Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1918, p. 3

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Bach bog quickly-- our local manager; he will BARRIE BRANCH, COOKSTOWN CRAIGHURST Sept. 9.--Telford Emery has accepted pesition in Toronto. Mim Gretta Snider has returned to her srediea in Barrie Collegiste Institute Miss J, E. Hart has returned to her posi- tie as teacher in the Putterson School, Richmond Hill School re-opened with Miss Taylor (Prin 'and Mis: Goldring in charge. E. C. Koenig of Buffalo spent last with her parents, Mr. and Mra rt. Ting-in the interests of the Mer santile Navy Lengue was held io the Hull Sad. the following collectors appointed Gee. Hal Caston, Mrs. G, C. Caston, Craig aud Miss Ne G nie, Mins M. 1. Williams. Mr, and Mra Chis ter, Phyllis Proudfoot prizewinner = af the Toronto Buby Show. Mrs C. Craig of Toronto was the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Jary, over the week-end. Mix Edith Herman is taking up school work in: Barrie Collegiate Concerning certain reports circulated re garding the burial of the Inte Pe. Fred Friggine, the person who was 4 stranger hee and who heard only one side of the story has expressed his regret to the Rev. F. Herman that he had anything to do with it Pte. Higgins' parents had their choice vf a burial plot and the Church extended them every courtesy, Deceased was not burie in @ pauper's grave a» his estate chews and there is no truth whatever in any of the report --_--------_- EDENVALE Sept, 9.--Mrs, Scott and Mis Stark of 'Teronto are spending s few days with Mrs, James Maw. 'Archie and Wm, MeNabb spent Sunday with friends in New Lowell. School has re-opened with Miss Hum: phrey of Allandale in the West Ward and Miss Corbett of Dundalk in the East Ward. Miss Mabel Fralick ix spending » couple 'of weeks in Toronto. Hart's granddaugh: 'of Toronto, was a Exhibition high Everybody thinks of This is the result. HOGS BRING BIG PROFITS farmer who will raise them. raise will bring a handsome profit 'more bogs the greater your income, Increase your herd now while prices are high. To do this you may need a loan; 'The it and imperative maure rine eee ie UNION BANK OF CANAD. HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG, MAN. 217 ic) BRANCH, T. THORNTON BRANCH, W. T: As Told by Our Correspondents der of the day. of Stroud visited with Mre, Harold Hust- ings last week. Heathcote. his cousin, Frank Thompson, took charge of services in Lefroy, Nantyr and Stroud Methodist churches on past Sabbath. Thos. Hastin were guests of Mrs, Frank Thompson over Sunday Mrs. Frank and Mr. John Thompson, last week. Harold school this year. for a few days. guests of Mr, week. Any Way You Turn you will find WRIGLEY"S. when chewing gum is mentioned. - effort to give mankind the benefits and enjoyment of this WRIGLEY'S heles appetite and digestion--allays thirst--renews demand for hogs has market for if #0, consult help you out. A. LESLIE, Manager. McMILLAN, Manager. HODGSON, Mgr. NANTYR 'Threshing in this neighborhood is the or- Mrs, Fred Nes and Mim Addie MeConkey 'Miss Edith McCullough ia visiting in Rey. Mr. Fiddile, who ia visiting with 'S. H. Whiting has purchased the farm of st Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and soo, Harold, Fred Cross of Winnipeg visited his sisters, Mis Rose Ely is visiting with Mrs Hastings Miss Haynes is the new teacher of Nantyr Mrv. Thos. Haktings ix visiting in Toronto and Mrs. Hunter of Dresden were and Mra Geo, Guest last Mr. Mr. und Mra, McNab of Barrie visited ut Geo, Guest's over Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. und Mrs. Emrie on the arrival of » young daughter (Evyline) CHURCHILL Mr. and Mrs. Hartman of Midland visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace Inst week. Mise Ruby Kendall of Toronto is holi- daying at the home of ber father Mise Coulter of Toronto is visiting Mr Walter Allan. 'The Mises Keeler of Toronto are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Pratt. Mise Sturgeon is visiting friends in Tor- onto. Mise Verna Wallace hax gone to Creemore where she is engaged to teach in the High School. - Sergeant McKeracher of Toronto spent 1 few days this week at the home of Joseph Todd. Misses Canning apent Sunday with their sister in Barrie. >> a WRIGLEY'S of years of low-cost sweetmeat. ie 'evening, will be conducted by Rev. the memorial ser: vice on Sunday night in honour of Pte, Wallace Key. We extend our sympathy to Mrs, A. E. Bell in the loss of her husband, Lieut. A. E. Bell, who was killed in action on Aug, 26. 'Anniversary services in the Dalston Met odist Chureb, on Sunday, Sept 22, morning Trein. Miss Tigh of Hawkestone is visiting at the parsonage . Mim. J. A. Key, whose con, Wallace, was killed on Aug. 8, was ugain bereaved on Sept. 5, when her mother, Mrs. James Bell, passed away at her home neer Hobart. Mrs. Bell, whose maiden name was Cather- ine McKinley, was born at Coulson and af- ter her marriuge went to live et Hobart where the remainder of her life was spent. Her husband predeceased her 35 years. Her mother lived to the remarkable sge of 97 year. Of her children, the following survive: John Bell, Deputy Reeve of Me- Gonte; James Bell, of the same township; Mrs|, James Cook, Creighton; Donald Bell, fon the homestead; Mrs. John K2y, Dalston SHANTY BAY Thos, White of Bracebridge spent » few days with his sister, Mrs. Jumes Hart. Mrs. Alfred Palk is spending o couple of weeks in Toronto, with her son, Ernest and daughter, Margaret "Almost all the summer visitors have gone home and report s very enjoyable sum: mer at Shanty Bay Mrs, William Campbell har returned af- ter spending the summer in Toronto. 'Albert Lee has returacd to Sturgeon Fall's, after visiting his sister, Mre. J Sutton Mrs. G. A. Ranstend is the guest of her sister, Mra. John Sutton. Mr. and Mra, Thos. Brooks of Alliston motored to this village on Sunday last. Henry Gilchrist is improving his house by putting in a furnace and adding 2 new woodshed, Mins Gertie Adams is spending a couple of weeks with her parents here. Rev. Mr Hassard will address the con gregation in the Methodist church here on Sunday, Sept, 22 on behalf of the Dominion Allience. UTOPIA Sept. 10.--As the majority of the contrib utors on Seventh Line overlooked sending in their donations to the Red Cross on Sat trday last, it was decided that the donations should be sent in this week instead. It is hoped that all who have done so well in the past are not growing "weary in well doing" But will continue regular giving if only a mite as it is certainly needed now to allev inte the suffering of the brave who are sac- Tificing so much for our freedom Those from here who attended the Ex hibition Inst week were Mr, and Mr. A Miller, J. Jennett, Mr. and Mrs, A. Elphick, Mr. and Mrs. F. McCann, Mr. and Mrs J Nicol Mrs. R. Hanna of Toronto is visiting ber cousin, Mrx. W. A. Miller 'A carful: of young people motored to Mesford on Saturday last, spending the week between there and Owen Sound, They report a pleasant journey Mra. 1. Miller is visiting ber McQuay. of Oro. | LEFROY Sept. 11.--The Methodist W. M.S. met on Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. R. J. Stewart's T. Barry of Chicago is spending 3 few weeks here. H, King of Theasslon is visiting old friends ot Lefroy Mra, Weeks and child are visiting her mother, Mrs. Wallace. John' Maryhall received word on Monty that his son, Jack, had been wounded in the leg. : Mr. and Mrs, Love and babe are visting in Western Ontario On Wednesday. the Presbyterian WMS. held its regular mecting at the home of Mrs, sister, Mrs. Jack Mis Hillund of Toronto is visiting Lefroy friends THORNTON Walter Patterson of Stroud is Sept. 4- brother Jas. Patterson for ® visiting his few days. Born to Pte. and Mrs. Lloyd Bannerman on Sept. 3, » daughter. Congratulations. 'Our teschers, Miss Paton of Hamilton and Miss Foster of Owen Sound commenced their duties in the schools on Tuesday. Rev. G. R. Kitching and family spent s few days reeently with friends in Toronto. Mrs. M. E. Dutcher has returned home after a two weeks' visit with friends in Elm- vale," 'Among those who have attended the Exhibition so farare Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Stewart, Burrows Stewart, Chas. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Henry, R. E. Coulter, 'Alton Johnston, Matt Sharpe, Fred Ayerst. ing. Miss Estelle Pearsall of Orillia spent Sun- day under the parental roof, "The threshing machine is humming again im this vicinity with « fairly good turn-out of grain. 'The school has re-opened with Miss Goss of Orillia as our teacher. Alf, Rouse had the misfortune to have his car badly smashed up while on his way home from the Exhibition. Intoxicated men from Collingwood were to blame. DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing 'will be properly cleaned inside and outside' at Maxwell's. linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? 'We know how. must be put each nation, becau: living necessities, for personal use t cause effort you take fo and save more, to CLOWES Sept. 9.--Miss Marquis of Clinton, Ont, has been engaged as teacher for No. 15 and school opened on Monday, the 9th. Clowes' Sewing Circle met at Mrs, Cal- vert's home last Thursday. 'The furmers are busy threshing, and, 20 far, the turnout of grain is satisfactory. Miss Syme of Burrie spent » week with | Mrs, A. J, Thomson. holiday visitors here last week. 'A number from here attended the Tor- onto Exhibition, making the trip by motor. Mrs. Bertram, Sr. of Barrie, who spent 'a month with her relatives here, bas re- turned home. SIXTH LINE, VESPRA Reginald Cooper of Belleville is spending hin gacation with his aunt, Mra, C. M, Hickling, 7'= "= Mr. and Mrs. Torpey called on friends in this locality on Bunday. Mie aud, Mis. Fred. Elliott of Painswick spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Wingrove. Edward MeDonsld spent last week in Toronto. "Jas. Switzer visited over Sunday at Jar- att Mrs, W. E. Switzer is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs, MeKerrol, Jarratt. Mrs. Vint and family from Edmonton, who are visiting in' Ontario, spent last week with Mrs. H, Reynolds. ANGUS 'Mr. Blair of Toronto spent » few days with his daughter, Mrs Lorne Davidson. Master Elvin Dean réturned home on Saturday after spending 2 week in Toronto, Frank, George and Tom Stribbell of Saskatchewan came home on Thursday to 'attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Jas. Stribbell. 'Jas, Arnold went to Orangeville cn Mon- day to visit friends. Te win this war every ounce of the strength of each of the allied nations organized, the hands and brains an The war can be won only by the the allied nations. represents that surplus strength. Mir, and Mrs, Roy Hurst of Orillia were |' forth to meet the trained and disciplined efficiency of the Powers--that gigantic, ruthless force w! of fifty years of planning and preparation. And every ounce of every allied nation's strength is in d hearts of the individuals of se they are free peoples. Now the individuals of each nation must live as well as fight, therefore a iypparean of the effort and material oO each nation must e diverted from war So the less each individual takes for himself or herself more effort wilt there be left for fighting and winning the war. Every cent you spend represents that much somebody must do something for you in order to earn that cent--somebody's effort must be given to you instead of to the war. Therefore the less you spend--the less of somebody's Jour individual use--the more will you leave in the national surplus for war effort. surplus strength of The money each individual saves Tr So the truly loyal Canadian will use less, spend less, help to win the war. Published under the Authority of 'The Minister of Finance of Canada. Fae SS Sy Cake Without Sugar Here is the way to conserve sugar and make a delicious cake at the same time. Take: 2 cups of white corn syrup, 1 quarter cup shortening, 2 eggs, 3 cups flour, 1% tablespoons baking powder, 1 cup of inilk, \ teaspoon of salt. Cream add the syrup and the eggs Add the milk. the flour together, and mix well. as a loaf for lay the batter gives more flavor, and sweetens. --_--_ White Corn Syrup for Canning com syrup gives the best results. TI yellow or golden corn syrup, Many people are familiar as used ving, but is hes a distinctive flavor whicl males Reaeanenera ee What Letters Cort of stationery, stamps, the man who dictates the letter. ----_--_---- serL at Barri W. C. THOM may have at the knees. you do if you MAXWELL & C0. Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. row fifty cents for in tines of guy requires his stock of bones. Be pru- dent now and put away some guilders 'nother day! NUMBER OF hich is the result the shortening, Sift the baking powder and dd it slowly to the mix- in a moderate oven ake, or emall drop cakes. One quarter of a cup of raisins added to hi a shit ee. . For home preserving ihe pure wiv] Just a limited quantity, then with which : ' . wii, | the price will be higher, jeg. - breakfast table, may be employed in presen, Jess suitable than white corn syrup. Tt coats 40 cents to write w fetter, » busi- | P) ness rian figures out. He includes thie ebst stenographet and typewriter and the value of the rime of FARM LAND AGENTS - WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR A Call and list your property for immediate sale. OFFICE: 15 OWEN ST., BARRIE PHONE 288 Central purposes to effort be- All the newest cloths, Whit- neys, Velours, Beavers, etc., etc., in all the newest colors-- 10 per cent. off regular this month. CHILDREN'S VELOUR PLUSH HATS $2.00 FURS -- FURS -- FURS Save monéy. Buy' early. We have a very large and com- ete stock of both coats and small furs. 10 per cent, discount this month, _..2%' adi SFiS HATS, COATS AND FUPS ie PSON & SON GOOD FARMS secatiow

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