Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 29, 1918, CREE ORES SEER PEE EET CES EEE OEE Ee EEEE EERE REE ERED big resume duties Sxeepting Miss wy obinson, whose place will be ? APITAL 4 RESERVE--$ 6400000 wise Morr < maak MOORE & ARMSTRONG } | Barry Jebb ha: in had a bi; National demands make it essential that more yield of gepp Bee apap bis eae . yield of alsike. His turn out cattle be raised immediately.' We must go on ing over 50 bags or go under"'--the surest way to go under is by "Phe remains of the late Mrs not keeping the Allied armies fed. Samuel Wray of Toronto were Fall F ll The profit of raising cattle ia enotmous on brought to town by train on Sats 2 q Sccount of the prices now prevailing and prices urday and buried at| Bethesda will continue high even after the wer. 5 . The late Mrs. Wray! Raise more cattle as a duty to the nation and s f widow of the dale Samuel | 918 1918 your bank account. If financial help is required, \ bo predeceased her about | consult our local manager. siv years ago. Up tll that time, Mrs ay fved on the ath line * UNION BANK OF CANADA of Tnmishl and Was well) known SS nee Cee HEAD OFFICE . WINNIPEG, MAN. 218 by the people of Co i surrounding country, Fer the: ON THE THRE: Hi BARRIE BRANCH, --- _-- A. LESLIE, Manager. past few years she suffered from | \ COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. McMILLAN, Manager. ML health and little hope was en | THORNTON BRANCH, | W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. tertamed fer her recov She! . Was GY vents of age and was ct] aot tig" wane th MERCHANDISE SCARCE AND PRICES HIGH religion she was a Preshyte Hey Cumming twok clair 5 po A 5 NE W S OF Cc )¢ KS I ( )W N Fa We Despite these conditions we are ready for the fall business with an unusual hy fa degree of preparedness. A Stock several thousand dollars higher than any past year 'The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown LEDS a and Values that represent big savings to our Customers. fe George F Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be] ee banded sephongy te Mrs Thoxienan, tod 0 Be er oreiiel iheugt ino Tor men, women and etiidren. BE WISE AND BUY EARLY AS MANY LINES CANNOT BE REPLACED " prone . sey Te chauste fretin, ins | AND OTHERS ONLY AT MUCH HIGHER PRICES. Miss Alma Neilly viewing) Miss Mitine Hudsen has aes felot famous "Parnbutl | with frend al Chi Jesition ats elerk at J.) ithe MEE lds. Wasi ta tew Miss Vomeeting was held oon Thurs READY TO WEAR DEPT H days tn Poraute htst week the Jday om regarid fe havin at howl zi Mrs Gee Nugent and Miss rs. will leave | notin. Vaninber of Miss Mabel Kell are visting at}in a the W enthius Oy accmant of the erewing demand for We anticipated our needs long, long azo, Petter Laws Hasptlal, 'Torsnte, where st | ine Ladies'. Misses" and Children's Realy Vear Pand well we did far itis almost impossible to Bet yo Aug. 25. an} tran fer anor [fenton grounds put artients, we have inereased our stoek by the staple present. prices Toriut, aM Mrs. Heney| dt {a vartoad in shape Ul ral thousand dellars. and offer vou assert I Cashmere He of the tines Rel \ of stove jo Phe harvest around th buts seldom found i tat steres.-Sal ed by manufacture Fortunately we 7 o Morris of Te Ho Dunvinms oof 'Paronte isis vully being taken oll, yards that te there whole time be this wer had our requirements im sk and willbe in 4 her @unts. ») siting tis son We T Dunming, | ap: ily heme ne great short are eniples thus you are served to better Pa position fe mect the demand. Buy Gloves Cha and Mrs. Thos Mrs, Win. Corbett: visited with |age ef help yield advaut and Hoslery Here. Perrin's Kid Ciloves in Knight ! bMS. Partersem, i well feorn in' the new fall Goats, Costumes, Skirts, J Zuarantecd qualities, at 5 j. REIS mis. Flannelettes, st werk ' 1 early Dresses, Walsts, eto--Select Early and Save. | aml 2.00 These quotations are less ete, Fisher's Money-| 0 Mrs. 'Thus. Fisher spent dast apples are very plentiful but the thaiy fvidaste cont Saving [901 Jweek with her sister, Mrs. Jetin | winter aaples are rather <« ° Misses Hulheecford af Torente| Arnett in A avendeut ND FLOOR wa iinernd af terantn ATI A cate a THE BIGGEST STAPLE ham's iis nether. Ray Prince, sen riment will reapen Tuesday, Sep W. Ff Stoddart attended the} whe are visiding him, spent Sun- while ploughing 2s will ing bein eha funetal np Mies Weed of Brak [day at Letroy Srey ugar a | CURT eer tums a DEPT IN TOWN ford on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald) Wra Mr Trumbley's |) Qithenticity of Moore & Arnistrong's style will Warlwis rerenedenWednesday land danghter, Marion, of Tarant drawn by the yell he maintained. We Invite you to visit this Immense Stock to Select from last week that Lieut. Calvin: Duit.jare spending tite week sath Mrs Hinnnediitlely pres Dept. often and see the newest productions. Manufacturers and wholesale firms sen. fl Sis aes ees aie bul Phenol her Mes ene needa ge Ty ae at ay a Exclusiveness is our aim. would he glad to buy from us many of the lines as been niissiiye s k UM frst is [was yi ey ervoumnth cate es | Mf Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons, Sheetings, Mrs. J yt Ross pa 1 away Misi Bitty tai Nis nacre Bee Tyoot apparentiv cut wilh ib DRESS GooDs AND SILKS Raita laa fenpelett eee Pe hentings, 4 edi i ANE sueslal tie connection with 5 eles | pioug re Teumbley quieki nic: ue ; - ai er fant) Weatinsday 0 equnection elim the Bel Ty | me fre Teombles quickis tumers is our first duty and in buying from ef last . Russ 1 er alled ' us you are assured of values based on pur- been a st for mans years [Position in the Post OMiee and alse Dr, Banting nveriig neptesentscealins: fro %€ Tichasesaunt , F ee MAME HUET the le x Pie! Betiardsan af Taewnti' trang ihat the hey ie owing represents Ines from 10 chases made long in advanee years had heen contin » heel spent Sunday at Henry Conse'. [preken in two places hada ve stork bought months A WELL ASSORTED SHOWING OF House Hee antl) Neen ee ae ee eer at thoiean deka ies MAGEE All the popular dress and sulting mater- | Furnishings and Draperies, Neckwear and D She Was a Weman that fawn on Monday trying te {shoot the anual jals are here.. Silks and Velvets in all colors. | Vellings, Ribbons and Smallware. was hell very much tn est Hook an engn for enter] Miss Sawyer of Fennell'. spent (ainments te ven daring Jthe past week at ToL. Webb's vomiog fall and winter Miss Wo Webhoas visting . Whines'. Institife wall consider | with fritiid= in Bradford dauzhlers a ' Mhef aking toup. Proceeds ina Rey. Creswick attenied the Boy body was reba [Red Cre eect review al the Exhibition on] efery con Peediay a Mr= Denips of Ttopia is) Tharset | Chiferd Fisher tol visitirns Ranks A o {othe Woeren's 5 spent Sunday at his home tere,| Phy yo envyees Institute: will be helt at the heave Bin Bennett oe lve Bayal tthe Prestivterian Churel will be lar Mps. Wat, Leesan rn Puesday aaa va is harvesting at Chas. held en Sunday, Sep! 15 Rev day oA fell atleadanies | s saints /- = Robinson's Ie A. Brown ef) Barrie Phe tees yt, EE Mrs. Mitehell of Toronto visite yyy ~ regular nouthly hoxes | wrthern trains leaving Toronto ed last week with ber father, Johny eo amd Mr . on Thurs-| 10.00 pan. August 28th, 30th. King ay iesun BP Dainitions ae tae plember ith and {{th, harves hell Campbel) ane family itis seit ies. ete will be thanks | NEWS F s from outside points to use Of Hatilton re. ovasiting. his] Pte ewe, brother en Mes. Bl tilts: received \ connecting trains to Toronto, 1 Canipbetl aerahane. ors orto ssnuindte j We pleased te 1) aly Toronto! othe Coekstewn Pabhe aml ygeien MeMillan ' a ; Bett el sure rin atte Hey Sith of Graven- ane -- his yi Nox ie A ye eee Hess iman, whe Dave heen very Wb with! Roy Stune has je tu Blythe |Western Crop Damage Reports; pyrst will preach in St. Andrew's sis ' diphtheria ter the 7 lant 10,000) Church next Sunday. ia Labor Day, Sept. 2nd, and Tuesday, Sept. 3rd A MIGHTY SPECTACLE OF HAPPINESS 1000 smiles :--: 1000 sobs :--: hearts: It appeals to Arteraft-Sennett 2-reel c First show each night at 30--:--! PRICE! ONE OF THE FUNNIEST YET Grand Opera House, Toronto. its, 160. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK: 3 GRAND OPERA HOUSE, BARRIE MAETERLINCK'S "THE BLUE BIRD" 1000 beautiful scenes. A photo drama that will put new courage into Canadian the sort that lifts dark thoughts into the sunshine. vu whether you are man, woman or child. In addition to above, "HIS HIDDEN PURPOSE," a new y. Will be shown cond show at 9.15 p.m. Matinee Labor Day only at 2.30. : Nights, all seats, 270.. Matinee, all One half of the entire proceeds goes to the Soldiers' Ald The ladies of the Soldiers' Aid committee will have charge of the theatre for all performances. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN MR. FIX-IT The opening attraction at the Grand this season will be "The Daughter of the Sun," on Sept. 20, now showing at the improving as well ¢ pected. Nurse Carr ran is Visttines Fryer, in To- |rente Sherman of Toronto! Mea. b, Magloughten is spend! MeMillan ting a week with: friends ab 'Tiny Beach wishes tel Vis M Tageart Hf the Worn AY Wewes re Vie Mornay rened throngh them Miss Nedhe Robertson of To: -- rente spent the week-end with Hor weather and sntorains| Mrs. J. . Miles | Have proved aowendertil stimnl Mr and) Mrs. Te Bowman of} fo the corn. and the stles| Cleveland matured over and: are some holida to he well filled this fall] sister, Mrs coming aling splendil- | He late potatoes shew meh improvement Shear re al Harber and aa = Sees home last Friday aft = SF isdn tripe an A i distri GLYCERINE MIXTURE They report a good tne but re. | urned wilhont any fish j FOR APPENDICITIS \' Mick Sadie, Hubbert of Allan] Barre people cun prevent. uppendicitis | Hlale Mrs J. Mitehotl, New) with simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, ete., | Lowell, have returned after a} us mixed in Adleri-ka, ONE SPOONFUL | Visit. ty Manitoulin: Tstuned flushes the ENTIRE, bowel truct so com.) Vrs. MeAuley and daughter pletely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, | Maidic, Irave retarned ta their gar oF constipation and prevents appen: | home in Durhany after spentins dicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant xction of | some time with friends around Adleri-ka surprises both doctors and pa: | Layvtt Leaves stomach clean and strony The serviees in E> Crowland, Drugaist N2 neehureh next Sunday wall with Laber Day. The { = a tT $1000.00 IN PRIZES 1 mutnal atienship between aul mehurel. Morning thene will PENETANG'S GRAND [1.1 Labor Day CELEBRATION | (hurch." sunday, School inte Monday, September 2, 1978] !itnly after the ehureb the Church Owes f9 service in the morning In J. T. Payette's New Driving Park. a St. Pres. \ Labor and evenmg -- then : Owe fe th . Rev. H. D. Cameron to Forest HORDE RAGES The following item from the Free For All. Purse. $300.00.| West Hill correspondence of the Zab Class . . §$200.00.| Pickering News will be of interest Badd acs » $150.00.)to the friends of Rev. H. D. Gentleman's Road Rai -... $75.00.| Cameron, a former pastor of the All mile heats, best three out of five,| Allandale Presbyterian Church. 5 to enter, 4 to start, N.TA, Rules t0[' Rev. H. D. Cameron, for eight pesto years pastor of Melville church AUTOMOBILE RACES. here, Has accepled a hearty call For Ford Cars only--lat Prize, Valuable |i Forest, Ont. His last Sabbath Silver Trophy; 2nd, Nobby Tread Tire. [at West Hill will be Sept. 8. Mr. Best two out of three, ech best 3 miles | in.) Mes, Cameron will be greatly Nv missed in our neighborhood as MOTOR CYCLE RACES. they have served. faithfully for Free For All. ... ceccseseseasees $75.00.[oight years, taking part in all Best two out of three, each beat § miles. | things pertaining tothe commun Steck Bernina eae si ne ity's interest and the welfare of per cent. to enter and 6 per cent. opie. Mr. ditional from all Winners, the people, Me Cameron was moderator pro tem of Pickering during their vacancy and _ his FOOT-BALL MATCH between the two| splendid services there rendered Northern Championship Teams. Prize, |have not heen forgotten by St- Value $100.00. Andrew's church people. We all Penetang-Midland Brass Band in Attendance | jgin in wishing God's blessing as The Committee reserve the right tolhe, with "Mrs. Cameron, go. to make any changes that they may oonsider| {heir new Jd of lahor, Mr. necessary. Cameron will take up his work Admission--Adults 50 cts. Children 25 cts.|in Forest on "ppt. 15 'The PENETANG DRIVING ASSOCIATION J.T. Payette, Owner and Manager. GOD SAVE THE KING. If you have any news items. ring up The Examiner. Phone 194! ty spend a few days with friends. |@reatly Magnified-- Fretnvan of Madlamd is | spemling a few days with) Miss !7 = with the |! David Tyn- f jean mak Harvesters at Once. Reports previously published re- zarding the damage by frost to r Saskatchewan were pessimistic, Frequent and favorable weather ed the outlook and. it that the great Pro- Saskatchewan will have anormal erop. This is evidenced | Western demands for Farm povers, as not less than 10,000 required immediately | for vesting ing olir own, Should get awa: this a great oppe DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ily to serve the country ima prac: leal way. and at the same time be ve invaluable benefit to himself, . ty { means an interesting, long- i ix- distaner journey at kiw taped, and an' Mx Fix-It aovhanee fu see and. study the An ARTCRAFT Picture immense new Country served by \ ua Northern--the People's Grand Opera House n . Friday and Saturday inal excursions by Canadian 2. a Sailors Week UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE BARRIE BRANCH OF THE NAVY LEAGUE A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD IN TRINITY PARISH HALL ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 30™ At 8.30 p.m. Addresses Will Be Delivered By LIEUT. BALFOUR (one of the Heroes of the famous Naval Battle at Zeebrugge) CAPT. G. C. COLES (of the Navy League) A Musical Programme will be Rendered The Chair will be taken by W. A. Boys, Esq., M.P. The Navy League knows no politics nor creed. All citizens are cordially invited. Come and show your sympathy for the men who risked their lives to carry food to the Allies. GOD SAVE THE KING