\_Page Eight : THE ADLET COLUMN MAID WANTED--Apply at 32 McDonald Btreet. v Al. 4|| Local News JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- fidid St. Phone 384 12-28p-tf |STENOGRAPHER withes position. at this office. DRESSMAKING--Miss Megill, 33 Alfred 8t., Allandale, Phone 452. 36-419 | GIRL WANTE] Hos; RY. COTTAGE FOR SALE--Large lot, central. Apply W. J. Lennox, 11 Peel St' 40p-tf [STRONG BOY Want C. Brown, Barrie, ¥OR SALE--Three General purpose horses, apply to D. C. Howard, 124 Dunlop St.| RABBITS FOR SALE--12 pair. W. 27tf| Sheppard, R.R.1, Allandale, 5 PROF. ). E, WEIR-- Teacher of Piano |MAID WANTED--for small house. Apply anf Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen St. Mrs. Reid-Lewis, 98 Mary St. Barrie. 48p | ----_--_--______--_____- 7 : FURS REMODELLED and Repsired. Miss LADIES' TAILORING and dressmaking | M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie, 37-tfe done Mus E. Gosney, Adelaide St., 'Apply to Miss Mc! "ie ited to help in Bakery. 41-1 rall those who so kindly assisted |realized was 8216.00 Allandale 37-400 ROOMS ished ; light house-keeping if desired. No 1, Maple Avenue, 36-41p FOR SALE---House, lot, (about 2% acres) | gf and stable at 56 Penetang St, Barris Enquire on premises, FOR SALE at # bargain 4 acre land with Brick house, large shed. For further par- uieulars, apply at Fire-ball 36-41p | HOUSE TO RENT--Six rooms on Sanford! Re Cross Roaoms, Sa es 'Apply to Wice's Barber atop {ee ake, : 41 '| FOR SALE ~244 acres of land, brick house} Steet and frame barn, in town of Barrie, Ap wy Mes. M J. Byrne, Barrie, 38-43p EE Syme, Barrie 38-48) COTTAGE FOR SALE--7 rooms, LEBRATED HOOVER POTATO Hoo! 'anil lames Sts, Barrie. Apply 151 on le by D.C. Howard, Call and see then: at 124 Dunlop St. Young man for Otton's Hard: | * who i willing to learn und WANTED--Rooms suitable for light bouse- D APARTMENTS to rent, fur| MeePing. Apply to Box "A", Examiner. FOR SALE--Garland coul heater, base bur- ner, good condition. Apply 73 Penetang 4U PAID FOR SWEET | received too late for this issue, | |but will appear next week. . | HIGHEST PRICE MILK delivered, Dairy. Barrie, "IP. ote, made fram Glucose recipes. 41-4Ip are enjoying a holiday today and 274 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO LET--Central location ; all modern conveniences. 60 Mary Street jeonvention which is in session lin the Public Library @adite himself generally useful. 36-tf| HOU; E FOR RENT all the local stockyards yesterday. dern_ conveniences. when {\hogs, YOR SALE Hirick House on Worsley street, | Phone 33 or 54 y 8 ra electric und water Good 4 garden CLEANING suit und oy PRESSL can_be Your old | Wolson's fara 3843p | ca i want mien le Anniversary Services in New --------$_§_ = | poraoks-- 18 you want to sell your po Tiskeard next Sunday, Rev. Mr: To lot 1, con. 6, Innisfil, about | tutoes call and see John Saso at the | Paijay popresenting the Domin- | three bs Owner can have | fruit store 41 pita \ F | Wa STRAYED To Ler 7. mil stable. Apply at this office. | WANTED--First-clns hound for deer, Send Cate. © Lanths brought $11.0! Bis 36-41p| full particulars first letter. ; : $a | Barrie Exami inde to look | FOR RENT - First-class brick residence, all bke new by Harry Twiss, Ross Block, | conveniences, on Brock St. Dunlop St rett's Music Store. jear of Serbians from the Cnited s | ------------_--__--_---------- | { HOR, SALE --Ford Roadster in good condi- [OFFICE ASSISTANT Wanted--Good pen: |'Th» Ww. one new tire extra, | manship and accurse Shanty Buy, at EV! Bryson Bras., figures required. |S ion Allianes, will preach in St.} Andrew's at the morning serviee! Jand Rev. Mr. Watt of Allandafe in the evening | FARM FOR SALE, Will sell 100 oF 200 acres. Apply W Cochrane, Allandal Lot 8, con, 10, Innisfil, | 817000 o up and Ulrich Maller, 'This av-- one red and whit have same by 4p ing 4x} housework Avten Mille cleaning WE WILL FAY you $225 to dhvnibute [pipe WRENCH LOST -berween Allandale and putriatie ons was smashed by =|FOR SALE lex. C it FL th rpop Asc sere Apply to Alex. Cows Julian Eltinge, the ever-popue Fee ee a ee eielinie of] Battie. or H. Young, Str Sh lar. Paranieunt tupersonater of yitered Shropshire Ewes, Ewe feminine roles, will be seen at the and three Grade Ewes, for sale, VEN-ROOMED HO Qpera House, on Feitay a ad Sat-- Fe . Burne WO-42p | conveniences, 89 Burton Ave, Allandale uerday, an was latest pheteplay. SIRGIRE SCHOOL 'RespeAy DA. tie |; Enon Phe Witew's Might. a story D TEN SCHOOL Reo i) ace: toneihe a wea aes i Special clue for child Suture |10 ACRES FOR SALE or rent, gnod garden Vt Fed E Tae " Lae by day afternonn ve to Five pm 1 with buildings, just outside Barrie Mé airfay an dy For terms, apply to Mrs. F. Guilfoyl Mary St 2.0. Box 807 tion. ne deubt. os fhe result of t and Painswick Exansiner and receive reward. Finder plewe leave at William ©. de Mille Kelly, Allandale, 4 'FO RE erty, abeth anc Mary D. Minnikin Apply Mrs. Meaford Webb, | Ross, Sohcitor, Barrie ARM FOR SALE 26 Small St. Phone 119) 38-tfe Pe ali Dee FARM FOR SALE or Rent Lot 7, Con. 9,| quarter 2, Bana, large burns Bi hingham, 20 § "bl aba a good Yorkshire white sow, one yeur old, due Oct 15, B. Webb, Stroud. | 200 ,ACRES Part of Lot Number ion Ten, Innisfil, known as Rey T o Stringer DT, Bishop ef the Vaken, will preach on Sunday morning in Trinity Church. uy eanneetion with the) harvest thanksgiving. -- Bishop (Stringer has lived on. Mersehet Weet half 1 and West Con. 4, Vespra; good build + Cookstown, 109° seres, all | ings, well watered, Apply on premises clonred, good clay loam; frame house,| R. J. Cook, Fergusonvale Andrew Cun- | ----<-- --------------------------- ne 119. 38tfe. | WANTED--Cupable man with $500 for new | x opening in Barrie FOR SALE Good Brood Mare, Buy, 9} $200 a month and up. years old, sound and right with colt' by | dress Mr. Bickle, 1208 N. American ther side. Will sell separately or both;| Chicago. Ree | tallewine ladies for contribu 4141p lions: Mrs, Paton, Allandale: |Mrs, Revell, Mrs. 'Thos, Smith, | FLOS TOWNSHIP--large afr. N. B. Jobmst Save for Victory Bonds. Next Monday, Oct. 14, is Thanksgiving Day. Adjutant Kendall, of Toronto, has been holding revival services at the barracks with much suc- cess. The services will close next Sunday. The W.A.R.V.H. desires to thank inX\the Annual 25¢ canvass for funds for its work. The sum Union Thanksgiving Services| will be held in St. Andrew"s| Chureh on Monday next (Thanks giving Day) at 11 a.m. Rev. H. D. Raymond will preach. communication from Mr Boys, dealing with the corres- pondence re shell contracts was "Glucose Saturday" pud Help the Red Cross and conserve. Children of the public schools lomorrew owing (to the teachers' 'ium, 317.50 was the price quoted at J. Shepard shipped 10 75 fambs and 10 head of per ewt. Saturday's transcontinental southbound, inelnded a es oon (their way home to { for the land of their birth, rowar devorated with the tors Rev. Geo A. Brown will: con- Aevording to Dum's Bulletin, A. A. Tus doa wri for hard Weathers Ri on Burton Ave, a when the plain he Islami oat the mouth of the Mackenzie river for fourteen yea as missionary te the FEsquimanx The WALT. committee in the Silver Thimble and | und desire to thank the' Mrs. W. H.! was at J Miss Ante Genney is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 1 Anderson, 'HIGHER PRICE SHORTAGE IN MANY FOOTWEAR IS THE PROSPECT IN THE NEAR FUTURE Our Stock of Boots Boys and Girls, for the give you every satisf Kid, and hea per pair A PERSONAL MENTION Miss Bintie Rhinehart is visil- wag friends im Orillia. Rudetps Dunbar of Meronto G. Seett's over Sunday '40-tic.|~ bank barn; good brick house: first-cluss | in eatt. Mrs, J, | Hauuitton, : i TR EEE tarrningsr wel waters NECES. Mts Me Fe tO rede) Mrs, Farwick ix visiting her Con, 12, Innisfil, | close to school and railway station, Lita ad igs jak 7 Mrs. Dickinson. in STRAYED From Lot yearling cattle with nick in left ear,| 178, Barrie. one with white face, one red and one grey Finder please notify HB. Arm-) FOR SALE tre Rural phone 40-f| water | Cheep, Con. 9, Exsu, near Cookstown, 109 acres, all cleared, bank barn, frame house, | ART CLASSES---Painting, drawing, port: good orchard und water, School and| raitx; Wed. and Fri, 10.30--12; Sut. 2-- ghth of mile. Mrs. E.| 3.30 p.m, Mrs. F. 8. Willisms, (London Henry St., Barrie, 40-45p | and Paris diplomas), 261 Dunlop St. or Ovenden College. AND LOT FOR SALE IN LE- Comfortable | FROY--Residence of the Iste Mrs. John Tenders will he, { guthuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, October 20, wits plowing privileges. "P-A'Cougblin, | cutor, Churchill tf. fe McKnight, ee ee FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17, con. 2, Flos, 100 seres, 73 acres cleared, | HOUSE balance pasture and bu howe, bank burn 40x60, driving shed and] King, Phelpston. 4, Oro, cl ation, 15 acres of fall wheat brick hou three barns, two havements; also drive house. Well fenced, T. Cavanagh, Edgar. FOR SALE--Two-storey brick residence on Charlotte St.. large double parlor, good diniug room and kitchen on Ist flat, four bedrooms "an bathroom on 2nd' flat. ae SC Basement, with furnace; garden, shd| PaRM FOR SALE---The North holf of Lat stable, Bay terms, price low. James | "Si in the Eighth Concession of the Town- ip of Innisfil, in the County of Simcoe: meen a eellent grain farm; new cement FOR SALE--"Fairview Farm," one mile| Powe: frame barn with stabling under Arnold, 7,Owen St., Barrie. 28-tf. eee north of Ivy village, Essa township; ccasisting of 100 scres, clay Joam, in good state of cultivation. Large brick Feuse, good outbuildings, well fenced and aratered. Apply to James A. Lenn' x, R. ------ 33-f|FARM FOR SALE--100 acres North %, . No, 3, Thornton. telephone Ivy. tf Me oon & Tons cay ioe yan FARM FOR SALE--S% Lot 18,5 E %4| well cultivated, g grail form, well watered and fenced. 10 acres 19, Con. 3, Tp. of Flos, 150 acres, good farm, Lee te ee beak: ban lo, steel stanchions, water sys- rn 26x31; Piggery frame 26x61, terms reasonable. Apply to Mrs, Kj cement floors; implement house. A.| on premises. on pees, + HIGHLY he apes noes LEGRAPH tore in de-| large, attractive, substanti commodious FONE ON WT. Pe eer iss ays. | house; all conveniences, three large lots, mand Pit prompily place every Graduate | fine garden, varieties fruit and shade 'Telegrap! il of barn, new implement shed and other 51x60, buildings; spring water; close to school;| tem; G. Radenburst, Barrie. 38-43p ee of W.F. Shaw, President. Gerrard & Yonge, Toreato. '37-52p got dale. and Brick house on Burton Ave, 1, Allandale, or| six rooms, electric light and gas, town Too Inrge for present owner. Mrs. G. White, RM FOR SALE OR RENT -- Lot 6,) 96 Burton Ave, FOR SALE--Two-storey rough-cast houge FARM FOR SALE--100 eres, lot 8, con.| in gond condition, nine rooms, bath, up- loam, in AL state of cultiv-| per and lower verandah, good garden, 42 Large | James Street, near R. C. Church. mediute possession. rnty of water. Apply to Jos. | papx¢ FOR SALE--First-class, 200 acres, 40-45p |"""50 acres in good hardwood bush, Pene- Fidst-clasw' brick tung Rosd, Vespra. oon ildings. Price mod- house and good outbui erate, terms easy. Apply James Arnold, Barrie. 4 ford The decision has been given in the Bolle Fwart dandelion wine case which came up before Brad- ford magistrates. a couple of ed that Jas. Dolan had left a bottle of dandelion with his neighbor, Mr. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Moore were the chief wit- nesses against him. The case was dismissed. Save for Vietory Bonds. Rejolced at the News were of the impression that the Huns were following Bulgaria s example. At four o'clock the re-|; joicing was expressed by a din of hells and whistles and numerous soon seen on the streets. peace might slill be a long way -------------------------- 101 Mulcaster St., 9 rooms, all conven- iences. €. T. Devlin. 4itf Pac TO RENT--In Barrie, comfortable house NOTICE sponsible for any del wife, Mrs. Frank Guilfoyle. Barrie, Sept. 30, 1918. 40-42p ----_--------------------_ sh and*Railroad School| trees, barn, garage; easy walk to town 'Shaw 8, St a goed salary. We therefore ask you| utilities and Bay, sell ch dia forpapiulrs| for saller premise, at these are. too ee tert pet Pie 'aged occupant. See it NOW.-- D. W. Eastman, Peel St. Beamer, Brant-| <0) Mr. and Mrs br Later reports showed -- that) tletcher, yesterday. off, yet most people were con-| Buffalo retur vineed that it was the beginning |day morning after visiting at the of the end. former's home in town. Habbick left this FOR SALE OR RENT--Solid brick house, | week for was injured lady. N. J. MeL. Stevenson. and Mr Irvine Carley M have returned to Schreiker aftew spending three weeks with bis parents. Miss Gladys Walls returned: home on Saturday after spending three months in Edmoaton and Regina. Miss Mary Atkinson fas re- When the report of the Ger-jturned to Toronto after a two~ man peace proposals reached|inonths holiday spent at ber town on 'Sunday, many people [home here ss Addy: Cubect veturned cw Vora lest) week after "4 mouths at her vein towns Rev. Alfred Fletcher of Los: automohiles, gay with flags, were| Angeles, California, made a.' . f visit tu his brother, R. J. - man sank two gvod solos in her inimitable manner. present were Rev. H. D. Raymond, Misses Paton, the Misses King, M Mr. and Mr Mrs. A dimonton where she will spend two months with her daughter, Mrs. Gren. Caldwell. Rey, W. E. Wallace has been with barn and half or one and one quarter |Spending a few days in town be- sere good garden. F. Lawrence, 4 James | fore St. 41-4lp|charge at Underwood, Bruce Presbytery. ' f op ntation of a Past Noble | On and after this date I will not be re-}Grand's pin was made last week contracted by my}i Mrs, Whitelaw, Noble Grand, A pre (Signed) by the members of Rebekah FRANK T. GUILFOYLE, Lodge, No. 190, on the eve of her Box 687, Collingwood, Ontario |departure for Vernon, B.C. N. W. E. King of Calgary, who in an automobile FURS! accident near Drumheller, Alta., P on Aug. 10, is now at his home LEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRE) Jund able to,*move about on MISS M. MoKERNAR crutches. . .Tue,. injuries .sus- 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 tained were-chiefly to the right S AND A. DECIDED LINES OF. and Shoes for Men and Women, Fall Trade is very Complete BUY BOOTS NOW and SAVE FUTURE ADVANCES ~ MEN'S BOOTS FOR EVERY PURPOSE For the heavy work of farm or factory, for the r fine dress wear, we have excellent hich will save you much money if The finer grades include Patent Leath- er, Box Calf, and Dongola, some with leather, others with Neolin sole, and an extra good boot with cushion The prices range from per pair. . $5.00 to $9.50 IN MEDIUM FINE BOOTS FOR MEN shop or office or fo values, at prices w you buy now Our qualities and prices cannot be excelled Entire satisfaction regarding fit and wear are the features of our Work Boots. The prices range from, per pair LITTLE GENTS', YOUTHS' " AND BOYS' BOOTS Made to withstand the strenuous wear of the active boy, in Black, Brown and Tan, ir various qual- ities of leather and styles of last, every quality just a little better than you get elsewhere at the prices. The range of prices of Boys' Boots is according to size and Quality, Padre cee cce oe erecwieie eumeine en nie $1.75 to $4.50 GIRLS' AND MISSES' BOOTS 'That are dressy in appearance, and yet strongly made, lines which will They are made of Box Calf, Patent Leather, Dongola vier grain leather, and cost'you according to size and quality from, action. WE GIVE A 5c COUPON, REDEEMABLE AT OUR PREMIUM COUNTER, WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE K¢i(i f WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRADE leg, the ligaments of which were necessitated a so rty-five days in the Hiely Cross hospital, Calgary. A, Cockburn announce the engage- Etizabeth, 10 Mr. Charies A, Rob- of Mrs. T. H. Robson,. marriage 10 take plave sHortly. Miss J. McCracken Honored nt time was spent. fast Thursday evening, Oct. 3, at the home of Mrs. I. Drury, To- wien the Board of 'Trustees and the Ladies in cannection Childven's Aid Society, and other friends met to do to Miss J. MeCracken, who has been Matron of the local Shelter for several years. purse was preseuted to Miss Me- J. Meb. Steven- ury's reference the gathering. FE. Turner have relurned home after spenuing six iweeks in the West. Mrs. Wass of Oltawa and Miss Jackson of Dare gaes neki apo. TU wliichelremember- (seceeewar Torente src paesisint A very pleas farewet honors A well-filled Craeken by Mrs som, after Mrs. valued, bonest and faithful work she as matrow had done for the charge as well as for the Society Among those refreshments closed by Rev. H. D, Miss McCracken carries with proceeding to his new her the best wishes of the com- Soldiers' Ald Notice Self-denial boxes will be dis- tributed for Belgian Relief Fund for the last two weeks of Octo- Miss Goodall or Miss ... .$3.50 to $6.75 areas $1.50 to $3.50 AVISON--In Crown Hill, on Thursday, October 3, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs, Egbert Avison, a daughter, CARR--On Tuesday, Oetober 1, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs, Selby' Carr, Allandale R.M.D. No. 1, 0 daughter. DORAN--In the R.V. Hospital, on Sunday, October 6, 1918, to Mr and Mr. James Doran, Midburst, a son, HAMILTON--On Oct. 5, to Mr. and Mre. Will Hamilton, Midhurst, s son. MYERS--In Barrie, on Saturday, Oct. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Norome Byers, Collier St. & son, DIED CARSON--At H Sophia St, Barrie, on. Oct. 5, William Robert Carson, aged 1134 mos, son of Mr, and Mrs. J."E, Carson. PRIEST--At Camp Grant, Il, U.S.A. on Monday, Oet. 7, James Henry Priest, aged 31 yerrs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Priest, Minesing. Interment at Minesing. SHEPPARD--In Barrie, on Wednesday, October 9, Annah Dora Sheppard, wife of Wm. Sheppard, Brock St., aged 67 years, Interment at Alliston on Friday. * IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Sgt. J. F. Warner, who was killed in action on Oct. 8th, 1916, at Battle of Courcelette. Tears unavailing flow and heartstrings tighten, For women weep end strong men bow in _ pain, ~ | Yet through the clouds soon sball the morn- ing brighten, For, steadfast soul, thou hast not fought in vain. Card. of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carson wish to thank the many sympathising friends in their late bereavement. Card of Thanks Mrs, A. Penton of Barrie wishes to thank the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company for their prompt payment of the death claim of her son, the late Pte. Stanley Pen- ton, who was 'killed in setion, Sept. 4, Card of Thanks I wish on behalf of myself and family to thank our many friends of Barrio for their kind sympathy with us in the bereave- ment of my son, Pte. Stanley Penton, who was killed in action, Sept. 4, 1918. Mrs. Annie Penton. Card of Thanks Simmons & Co. wish to thank all those who rendered