Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1918, p. 6

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Page Six ~ THE BARRIE EXAMINER 'SR EDMUND WALKER, GV.0., LLD, D.C.L, President Caprrat Paip UP, $15,000,000 SIR JOHN AIRD. General Manager HV. F, JONES, Ass' Gen'L Manager RESERVE FUND, - $13,500,000 ( Your savings, deposited with this Bank, earn " current Yates of interest. Savings account depositors are assured of security and courteous treatment, ~ Joint accounts may be opened by two or more persons, with the privilege of withdrawal by any one of the number, BARRIE BRANCH--L. F. CROSS, Manager: NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN BARRIE There has never been anything like it iu Barrie with the INSTANT ection of ample buckthorn bark, gly muxed in Adler-i-ka. flushes thy ENTIRE bowel tract so com- sletely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, g8* or constipation and prevents appendi- atis The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-rka surprises both doctors and pat- rents, Wm Crossland, Druggist. Are Well Supplied --at-- Scott's Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan A umber of Valuable and Town Properties fo the most reasonable terms BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE Smith & Co, tablished 1800 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection PARRIE, ONT. - Phone 62 INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The Insurance Man, Barrie. W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS (Successor to the Late Meuford Webb) Full lime of all the latest Caskets kept in stock, in- cluding Grave Vaulte' and Oak Shells, ¥ Open Day & Night Phone 43T W-M.Nellly, Funeral Director Phone C.,BROWN 250 #£OR THE BEST IN ' FOnehs BREAD JOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BRi EAD SANOWICH BREAD &ND A FULL LINE OF : PIES, CAKES and PASTRY -Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser al baba of Simeoe. luct Sales at reasonsble rates. Satisfactior guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St, Phone 191 Orders left at A. F. A. Mslcomson's offier will receive prompt attention, iMCOE MARBLE works Barrie. Enstmi . RG Manuel, Mer. Dealers in Granite oo Marble) Monuments Tablets. Only best mater | workmen employed Prices always right bet ~ Minard's Lintment Rolieyes Nouraigia. | 'L MARKET ITEMS SATURDAY MARKET There was a big market, as was to be pected before Burrie's Big Fair, when many people muke their annual visit to Barrie, Judging from the splendid quality jof the vegetables, etc., on the market, this jyear's Fair Will not fall off in this respect. Citrons were a new offering and sold quickly Pumpkins in number were sold, There was {a large trade in dressed fowl, bought up ulmost entirely by townspeople. Crab upples appear to be a wonderful erop this yoar-- | many bugs of them were murketed at 40 {and 50c basket. Potatoes. were aguin |scurce. Those who had bags sold them out 'quickly in peck lots at 40 to 50 cents |Celery was quite good but very dear, as jonly 'three or four stocks were offered in ithe 10-cent bunches, There was consider. i uble parsley and suge. Corn was sold like jhot cukes ut 20 cents 4 dozen. Bouquets of asters made meny tables look pretty Eges are soaring upward, us the cold days ure checking the «upply.' 47 cents a dozen was easily procured, Butter was 48 cents ime sa gli ran Fisher's assortment of Indies' and /s one of the family. He wus well known Dele Aarae® mete: all peices. Winter children's ready-to-wear goods. in and around Rocklyn und hix many aiinigeadel A Some Comparisons of Prices | Jas, Burris wuffered a slight stroke re-| friends deeply regret. his early death, Eggs, per dozen A very interesting comparison of top |cently but iv uble to be around once more, | Deceased is survived by a brother, Mr. Butter, Ib prices paid on Toronte markets und com: | Dr, R. V. Sbier was one of the judger in | Ernest Sileox, Winnipeg, und w sister, Mrs. jChicken, dressed, Ib, Parisons with previous years is given every the buby contest at Barrie. Fair !Harry Fisher, Cookstown, He was u nephew {Cream, 'quart, Tek dyhe Sun. Here ure the figures for| "Mw, Jus. Campbell, Mew Solomon, Mie of Mex, F Abbot af tent yee gna Inst week --- ca White und Elmer MeLean motored to Shel Giddvdemtn 4,7 ples, basket attle Jburne on Sunday judden Death of J. T. Speck Crus apples, basket Thin week Our city wan well represented at Barrie] Death came with startling suddenness to New potatoes, peck Last wee Pair J.T. Speck on Monday, Sept, 16, The de. New Potatoes bag |Two weeks ago While shingling a burn in town w few Joeused, who had hot been in the best of Pumpkin, each Same week 1917 days ogo Bert Fisher fell to the ground. lheulth for the past few months, was follow- Sees geste we Whale severely shaken he is able to be on Jing the seed drill on his furm' in the 12h ers: Hie a5 the job again concession of Tecumseth when he suddent wulflower, hend 194 IT Reid visited hix brother on the Allan- | iropped. dead. The homes insmediately a3 ale Road un Sunday topped. Mr, McKnight, « neighbor, noticed ¥ enh 1912 Don't niss Cookstown Fair, bigger and |the teum stunding longer than he thought Cucumbers, Gherkins, tnsket }r91 better than ever. they should, und went across to invest {Cucumbers busket 110 Buy warm woollen wearubles at Fisher's. [He found Mr, Speck dend. It ix probable 7 i Pp {Rare Tymnatorn, basket 1009 Hengy "Walsh of the Union Bunk staff The may have Been dead on. hou tohes (Green Toutatoes, basket nt his holidays on the farm as right |found, 'The deceaxed was in his 68th yeur [aoe pee A Swherlund who had |He was a mun highly esteemed hy all' and Ate ty recently his sudden tuking away was a great shock bE Koveht ant Pd iil Pannell. Thos. Me [tothe neighborhood wes w widow he nips, basket, Sheep meht and Prank Coleman inspected Camp |leaves 8 family of five and basket 6 Hourr on Su y bult ; Laitnbia ' Lous, of Cobalt ; 'on j shesty rian O5c-t this week $1450 £17.25 || A memorial service for the late Private [Williom, of Allandale, and Jobe. vice hes Hee ae ete Bench, OSE: | Janet week 15.00 18.25 Tome Corbett will tw held in the Presby- licen in' Erunee, but in now in Enpleed cn Cee ieee : se | Two weeks age 15.00 17.09 |terian Chureh on Sunday evening next, This way home to fish h Hicul Course, vatsdey, bunch 5s. same week 1917 200 han wervices at Braden's Church | "Becton Workh, uw? Dis medieel «ourve Horse Radish, half pint bottle 10¢ 1916 s.00 1120 " lust Sunday a Pork, dressed, Ib, .... Ae. t i15 6.00 840) Mrs. Don Fisher of Barrie spent 9 fow Boy Fatally Injured hes Pei wate "315.00 to seeo| aid 600 Xun with her sister, Mrs Corbett.) Gordon, eight-yeurcohd xn of Mr. andl ya q 3 5.00 46.75 wee vin. Wi eae Te . ~ {ie 6.85 | duck Rive underwent serious operation [em Nm WHER, fot 10, coneewion 18, NEAR-BY MARKETS iit 1.00 ino, ohooh recently but ix Friday evening, Sept IS" The' neevigny (Sept, 19, 1918.) {1910 6) T.R. Wray of the Auto' Bales vtatt here ig he was playing in the barn with Orillia --W 3-82.18, barley $1.05, | 1909 AO Noadayed nina eee in, Willie Hay, of Parry Sound, who 1 $2.00, $3.00, hogs | 1908 . ipl 9 . ns visiting him, when he fell through 9 chicken utter 45, | 1907 Se oe TEN ee Tae, ache ct del Nite door 0S-the Concrete Rave ot eretae ew pot r 50- | 1905 : 2s sa 4 7 errible injury to his head. ne petatons ag $150 Hogs WG. Mackiy, havin superset gas [Metival sid' war hastily nuzomoned apt | Bradford-Wheut $2.10-82.12, barley Top Price | with Hydro, disposed of his lighting outfit beet fond tbat the nrorcanate, Boh $1.02-81.05, onts Tie, pens $200, hogy B Off Car. | to Thos. Shaw of Egbert sku n crushed. No hope butter 40c, egg: 476 Thita week si9.30 t ves [Tecovery wax entertained, und he passed : REY " Mrs. Wim. Druper and Mrs. Hugh Hayes |" s : Becton. Last week : [holidayed for n week with Creemore friends, [*W8Y twenty-four hours afterward without 72e, peas Two Neer oe | Wm. McLean of Clover Hill Ins been |'8#ning consciousness, . butter 40-42c, Same week 1917 suffering rather severely with neuritis, aiinnias 1916 mk Dredg. D Bunting hax been confined to Winners in Guessing Contest Under the Dominion Inspection and Be vee This home for the past ten days with lum- ana UREN COMO, Flow, intay Sales Act u bushel of potatoes must weigh | {pty 11" | bug. On Thuredes 5 first week," fe is 3 0 rsday of the first week," for which GO pounds, a peck must weigh 15 pounds, | 1919 D. Hopper has had 8 cement foundation on ios were by Gi an gailen 7 "| 1912 ot ler bix residence, Hy, Slight wus [five good prizes were donated 'by Gilheeny ine eh 0 oun [itt ha sas (tae mua ibe flee Cen contain 183. pounds af potatoe. Miss Edith Copeland of Toronto is holi- jford and Schomberg, wing we tain 183 pounds af potatoes 1908 0 | daying sa har tek ee ee ee etd = | ran Miss Mary Mills, who has been in Hamil- | Ist prio, 2. H. Williams, Bradford, | tar the firet of, | 1907 tees 40 ton for some time, is holidaying. at her 0, $02; nd rae, Care Shaw, Schonberg, fe fi #25. fone a Butier home. 540; 8rd prise, Geo, Windroes, Newton cate atin Sen 2h fat ach Fare Cem, Tom an hi thr am Rebnny #8 ha a $50, with imprisonment in default of poy Separator Prints, /ing friends et Stayner and Sunnidale Cor. {merson, Becton Wg00s Se pater, Alex. mene) 'This week sis vtic [ners Ferguson, MPP. Tottenham, 69,383, Lust week 40 4314! "Appie" Couse, who hax been in the | The number attendance bing 500, Two weeks ago , 40 43 | trenches since he touched France, says shat |and there were 450 guesses mude, ranging Sime week, 1917 30 4134 |he thinks the Air Force will be & very im. [fram 20,000 10 120,000. . W rt) M E N 8 care 85% | portent factor inthe settinment of the war | Several days before the Exhibition the . ne 2g |He has been transferred to the Flyers [book containing the guesses was given. to Fi [and is at presentcon leave in England and M7. 0. M. Selm, editor of the Bradford Py 254% | Seotlund, Witness, who, on receiving the officiul re- 7 a 95 |_ The Women's Institute had a letter fmm port, published the names of the winners. 25 ubhibed Edison Fildey, dated recently. He acknow- @ first prize was n piano at half price, 25 ' P : 25 ledges their kind attentions and sayn he [with three different. makes to choose from: 2 25 |is 0. K. ~ 2nd, a Gerhard Heintzman geamophane at lassittide; low spiri 25 KE 4 F 00; > Hassi JoW spirits and 24 | Mim King of the Hoton High Sehogd hail price; So, a Runburt value $2000; zt il : : itl WE. . i ite and Blue parlor . kact eae wi fad fe- 'i 23 [ee jhe week-end with her cousin, W. E Ath, # Rad, White sod Bloe parlor rene, newed strength; brighter 98 # Tae _ i i e ri 5 . ig to the illness of Miss Gazy Kidd, |reco: looks, better : dos ron an donee fae school for T] so, ies : = le of days last week Glad to say : vei, couple of days Ins 0 ' clearer com lexiorsby using that Miss Kidd is able oneé inote to uk | Otder your cduntet check booké eecham's Pills. They give |Ss* up ber duties, "trom The Exathiner. Pte, Franklyn Holt, son of Mr. wid MA.{ Read the adverttadtéits. you the very help you and area natural Sat ' stomach, liver, bowels and t lood, Gentle and Positive in action, without any disa- greeable after-effects-- Use PILLS are worth a OOD ee { Préduction Must Increase There has been no call for slackening ef- forts. The impression seems to prevail that Canada bas done well enough in growing grains, and the future is assured, so far ot food is concerned. Such is not the case, has not been the case, nor will it be for some time to come. The call is for more and yet more production, and the ery for food is still loud in the ears of Canadians, work and self sacrifice of Can- sdians has borne fruit. Great Britain can- not be starved. There is enough to provide for the armies and the civilians until the next crop, but no more. There are no food reserves, us there should be, Indeed, Canadu must double its produe- tion in 1919. Let that soak in, The con- tinent of America has promised, and must deliver 15,000,000 tons of food' stuffs this coming year. In 1917-18, 10,000,000 tons 'were promised and will be delivered. Am: erica must produce 50 per cent. more, for the Allies. That's the job before the farm- ere and citizens of this country, The great crops of grain in the United States in 1918 may not be duplicated next year, and Can ada will have to deliver a still greater share. There are but two ways of securing this total production and conservation. And the greater of these is PRODUCTION. The manifest duty of the hour is to pre- pure the lund for the coming of bunner crops in 1919 PLOUGH, PLOUGH, PLOUGH. This should be hammered into the consciousness of Canadians NOW. This country, with a year's experience in tractors, with several hundred more of them availuble this fall than in 1917, should be able to turn over many mor million acres than ever in the history of this country. The more ploughed, the greuter will be the production is available, the necessity of the times de: mands it THEN PLOUGH. Let the tractors hum for 24 hours » duy 240 cups of moderately tart apples cut up fine. guinea a box mid ek iano The weather ix favorable, the muchipery | Be | Won. Holt, Exen, hao been called woo ;}make the supreme sacrifice and another dish, working tard" salt {ith his uncle, 'Phos! Rocklyn, received a ' fable | Tuesday last with the sad news that Pie, hae Harry Sileox had been 'killed i Don't Use cation, stainless, The representative of The B: 4 George F. Thompson '9 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or Miss Hill of the Luke of Bays is the jsuest of her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Nevils Rev, W. and Mra. Creswicke celebrated their silver weddiag recently by visiting friends in Brampton und Toronto. Mrv, Patterson of Toronté is visiting at her home. Dr. J. J.D, Banting had w furnace in stalled in his home last wek Franklyn Nevils of New Lowell visited Geo. Nevile during the we Mr. and Mrs Chas, McLennan of Lefroy 'spent Sunday with the lutter'y mother, Mrs W. R. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Copeland of Toronto are visiting relatives in this neighborhood. ie name hus been added to our list of fallen heroes. He was 20 years of age and went qverseas with the 177th Bn, In the spring bY Way slightly wounded but was not long sf the. trenebes. Mrs. R. C. Mooney kev ér Hill is one of several brothers and Yrie' brother is overse: Charest with skipping his board bill at action on tp & Tt is said a Couneif has ar- Fry in sider in hot fat. After meat has |*ident at Nicolston last seth: Mrs, Harry Fisher's Brother Killed Meaford" Express--Mr. and Merv. John i rem on im action on the Knife Your Goitre (Thick Neck) Can Be Cured By Siccantia Not one failure recorded in fifty years. An easily applied remedy, positively guaranteed to cure, External appli- YOUR MONEY BACK If SICCANTIA fails after a fair trial. One bottle is suffi- cient in most cases--more than two seldom required. $5.00 Per Bottle Ask us to send you the names of persons in your locality who have been cured by this simple, colorless remedy, ' THE MARVEL DRUG CO., Limited 2834 Dundas Street West, Toronto NEWS OF COOKSTOWN rie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown News items for Cookstown and adjacent sanded or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. country may be renewals may be forwarded through him. August 28th. Pte. Silcox left for the West two years ugo, and lust winter, at his coun: tey's call, reported for service at Calgary and went overseus with the 2Ist Canadian everve Battalion, reaching England on March Sth lust, After four months' train- ing at Bramshott Cump he went to France nnd was only in the trenches about three or four weeks when be mude the supreme suorifice, leox wax the youngest son of the muel Sileax, thit town, and on the deuth of his mother, he made his home with Mr. end Mrs. John Yeudall, Rocklyn, up to |going West two years ago. Here his kind pnd unselfish disposition made him beloved SILWAY YorE AD TRUNE 2 TIME TABLE - CHANGES |A change of time will he made SEPT. 29TH, 1918, Information 'ce in Agents' J. E. BILLINGSLEY epot Agnt : : 4g Phone Gb repertoire, and Italias. Studio at Mrs, Gauley's, 67 McDonald Bt, Barrie, Phone 681, For terms, etc., cal af studio on Wednesdays. Voices tested free. Se aeaaaaia hee ictadnnatilian MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In voca) work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for A.T.CM. degree in both piano and vocal; also ele. mentary exams. of Toronto Conservatory of Music or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster,of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical, Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, 88 Worley St. Phone 510. Senson commences September 3rd. 34-yrly LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining pfobate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, eta. Offices: Hinds' "Block, No. 8 Dunlop 64. Money to loan. BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Com veyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St. (ia the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C, MP. D. C. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building, Toronto, Ont. G. Gordon Plaxton, C. W, Plaxton, DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loam. CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THE Suprenie Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, ete. {Money to loan. Offices: in Ross' Block, |Burrie, WA. J. Bell, KC. MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Eli St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. DR. W. A. ROSS LARS, Edinburgh, F.CP., London, Phy: sician, Surgeon, ete. Office and Resi Dunlop St., Barrie. Telephone 185. OR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Dr. R. 8. Broad) « | Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espeviab «{ly. Phone 61. 66 Collier St., Barrie. DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronte, jalso Edinburgh and Glasgow, Specialty-- iseuses of Stomach. Office: Corner Bay- field and Worsley Ste, Office open until 8 p.m. daily. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be st 01 |Owen St, Barrie, every Saturday. Dis eases of Bye, Ear, Nose and Throst. Com sultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 pam. and by pointment. Toronto Phone North 8824, arrie Phone No. 2. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELGH & COMPANY CBAR' 'D ACCOUNTANTS, _ Crowg Life Building, 59 Yonge Street, Toronte. Telephone Main 5874. J. F. Lawson. H. J. Welsh. 'The Barrie Planing Mill Corper Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, £rames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould. ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, eto, We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre. pared Roofing. Wood Turning and iln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. t Congult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS, i Phone; Office 163, Residence 388. PROTECT | Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Dive dend Policy in the | Sun Life of Canada Canlaila's Gre@itest Life Insurance' Ge, D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Diss Migr. | Wiodrd's Linkment Cures' Dandtitt, ._ b ( The fol dhstinguis Muller, w interest ¢ "When liament, « but they: ol pond 6 Bete this never bef Scotehma lust Aust Newfound ast Yank "Every England to arming & corner, soldier. 1 the differs the colon to be ti formerly a enemies at Minard's =

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