Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1918, p. 4

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"ERs twelfth day of May, 1918, at the Town- !Quinigo" 0. Thorapta sue Alexander, H. A SALE OF LADIES' WINTER COATS 50 Coats--Traveller's Samples --every coat a big bargain, ret duced in price for this sale, Saturday, October 5th to 12th Velours, Plush, Tweeds, Whit- neys, and all the best and popu-|ch lar cloths. . 'e specialize on Ladies Coats, |silk--Mrs, Butcher, Mim "Jen ant purprioaa are right. quilt, patched, other than silk,--Mrs, down, Mr. A. D. Campbell; quilt, patched, jean Campbell, Mrs. T. MeCulloch ; quilt, white, J. Our Weekly Store Report. Read It = LATEST INFORMATION CONCERNING MILLINERY " "Two Outstanding Features--BEAVER HATS AND We have just received from New York a FURS -- -- -- -- FURS | secon ct 4, Metgughian, iss 3. lelter from a large Toronto Millinery buyer. Chesney, Mrs. G. H. Crawford; rag carpet,-- which confirms our early prediction regarding | ter's Plush, Coats in Hudson Seal, Muskrat, Marmot and Persian Lamb. SIMMONS & CO FURRIERS PRIZE-WINNERS AT BARRIE FAIR (Continued from page 2.) Mr. J. Campbell; towels, embroidere: D. Campbell; farmer' cured ham, Mrs T. [Mr AT. Monte. Mme Pe how MeCulloch ; itch of bacon, Mrs. T. Me: 'tray or earving cloth-@Mm. T. Gray, Bf Culloch; Tif of hon Bo McCuny, Mex Do MeCu: ols quart, ALD. | hand-rnd ALD. | shirt. h ade. Mrs. J. Campbell; wo: firs J. Campbell a " |hasket, decoratesd,--Mrx,_N. Campbell : wt, collec: woollen socks, Mrs. D. MeCunig, Mrs, T. McCulloch, Mise 1 MeCurig: | McCulloch ; woollen gloves,--Mrs. T. McC» on WC (loch, Mra. D. McCuaig;' woollen mits, -- meortiuent, Miss Ro MeCunig; ' Mrs. 1D. MeCunig, Mra. MeCulloch : weal ed, Mee J ducks, Jen yarn, grey, 2 Ibs,--Mrs. D. McCunie, dresed, pair, Mrs dC dress: | Mre." J. Campbell; woollen yarn, white, 3 ed, pair Mrw J. Cumpbell. Mre. J. Chappel. | he "Mra. J. Campbell. Mra. N. Camphell; children's work.--Phyltis Partridge. Baby's Bonnet, Bo A. Harris, FINE ARTS Shaver, baby's coat, Mra, No MeEucl Oils, Figure F baby's pullow, rmbroulered, Mrs. E.G. ley landscape,--Miss F. M. Bailey, E. Tho Poole, beutroom furnishings, Mrs, R, But: | as; marine,--Mise FM. Bailey, cher; bout DOMESTIC AND FANCY with silk, Muy Ethel Rob: |F. M. Builey, erteon; buttonboles on six different mater- | "Water colors-- Landscape, jals, Mr K. Cheatey, E, A. Hurris; child's | Builey, E. Thomar; Manne. drew, Miss BL MeCuuig, \ M coret caver, Miw MoE, Norman Campbell; coverlet, worsted, Ber | F, M. Bailey, lin, Mrs, L. hens; crochet collar, Mrs /Thomus, Miss KF, M. Bailey. Melauchlan, Mrs. C! P. White; crochet | work, cotton, Mra CoP. ¥ Mi White; durning on worn stocking, Miss M. Mu M E, Cumpbell, Mrv. Reevie; centre piece, Laci paintings on chinu,--Miss Olive Urry; eray- full 6 Ibs. to a spindle. Color Mm G. § R. Butcher; centre !on--Mins F. M. Builey: colleetion of pho. mid grey. wholesale price is 816 tery, Miss Jenn Mar- | tos, amateur,--G. W. Hill, Miss FM. Bai- per spindle Only offered for No McKuchern; centre piece, | Je white embroidery, Mise Jewn Marshall, Mise A. Murray ; embroide MeKachern, Mrs. on linen, Miss ME, Campbell; embroidery | Bucher on silk, Mra. L.. Stephens; embroidery on alk, Mist ME. Ross; faney work not men- tioned in prize lint, Mrs, W. Chupp G. Murshull; Five O'clock tea tub drown, Mis M. fampbell Miss Murray, Mra guest towels, Mra, Norman C CP. White; handkerchief In Wh, Mrs, W, Ch rows stitch, Mrs. N. J marine,--Miss M. Shai ROOTS ist |_Afrs. J. Campbell, W. M. Campbell cover, arly Ro M. Hickling: 12 tubers, round |ish or oblong, A.D. Campbell, F, Huse: 1 VO. Burt shut g | uber long, white, late,--R. M. Hickling: 1 ng, Mrs, N. hern; child ®|tubers, roundish or oblong, white, late, ted aweater, Mrs, W. Miller; knitting, | Rf scurden, Mrs. G. Wingrove; Mr 1. Stephens; amitting. wool' | ruber, long. red or pink, Jate,~ Mrs McCulloch, Mes, R. Butcher; Cimpbell: collection of Battenbure, Mrs. J. Campbell luce, filet | hoy DC Carn crochet, Mus A. Murray, Mrs, W. 0. Par- | (ure jp Morris Homerton, E. A. Harris, Mev, : i lace, Irish' crochet, Miss M Ross; laee, Maltese, Mrs. L, Stephens point. Mm. R. Butcher; lady's gpron, MeCullich, Mise Jean Mai ron, plain, Mise M. E Camp McCulloch; lady's wool jacket Mr CP White, Mrs, N. McFachern | Indy's wool shawl, Miss M. EL Campbell, Min Jean Murshall; lady's wrapper, Mrs. -E. Morris, H. Ottaway; 3 sue W. G. Kennedy & Sons SCHOOL } | Flug Drill, rural schools,--S.8. 8, Innis. DYEING AND |i: CLEANING Your Clothing will be Properly cleaned inside and outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? e iow. We Imow how. ete MAXWELL & CO See aes ws y ry . Hunter, D. Hedger; 6 Phone 229 . Watt; 6 tomatoes,--D, Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Exlate of Ger |* Collection of vegetables,--Barrie Sunday vase Kightley Inte of the Township of Von School gardens, Allandale Pres, Trinity Kightley ° chureb, Feated, '8°. County of Simeoe, Farmer, de. | burch Stock--Calf, pure bred or grade,-- Notice is hereby given pyfsuant to R80, |W- Clarke, L. Clarke, 1914 and Amending Acts 'that all persone FRUITS Garing claims or demands ogsinst the late | Apples Duchess Oldenburg,--C. W. fhe teeny: who died on or 'about |Nash, W, Freeky 9S Len eaccd, ship of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Ottaway, J. T. Quinlan; McIntosh Red,-- 4 to i H. Reid, 1 and 2; 9 Snow,--H. Ott: way, deliver to the undersigned, solicitors for the |E. Carr: American Golden Russett,--H. Administratrix of the estate of the said | Ottaway, B. Carr; 9 Red Pound,--H. Otta- | Pe! i addresses. way, W.'M d yy, W. Freek; 9 Northern Spy,--H. Ot. claime 'and statements of their eccounts, |tawey, "Ae Atherton, 9° Maiden fad the nature of the securities, if any, | Blu --T Connell, BE. i held by them, Colvert,--T. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the twen- |sony 9 BisUh day of October, 1918, the ssid Ad- | Ribston Pippie et Gorge ministratrix will p ampbell; 9 Pewaukee,--H. Ot- em, linen, erochet edge,---Miss A. Murray, tude bread, Miss /Jeun Murshall; white cotton underwear, Miss ME. Campbell; white McEachern ; nting,---Miss F, M. Bai nimals,-- r cup, Mrs. A. T. Moore, E. A. ' Miss F. M. Bailey; inanimate objects,--Miss . inanimate objects, Mist F. M. Bai, unimals,-- B. Drawings.--Pen und ink sketch,--Mixs ute, Mrs. W. /F. M. Bailey: pencil drawing,--Mie F. M crochet work, wool, Mex. C. P. | Builey; churcoal drawing -Miw F. M. Bal ley, ink drawmg on wood,--Miss M. Shaw; Water colors--landseape,--Miss M, Shaw; + pastels, Miss O, Phens; embroidery | Urry: bund painted sofa cushion,--Mr. R. | Field roots, collection, correctly named, tubers, long, whité, early,--Mrs. J. Camp- ditto, ca hell, F, Huse; 12 tubers, roundish on ah Poole; tong, white, tarly,--RF' Cameadden. tbe Wingrove; 12 tubers, long, red or pink, W. J. Scott: 3 yellow Carr, G. 8. Wice; 2 pumpkins,-- 5 | vin, | Campbell ; asters, collectio1 extensively, and for trimmings, 3 out York women. fina rk T. $12.50 per Spindle for Sooteh Fingoring Wool Lovely soft quality and a wool we recommend to our custom patriotic purposes and sold only In spindles, This week $12.50 in spindles, This week $12.60 spindle --_____ ' Pearl, M ° Cloths, 70 x 88, special at $12.00 Prunella, Ask to see it,' 2 Shirting Flannelettes 260 and 360 | 36 inch Fine Hemstitehed Linen ....... +++. 750 yard J Yard Pure Linen Hand Towellings, this week 2Bo and 300 yard We advise you to buy. these flannelettes al this price. 'They are 28 inches wide and cannot be bought at the mill at our selling price, 7 good patterns in stock. This week 250 and 360 yd. BUTTERICK PATTERNS ole, Hand 107 Table W. M. Camp! W. M. | turnip,--, Mabey ; Hysloy W. J. Scott; A.0.V., luse, Campbell ; pears,--Duchess D'Angouleme, C. C. Hinds, H. D. Atherton. PLANTS AND FLOWERS C. Campbell; pansies with folia, Love, A. St. John, D. C. Campbel 10 varieties--H. Hook, P. Love; one vi ty --P. Love, H. Hook; asters, pink--D. | son H. Takes . Campbell, P. Love; white--P. Love, D.| vegetable matio C. Campbell ; purple, bell; crimson,--I mauve --H. D. Jamieson, P, Love; two sha. ded,--P. Love, A. 8t. John; rose,--P. Lows, B, © Canpbels wage aietta,®:| VESPRA COUNCIL F. Huse; petunias, single,--D. C. Campbell, F. Huse; double--D. C. Campbell, A. St.! The Council' met on Sept. 16, with all John; phlox _drummon Love, F.!:nembers present, the Reeve in the chair, Huse; perennial phlox,--A. St. John, P. Communicatior Low Dart, The following Vespra's 90 cents; W. H. Zh St. John, P. Love, H. Hook; floral! 15 end 16, Gon tr $5.00; N. Dyment, lawn ornament,--P. Love, D.C, Campbell. | kitted by' dows, GARDEN PRODUCE grant for school H. Hook, W. Freek; Scotch kale,- Rotice, and that the said Administratrix | Quinian' will not be lisble for the ssid assets or any Mis. J. Gen ; Part thereof to any person of whose claim | A "p, Campbell' 89-42 Solicitors for Administratrix, --H. D. k, | Huse ; long red,--F, Huse, W. J. He P| ani of the Vespra Municipal Telephone System W 4. Seott, H. Hook; eelery, Paris of cipal ~ Camp Hook; cauliflower Johnstone, gravel, $1.50. H. Hook; carrots, early horn,--W. J. Seott,| By-Laws were HL Hook; chantenay, Purposes. For annual rate of enips-- Conpbel hie, es an Peet |] er; appointing Thos. Nye; inter, SF. Huse, D. 0. F Tiki coro 0. indy Gc WNC 21 at 10 am. Beaver Hats and Ostrich Trimmings. He stains that Beaver and all furry nap fabries are usd 5 Expensive Models are trimmed with Jstrich, indicatingshow much it is appreciated by New Buy Millinery at Moore & Armstrong's and Get Something Different Plain and Faney Hue . Huse, D. C. Campbell beets, . B. H. Hook, A. Nye; radishes, long--A.'B. Coutts, D. C. Campbell; radishes, turnip,-- A. B. Coutts, C. W. Nash; table' turni ions, [o W: Nash, D. C. Campbell; artichokes Hanging basket--P. Love; collections, !P. Love, D,, Campbells ceed onions, white, Plants, amateur,--D. C. Campbell; rubber |"P. Huse; yellow,--F. Huse, Ht Hook; red, -}plant,--D. ©. Campbell; kochia--D. C.|_p° Huse, H. Hook; pqtato onions,--C. T. P. Love, D. C. | Thompson; pickling onions,--C. C. Hinds, Campbell; gladioli, colleetion,--P. Love, D.|¢. W. Nush; tomutoce, Irmperial -|D. C. Campbell; Earliann: et 1H. Hook; stone,--P. Love, A Huse, D.C. Campbell; gladioli, }0.V,--H' Hook, F. Huse; collection i. G Campbell; squaah, Hubbard, Love, D. C. Camp- | citrons--H. Hook, H. Reid: collection ger. Love, D.C. Campbell; |den vegetables--F. Huse, A. Nye. Way, "Secretary Registration Board; A. 3 R. Armstrong, work on Bud $25.00; Barrie Examiner, part prut. ing account, $100.00; Wm. Switzer gravel for old Sunnidale Rd., $4.00; A. gravel for er. 25 and 26, Con. 1, $3.00; Merrill and Hubbard, powder and. fu i ing plank for bridge, $4.50; John Pein Cabbage, Henderson's early,--Mrs. D, | hauling plar * 3 1, ; Winningstadt,--| work on bridge and culvert, Con. 7, $16.00; MeCusig, D_ C. Campbell; Winni D."G,| G. Baldwin, cleaning out a weed den ae red,--F. Huse; A.O.V,,|8, $25.20; Hy, Harrison, gravel, $6.80; 7, levying and collecting * 1 1. Spence 3] Fates for the year 1018 at a salary of $185, 25 only well lined an them. f every A Give us 15 4 complete a Best Styles in ¢ SPECIAL This week ine Embroidery ths, 2x HTICY ete, all Moderately Pj We might disoribe many Union and Pure Linen lines, but space does not permit and Class Towel! My old value Tulle 6 Napkins froin COMPARE Coutts, F. Huse; salsi Huse, Huse, t. John; A. --C. T. Thom; mammoth,--A, St. Jobn; w,--C. C, Hinds, H. Hook; Accounts were passed: Geo. share work on N. Miller, work on bridge, P $27.00; A. Hutthinson fair, $10.00; 8. McLenn, passed for the following $15.00 from subscribers miei." Tables of Hats hearing some pretty Hat- becoming styles and vei workroom staff will do the rest. Miss ARMSTRONG, Head Milliner foods, cvlors Black, Navy, Copen, Taupe and Nigge Your choice th THE NEW COATS foals for F ter re Bea in price from Velours, Cur ote, am Be Children's Priced deren Ladies 50. Choice .. 40% Discount off any suit in stock Wo hought this week IN THE LINEN DEPT. Bountiful Supplies--:--Beautiful Qualities And Comparable Values--All Pure Linen--Cannot be Duplloated this Season. 44 inch Cireular Pillow Linen "every thread linen", .. Linens 650, $1.00 and $1.25 yd. 2% yds., inches, to match, lovely "mbroidered and Hemstitehed Linens, such as 'Tray Cloths, Sideboard Covers, Doylies, Tea Cloths, Powellings OSTRICH, TRIMMING. THIS WEEK Silk Velvet and Velveteen Models, special values at... . . 00 and $5.00 each Velveteen Hats, all New Models, nd trimmed, all best colors among This Week $1.93 HAT TO YOUR LIKING your ideas and our competent SILK POPLIN SKIRTS AT $5.98 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY only Ladies' Silk Poplin Skirts, assorted styles and all new er, worth up to $7.50. $5.98 THE SLEEVELESS AND COLLARLESS PULL-OVER SWEATER AT $4.98 From the American market comes a Pretty line of these Farments. Ve fine quality of weol and we anticipate a quick sale. Colurs are Pink, Khaty fad Rose. with splendid eombinatee week rray of the Newest and {and Win- utiful Plushes ranging $20.00 to $68.00 Tweeds, Beavers, +». $15.00 to $45.00 vats very Moderately $19.50 COATS Hemmings arount waist tine en bottom. No other line shown wi) eq wa emer bout 15 | this'in'valne, °" fine shown will equal Coats th { a : 318.60 bach Speolal Price this week $4.98 Woo! goods of al! kinds bought In ad vance and offered under Present valuo, Something Different for Fanoy Dresses and Waists , TO replace the Crepe de Chines that have been coming trom France during past seasons, we have received from Japan a material that makes up very Pretty. It is 36 inches wide and | comes in Black, White, Navy, Saxe, Old Rose +++ $1.50 yard and 1 doz. Napkins, 24 x 24 qualities, while they 18t. cs $15.00 set Pais Price $1.75 pér yard All Wool -and Union. Plaids are Popular For Separate skirts these Scotch Plaids ave quite corree| We show a good variety and very moderately piiced--760 to $2.50 TELEPHONE 74 . riced, + 12% to 350 yard ++ 300 to 850 yd. +15. $2.19 to $2.75 $1.50 to $7.50 Doz. Ready Made Towels THE VALUES Boose ye Barrie's Style Store --__--__ St store FIRE PREVENTION ne Extracts from PROCLAMATION Issued by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, Minster ext to the care of those who are offering their lives o th front Line of battle, the conservation of al ices 'most important problem ; 7 laine) sabectioen is our And whereas the saving of human life, thrift, and rough destruction by fire, 1 d the prevention af is an sid which every one id a universal watchfulness t of tabtek and unsanitary conditions; onal ereiiong ani Because of this great need and in onder to arouse a sense of he : Ines and cleanliness, and to create hepines sibility' in reducing the number of preventathe fires far Personal reepon- mid with the advice of our Executive Council do hereby name Wednesday, 9th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1918 esses and 'o impress on the public mind lessons of Fire Prevengteer, eant be To insure the success of this at Clean. ign arcemay to have the hearty and harmonious enees ge as who have for their objects civic, social and industrial betterment, The Proclamation should be read it collector, of 'The Council adjourned to meet on Oct. A.B COUTTS, Clerk. ly lo of th Chur even whic orial falle act have freed the a build lighte hand: Pleas interi the R proce thank who |! dim ¢ future ful an that ¥ so en! cially was a then © Archde short ending Whom which the la Little Procen the ev chair i Amo were ;-- Walter Rey. FE. the G.\ Millson France letter Mr, Boy (Cor C b Sailor Spe this ren ing. Si limited. Mc We adding Serge D creasing modern sure rea Our Spe

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