ub, A copy of the list is posted in the Court |: owe, and copies may be had in the Treas. 'turer's Off The following are extracts therefrom: TOWNSHIP OF FLOS Part Lot Con. Acres Arrears Costs Total NM Y....21 100 $18.87 $3.22 $22.00 Broken ..21 B TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Lot 30, Plan 517, pt Bro. NE Cor | 19 PtSWCor 15 PtEptBro 28 Pt Bro ee ** 188,189, 19 BE .4 Plan £51.15 B teacW'412 15 Jackson's Plan Lot 1Pt BE IscBro 10 BE CrNEY6 Plan Plan 428 Homewood Ave. . (NW X 18) (Broken % oc 8 E Pe NE \% 12 5 65E%..1 8 65 20.55 Lot 57, E Plan Lot Had Headache | For Two Years A Barrie. Man Tells of Persistent land. COUNTY OF SIMCOE TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS FOR TAXES |ss1 'The sale of lands in the County of Simcoe fm arrears for taxes will be held in the @OURT HOUSE, BARRIE, on Friday, November 1st, 1918 Atl PM. BBseecsesese S 2 3 83 letter was eubject to severe head- | ang The nervous system got run a SR continued loss of weight. d all this, and now with scores of other Barrie people Mr. Nader is SBRES EEEEE£ 2CEEREEEEREEREEE F July 27, Saturday, © best means of building up usted nervous system and curing headaches, indigestion and all the annoying symptoms of a run- 8 Penetang street, "During the last down condition. Mr. John Nader, 8 Barrie, Ont, writes two years I had an attack of indiges- accompanied by severe head- seeesexes aches. I suffere: m became run lost considerably in using Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, and az they helped me I continued this treatment for proved, my headaches are gone and | jjti!p my health In general is much better. { can cheerfully recommend the ui Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to tho: futering from nervousness of any |capacity in France no: In TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE Pt NE \% Between G.T.R. «& CPR.20 NW 4.20 Lot 7NPr24 TOWNSHIP OF NOt H 'The reason Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 30.16 3.80 33.66 | 55 50 242.28 8.80 251.08 | i By creating an jwere about eight Hun airme f}coming at me from all direction: th , ' tie enhatintad ne eee ery {firing continuously for about. ter | builds up the system in every way. The appetite 1a restored, digestion |and wind screen in front of ine improves, you rest and sleep well, and the new vigor and energy 1s felt in every organ of the human body. Chase's Nerve Fi women and children whose and the more I think of it the 'ystems have become weak and run | 50 cents a box, 6 boxes for or Edmenson, Bates TOWNSHIP OF ORO Ct Pt.26.27 NE .4 Dr. Barilla Park 31 $2.75, all dealers & Co., Limited, T. ss starving, as we are not, and never jing hare Will he. Both sides are far more! tired like | did before, My wife scrupulous in their treatment of|was very much run down, too, and How Some Names Familiar to War News Prisoners than Uh Readers are Pronounced SPEAKING IN FRENCH Chatesu-Thierry, shah-toe teery Beauvais, bovay Bethune, baytun, fair-on-tardawah, Haumont, homan' Marcoing, mark Muulbeuge, mobuzh. N tintier, mong (nasal rdiddy-yeo, Noyons, nwy-on. Pierrefonds, peeayfon. Poxtieres, pwahteesy Ponta Mouson, pwun-tah-mooron. Quatre-Bras, kutr-brah, Roulers, rovlay. int Quentin, san kantan, TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA N SacSE%2 Thiatcourt, teeo-koor. B20 W % Ww 20 18.28 4.20 4 88 32.99 3.57 VILLAGE OF TOTTENHAM Plan 200 Lot 4, Queen St. Plan 379, Lot 59, Richmond St. TOWNSHIP OF TAY NW 1% ac B ts 100 Tongres, tongr. Tourcoing, toor kwan. Versailles, vernay. Minard's Liniment for sale --S eee Village of Port McNicol--Continued Arrears Costs Total R 64 BeeRre S2SaS8SS8E22R82RRRR88 SESEEE TOWNSHIP OF TAY Port McNicol Subdivision Arrears Costs Total Se oo mmm a5 So2eEess SSeeees 5 S22 SEERE gehg S eres 8 BSSRREERR *|Hence it is much to your profit Bssaneesee 2 S828 5/In one year the fifty-two dollars BakRaas TREATED WELL tain of seeing Canada once more again, as even four months is a comparatively long life in tha that 1am a prisoner is when IT got to the ground. There minutes. The instrument boari IN GERMAN CAMPS Lieut. Sydie Writes Interest- .ingly of Conditions in Hun-| Did In His Life Since Tak- were at the Thursday, October 3,,1918 HARVEY SAYS:HE GAINED 25 POUNDS: Weighs More Than He: Ever- ing Tanlac, Interestingly depicting 'the! "To show you what Tanlac has life of a prisoner in Germany, {done for me, J gained twenty-five Lieut. Errol Sydie, in writing to!pounds on five bottles and am his mother from Rastott, Baden, |now twelve pounds heavier than For two lcng years the writer of declares he has been well tréated,|I ever was in my life," said M. a Molgentally, tells of \ the|Harvey, spe a eriplayed by the down, digest , an ere We lerce aerial battle prior to his Grant, Smith-Porter ip Bui rece eos ere was capture, and his subsequent mi-|ing Co., and lives at 410 Fifth 'The use of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food Taculous escape. Lt. Sydie is a Street, Portland, the other day. cbanee cousin of Mrs. G. Walls, Mary St.,|_ "For four or five years," he Fecommending the use of this food |Where he visited in the summer continued, "I had an awful time of 1917 while in training at Camp|with stomach trouble that steadily Borden with the Flying Corps. He|got worse in spite of all I could says: do, I didn't relish my food, and "Well, here I am, having been|what I ate would ferment on my a prisoner for 12 days, with noth-|stomach and bloat me up with ing to do and nothing to worry/gas, till I was miserable for two about but the quality of the food.Jor three hours afterwards. The d from loss of appe- |S0 far as I am concerned the war | terrible misery in my stomach is over, and I am practically cer-| would go clear through to my -|back, and at times | would beich June 30th was certainly an event- up much of what I had eaten. [I some |ful day in my life. Before tha' 'y_condition is now greatly |day, as a scout pilol, 1 had very jeight to a hundred and fifty-five chance of getting home|pounds. I felt so tired and worn {| fell off from a hundred and sixty- ajout that it was all I could do to tikeep going. and many a time I The fact felt like T just couldn't hold out q due to my|another day. I took all sorts of {a go effective in cases of thie kind ts |!Uck, lucky in that | was alive/medicines, but nothing did mea 5 | because of its extraordinary blood. forming influence. e {bit of good. 1} "When I heard of so many people taking Tanlac and being ilhelped by it, 1 got me a bottle, land it wasn't long before I was */feeling like a different person. I Were' shot away, and my wings|eat like a pig now--anything 1 shot to tatters. 1 have thought! want and nothing hurts me at all. ood ts doing wonders [if ty escape a xood many limes, |I never have any trouble with gus | or those awful stomach pains, and Mere miraculous it seems. Doll went up in weight to a hundred not let your imagination run riotiand eighty pounds, That'old worn and picture me as illtreated and out feeling is all gone, Tam work. every day and never feat of indigestion and heginuing of the war, and we have A few bottles of on the whole been well and con-|'Tanlae soon straightened her out juiderately treated. [have not yet/and now she says that she feels as jarrived at the camp where I will|well as ever." be permanently Jocated, but Lam| Tanlac is sold in Barrie by ja central distributing plant|Geo, Monkinan. in Orillia by M. j{emporarily, 'There are about | 4. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W.. 300 food. We have games, boo! iteen, "The food suppli man authorities is nol bread and soup for the most part. four water biseuits a day whieh jrome from England, and six However, we receive a ration of tnglish and French officers J. McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. here and our quarters are quite|Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West. -|in Cookstown by W, G. Mackay, wr shup. chureh, hot showers, lin Waubaushene by Georrian Bay #lish orderlies, concerts and al tumber Co., Ltd. in Port Mc- 'd bY/ Nicoll by P. H. Beattie in Allis- in Lisle by ton by E. B. Schell, mood. and consists of warlaobt. B. Tittle, in Gilford be James A. Blain, in Tottenham by- Chas. A. Weaver, in Penetang- uishene Jhy Chas, A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, tofor, canna ods of overy dez|i® Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, scription, Quaker oats, rice, egg|'@ Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in powder, ete. The par Midland hy Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- jthe Air Board are particularly | ford by W. L. Campbell, in Stroud: god, and all you need send is|by Chantler Bros. in Craighurst a few hixuri like candy, to-|9¥ T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury. hacre, ele. Tam giving you the|& Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A- Iruth in every detail. so you need net imagine Tam browheaten into concealing the true state of affains. All the camps are equip- ped with excellent libraries, and we have an excellent opportunity fo study German and French." Small Beginnings Take ten cents a day, which means a deposit of three dollars every month. In ten years you will have saved $365, which will have earned $80.36 interest, making a total of 8445.36. This is the result of simply saving a ten cent piece per day. As you in- crease {he sum saved each day the value of steady saving is only strongly impressed. Fifteen cents a day, or four dollars and a half saved each month and com- pounded will amount to 8668.48 in ton years. Of this sum $120.68 is interest earned. Twenty cents a day or six dollars a month will amount to $890.99, of which $160.99 is interest, These sums saved would scarcely be missed from the purse of 'the average man. If you are able to put aside twenty-five cents a day or seven dollars and a half a month, at the end of ten years you will find $1,413.75 to t. If you are able to make the daily saving thirty cents or nine dollars a month you will be worth $1,396.59. Forty cents a, day or twelve dollars a mont will roll up the tidy sum of $1,782.16, of which $322.16 is interest: while fifty cents a day or fifteen dollars a month will amount to $2,227.73, of which 8402.73 is interest. to "despise not" the saving of small sums, Now let us see what the sys- tematic or rather progressive saving of a dollar a week can do. saved will earn, at four percent., seventy-eight cents in interest, a working principal of $52.78 at. the start of the second year. At the close of the second year you will have $107.67; at the end of the fifth year $285.86; at the close of the tenth year 8633.65. In fifteen years this steady sav- ing of a dollar a week would show a total result of $1,056.79. At four percent., this alone would yield a return of 842.27. At the end of twenty years this kind of. Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vic- toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- Advertisement. Would find you worth $2,197.92. This sum, if you then stopped saving, at four percent. would earn $87.91 a year.. If you kept up the saving of a dollar each- week for fifty years you would accumulate $8,057.16.--Saturday iEvening Post. --q« _Carnegie's chief asset in be- ginning life was his "saving" quality. Saving carries its own reward --with interest. SS The Strain of Overwork Your work in heavy, and sore, tired Muscles are For your own interest, it is best to be particular and sure, a» Kidney inevitably pull you down and destroy your earning power. Take note of these symptoms. Do You get dizzy and have repeated head. aches, painful urination, brick dust de. Posits, or feel drowsy and, generally, food for nothing? If fo, it is your kidneys that are bothering you--not work--and Gin Pills are necessary. Don't let down. A bi restore your old. Tereeryy, 7OF old-time saving would total 81,571.59, while the first quarter-century