ad swing, he yn the 360 re, 39 and aid. Why; all! Come rounded* or this: 8% pleasingly | . n |. Examiner | CIRCULATION . THIS WEEK . 3600 Copies THE - BARRIE: EX WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------_ THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 12 Pages AMINER - SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 55th Year. J. A. MacLaren, Editor W. C. Walls, Business Manager BARRIE, CANADA. SEPTEMBER 12, 1918 TERMB--Bingte Copies ots. Por anaum {is advance) $1.50 Capt. T. 8 Creswicke Wounded | | WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI | How Sergt. Boag Fell | {| "Doing fine.' was the cable Writing from the Couller Hos- came to Mrs, A, E. H. Cres- pital, London, to Mrs, H. G. Boag, this morning from her son, Pte, Gerow tells of the death of 4 : Tom S. Creswicke, who 1s Pte. John Marshall, son of; to get to France he i ped his [lis chum, Sergt Wm. Boag, as 0. b See eee eine ti [gonn' Marshall, Lefroy, has been | stripes, His parents reaide at 8 follows: ® y jarie spore Hospital, London, as the resultj wounded in the leg. Bowden Ave., Torento V felt is my duty to write and |] ambassador om of a wound received on Sept. 2-| pte, W. Curtin. wounded, is a/ Sergt. Harve son of {tell you of Bill's death, He was Rhine "ROE Hasson of Omicial notice of his, being | private in the 208th Irish Fusi- |Dewuty-Reeve J AE SETI poate Hee he wag RiLa|| SUHANINE ant Happiness casualty was sent to Mrs. Cres-|[jers, His parents reside in To. /donte, wits wounded in the kneeled. We were delivering a mes- Will be at Sicke on Sunday, but the nature|ronto, but his sister, Mrs, Gavan- [on Aug. 8. He belonged (o the /sane to bring up reinforeements nf his injury war nol stat d.Jagh, lives at Anten Mills. Inaehine gun section of the 57th {from the rear, and we were under | Soon after the outbreak of the eee sy P Bn. and is a nephew of Mrs, John {a tet of machine gun and rifle fire) war he enlisted asa. private in} ye ae Me, Hanes ene | Key of Dalston VAllat onee BAl fol, Juatas soon |] "Testy September 18-14 the 19th Bo. but after serving Allandale, was adinitted 'to Pte. Gilbert Wilmott, son of{as he fell, T got down alongside | In the Pathe Play nine months, was given his dis-|Roglogne hospital on Sept. 3 and Mrs, Geo, Wilmott, be. [ef him, as TP knew he was hit, to!) gg % " charge at the time of his father's | tering trom gunshot wound in [came a casually on Aug. 31, when Ne Hin ble wounds, | apokg te hin DADDY t) GIRL death, Spending the summer at|S{yerMe ore Ble Hd ed a wunshot wound infand there was ne answer, 1 then) right leg. He went over with the bome, he once more signed up./aciny Rn, in 1915. it thigh, + tnonths [fell bis pulse and saw he was |PA picture for grown-ups and Mis tine as a Heatenant in the [37 ee tgs ne, young [ME he won the military modal.|dead. [spake a few words over children 7ath and went overseas e swild Lennox, Yeunes | as a lad he se him lithe ent ales [fei Pim a went erect feat son of Me. dustin Leumer aNd iapyewintice the oneceage™ 1 aor the messase | ""ZGnesome Luke) joter two years at the front, but |Mrs. Lennox, recently reported | ottice there all right, but en my wa: © Was Ineky enough ty escape in- [Wounded for the third lime since | pre, A. Moore, sen of Serut./hack | got a machine gun bullet) Uy, BUR Tew Rat echreal Pte. Percy Bloxham [jury until now. He is the last of fhe reached the firing tne early [qian Macre, writes his(through the neck. 1 fell down || "PIPE THE MOUSTACHE" y Killed in action, on Ang. 16, 1918, the original Thth officers to be- 15. ihe had a leg amputated | father that he was wounded on and tried to get my equipment o sf vasa cnt ee Paring 1 Aue 8 on beth hands and neck, bt could not. | So 7 erawl Sept. 16-17 a eret. Boh Yarnold, employed! put his injuries shaulit not{aleng en my hands and knees aaa A S850 Vietary Bond for hest atiel 'e a pen x accountant in the | ¢ T.R.|eaus his parents any worey.(had only gone a few yards when! RUTH STONEHOUSE in . baby showin al Harrie Fair, Sept --Upholstering un pPAiLUre | freight office al Barrie before eb- | When he wrete on Aug. 18 he was} get two more bul one hit | "THE PHANTOM HUSBAND" 4. 24 Several other prizes ; repairing, neatly done oy compe-!listing with the {57th Bn, wasjin the Tard General Hospital, |me im the back and came out my The story of a gict who never nw a |tent workmen at Dougall Bros. tt] wounded wn Aug In order | France chest: the other one is still in Pad a beau | Mrs. J Owens, Worsley sh, has [my shoulder, 1 then erawled te KAUN Contes received oifieiad netics that her jan old treneh, and two boys out Mack 8 Ambre . son, Pie. Bert Owens, was ad- [of the Bn. Ged up my wounds. 1 at Lost & bOGk" mitted to Ne Stationary Has. | was then taken to the aid post, in ad THOSE WHO LIKE TO CHOOSE THEIR COOL WEATHER WARDROBE pital wt Aue, 2. suffering frei {from there to the Field Ambu- REAMLAND EARLY WILL BE INTERESTED IN gunshot wound) in left arm.[laner and later te the Hospital ! Pte Owens went overseas with Bill was good pal of 2 e e e the Tah Battalion and bas served [and we were like brothers to one ja general store for himself there. }26 months in Frane another, for what was mine was everal years ago he moved to e re Iminar owing Oo {on Ang. 30, Seret Wo Aphis and what was his was mine 'Clinton and was employed by the +5 Dunnette, sen oof Meo and) Mrs, And that was the we went | Doherty Piano Co. Early in the 3 James Dunnette, Ward Six, was}alung. 1 hope that God may ¢dake|war he evlisted with the 16tst Tiitted ts the Australian [him to look after in days to come,|Bn., trained in| Camp Borden, u umn Ce) es General Hespital al Wimereaux, and that you and y family will | went overseas in 1916 and te with) gonshet wound in right|share my sympathy." France early in 1918, His wife * 7 jarm. Before enlisting with the --__--_ land five of a family are living NOW GOING ON AT SARJEANT & KING S 170th Bn. he was employed in the Pte.. E. B. Hill Killed lin Clinton, the eldest boy, Byrom, Juvenile Court at the City Hall, Word reached Lefroy this week being overseas. . 4 . . . F 'Toronte of the death of Be Hill. We show the results of our untiring efforts of many months in selecting from 1 F Cavanagh. whose namela former resident of that place. Other County Casualties the best markets the best values and making those purchases at the necessary time appeared in the casualty lists |Muring the fighting of the first] Killed btaidi thé scare "Waiidise f owt f TI + wanes recently, isa son af Mra and Mrs,] part of August his battalion was} Died of to obtain ie scarce mere an Ise for you present needs. he assortment is very Jumes Cavanagh, Owen St. te holding a very important post-! Mooney, Bradford; G. A Hutehin- large as the reputation of this store to have "what you want when you want it" could a Nanuded on August 10 i{Gen between the British and/son, Wyebridge; A. Kk. MeCoy, he maintai Wak Bei anti auinie this 5 5 shoulder, arm and hand, and is} French lines. and if they had, Collingwood only f e maintained by purchasing in large quanti sand having this on hand to start Tew sin hospital im England, He|failed te advance much | Missing--¢. H. Hurst, Pene- Oe season We cordially invite you to inspect the largest stock at least in point of enlisted in Maw jaw in April.{confusion in the general ad- tang: A.W, Lerg, Collingwood . 4 Jalue that we have ever carried. lots, with the \6th Battalion, [vance would have resulted. Buty Gassed W. Curtin, Barrie; Pe 3 oe 7 z Mrs orig Maxghall. i Charles [they didn't fail. A report that) Bessell, Collingwood: 4. KE. Cor- Wearing Apparel, Millinery, Silks, Wool Fabrics, and Haberdashery for |xt Mattivil en Sept. Tat her{teached his relatives stated that bett, Thinner * Women, Misses and Children. cen KOA. Marshall, being wound. | Pte (Hl and another were stand~ Morton, Bo Xe Special prominence being given to moderately priced apparel. mt ang) ME 20 hy gnashot injing at the a 'a dugaut an alg ford; (. Taggart . i 8, | German eh owhen a shell fell) _ P. Bel yO1S on between them, killing beth, | trey, a Depet Hattation, and left en dan Another report, attributing his | fa smith, B NEW MODES IN COATS FOR adn, a IAL St Att Ro Sud naar eaves by Berto 8 Cover short Lime before te [received by Mr H. Davis. }H, Hebner, Midland; 1. 2 Nas sent | jOwen St sveral weeks age Mes. |fleusten, Crv Dh AUTUMN AUTUMN Jag tcl Warsin, so Travis wrote a Iettnr to Ple Thll| Mitehell, Dur Mrs. Warner, Penetang ast week this letter eame | Collingwood Swa TYLE AND DIS admitted ta a Boulogne back to her with a bullet hole }a iar r W iahenes ILLINERY NEW IN S - bn Aug 28, suffering fram through it. Accompanying it Was |Hearn, W. Preece. M. M.. Orillia; . shot wound in the right leg a oshort note from Pte. Gee S. H. man, Becton: 0. Tessier, You will find a wide and an- TINCTIVE IN DESIGN is the seeond time he has: be Martin of the tanadian Div-| Ww. illan, Penet Laem ia A : Z ° Wounded. having been in ision Machine Gun Bu. The note, F '. thoritative showing of Dress Owing to the shortage of Jhospital with wounds in 1917 dated Aug. 10, said am sorry | H, r Hats, Tailored Hats, Sport : eet ix a printer and learned bis trade [to send vou such sad news of Pte. TR. vawlor, Hawkestone. Hats and Hats for eodlweat wool the materials are more in 'The Examiner office. i. B. Hill, who fell in action, sind deanna : FAAS 2 ats for genera' Wee a . : Alfred Astridge received word|hravely doing his duty. While] pte, Napoleon Picolte of Peae-- in shapes and shades prescrib- varied than usual and we have lact week that. his brother, {geing over the battiefield on tiang ix reported killed in actioms ed by Paris and New York. " ' Charles. had been -- seriously | transport duty, following the ad-Joy Aug. 8 Ple. Picolte \ yr New Xone had exceptional opportunity q4/Chartes, hal bert a" [ances ww ame aerose his Di | member of he 187th Bn and wae Special attention being giv- t 1 ai oti Astridge was employed by Sheriff|and this letter was lying under) known to a number of Barras en to hats of moderate price 0 select a larger range of in- Harvey before enlisting with the|his arm, so [ thought I would re- | people. L.-Cpl. Roy, in his letter' : i Z eg , : ' se Sn ie was wounded early [turn if te you, You will see by appearing in another col Miss Buchanan, who has dividual styles--Coats of tn the year and had been back|the hole in it how he met his Baee eT ee ates, winning bee * A - . ' ir in the trenches only a month |end." meritorious. serv! been me nt fo on) which there are no two alike, when hia second wound was re- wid HR wae ua Servies, medal. sons as, head trimmer, is in 7 ' ceived. Lefroy public school, For al Foy p45 wijedtas : ny Mi 4 all at moderate price, ranging Mr and Mrs, Flaherty, Brad-|number of years he clerked for A. Foolacap pads---92 sheets tor charge, assisted by Miss Grey Mt J TO ee aa 44 sheets for 15¢ ak . and others: from $25.00 to $65.00 fil te re notified on irkpatriek, afterwards running |Keenan's bookstore. ae Flaherty had been slightly wi i y had been slightly wound- : : od, Pte, Flaherty enlisted with Sarjeant & King for Elegant Ready-made Dresses = |f/in- iszin nin 1915, and in . ; . Cet, 1D16, went to England, y Additional space has been devoted this season to this comparatively new but where he remained over a year, Mone L * already successful department of the Ready-to-Wear Section and we invite your ir anil wan then, {ransferred ith the Yy oose IS spection of the beautiful Dresses for women that show the elegance of Simplicity-- about seven months and secved Mon S t Dresses superbly made in up-to-date styles that are all ready to put on at less money most of the time in the trenches. ey pen than you can have them made up for. Prices range from $15.00 to $30.00 Bee een eae an : charge of a lank, but they man- IF you hope to rise above the i aged to escape from a guard. : . GLOVES AND HOSIERY Pe ha dependance on daily earnings, you fence corner and remained there must learn to save money. Saved i For high isfacti fifteen hours hefore they were . ' ap ays ig est satis ae ion ahle to make good their escape. money means capital, and capital -- and: best service, test our The grass didn't grow under their : ates in Gloves and feet when the opportunity came means ability to take advantage of : to get away iti ' ' Stockings. Our splendid e copa wa ata until some = connection with the ma- Seasonable Food lay you become independent. | kers enable us to save for As September is wilh us again, P | A it will not be long before we be- The Bank of Nova Scotia will we: ' icome you the middleman's pro- gin to feel the autumn chill and your Savings A t and gi fit and at the same time to probably at no other time do we p SEVEN FNECOUNL ANG Give yOu every ' icl most need nourishing food to possible service and attention. stand behind every article c r ' prepare and fit the body for the we sell with the maker's changing seasons. Perhaps some 5 uarantee. We. aim to of our readers are not aware that THE i f a the right Gloves and plain, old fashioned baked beans ave the rig! . form one of the most nutritious Bank of No Ss ti ; Hose for everybody--Men, Women and Children. foods at our disposal, heing very va cotla | rich in protein and best of ull 6) ° ° WVeRze,'e atte Seecpound Eiri Sou as @ vo-pound tin + 120004 anager TEST OUR is only twenty-five cents at the Resources «+ 130,000,000 12 Barrie Branch ERF Allandale Cash Grocery, or : | ar jean Nl iene UL actually twelve and a half cents UES per pound. | . 'THE STORE OF SATISFACTION ----: High-class concert at Barrie Fair, Sept. 24.