RGE ] rey oof Crap Adj Furesters Mis deutlenus."" : nk his many Fibnions alter ; ty, wishes to nuiny oct af vn her ow her e and lot, ag in good hving well 00 cash. » Nos, 195- is a splen- th all con- the pair, id Ist, John { conven- lonce. Pride lot, Eliza- ig, lighting lawn and $3200, a 'adford St., id. property. now hefore mes. Thursday, Sept. 12, 1918 THE BARRIE EXAMINER * Have you thought of a COSY well g with a Desk, Library stered in Pantasote, or Tapestry. Our Stuck is complete these. COME AND SEE DEN SET? That Library or Den would be more cosy and comfortable as looking a lot brighter Fable, Settee, Chair, and Rocker fin ished in Fumed Oak, uphol- Leather in Cudlland det us tuk it aver. which have just arrived. G. G. SMITH & CO PHONE 82 2 COLLIER ST. The representative of The fe George F_ Thompson handed or phoned to Mr 30 Ginds him Mr McNaught of Kansas city is visiting his trother, Thos, MeNaught Ih was reported on Saturday that Pte Coed Tague x wounded. Miss Margaret Thompson returned to her in Bradford on Montay Mi Poole af Toronto spent this week at PUL Arnold's Mea Kelsey of Toronte viated this week with her sister, Mr. Wallis Henson Mis White of Toronto, who bad cha of Fisher's Millinery department list seas returned to town on Monday Miss White weil now be pleased te shew the ludbes 'of Cookstown the I shapes und trim minus in hewilgear Ant Trib (Mr. and Mrs John Len of Painswick and Miss Elie Lowee at the home of Mr. aud Mrs Henry eon Sunday ford Réld of Exsw was suddenly taken i with appendicitis on Wednesday of last week Dr Shier was called in' and he immediately took him to Barrie Uospital where he operated on him without delay, Bethesda Anniversary will be held on Sunday, Sept: 20 Rev A. E. Black, MA, of Bradford, will preach and the Presbyter ian choir of Churchill will supply the muse, Mra Kd. Graham received word that her er, Pte r Howe, killed in post brat et «l bad 2 bone broxen in ding the threshing at last Hector Suthert: News items for Cookstown and adjacent Thompson and will be forwarded 'Subscriptions, either new or renewals may ¢ | Corbet: . | shock Page Nine * i early and thus get first choic YOUR FURNITURE DEALERS Vacation Being Over ODD PIECES OF FURNITURE ARE OFTEN NEEDED FOR THE PERMANENT HOME. WE CAN SUIT YOU. When you consider that our Upholstering Department is at your service so that you may have the chairs or rock- ers done up to match ygurCarpet, Curtains, will make a perfect room, it is advisable that you call u T k etc., which son Bi To the bereaved mether and broth tes out the deepest sympathy nf a owhle cirelp of [friends Few cpenple are called Jupon te hear suet a burden of hereavenient note Mrs. | Betton. she ber hus. v band, three brothers within years. Evidence of I hi Furniture and Undertaking BARRIE NEWS OF COOKSTOW Burrie Examiner sod Saturday Morning in Cookstown country may be to this paper Phone No be forwarded through him Geu Finlay of Hamalton a few days last week with) bis br Wood Finlay Ts late of the Studebaker Cor poration yas now with HL Don tung The Auto Sales Garage Chiford Fisher of Toronty spent Sutooty Mr and Mre Joseph € word on Monday that their sot, Pte tt received Jubn Mis Hambly of Wirt charge of Hopper's Mull for this season Miss Murjorie Agnew left on Monday tor the Western Hospital The Misses Mills of Toronto y depart vent ling, Maurice Hill of Toronto visited his sbsugh ter, Mrs. Frank Robinson, lust week ev the Presbyterian Anniversary. M Mr, Frank Leeson. Miss Tabitha Monday at her home here the summer at her home, Monday to Buffalo. Miss Mabel Kell gnd Mrs. Geo. Nixon returned on Sundas{@from Pefferlaw Everything in Music HIGH GRADE PIANOS EDISON PHONOGRAPHS-- DISC AND CYLINDER SHEET MUSIC Call or write for information. J. G. KEENAN'S HYMN BOOKS ETC., ETC., ETC. fering from gar and shell] H UL again rke the {ery an Burnie on Tuesday week end with their sister, Mrs Ogle Mar- 'The Methorlist Church will withdraw thir g service on Sunday next owing to saph of Stayner spent Sunday with | Henson of Buirie spout a oer ee BEE usa agending {company iw Which ber par returned on Mrs. Willis Fletcher of Thornton spent the week-end wath her parents M Mrs dubs: Flynt Mie Verda Tait left on Weilnentrs fr] the Weatern Eoejatal, Terente, acuany atued | ty her tuber, why will spent a i-w slays | Vesti ony | Mr aint Mes don Nevile of Torante ure | visting at John Nevale Mroand Mr Henry fortuer's brother reville this Mr and Mrv Ned Newmarket Friday Tist nt Ji fj Mr. Geddes of Chas, Go Clin nt Raper " ar values for Mi that warrunt inmedis now on sale at Fisher's Allan and family moved this week mat Sunday at noving into HT Run Women and pvestiga | al to report that Edwin Lewss i out again, Thor McNaught und his brother sp few days in Elmvale this week Rev. Mr. Cumming attended the Presby- | na David MeMaster left on Monday to attend |school in Barrie. Janueson Duff of the rps left this week for oversens and Mra. Collieeut of Toronto and McLennan of Argyle spent Sunday at J, H. Resdman's Killed on Sentry Duty Mea@B. 0. Nevils hus received a from Lt. MeLanders, commander Pre. Gordon letter sys" Medical Nevils, The ©My company suffered a distinct Inxs J |ust might when your an was killed in se tion, He was one of the most promising young men of the company and Tam cer- | fain, had he been spared, he should have | made a name for himself. He was killed | during « bombardment of our trenches while on sentry duty. He stuck manfully to his post during the bomburdment and | met hie vleath like x true soldier with his | face to the enemy. All officers and men of | the company feel this loss very much and all desire to extend their sympathy to you in your great bereavement was serving "The Million Dollar Doll" The Toronto World of Sept. 10 had the following notice of an attraction which comes to Barrie on Sept. 23:--~ "The jingling, jazzy, joyous musical com- edy, 'The Million Dollar Doll," opened Inst night at the Grand Theatre to 8 good house. The plot of the play centres around Dolly Winters, the heiress to her uncle's fortune. But' Col, Barrington loses hit money, so at the suggestion of Carmen- cits Alvares, Dolly goes to the San Fran- ciseo Exposition to enter the doll contest for # $10,000 prize. Melvin is lucky enough to win the big money and Dolly wins the doll prize and s good husband, while the colonel wins Carmencita, Irene Medora as Dolly is a tiny bit of femininity that easily passes for a big doll when she gets on the fussy little doll duds The chorus is good looking and young. The costuming js colorful and varied. Parr Baker, who sings "On the Billowy Sea to You," made a decided hit. The Leroys gave a first-class specialty dance that Brought double encore. The whole com- prises a number of clever principals with o big beauty chorus. Send your order for engraved visiting fon wer Sept. 6, whieh Craighurst the death of his fathe Noveniber brether kindly disposition and Whee eame from Winnipes for the | funeral The pallbearers were | WoOWhite. Gen MeConkey. Jeti Vain, Wo Stevensen. A. Graham fod S09 Death of Roy Bolton The many friends of Roy Bol- xrieved to learn of his death, on Friday, following an operation took place on Tuesday. Egbert Bolton was the Bolton and the late and was bern at years Since ~ who was Aurora in 1916, he and his Ernest, have carried on bust He was of a devoted nexpee Roy on oof Mrs, » We Be illed by a train near he liver he swmpathy tell was manifested hoa prefusien of floral tributes. Th the absence of Rey Wa Pipkin. Hew Gara AL Brean can fucted the funeral servicers. fed bw Hex Abr Care of the Congregatienal Chaeel those present was Robt iobrother of Mes. Belton, | tel Hough Gratin F. T. Grafton's Mother Dead Hisonpten Conservator Mfter Hratherty Chorstan wera. samt hand many thetes teh and eedoredd she Some of high wot bl aml a wert miuett pat Hurtiaet) MWermag them ot oir echoes far 8080 Minard's Laniment for sale everywhere. (cards to the Examiner. A SRAND CONCERT Devlin & Murchison Dress Making Parlors Now Devlin & Murchison THE GERMANS Open MISS HUNT in charge The Dress Making Depart- Many dresses ment is already busy. orders for suits and have already come in and we would advise anyone wanting a suit or dress to come early as this department is already busy, and our assortment of Suitings, Dress Goods std Silks is as good as it will be this season The Fall and Winter Under- wear and Hosiery for |adies and Children is all in Stock. All lines are complete in sizes Come and see them ules are extra good this season Our val- Men's and Boys' Clothing all in stock, Also a complete range of samples for made-to- measure suits. This line is very complete and we guaran- tee every suit a fit. Barrie's Big Fair September 23, 24 and 25 BABY SHOW Fifty Dollar Victory Bond for Best Baby SIX CLASSES : Boys and Girls, one to six months; Boys and Girls, six to twelve months; Boys and Girls, from twelve to eighteen months. $5.00, $3.00 and $2.00 in each class. A Sweepstake prize of a $50 Victory Bond. The Baby Show is confined to residents of the County. The 48th.Highlanders' Band which needs no recommendation, will be in attendance both days. - AN EXPOSITION OF TRENCH LIFE, DUG-OUTS, PILL BOXES, ETC., AND OVER 400 RELICS TAKEN FROM HURDLE JUMPING, ROMAN RIDING, RUNNING RACES WRESTLING ON HORSEBACK THE SPEEDING IN THE RING will be clean and straight. lowed on the Barrie Ring. A SPLENDID MIDWAY COME AND SEE THE NEW BUILDINGS THE EXHIBITS OF LIVE STOCK AND FARM PRODUCTS at the Barrie Fair are conceded to be equal to those shown at the Toronto Exhibition. i on the evening of September 24th, in the Exhi Building, which has good seating accommodation, No crooked work al- ion