| | Page Twelve THE BARRIE EXAMINER "VICTORY" to knit and popular A fine grade of wool, nerworth and Monarch White, Black and Light Ib. oe Spindle of 6 Ibs. for KNITTING YARN The best grade on the market. It a very fine, long, smooth wool, grade of Socks, in Light Grey only. EDs cersueseraye oe ies A SERS $3.25 Spindle of 6 Ibs. for ..... + $18.00 ARMY KNITTING WOOL Clippings from Our for the finer as the good grades. cheap gouds wouldn't wear half as long A good way to practice economy is Lo buy dependable qualities always--You buy them here. --------SS IT PAYS TO SHOP AT VICKERS' "Store News" This Week ECONOMY 'THIS WAR hag proven the greatest teacher of Economy this country bas ever known. before it is over we all may have to learn more of this great subject. In purehasing things here it has been and always will be our aim to provide merchandise of such quality that it will prove in service (o be worth what you paid for it, that means economy to you. We could purchase cheap goods With a qualily appearance and offer them for approximately one- third Jess than rea} quality merchandise. But the (su called And 4 ply, Bon- Makes, in Grey. Per +. +. $2.50 ++ $13.50 WOMEN'S WINTER COATS The dominating influences for Fall are thoroughly represented in the display of Coats we have gathered together to meet your Fall requirements. These Coats are cut chiefly on straight lines with front and back panels, large collars that fall away or the neck. The Materials are Velours, Whitney Cloths and Tweeds. The colorings are Taupe, Burgundy, Navy, Green and Brown. The prices range from ....... $15.00 to $57.00 Distinctive, Attractive and Economically priced for the styles and qualities. n easily be buttoned high on FINE ENGLISH MADE CASHMERE HOSE ARE VERY SCARCE Most of our present stock was contracted for in 1915; that is why we can give you the old reliable makes at prices in some cases less than 1918 Wholesale prices, and in all grades we can save you. money--Come and BUY FLANNELETTE NOW Not only should you buy Mlannelettes NOW to get a choice, but for the reason that the market situation is almost certain tu cause a further imerease in prices and a further decrease inthe supply of dependable qualities, Prices are now as low as we expect ty see them for several seasons and Is advisalile lo buy freely. Some Real Good Number's:-- 36-inch colored Flannelette, American made, soft Velva finish, ready for tho needle, an exeellent cloth, Pink and Blue stripes. Yard saps seis! S60 knowing ones. It is made direct. It i bright, new lvoking and inches. Price per yard .. Li ------$-------------- -- SS ---------- in Scotland and imported by us 1 strongly made Cotton and Wool Twist. You can boil it, it will not shrink--it will not fade--it is a grand wearing Flannel--Comes in Grey Mixtures, Width 29 75c. of extra worth see. It is worth your while, If you cannot come to the 30-inch Colored Stripe F fitielaliny Yritish ill, fine thread, Store you can shop as well by mail. peers tee tee ie Exdmnas _ Women w '360 No. 104--This is a plain Cashmere plated hose, with seam~ 2-ineh Colored Stripe Flannelette, domestic, soft finish, pink less foot, warm and good wearing, sizes 84, 9 and 9a. 4 ear whit a enti terees s+ B20 bree » ri a ae gz-ineh White Flint prmseulieccntis : Boo finish, ready to use. Yard : : No. 251 A very fine middle weight plain Cashmere "Llama" 35-inch White Flannelette, Canadian made, even thread, no wilh seamless foot, saft and good wearing. sizes 9, 9% dressing. oo os +. 360 and 10, Speeial, pair. 850 35-inch White F y : : Boos, Neel ccviacin on aes 350 No. 365 'Wis stocking 1s some of our 1915 stock, it is a fine Bé-inch White Flannelette, Canadian made, guud wear- Cashiners, good filling and good wearmg, sizes 9, 94% ing quality. Yard... cise++- 300 aneIN, Pale: wig aciedes sesaeerarsgees -- 900 27-inch White Flannelette, domestic, no dressing, splendid No. 850--A very fine gauge Cashmere hose with Elastic Rib for children's wear, Yard fi 1s. 260 Pop, splendid wearmg quality, sizes 9, 9% and 10. Pair ine " 950 special "A" \ fins victwor bows autapwar tonne ot | WOOL BLANKETS ARE SCARCE we Mund warm, sizes 9, 0% and $0. Pair, $1.00 ovraima 9o-ii ae shandieen ai 3 ; We have a limited supply left aver from last season's jai nis is cine chenviest and bese grade plain call selling and offer them al last season's price, whieh is 25% wool Cashinere Hose, seamless foot. A grand stocking 18a Uae PEMA RHINE sizes SE OM, and 10, Pair $1.25 Bae ' Union Wool and Cotten Blankets, 660 x dian made. Blie and Pink berder At .§ Union Wool and Collen Banke! 1 warm, TILLICOULTRY SHIRTING Blue and Pink border. At < $8.00 Umon Wool and Cotton Blankets, 60 y 80, Blue and Pink borders, At. Ain This is the Shirting so much sought after by the Union Wool and Cotton Rlankets, 60 x 80. medium weight, ' i 5 Blue and Pink border, At cc. c eee cir eee $6.75 Come Early If You Want Them "IT'S HARD There's more truth than poetry in these four words. We overcame many of the present market difficulties in securing quality Merchandise simply by procuring in very large quan- lities some time since, and the goods are here to meet most of your requirements. suggest (hat you supply delay. it carefully. A SPLENDID DISPLAY OF LINENS We contracted for large quantities of first class Linens before the present market shortage existed and before the great rise in wholesale' prices. stocks and can charge less than many other Stores. ~ Be sure and Come when in search of Linens, 16-inch Pure Linen Hand Towelling, in plain White, White tripes. with border and various 19-inch Pure Linen Towelling, Unbleached. Yard 46-inch heavy Linen Cri Fine Pure Bleach Pure Linen Cloth AL each ee Pure Linen Table Cloths, 2 patterns. At each Pure Linen Hemstitched signs, and a splendid Pure Linen Sets. k loths, ns, dinner siz Set . 's Pure Linen Napkins. be and pla GEO. VICKERS MILLINERY Beautiful creations exemplifying the styles which are at present the most favored types and because of the ready purchasing power of this Store's management and a keen out- look for the very best, the largest and best assorted stocks are here--We in- vite you to come and compare. Misses Marshall and Lawlor with Miss McCall, Chief Trimmer. _---- _--$<$<$<$$ $< ------ As an aid your winter needs NOW and avoid disappointment, which will surely come through unnecessary nis is our message to every Thrifty Woman, Consider h, White with fled Border, spleni wearing. Yard 16-inch Heavy Union Speeial .. ne santhemum design, hat each .. Cloth and Napkins, Cloth 2 various patterns, and sth. sizes, assorted at $2.76, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $5.25 to $12.00. Thursday, Sept. 19, 1918. pn AB TO GET" to Patriotic Thrift we 'Therefore we have larger A splendid cloth. . .350 tm White and . 400 good wel did 250 4: F re able Damask, with stripe | trish Manufaeture, and = 33.00 rious designs. . 1.00 % ¥ Na tra fine Linen. ' 4. designs, hemined VICTOR VICTROLAS and RECORDS Choose from Stock mee! ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY At Guthrie, in the Township of Oro, the ve Property of the Late Henry Day. offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Barrie Hotel in the Town of Barrie on Satuniay the twenty- eighth day of September, 1918 ut the hour of o'clock, part of the south west, quar er of lot twenty in the seventh con comin of the Township of Oro, described as follows: Commencing at a point in the south limit of the said quarter lot two is and seventy-four links from the thereof thence north thir y one chain and fifty links to ; thence north and seventy: There will be ir'y degrees east one chain links to where a post has been planted; thence south sixty degrees west three chains and seventy-five links to the place of boginning, ON THE PROPERTY is a comfortable shop and dwelling house. TERMS OF SALE:Ten per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance within fifteen days thereafter. FURTHER PARTICULARS and condi: tions will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime may be learned on application to the undersigned. 'The property can be inspected on eppli- cation to Ronald Gilchrist, Shanty Bi R., Ontario. DONALD ROSS, Solicitor for Administratrix, Barrie, Ontario. 37-396 DATED Sent. 11th, 1918. FOR SALE Boat house in Barrie situate jn rear of Dunlop Street front- ing on Bay. For full particu- lars apply to The Toronto General Trusts Corporation 83 Bay Street, Toronto. -- High-class concert at Barrie Fair, Sept. 24. AUCTION SALE OF ESSA FARM PROPERTY 'The undersigned, sole surviving Executor of Christopher Nixon, deceased, will offer for sale by Public Auction at the "Barrie Inn," Burrie, Ontario, on Saturday, the fifth day of Octob All 1918, at Two O'clock in the 'following valuable farm property==oeing the North Kast quarter of lot nineteen in the Tenth {| Concession of the Township of Essa in the County of Simcoe containing fifty ucres more or less. 'There are said to be on the premises good frame dwelling house, frame barn; driving shed, implement house, and other out-buildings, On ubout five acres of the property there is a good hardwood bush, and the balance is all under cultivation. The soil is clay loam. The property is about midway between Ivy and Thornton Post Offices. There will be a reserved bid. Terms:--Ten per cent. on date of sale and the balunce within one month there- after without interest. Further particulars may be obtained upon application to CHARLES MILTON BROLEY, Executor, or Boys & Murchison, His Solicitors. Dated this 12th day of September, 1918. 38-38 ---------------- AUCTION SALE JAMES ESCRIG to eell by Public Auction at _ PAINSWICK MILL Friday, Sept. 27 ,1918. 2 good cows, due to calve in December. 2 good cows, due to calve in February. 1 good cow, due to calve in March. 'The above 'cows are all milking well and are extra good cows. 'All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor's housekeeper is sick and he has no one to milk them. 'TERMS--Six months' credit will be given The undersigned - received instructions | NEWS FROM THE Mim Huggard, of Toronto, is visiting wr'a Mrs, James. Miss Sylvis McMorran has returned from Toronto. Miss Carrie Payne of Forest is visiting friends here. The S.0.E. meet Friday at 8.45 in the 'Robert Cummings of Chapleau is visiting his sisters in town. J. A. MeNeill of Montreal spent the wees: end at "Minett's Cottage". Peter Campbell of Dauphin is renew- ing acquaintance here. 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smithson of Madswas- visiting in this ward. irs. Dedman has returned to Midland after a month's visit here. ; Miss Clara Hunter of Medicine Hat is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Hunter. ; Mrs. M. J, Kenny has gone to Colling- wood to visit her father, who is very ill. H. Knapp have returned iting friends in Hamilton. Mrs, R. J. Nichols bas returned home after an extended visit with her mother in 'Toronto. 'A memorial service for the late Pte. Percy Bloxham will be held at Holly next [i at 2.30 p.m 'The subject for next Sunday evening in Burton Ave. Methodist Church will be "The Present Anti-Christ." E. O. Daniell of Whitevale, on his retun from Muskoka, spent a few days at the home of Rev. 'A. E. and Mrs, Owen. RAILWAY WARD making his home with bis uncle, A. H. Ferguson. Business is brisk on the G.T.R., the bulk of the freight being lumber and' soft coal. Not much hard coul xeems to be coming through. : Mr. and Mra J. D. Wisdom and Mr. and Orange Halll. Mm. W. D. Little took motor trip TF. Whitney spent his holidays in Toronto | this week to Toronto, St. Catharines, Buf- and. Collingwood. falo and Hamilton. Athol Marshall, after over a quarter cen- tury in the butcher busines, will try farm- ing for a while, having purchased W. J. Gilks' farm at Ferndale. Auction sale of valuable household fur- niture--The undersigned has received 'n- structions from Mrs, Walton at 52 William St, Allandale, to sell by public auction on' Thursdey, Sept, 26, her household fur- niture, Sale st 1 p.m. 'Terms cash. W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Corp. Emmerson Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Arm- strong, Allandale, killed in action, Sept. 15, 1918, Buttle of Somme. He lies on the field of honor In France so far away, Although we loved him dearly We would not bid him stay. Death has no terrors for the brave, They only sleep awhile And wait in God's bright regions To greet us with a smile. There is no link death cannot sever Wm. Ferguson, who was twenty months in the trenches 'with the 92nd Bn wounded and given his discharge, is now Sis to parties furnishing spproved joint notes. | used 6 per cent, off for cash. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. W. A, MoCONKEY, Auctloneer|by Love and remembrance last forever Short was his life, our darling son, But as it is, "Thy will be done." --FAMILY. HAWKESTONE Subscriptions to the Sailors' Fund from here amounted to $33.75. Rev. A. A. Jenner will speak next Sunday morning in the Methodist Church, on "The 'Work of the Sunday School." Mrs, H. J. Ellis of Powassan paid a short [visit to the parsonage om Monday evening. was IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear girl, Mury Ann Hubbert, who died Sept. 15, 1914. It is sweet to know we will meet again, Where parting is no more, And our dear Mary Ann we loved so well, Has only gone before. God knows how much we miss her, He counts the tears we shed, And whispers, "Hush, she only sleeps, Your loved one is not dead." Some time, some day, our eyes shall see, 'The face we loved so well, Some day, some time, her hand shall clasp, To never say farewell. --Father, Mother, Sisters and Brother. THE COLUMBIA Phone 259w Garrett's Music Store AT OUR UP-TO-DATE STORE You will find everything in musie and supplies. ALSO THE CELEBRATED HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS AND PIANOS OF OTHER MAKES THE LARGEST STOCK OF PHONOGRAPHS north of Toronto, comprising: The Choicest and the Best Cash or easy terms of payment. Showrooms corner Mary and Elizabeth Sts, IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving memory of our dear son, James Cecil Ferguson, who died Sept 16, 1914. Four lonesome years have passed away, Since God did call our loved son home. We missed him then, we mist him still, But then we bow to God's own will. Oft when worn with grief and pain Could we but feel his touch again, Tt would calm the aching brow, But no sigh he heedeth now, God's will be done. --Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Ferguson, Allandale, P.O. Box 178 Ave