TORONTO Speeding em up olf Fry's Cocoa The best way to get the most work out of the "human engine"' is to give it the food that has the most energy in it. Ofall foods, certainly this means FRY'S COCOA --the great food beverage t! ment. and more expensive foods. If you have to work harder these days, try a regular course of FRY'S. You will need less of other s ail delicious nourish- There is concentrated strength for muscle and brain in every single cup. Truest economy--use FRY'S . 101 IEC ESA I ET Patriotic Grandmas 'There's a patriotic grandma, Nearly eighty years of age; And the way she helps the soldiers Would fill many o page. | She keeps her litle cottage, And with her household care Of socks for our brave soldiers She has knit three hundred pair. A Red Cross pin she's wearing, By her busy needles won; And the garments for the wounded Are the sewing she has done. And in the busy canning kitchen, You'll be sure to find her there; And as she peels und slices, She offers up a prayer. This verse, sent by Mrs. Geo. H. Gordon, "ite allright NG Barrie, relates to Mrs. Mary Cuff, one of Canada's patriotic grandmas, who lives at 81 Toronto street, Barrie, and will be 80 years old on her next birthday anniver sary. She still docs all her own as well as knitting for the soldiers cheerfully Iaboring in the Red Crows Cam ning Kitchen. Save for Victory Bonds. 71 Grenville Street , Toronto, Ont. Toronto's Select and Transient Hotel jus Vy Bk 5) The quality is still the of ° lock Parliament Rates: Reropoan Plan $1.50 Cole "a ceiates od irda Xe Street one ect' Parliament 2 aa