e , Page Ten THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, October 17, 1913. BEAD, :' COUNTY OF SIMCOE TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES 'The sale of lands in the County of Simcoe fm arrears for taxes will be held in the @OURT HOUSE, BARRIE, on Friday, November Ist, 1918 [3 Atl PM, The list is being published in the Ontario | 55 Gazette on Saturday, July 27, Saturday, | 555 Aug. 3, Saturday, Aug. 10, Aug. 17. A Gopy of the list 15 posted in the Court | 532 House, and copies may be had in the Treas- 'urer's Office. The following ure extracts therefrom: |355 TOW HIP OF FL Part Lot Con. Acres Arrears Costs Total [$38 100 $18.87 $3.22 $22.00 | 535 69 38.03 3.70 41.73] 555 N%....21 10 Broken ..21 11 08 TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Lot 30, Plan 517, pt Bro...25 5 3% 63.51 NECor..19 8 6 9.34 PiSWCor 15 12 3 4.40 PtEptBro 28 14 10 50.10 Pt Bro....32 14 \Y 11.60 4.34 3.00 , 12.34 | 555 3.09 4.00 3.05 TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Pt NE \% Between GTR. € CPR.20 13 1 NW \%..20 13 Lot 7NPt24 13001 14.41 TOWNSHIP OF NOTTAWASAGA | g23 B 75ucPt36 4 75 Not Pat. Pt. 37 40 15 16.33 8.65 30,16 3.50 93.66 | 833 50 242,28 8.80 251.08 | 222 3.11 3.16 3.00 TOWNSHIP OF ORO Ot Pr.26-27 8. 75 95.60 NE. 7 9 50 10.75 Barillia Park 31 4.87 "él, 4.33 166, 1 4.33 173. 3.77 "183. -. 3.77 "* 188,189,190,203 4.87 WT ceees ST 5.14 TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA North Division BE 4% 3 3 50 36.29 Plan S61.15 13° 4 21.61 GB YocWHl2 15 1% 40 South Division Jackson's Plan f Lot 1Pt $1 49.05 BE lacBro10 2 1 437 BE CrNEYS 3 1% 355 Plan 426 16 ye 3.49 Plan 428 Homewood Ave, ......14 46.87 Plan 428 Homewood Ave. Lots 31,32,33, % Plan 563 88 Plan 572 9.10 2 1004 «6 7 TOWNSHIP OF SU! PL APt 10 4 1% 20.17 1N Creemore Bt Pt....10 4 % 2017 W 5,358%1 15 5 50 NE Pt.. 9 16 Plan 514 27 Plan 520 11 Plan 525 5 % 25.63 Plan 525 14 % 950 Plan 532 41 4 Plan 539 1 Plan 595 93 Y N buSEM2 6 § 1.05 B20 W ig W '4....21 6. 20 18.28 N 86Wi% 9 12° 86 32,99 3.25 3.25 3.00 3.60 414 3.30 3.39 3.00 3.66 3.48 3.24 3.28 3.75 434 3.05 3.38 97 3.82 9.35 SHIP OF VESPRA 3.00 4.20 3. VILLAGE OF TOTTENHAM Plan 300 Lot 4, Queen S 183.67 Plan 379, Lot 69, Richmond 8t. 47.50 100 1 1% 5.85 sw 1061 Ord, 63B 2 4 2 (NW \% is) (Broken 19) 4 196 209.86 M% ac SE Pt NEY 12 7 M% 14.64 8 65E%..1 8 65 29.55 Lot 57, E - Onids St . 10 % 29.55 BE Pt SW 80a. 1 I 2 777 NE pt..5 11 1 6.00 Pe W%s..8 11 15 36.98 7.34 3.93 TOWNSHIP OF TAY ae TOWNSHIP OF TAY Port McNicoll Subdivision , Plan Lot = 3.84 3.43 4.80 4.80 4.80 2.78 5.49 444 2.78 $12.15 $1.25 1215 Arrears Costs Total 579 $13.50 1.25, 13.30 | 228 125 1.25 1.25 1.25 125 1.25 125 125 125 125 125 1.25 125 3. ae 125 5.38 ioe B38] vintage 125 6.77}Plan Lot 125 665 125 330 125 475 125 435 128 4a 125 875 125 475 125 475 125 242 125 50a 125 5.68 125 568 128 3.54 125 58 125 568 128 5.00 125 3.42 125 844 67.55 | 555. 7.40 | 555 54.10 | 555. 14.65 | 555 17.2 | 655 19.49 | 555 11.66 | 555 2.86 143 1,43 10.42 10.42 53,97 53.97 53.97 5397 53.97 32.20 686 6.36 6.86 6.86 24.42 a oe Che BE RS OF PORT McNICOLL Arrears Costs 1.25 125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1,25 1.25 1.28 1.25 1.25 g gegeres 540 230. 840 231.) 540 232. 540 241 40 256. 540 257. 540 258. 540 259. 540 260. 540 283.. 540 264. B44 51544 30. 54459. 54460. 5441. 54462. 54463. 34464. 54485. 54466 54467 54468. 544 130 5440131 544 132 [544 133 544134 510/544 135 664/544 136 Sash 165 B44 166. . 544° 167 544 168 544 169 544-170 35 [544 171. ¢|544 172). 544173, 298 544 174 544 191 544107 S44 229 544 297,. 544 316, 544.317. S44 344. 544 356. 544 357.. 544367. 3/544 368... 544 360. 544. 370. . 544° 371. 544372. 544 373. 344° 374.. 544 375.. PeSSSER RS OA Papen awwnasomswuws RRSROSNBSSRReRe E E 54484 B44 85... 54480. 544120... 544127... 544128. 844 129. Village of Port McNicoll--Continued Arrears Costs Total + «+ 29.39 29.40 19.25 19.26 5.59 5.59 23.57 23.57 23.57 5.00 16.17 4.37 438 4.36 24.44 8.35 8.36 9.41 9.41 1.35 ++ 135 ++ 15.76 + 15.76 2.33 781 734 784 = 10.16 9.44 7.81 782 5.96 8.02 5.59 when eeebbee SERRRRSRSReEERRee Piet ee BREGE 125 125 3064 $0 (0 co 09 60 09 socom Sssbeeese RRRRERREELEDD: RSAgKrRgggs 05 Rice .| kidney or Mtv 5 | Fao for the children HY Cage Black as Dirt About theEyes Liver Was All Upset and There Was Pain Under the Shoul- der-blade -- Two Inter- 80 many people suffer from de- rangements of the liver that we feel sure these two reports, just recently received, will prove Interesting read- ing and valuable information to many readers of this paper. Mra F. L. Harris, Keatley P.O., Sask. writes: "I was suffering from Uver trouble--had a heavy pain under one shoulder blade all the time, and was nearly as black as dirt around the eyes, 80 I concluded to try some of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I did so, and before I had taken one 25c dox.the pain had left me and I com- menced to gain In flesh, and by the time I had taken two boxes I was completely cured and felt ke a new Person. My trouble was caused by heavy work out-of-doors, and, of course, heavy eating and constipation. I would advise anyone suffering from kidney or liver trouble to give Dr. Chase's Pills a trial." Mra. Charles Terry, Tweed, Ont, writes : "Before I was married I was troubled with enlargement of the liver. My liver became go enlarged that you could detect the swellings on elther side, and it was only with dimeulty that I could get my clothes on. A friend advised me-to get Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and take them. I commenced this treatment, and used nine boxes, which cured me at that time. Then, about two or three years afterward I was troubled {again with the swelling, but only on my right side. I secured some more Kidney-Liver Pills, and took them. which finally cured me. I have not [been troubled in this way since. I Kidney-Liver Pills to anyone having rouble. "We have also found Dr. Chase's Ldnseed and Turpentine excellent for coughs and colds, In fact, any of Dr. Chase's medicines which we have used have been good." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 26c a box, 5 for $1.00, at ra, or Edmanson Bates & Co., Toronto. 10,000,000 to be Fe The world ix apt to forget that there ure 10,000,000 people, Belgiuns and French, | who have to be fed und clothed by the aboer spirit of what we call humanity in the rest of the white peoples. Improving war news hr There are children who have never known ing hut the state of slavery, Over 200,000 tons of shipping, secure rangement from the § jfor use in the non-war zenes, have been ce voted to earrying in the coming year the food und clothing which we must send from thi side of the Atlantic to this tranpled-on bt unconqueruble people The following food Y |stuffs will have to br transported across the next twelve months, Rye and Corn for Brew 2 bus, 2,010,000 bis 3,300,000. bus. 26,400,000 Th. Atlantic in the wi Barley L purports, | Benns Cornel Beef | Pork Products Soap | Coffee Estimates 18,000,000 1 Condensed Milk 000,000 the. | Sugar $40,000,000 tix At best, the cost will be nearly $280,000, 1000. The Duteh und Spanish governments jthrough their agents in Belgium, will xe that these supplies are not misused hy German urmy } St. Joseph, Levis, July 14, 1908, | Minurd's Liniment Co. Limited. Gentlemen, IT wax badly kicked by my and after using several pre y leg nothing would do. My leg was black os jet. I was Inid up in bed |for » fortnight and could not walk. After using three bottles of your MINARD'S 1 IMENT I wus perfectly cured, so that 1 could start on the road. JOS. DUBES. | Commercial Traveller, Villuge of Port McNicoll--Continued Plan Lot 558 216., 7.24 125 848 358 217. 724 125 348 558 218., 7.24 125 848 558 242., 9.64 1.25 17.89 558 243., 9.64 1.25 10.89! 568 244... 9.64 125 10,30 558 245.. 9.64 1.25 10.89 558 246. x 25 10.89 558 247. x 10.30 558 248. x 10.9 558 249. x 9 | 858 250. . 558 251., 9.64 558 355 558 558 38 10.89 , 558 10.59 ! 558 569 569 669 569 569 569 669 569 589 569 569 5A9 369 569 £69 569 569 569 569 560 '68 549 569 569 569 569 569 i 569 1520 Sabet atabstadalodul dct: Pebatedsdotatsd tet 580 1530. . can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's | not altered the position of most of thet. | BIG LOSS IN GRANARIES Bad Weather ani Mice Destroy Much Grain. Concrete Structures Best -- How to Make Old Granary | "ffictent-- Flush Ewes to Increase '1919 Lamb Crop -- Great Shortage of Fall Wheat Seed. (Contributed by Ontario Department ef Agriculture, Toronto.) hard and fast rules can be laid down for the erection of a convenient and efficteht granary. Each problem re- quires a knowledge of local condi- tions and requirements. Granaries, in the majority of cases, are built in enclosures on the barn floor, and constructed with oo little regard for strength, durability and convenience. These structures should be located tmmediately over the feed room, each bin baving a chute with a control- ling slide, or a canvas distributor to convey the grain to the hopper of the grinder; or if the grain is in- tended for market, to a sack placed on the scales below the chute ready to receive it. To facilitate emptying the grain, the Goor of the bins should be sloping. The {mportant consideration In the construction of granaries and bins for loose grain is to be sure that the structure is designed with sufficient strength to prevent bulging of the sides and springing of the floor, for grain, owing to its enormous out- ward thrust, corresponding some- what to that of water, has a ten- dency to burst the sides unless well [braced or supported. Timber con- struction requires frequent repairs to Prevent decay and general deprecia- Uon from use. It is always Hable to climate conditions. The boards will | crack and shrink in the summer when | the bins may be empty, and when the new grain is dumped Into the bins an enormous quantity promptly dis- | @ppears into the cracks and crevices and through mice hol |the consumer and to the nation. | Thousands of bushels of grain are, in this way, annually lost to the pro- ducers through sheer indifference to the condition of the granary. Yet this preventable waste may be easily remedied and made secure by lining | the bins with sheet metal. The watchword ts "Conservation." 'Every grain is needed to feed the Empire and its Allies. {t is, there fore, highly desirable at this time to bend every effort to eliminate all Possible leakages and conserve our grain for the need of the Allied na- tlons. While there is an annual de- Preclation on a timber structuro varying {rom 4 to 8%, concrete con- struction grows better as it grows old; hence concrete properly re- inforced, is the ideal materlal for stanaries, ecause it is both damp- Proof and rat-proof, two very essen. al factors in the construction of granaries, Concrete properly made to sult existing conditions, Is absolutely im- Pervious to moisture, and can ve, kept as dry as any structure of wood ever built. The experience of many farmers is that grain, mature enough to be placed in storage, will not spoil on contact with concrete, nor will corn mold, provided there is good ventilation and the roof is tight. To Bet rid of rats and mice destroy their nesting place and to this end con- | crete Is pre-eminently the best ma- terial and is recommended for all farm structures, Under average present day con- ditions a reinforced concrete granary may represent an additional outlay of about 25% over that required to construct of timber, but the high effi- ciency distinctive of concrete quick- ly offsets this increased initial cost, Concrete construction has many in short, important advantages. The contents are safe from the depreda- "ons of rodents, is damp-proof, re- quires neither paint nor repairs, is fireproof, the grain ts perfectly pre- served under all conditions of clima- Uc and temperature, and the result- ing structure is practically everlast- ing. -- Prof. John Evans, Ontario Arrears Costs Total Agricultural College, Guelph. Care of Ewes After Weaning. In order to avold udder trouble it is necessary to keep a close watch of the ewes for a few days after they are separated trom the lambs, Not few cases of defective udders can be traced to the want of a little care in this respect. Milk out just enough to keep the udder soft the day after the lambs have been wean- ed. After two days' time they are again milked out. Some ewes do aot need any more attention after the second milking. Such ewes may be marked to indicate that they are dry. Three more days should elapse before the next milking is done and this method followed until it is cer- lain the entire fiock is safe. In con- junction with the method outlined @bove the ewes should be separated some distance from the lambs, and be on scant pastures until all are per- fectly dry. This is a good time to go over the flock and cull out all un- desirable members. Non-producers and those with broken mouths and Door udders should not be retained. A good deal of the success of the Subsequent lamb crop will depend upon the treatment the ewes receive from time of weaning until after they. are bred. They should have good Pastures and be given an opportunity of putting on flesh. This is what is commonly called "flushing." Nothing 4s better for this purpose than rape pasture. It is usually from six weeks to two months from date of 'so that rape is ready for pasture, If rape pasture is not available new seeding or second crop of clover will serve fairly well. Stock should not be turned on rape or fresh clover for the first time when the leaves are 'wet from rain or even dew, in order to avoid trouble from bloating.-- J. P. Sackville, B.8.4., Ontario Agrk cultural College, Guelph, = Minard's Liniment Cures Dandrufi.-- , GRANDEST ON EARTH """CDECLARES THOMAS: ;Gains Seventeen Pounds by | Taking Tanlac--Wife: Also. Benefitted. "I have gained -- seventeen pounds and the only reason T can Rive for my wonderful improv |inent is that. Tanti is an extras jordinary medicine," said A. H. Thomas, a well Knowa eniply of the Wright ship Runding Company, ani livne at Res South 9th Street, Cacoma, Wash. "The cause of my trod'? " he continued, "started about six ago, when 1 accidentally struck the back of my head a v hard blow. 1 paid Little att tion lo it al first. but in a short while I commenced to have head- aches, which kept getting wor: until I could hardly stand them These awM! headaches, with the worry about my condition, seem-- ed to undermine my whole sys-- tem and my general health got to be bad. My appetite left me, my Stomach got in 'terrible condi- tion and I was down in bed for several wi What little 1 managéd fo eat seemed to do me harm instead of geod, and it would ferment causing gas and intense pain. 1 was very rest- less at night. would doze off for a while and (hen wake up and roll and toss for hours. T was tired and sluggish all the time, and never fell equal to my wor I tried different medicines, hoping ty find) somthing that would help my stomach and build me up in a general way, but I failed to find the right thing until f got Tanlac. This medicine has proven to he rx actly what [ needed. It has gol- fen my stomach in splendid con dition, my appetite is fine and 1 can eat just anything T want and enjoy i, T don't suffer a particle with gas and indigestion, and [ sleep so well (hat T hate to get up in the mornings, and T seldom have a headache. | am feeling fine in every way now and my who has only been taking Tanlae a shert while, has been ited a great deal already the ndest medicine on s ono doubt about Barrie hy M. w nlar is. sold in ie. Monkinan. in Orillia by '4. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale bs i. McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. | Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West m Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, n Wauhaushene by Georgian Ras uumber o., Ltd, in Port My Nivoll by P. H. Beattie, in Allis on by E.R. Schell, in Lisle by Yobt. Little, in Gilford by 'fames A. Blain, in Tottenham hy 'has. A, Weaver, in Penectang tishene Jby Chas, A. Nettleton, a Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone. n Hillsdale by Richard Rumble 1 Coldwater by C. G. Millard, ir: Midland by Geo, Gerrie, in Brad. 'ord by W. L. Campbell, in Stroud oy Chantler Bros., in Craighurst oy T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury « Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A. frombley & Co., in Mt, St. Louis oy E. J. Peters & Son, in Monn- stone by J. RB. Sykes, and in Vic- oria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- \dvertisement, Save for Victory Bonds. CASTORIA The Kind You Hate Always Bought Sears the i; Z 'HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND NERVOUSNESS Told by Mrs. Lynch From Own Experience. Providence, R. I.--"I was all ron down in health, was nervous, had head- aches, my back ached @ number of medi- cines Which did me no" good. day read about Lydia E 's Vege- table Com land i] what it! 'for Women, so I tried E] it. My nervousness roa. T gained sa 80 E can honestly Pinkham's Vege- ay roman who is te, Providence, BE Backache and nervousness are sym toms or-nature's 'which in- pre ition which often devel: ee uni condit - ops into a more sottocs sient: Women in this should not. continue to drag along without hel, bat Mrs. (a Ssperience, this famous root and remedy, Lydia E. "a Vegetable Com- i p MAP