Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1918, p. 9

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filled vhich ufac- 1.50 , dark $6.00 id salt k well Iressy. 2.25 black 00 1ot be it any sllar ree who had Irs. dno . returned | REPAIRED NAN hone 323 ---- Thursday, Sept. 19, 19418. Navys, Greys, Browns, Purple, weaves and good quality cloths. Price CHILDREN. and close fitting cuffs. close fitting cuffs, in plain N and Khaki, or Red and Black ¢ trimmed with Purple.-- TIME TABLE CHANGES on SEPT. 29TH, 1918. Information now in Agents' |11.90) Morning Prayer und Sermon Devlin & Murchison LADIES' PLAIN OR FANCY SUITINGS, in all shades a lovely fine $2.25, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, and $6. DRESS SILKS--We have a nice assortment of plaid Silks, shown in an extra nice quality of silk -- - $3.50 yd. MISS HUNT IN CHARGE OF DRESS MAKING DEPT. SEE SWEATER COATS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND Boys' and Girls' Sweater Coats in Navys, Browns, Greys and Cardinals. The girls' coats all have belts, and the boys' are made with shawl collar, two pockets Special at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $3.75 each Ladies' Sweater Coats in Copenhagen, Rose, Emerald, Cardinal, Corn and Purple, all with belts and sailor collar. $5.00, $7.50 and $8.75 Men's Sweater Coats with shawl collar, 2 pockets and Greys, Brown check, or Brown Prices $3.50, $4.50, $5.00, $7.50 and $8.50 Devlin & Murchison GIRLS WANTED STEADY WORK APPLY TO Migs w \ J imi \day of September. A.D. 1918, the Ex: A change of time will be mad2 UNDERHILLS Limited | ceed to distribute the assets of ------ . | "TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, September 22nd ets, or any part aon OF per 17th Sunday after Trinity not uve §.30--Holy Comnmnien e time of sur! THORNTON Miss Mary E. Cunningham has returned to her home in the Soo after spending the Past two weeks with her brother, R. C. Cunningham, Mra. J. A. Corbett and Mrs, Jas. Simpson have returned home after spending a week with Elmvale friends. Rev. F. J. Dunlop of King spent Sunday und Monday renewing old acquaintance ere. The Town Line choir will furnish the Music at Braden's Church Anniversary next Sabbath, both morning and evening. Mrs. Garnett of London is visiting her | mother, Mr, M. McKenzie, who is not njoying very good health. | Mr. and Mrs. John Ayerst of Kingston huve returned home after spenging the past two weeks with the former' mother, Mrs. Jane Ayerst The South Simeoe Sunday School Con vention will be held here next Sundagy and |Monday. On Sunday different speakers 'will be in the Presbyterian, Anglican and |Methodist churches. "On Monday morning and afternoon sessions will be held in the | Anglican Church and in the evening in the Methodist Church. Miss Flarence Elhott of Toronto has re: turned home after spending her holidays with Mrs, Josh Ferry. a Parish of Vespra, 7th Line Sunday Services.-- 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Clam, 3.00 p.m.--Harvest Festival Service, Owing to the untimely weather it was found: necessury to postpone the Special Service to have been held last Sunday until Bunday afternoon Sept. 22, Special music ' and an appropriate address will feature the 'service, Everyone is invited to attend 'and make this thanksgiving # real spiritual blessing, 'The addresx will be based on 1. Thess, 5 18; "In everything give thanks, ' for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus, , | eoncerning you," | Minard's Liniment Cures Bur NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM HOUS |TON, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the jCounty of Simeve, Farmer, Deceased Notice ix hereby' given, pursuant to See tion 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised utes of Ontario, 1914, that all persons hi y cl gainst the estate of Wilh f the Township of Innisfil, in th y of Simcoe, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of Aug send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned § « Executor, on jor before the er, 1918, 'their names and addreses, and full parti Jculars in writing of their claims and state | ments of their accounts, and the 1 of the securities, if upy, held by all duly verified AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 28 he persons entitled nly to the elaine ust, ALD. 1918, at the Township of Innisfil ' }in the County" of Simcoe, are required to | THE BARRIE EXAMINER Cas ay daa earea se eels, se ait a PRS I ng 3 ian ate ia las SEE US AT THE FAIR We are showing a solid American Black Walnut, nine-pieced Dining-room suite, a six-piece Old Ivory Bedroom suite, and a solid Quartered Oak, Fumed, Den or Library set. CONGOLEUM RUGS WILL SAVE YOURFLOOR COVERING PROBLEM For convenience, sanitary cleanliness and economy, there is nothing else on the market like Congoleum Rugs. They will beautify any room where a low-priced rug is required, giving you the stylish appear- ance of woven rugs together with num- erous other unique advantages which wo- ven rugs do not possess. Congoleum Rugs are waterproof. A damp cloth keeps them bright and clean without dusty sweeping or beating. Congoleum Rugs lie flat without fast- ening, they naturally "hug the floor." They don't curl or 'kick up" at the edges, therefor no dirt gets under them. They never get in the way of the door, nor do they slide out of position. We have just received a big shipment of them in the following sizes and prices: Oftx 10% fl. for. dec. va is Pitti. 42 TL. [Ober cy oh care Drop in early it you want first choice of the beautiful assortment of patterns which will add pleasing touches of color to ev epy room in your home. THE BIG FURNITURE HOUSE Established 1869. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THESE Give Plan your library on the Globe-Wernicke Unit System--to fit books you NOW have--to accommodate those you WILL have. You may add a unit at a time, it holds 25 books. Top unit, $2.75; 8% unit $4.00; 10% unit, $4.25; 12% unit, $4.50; base with drawer, $4.00; base without drawer, $3.25. We also have a desk unit, $14.75. A Globe-Wernicke Bookcase can be moved easily, section by section, and it is delightfully susceptible to any desired combination to suit any re-arrangement of the furniture. New sections can be pur- chased any time for the accommodation of books which have accumulated during the year. Harmony of design and finish has not been sacrificed for the sake of utility. The symmetrical proportions and beautitul finish of these bookcases are as pleasing as their convenience. We will be glad to have you call and let us know your requirements; we are sure that we can assist you. G. G. Smith & Co. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING 2 COLLIER ST. PHONE 82 BARRIE . g ander Cowan, 3.00- Sunday Sehool. : a= hands. 7.00-Evening Praver 20a (Be Solicitor for the Executor, = v. E. BILLINGSLEY .| Reo sme Saredl ck Berea Be iy ck Bee See trench methods, war relics|returned soldiers at Barrie Fair,; Pictures framed by Dougall tyeryboddy . ated at Borrie this Sth day of Septem . Depot Agent : Phone 6b REV, H. D. RAYMOND, Vicar. ber, A.D., 1918. ° 36.28 fand other interesting exhibits hy Sept. 23, 24, 25. | Bros. 45-0 The chance is yours. We have We will gladly exchange goods made it worth your while to deal out of the high rent district. selling them. Reg. $4.00 pr. oes: Sizes from 4 to 734--Res. $2.25 Sizes from 8 to 10+Reg. 8 ach Sizes from 11 to 3--Reg. $3.25 Misses' and Ladies' Boots gola top, buttoned. Reg. $5.00 value, for . Ladies' Fine Patent Boot sale prices today. Reg, $3.49. Sale Our expenses are EXCEEDINGLY LOW. We share this great saving with you. Misses' and Ladies' Fine Dongola Button Boots Could not be bought wholesale at what we are $1.98 pr. a Look at These Prices In Children's and Misses' 8h Excellent quality patent leather with fine don- $2.69 pr. With cloth top, buttoned, Less than whole- .. $1.98 pr. o--2 This is to be one of the biggest sales in this store's history and we guarantee to save you r have just purchased a large stock at a rate on the dollar, and in the majority of cases we will save elsewhere. Below are only a very few of the many bargains we have to offer: REMEMBER OUR MOTTO:--COMPARE OUR GOODS AND PRICES WITH OTHERS AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. BANG! There They Go! All Prices Smashed to Pieces at CUDMORE SALES CO. Old Stand eal dollars on all BOOTS, SHOES AND DRY GOODS. We you from one-third to one-half on what you would have to pay i SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 LOOK Pretty Volle Walsts In several different designs and patterns. Reg. $1.25 ea. Our Price .......+.- 680 ea. SILK SKIRTS In fine messaline and silk poplin. An exceptional bargain. Reg. 86.75 and $7.50 ............ Sale $4.75 BOoYs' SUITS In heavy tweeds. Fast colors. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Reg. 3 Sale $5.75 SWEATER COATS Men's heavy union sweater coats. Below to- day's cost. (eee Sale $2.76 ea. Men's Guaranteed ALL WOOL PANTS in grey shade. Reg. 87.50 pr. 2.1... eeeeeeee Sale $3.75 pr. Men's Work Pants, Overalls Reg. $2.75 per garment .. Reg. $1.75 per garment . Ree ee eee ILD ee RUBBERS! RUBBERS!--Children's, Ladies' and Men's. All the best qualities and lowest prices. Also a complete line of men's BROCKS andHIGHTOP.BOOTS DO NOT FORGET THAT THERE ARE INNUMERABLE OTHER LINES IN BOOTS, SHOES.AND DRY GOODS AT THIS STORE, WITH: AS GREAT RE- DUCTIONS AS THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE. ; AT THE OLD STAND Cudmore Sales Co 2 DOORS EAST OF THE N*\RKET . for other sizes or other goods in store but absolutely DO NOT REFUND MONEY Men's Mahogany Tan Calf Boots With dark brown suede uppers. Neolin sole and rubber heel. B de toe. Reg. $9.00 pro vveeee noes Our Price $5.98 pr. Men's Fine Black Kid Boots With Acme rubber soles and heels. Marked below cost price today. ROG. $5.50. oc cece cee eeee eens Sale $3.98 pr. Men's Fine Gunmetal Boots Recede toe. Oak tanned sole and leather heel Rog. 85.50 vesseeseeceeeeaee Bale $3.98 pr. OILED TAN WORK BOOTS Heavy soles, both pegged and sewn. This boot is a regular $5.00 value for ....$3.98 pr. We will compete with any mail-order house in Canada. Bring along any catalogue and let us prove this to you.

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