Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1918, p. 8

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\ | THE ADLET COLUMN Fcc deena SUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- fiold St. Phone 384 1228p tt OOTTAGE FOR SALE--Large lot, Apply W. J. Lennox, 11 Peel St pret FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 37-tfe FOR SALE--Three General purpose horses, svply to D.C. Howard, 124 Dunlop Be st PROF. D. E. WEIR-- Teacher of Piano aod Violin. Piano Tuner. 6 Owen Bt. Barrie. 48) HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO LET--Central location ; all modern conveniences. Apply 86 Mary' Street. 41-460, E SALE--House, lot, (about 2% acres) and stable at 56 Penetang St., Barrie Enquire on premises. 35-46, FOR SALE--2%% acres of land, brick house sod frame barn, in town of Barrie. Ap- ply Mrs. M. J. Byrne, Barrie. 38-43p THE CELEBRATED HOOVER POTATO DIGGER for Sale by D. C. Howard, Call and see them at 124 Dunlop St. 27tf GLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old aut and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twins, Ross Block, * Dunlop St FOR SALE- Ford Roudster in good condi- ion; tires nearly new: one new tire extra, Apply A. T. Moore, Shunty Bay, at E. V. Wilson's farm, 38-43p | HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN LE-! FROY--Residence of the Inte Mrs, John | King, Tenders will be received up to October 20, 1918, Audus King, Exe- eutor, Churchill 40-42 SSES. Palatine, drawing, port 3 Sat. 2-- w 261 Dunlop St. or 41-46p 'aris diplomas), Ovenden College. FOR SALE serge old G o Brood Mure, Bay, 9 wl and right with colt' by her side." Will sell separately or both; Bo Webb, Stroud 40-tfe WE WILL PAY you 8225 to distribute rehcrons an ture in your patrione hte E own commune rience not re- | quired. 90 day' work, International | Bible Press, Toronto 37-42 ge ee BSCRIBER having decided to go | of thee} offers his flock consisting of | gisteredd Shropshire Ewes, Ewe | uni three Grade Ewes, for gile. Raikes, Burnie 40-42p DANCING SCHOOL Reopens Oct. 1st-- | Specisl clas for children every Satur- day afternoon from Three to Five p.m. STRONG BOY Wanted to help in Balkery, C, Brown, Barrie, A a ORDER your potatoes at once, $2.00 x bag from Harold I. fem Harild Drees OS MAID WANTED--for small house, Apply Mrs. Reid-Lewis, 98 Mary St. MAID WANTED--For general housework. Apply to Mrs, Harold Dyment. 42-43tf HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SWEET MILK delivered: Phone 772, Barrie Dairy. 42-49 FOR SALE--2 beds, 2 bureaus, 2 wash- stands and other things. Apply 164 Bey- field St. 42-- FOR SALE--Improved Brantford Windmill in good condition, 40-ft tower. Apply to this office. 42-tfe HOUSE FOR RENT--No. 34 Ross St., all modern conveniences. Vacant Nov. Ist. Phone 33 or 54. 41-tf. SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE TO LET-- All conveniences, 59 Burton Ave., Allandale. Phone. 104 r 31. 40-43, HOUSE TO RENT--No. 4, Mulcaster Street. Immediate possession, 'Rent $8.00. Ap- ply on premises. 42tfe. FOR RENT--First-class brick residence, all conveniences, on Brock St. Apply Gar- rett's Music Store. 40-tf FOR SALE--Invalid chair, suitable for street or house use. Terms reasonable. Apply at thik office. 2 101 Mulcaster St., 9 rooms, all conven- iences. C, T, Devlin. manship and accuracy in figures required. Bryson Brds., Barrie. 41-42c POTATOES--If you want to sell your po- tatoes cull and see John Suso at the fruit store, Phone 341 4142 FARM FOR SALE--Lot 8, con. 10, Innisfi Cochrane, Allandale, No. 2 40. FOR SALE--About seven acres of corn and | 5 Submit offers to | 42-42c | | two seres of turnips. J.B. Feilding, Penetang Road -|for the Excelsior Life Insurance -/81000 per year. His 2-43 oS * e--_--_#_ -- Toronto, SP | FOR SALE OR RENT---Solid brick house, | Church 'services 4itf on the advice of the M.O.H., the |OFFICE ASSISTANT Wanted--Good pen- | © in charge of the service and was lassisted by Rev Will sell 100 or 200 acres, Apply W. D. Aw H. D. Raymond wi Bp |e Save for Victory Bonds. --Pictures framed by Dougall Bros. Extra copies of The Exaviines for sale at book stores or this office. Three cents each. --Upholstering und furniture repairing neatly done by compe- tent workmen at Dougall Bros. tf --W ® a special snap in a slightly uséd Gerard Heintzman & Co. player piano.Garrett's Music Store. The annual meeting of the Royal Victoria Hospital will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 4 p.m. in the Police Court Chamber. --Earl Degeer is local agent Co. and also sells Automohile Insurance. Cheapest rates. Phone 715 and 468. e A. A. Cunningham, reeve of Orillia Tp.. has been appointed clerk of that municipality at extensive municipal experience makes him well qualified for the position. He is a brother of Mrs. Oliver Patterson, Barrie, R, W. Allin, M.A. Finance Commissioner of the Diocese of will be in Trinity next Sunday at both Owing to the influenza, Fire and special children's service will | probably not be held next Sunday. | There was a large attendance} lat the Thanksgiving service in St. Andrew's church, Monday morning. Rev. Wm. Hipkin was H. Moore and! 0 preach- A collection of $28 for the hospital was received eomen Buy Bons Slaves Wear Them! FOR SALE--Team of wéll-matched Clyde colts rising 3 and 4 years. Apply JH PERSONAL MENTION Bleckmore Lefroy, BOLD, 2. 4247p Mina 'Maeinehy tw viniling Tit Toront FOR SALE--House, shop und lot (half Be acitor . | acre! in Stroud. 'Apply to Alex. Cowan, ws Tus shee ant statu: i} Barrie. or H. Young, Stroud, -- 40.45) Visiting her sey resher ag ae PooMrs ROW Mi oleft this WANTED-- Housekeeper for small fraily, |8*°K to spend the winter in Te complete charge, no stashing and geod | Minto wages. Apply "N" Examiner, 4242p FOR SALE--Twin Indian Motoreyele ond | giving, James Bowman of Toronte was with Barrie friends over Thanks- | For terns, sjyly to Mrs. F. Guilfoyle, 24: side ear, three-speed, electric ght snd)" atic Jeatel Laidlaw af New Maury St. P.O. Box agate | signal: in' gondienaditions "A, es York is visiting her mother in Bake 8 | TO RENT OR FOR SALE-- Business prop: | erty, residence and ALE) Dunne rh | OUSE TO LET OR FOR SALE--Cumber Mra. R. M Black of Elmvate is] sheth and Mary Sts present tenant, W,| land St, Allnndale Instalment olin, visiting her parents. Mr. and] D. Minnikin Apply Mrs. Meaford Webh,| Apply Ro H, Webb, Box 644, Barne,) Mrs. Lower | 26 Staal! St Phone 119, 38-tfe #427 dyeut, Arthar Lower of the R.| FARM FOR SALE or Rent--Lot 7, Con. 9,| WANTED: -About Now, Ist, Board | and x } H home en furlough fer | newt Cunkstown, 108 acres, all| rooms for [wo wdulte and one child ar Few Weeks | iy loum; frame house,{ smull furnished house. Apply WM. Sal Mrs. WoOA) 'Turner was called Ensy terms, Andrew Cun: ter 4242e 1 PY. Rewan owing to (he death | Ht 119. 38efe, |-- of her sister, Mrs. Kenny WANTED general housework, @ pil itubt. Addison visited nia sise Con, 12, Innisfil, | whe wall sleep at home. Apply evenings. ar Mrs. Bolton, Unis week an his Je with nick in left ear,) Mrs. Raymond, Owen St., near Welling i ' i Paki Me dha ea Be Wie Way from Winmipes te Ottayya. fF plewe netty H. Be Ars, | ---------------- J. Baldwin Revant, itor of xirong, Taral"Routey 1," allandale, ann Host In Burrie, Tuesday, Oct 8th. asinall, The Advartes, is confined te the phone ott! Gold Locker containing photo of dvcenad Wouse this week with a vel husband, Finder please leave at Exam: severe cold FARM FOR SALE--First-class, iner. 2242p Miss Hilla Watson and Miss 50. acres in good hardwood bush, Benes | ity vf 'ute visited -| tang Rowe, Vesnra -- Figsbelnss brick |TO RENT--In Barric, comfortable house | a : house and good outbuildings, Price mod-| with barn, and half or one and one quar. UN In Rarrie and Dalston dur. | erate, terms easy Apply dames Arnold, | ter acre good garden, F. Lawrenes, 4/ing the holiday | Barrie 41-42c| James St 4242p, Mrs. John Gordon and dauch- JARM FOR SALE OR RENT -- Lot 6,/FARM FOR RENT- Part of Lot Number | lepending twa ur Cookstow! bara, gond orchard and water Church, one-eighth of_ mile. MoKnight, 13 Henry St, Barrie 109 xeres, house, School and Mr. E. 40-45p, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17,/ son, 2, Flus, 100 acres, 75 acrés cleared, valance pasture and bush. Comfortable | house, butt: barn 40x60, driving ehed und | outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, mith plowing privileges. P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston 251 YARM FOR SALE 4, Oro, clu, ation. 15 100 ueres, lot 8, con. loam, in Al state of cultiv- neres of fall wheat, -- Large | brick boute; three barns, two with stone | Gasements; ilko drive house. Well fenced, plenty of water. Apply to Jos T. Cavanagh, Edgar. 40-45p POR SALE--Two-storey brick residence on Charlotte St., large double parlor, good dining room and kiteben on Ist flat, four bedrooms and bathroom on 2nd fist. Basement with furnace; garden and stable. Fusy terms, price low. James Arnold, 7 Owen St. Barri. 28-tf, JARM FOR SALE--S% Lot 18, 8 E 4 19, Con, 3, Tp. of Flos, #50 acres, good chy loam; good brick dwelling, bank . atm, new implement shed and other _ Buildings; spring water; close to sch terms reasonable, Apply to Mra, O'Neill, Anten Mills, RM.D., or to G. A. Radenburst, Barrie. 38-439 'WOMEN TELEGRAPH Operators are in de- mand by G.N.W, and CPR. These sys- tems will prompily place every Graduate of Shaw's Telegraph and Railroad School at a good salary. We therefore ask you amprepare at once. Write for particulars. WHC Show, President. Gerrard & Yonge, iD FARM FOR SALE--The North half of Lot Six in the Eighth Concession of the Town- ship of Innisfil, im the County of Simeoe; an excellent grain farm; new cement Bouse; frame barn with stabling under same; good well. For further particul- ars apply to Martha A. Rainey, Barrie, ar 'Alexander Cowan, Solicitor, Barrie, 36-486 FARM FOR SALE--100 scres North %, 4, Tain, lay st alby Sok, grain and stool 'One, Concession Ten, Tanisfil, known as fhe Simnson Farm," Apply" to Doneld | Ros. Solicitor, Barrie. 42¢ Bow Sete Fare VOR SALE--Savage Rifle, 303 Tuke down, Rear Lyman Sight, in good condition; also mail box. Apply Mrs.Clara Quantz, 51 Donald St, Barrie. 42-43p ee BROOCH LOST--Between Myers' Shoe Store and Olympia Candy Works. Valued ws keepsake, Finder please leave at Myers' Store, Reward. 42-42 STORM WINDOWS FOR SALE--Get our price list showing cost oof windows, #laz- a complete, any size. Halliday Com- pany, Box 61, Hamilton. 42-45 FOR SALE--3 Shropshire Ram Lambs, 1 Shorthord Bull, 3 yrs. old, 3 Shorth Bulls, 10 mos,'old. Bell Bros, Bai Ont,' R.R3, Phone 629. FARM FOR SALE--West half 1 and West quarter 2, Con. 4, Vespra; good build: ings, well' watered. Apply on. premixes. R. J. Cook, Fergusonvale. 40-45p 42-4ip. FOR SALE--Fleury Grain Crusher, 8-inch plate; Fleury cutting-box, 10-ineh-roller; also dog-churn power, TA inet chase condition. Apply to Geo. Crawford, na Station. 200 ACRES--FLOS TOWNSHIP--lacge bank barn; good brick hoyse; first-class land for mixed farming; well watered; close to school and railway station. Box 178, Barrie. r o 7 FOR SALE--Brick house on Burton Ave., six rooms, electric light and gas, town water, Too large for pet owner. Cheap, easy termi Mrs. , 96 Burton Ave. @ Pp LOST--On Thursday, Oct. 10, betweesr Bay- field Street and Little Lake, purse con- g sum of money, registration card, ote. Reward. Finder please leave at Walter Urry's, 86 Bayfield Street. 42-42p WORTH INVESTIGATING--Choice buil- ding lot, fine fruit tree, beautifully sit- usted west side of Toronto St. on brow of hill. Easy distance of new Collegiate. 'Will sacrifice for quick sale. Apply Box "K" Examiner. jk A YOUNG GIRL OR MIDDLE AGED Wwo- family, Toronto. Good wages to capable person.' Apply to Mrs. wi H. Walton-Ball, 344 Pr ton Boulevard, Toronto, i to Mrs. H. 79 High Street, Barrie. 42-42p Barri, Sept 0, Sole. Carmen, bave returned after months in the stern pravinees 'The Misses Muriel and) Inea Napper af Torenta visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Manuel, 24 Noeth St. Miss Mayme Black has return. ed to her home in Craigvale after a pleasant three months' visit with friends in Saskatchewan The marriage of Miss Majorie Otton, daughter of Mr. F. W. Otton. to Mr. took place very quiatly at home of the bride in Bayfield SI on Mon Octoher 14. Rev. R. J. Fallis officiated. Miss Mildred Lawrence, daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Law- rence, Bayfield Street, was mar- ried in Toronto today (Thurs- day) to Mr. Walter W. Swingle ef Toronto, formerly manager of the Woolworth Go. store here. ino Tuning If you require a tuner leave your order now at Garrett's Music Store. . Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Harry Priest and family wish to express their thanks for the many expressions of condolence and sympathy in the loss they have sustained in the death lof their second son, Pte. James H. Priest 'on Oct. 7th at Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill. --_--_--_--_--_------------------ NEWLY PAINTED AND PAPERED--7- roomed house for rent at Oakley Park Farm, 5 minutes from R.C. Church, 10 minutes from Post Office and station. $7.00 per. month, spring water and cis- tern. Abply to Harold M. Dyzisal $25.00 REWARD I will pay $25.00 reward for informution that will lead to the conviction of any perton tearing down my Edison Phonograph ae 'on the roadside. James G. ae NOTICE Elmer H. Braden, | home the funeral took place from there to t./the Union Cemetery on Monday, | CORSET MANUFACTURERS - Advanced their prices on October ist. They are now nearly double the price at which we bought our present stock, so we can fill the wants of all our customers at last spring's prices, as we bought heavily before the advance This Cut represents our "'Super.Bone Corset". It's absolutely unbreakable, perfect fitting and very durable. The price is per pair. $3.50 Comes in two and three inches wide. eral cents less than the sale price of this line. 4 "Jersey Cream" Toilet So: A Special In Yarn For Socks And Mitts Black, Greys, Blue, Red, and Mottled Grey and White and Black and White. It's clean, pure wool, thoroughly scour- ed and free from oil, priced per pound 50 |-------- This Heavy, Grey Union Flannel.. Is splendid value at the present prices It is splendid for shirting or any other household use, 28 inches, at less than present wholesale price, Extra Value In Striped Flannelettes. A good, firm cloth with good nap, in pretty pink, blue and fawn stripes, 28 Our selling price is sev- Sutcliffe's Special Laundry Soap ply, in White, of flannels. present whole- per yard Per yard... .20c Bars for 25c ap 5c Bar Standard Patterns Are The Best For Home Dress Making. We have the Agency for Barrie. The November Designer is here. Call. for a Copy. GOOD CORSETS AT $1.00 PER PAIR It will sible to buy a corset for less than $1.50 per pair. These lines are '"'Crom- and makes are the latest styles and are as good value as any Corset bought at $1.00. We have all sizes from 19 to 30 in pton's" stock. Be sure you get a pair of these before your size is sold out. Women's White Flannelette Nightgowns of fine, soft Saxony flannelettes. They are well made and nicely trimmed and come in all sizes, at each ,from ---- Toilet Paper, Extra Large Rolls Vaseline, In Glass Jars A 5c Coupon, redeemable et our premium Counter is given with every dollar pur- chase. 5c, 10c and 15¢ soon be impos- "D, & A." you ever $1.50 to $2.00 50c 3 for 25c A Fatal Fall Thos, Connors, son ef the late Thos Berezy St.. died in South Ind., on Friday as the injuries received in a fall. He Wi a structural iron-wo r and was engaged on the con- struction of a foundry when he fell to his death, He is survived |hy his mother, three brothers 'and two sisters. The body was hrought to the of his mother and the Connors and Mrs, Connors, Bend, D. Raymond officiating. DIED DOUSE--Killed in ction, in France, on August 8th, No. 1096022 Pte. John Har- rison Douse, 3rd Battalion Canadians, and on Sept 29th, No. 193449 Lance-Corp. Gordon Douse, and No. 1096011 Pte. Henry Christopher Douse, both of the 42nd Battalion, Royal Highlanders of Canada, dearly beloved sons of J. Douse, Lefroy. ELLIS--At 734 Lansdowne avenue, Toron- to, John Lee Ellis in his 64th year. HODGSON--At Stayner, Oct, 10, Mrs, E. Hodgson, aged 81 years. RANTON--At his residence, 587 Palmerston avenue, Toronto, October the 10th, 1918, Rev. A. Ranton. REDDITT--At his residence, 7 Henrietta street, Brantford, on Sunday, October | 13th, Frederick Russell Redditt, of the EB B. Crompton Company, Limited (for- erly of Barrie), beloved husband of Nellie. MeViear Redditt, Interment at Goderich. WEBB--In Stroud, on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1918, Annie Amelia Webb, wife of Benjamin Webb, in her 43rd yet The funeral will take place from gh family residence, Stroud, on Friday, 18th, st 3.00 p.m. for interment st oud | Cemetery. Rev. H. Rev. Angus Ranton Dead Rev, Angus Renton, the well-known evan- | md died lest Thursday st bis home in 'oronto. For the last four years he had been suffering from creeping pene he condi ya dave Ao ely wll Sea hed, bees down town' every 'ay. Oa Wednesday, hawever, he comiplained of 657, Collingwood, 'Ontario |being tired and did 'not leave the house '40-42p | again, passing away the next day. B.C.1. FIELD DAY 'A very successful afternoon's sport was enjoyed by the B.C. students on Wednes day afternoon of Inst week when their an | nual Field Day was held in the Agricultural Park. Thessenior championship cup was won by George Rumble, while the shield went to Harry Carson. Boys' Events 100 yds, Dash, Sr.--1 Rumble, 2 Part- ridge, 3. Bidwell. 100 yds. Dash, Jr--1 Rosenfelt, 2 Jam- iewon, 3. Livingstone. Standing Broad Jump, Sr--1 Rumble, 2 Partridgé, 3. Coutts. Standing Broad Jump, Jr.--1 Carson, 2 Rosenfelt, 3. Livingstone. Three-legged Race--1 (Partridge, Rum- ble), 2 (Armstrong, Bidwell), 3 (McLean, Turner). 220 yds. Dasb, Sr.--1 Rumble, 2 Part- ridge, 3 Armstrong. 220 yds. Dash, Jr.--1 Rosenfelt, 2 Car- son, 3 Livingstone. Running Hop, Step, Jump, Sr.--1 Part: ridge, 2 Rumble, 3 Coutts. Running Hop, Step, Jump, Jr--1 Liv- G, jingstone, 2 Carson, 3" Rosenfelt. Running Broad Jump, Sr.--1 Partridge, 2 Rumble, 3 Coutts, Running Broad Jump, Jr--1 Carson, 2 Livingstone, 3 Rosenfelt 440 yds. Dash, Sr.--1 Rumble, 2 Part- ridge, 3 Armstrong. 440 yds. Dash, Jr.--1 Jamieson, 2 Carson, 13. Livingstone. Running High Jump, Sr--1 Coutts, 2 | Partridge, 3 Rumble. ! Running High Jump, Jr.--1 Carson, 2 Livingstone, 3 Rosenfelt, 1 Hurdle Race, Sr.--1 Rumble, 2 Part- ridge, 3 Coutts. | Hurdle Race, Jr--1 Livingstone, 2 Ros- enfelt, 3 Carson. ' Stunding Hop, Step, Jump, Sr--1 Rum. ble, 2 Partridge, 3 Coutts. Standing Hop, Step, Jump, Jr--1 Car- "son, 2 Livingstone, 3 Rosenfelt. } Results by Points Sr. Championship--1 George Rumble, 37; 2 Barrett Partridge, 20; 4 Gordon Coutts, Me Championship--Harry Carson, 30; 2 Morey, Livingstone, 22; "Maurice Rosen- It, 19. Girly' Events Girt Cont Race T1B--G. O'Neil, Gy Jamieson; I.A--M. Maleomson, D. Scott 1B--A. McBride, J. "Snatch th =D, Myers' 'Team won from F. MacMur- chie's 'Team by one point. Bicycle Relay Rase--First Team--D. Poucher (Capt) F. MacMurehie, P, Black: | more; Second Team--G. Thompton (Capt.) emblematiq of the junior championship | ¢ Handkerchief" (Sr. Forma) |' --A. Robertson, B, Warnica; Miss Thomp- son's Team won. Apple Race VA. F. Rosenfelt, {one rep. from each form). -- . A.--Myra Reid; I --Guida Burton, IT A--Annie Addison. Form Relay Race--Tie for first place be- tween: I. A--Jean Cowan (Capt.) ; (Capt). 2. P. Blackmore, .) ck-be-nimble'--Srs, vs, Jng.-- Sr: won by % min, Three-legged Race--1 M. Reid and'M. Me- Kinley,, 2M. Chogsm: 3 P, Blackmore and B. Warnics. Pass Ball Contest--1 Sr, Team--T. Mac- Laren, 2 Ist Form--B. Hatton, 8 2nd an and T. MacLaren, 100 yds. Dew Wet, Rosenfat, re ©, 100. yds. Dish'S B, 21 Robinwon, 1, 3 M Robertson, 1V. P vatking Race (Srv. vs. Jrs.)--Jr, Team Poon Chappel (Capt.) won from D. Rob- happel, 1. P 'Blackmore Mm. r-- ertaon's team. Girls' Baseball Match (Won by Juniors.) Catcher . Morley D. Myera Pitcher D. Sloan B. Warniea Ist Base ---M. Hickling HL Rosx 2nd Buse A. Addison. Blackmore 3rd Buse «TL. Black = M, Robertson Rt. 8. Stop _E, Carson ---D._ Poucher L.8. Stop F. Rosenfelt M, Grant R Field B. Connell ~---M. Cheesmian ©. Field M, Laidman -- G. Burton L. Field K. Murphy M. Sutherland Barrie Markets Fall Whest . Oats . $2,10-$2.13 10-750. Play 'were holid Children's George's Ct postponed. Mis. 1 'Thanksgivir Cumberland Mrs, Wm accepted sit in Newmar! Herbert $ to spent th GH. Bow Mrs. A. F visiting in word of P James Si in Toronto -eral of the Mr, and ren have § the former S.0F. 1 sharp in th 'ance is req pet-ball to Last Fri car dumpe of mixed £ ger traffic half an ho the wreck Octavius received v his son, F bees offic "Stationary concussion 'overseas W England Kunders. 7 hus been AU HORS The une foal: 4 1 Ray | Mare. Mares, sisters years. Ray M to be i Heifer

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