THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 22, 1918 HER IMPROVEMENT "TWAS SIX DAYS OF | AMAZES FRIENDS| FINE ENTERTAINMENT| 4 Looking After Sixty-Two} (Continued from page 3.) ---- : a 7 " RoomHouse no Task tol Widnecuay ar ane tie Mrs. LaPlant Now. ~ strongest days of the Chautau- --s qua, combining exceedingly Pers "AN mg friends know and can |ulat musical numbers by the tell you that for a long time 1/ Rosa), Dragcons Band. and, an was almost a nervous wreck, and} as ier: en ' pay 3 This pitt Southe' rato! this Tanlac has made such Be ee saane? wonderful change in my condi- harmed his audi by the grace tion that. they are simply amazed | and finish of his oratory and his at my imprevement " said Mrs. beaut) commingling of wit and | Ella La Plant, why conducts a|¥!sdem HELE ' jaraé roomine house at 412 Puy-|, His lecture on "If I Coulg-Live eae Tacnina, Ws Life O was given in the even allup Avenue, Tacoma, Washing-| jny and he also spoke on the war | ton, the other day with a patriotic fervor that drew "For the last twelve years,"| from his hearers an enthusiastic she continued, "I had been in aj response terribly rundown condition and| Ne said: "If 1 had fife to tive during that whole lime hardly a[ OW". there are some things, tnt from awful headaches, Thad no|was: 1 would play over the same appetite al all and what little T/blue grass carpet, along the same forced down would ferment in my| turnpike aisle, s on the ' : . : FOE OO ee itiese ine" for [branches of the same old trees There's a jolt in the asphalt sidewalk that only hours. My kidneys were out of [and listen to the concert chorus "Acme" Soles will remove. ; order and' worried me-night and | (ls wie sanle sane BiRAs. 1 woul ° uh : hd |jegin early to seek my calling in - ' . . day and my nerves were so un-)\ife. Half of life's failures are There's a slipperiness to polished hardwood floors ar | strung thal. after going to bed.|because boys do not find what " " c . . any little sound, even the rustling [they are fitted for. Cowper was that only "Acme" Soles will provide against. Sf a newspaper, would awake mo} failure ax a lawyer: be was a pe Ee With aalart and it would be some[sueress as a puel | Goldsmith And poor grades of leather, getting into shoes as 0 'ore Teould drop off to} 8s ® eng es pliaan iene time heforr 1 could {orn Of tw with hs : a result of the war, have more than ever brought about : vas a sticeess house to look after, and | was Shut a failure ¢ the need for "Acme" Soles. so weak and miserable that a}he bought a pig for a dollar a ' " couple of hours' work would ex-- HW. kept it for two vears, fed " " " nee tnal Peuinet have ta {iS wort of corn. aud sold the |, Wear "Acme" Soles and Acme" Whole Heels, 4 quit for the rest of the day, The | Weg for <u.) He said he tert or "Acme" Soles and "Peerless" Half Heels. Either fret is. Joss af steep and Wek Of) igney on the box. 'If it is trie combination means - ; saci ean ae aie wed ne that ever sitice creation shot tts 4 i es ----~ Nervous system ane ust] Shuttle (hrough chaos, design has aring myself ant luarked the course of every gold- LONGEST WEAR 2 ST ospent all the moneys Eo bad{en thread, then everyone ts de) ------ on modieines and freatimont= that signed? te fla certain plage ta H SUREST STRIDE did tne no goad, and | aad ite ------ ; 1 M Ve the young he said given up hope of ever KeUMe QQ ya a testing world. oo MOST COMFORT well, when TE began to read 3 ford on every tree or bush is « --_--_-- the ghod Tanlac was doing others |rd. Every cannon is tested. The he ae EBigneeren and T thought ought as well try} gua that) ean stand the best) is " 1 AWWell sit, the way Toexan te! placed in fort or on the battle | Du | T & Ri bb: G d. C pick op right after starting pa] gun that can't: stand | niop iire uDDde! oods LO., v anrprised ane, fet after es. | hat ite the junk pile LiMiTED perience with other medienies. 1 Ee He iran Head Office and Factories: TORONTO dit rel espeer suet mek results. as high on Unseen wings of Branches in the Leading Cities. FP, 16 My appetites is pst fine toe tithes a> any ullspring that H. oriees ate tew--for trom a family of pL humane nest gl the tine, My we, add yet on his deathbed ae toawarey meat an[ ie sad, "Ang this ts the eit: re ae tarrate| fai Marshall ts dying on a now. and Tam redof tha borrowed bed without a deeeat ' aekacte AL bast Phese awful clothes in whieh tobe headaches are a gone toa, He coulda) stand the which is a and relief, besies, | ean you?" Here the) 1 <ieep all night like ehald and | speaker re othe leader ott fee} sn strong and rested when ) Hider ox opi peeit Toget npn the jmorniags. tes 1 He weaned a (ake att Pentecost, and after the wale Gavaley Cverture," while partic-| prominent part in most stage MORTGAGE SALE don't mind at all the werk T have] yy Sone eens nent was HME oulibictsnr comes, Ring | larly | pleasing al numbers] productions. Mr. Greet a! oni (Sproat HO a arre. a@ aasiv=| Tor miggiieeel heat, he vied sun [eaters tales, fay Woodrow | we Fick Such isa Thought| gathered many gifled actors and| CNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF she pow. fo dein uw tet tiple Jotest, he did) om & Li © > A AMC in and) triumphant deme) at Yo "The : a nread ° ers of sale contained in # certain Mort : | f \ f You" and "The Boys of the| the . ; id two ream house fll ef people.) sila in tts tent. © His four sous Q's a: OF (heir interpretations are such 4s) which will be produced at the time of sale, hee ic yew taking Tanlae | volunteered, one has been kil cRnUN Old Brigade to win applause everywhere thi é ' 4 ' 4 My father is now bd Hoval Draeots Bard 1 f there will be offered for sale by Publio A Tocling fest {auother wounded, two are on the | al Drageotis Bane appear, "Sowell do they act (heir ee ee eee Hoel in the Te a Btls ee ee ee ae See eeet nteiig eldest daughter, ) 0 4 niest eapatbs organization of parts that the absence of scenery | Barrie, on Saturday, August. 24th, AD. Tanac is sold in Barris bs fine ine aver wi] Mayers anid singers | this patul is never missed, but rather serves, At Gne O'Clock: thet lollowing peo Geo. Monkman. in Orillia by M. lew, his voung- | preved themselves, Roth i selos | the big + ot th to stimulate the imagination and a ee s H. Gooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. "is new over} ahd ensemble they agp Vattras tit, Be ng the Pachaikow-| centre the attention upon the Pony, Manel twenty-nine feet from fronb J. McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. oneinclaw and| wvantage and ratios ski Quartette Mine. Bertha Until the Chautauqua|to rear of Lot twenty-three on the North J gill in Siayner by N, B. West, |daughter-aaw uce at the front.| cores were Th "ale Al Sweet Parner. Che four gifted music- agement secured this Ben|side of Burton Street and the We in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, | SHile he is using pet and tongue | Ste was cominetor of RinghAR's Gans from Boston whe compose] Greet company, these | players |cight feet from front to rear of Lot Num- 1D eomihaushene by Georpian Bay|(# wwicken the pulse of palriy | for seats. is head of this the quactette gave great delight] Were not seen outside the large |ber twenty-two on the North side of Bur- Lab sng am Tria Me [ism AML honor tu the Roasexelt nd tas beomght it ted wil (helt p PTL their se. cities. . ton Street, in the Town of Barrie, secon! Lumber Co., Ltd. in Port Me-| iniy, mong theit etn ot heir ive] The Comedy of Errors, one of jing to registered plan Number 433. Oa Nicoll by P.H, Beattic, in AMis-) "Nfl saving many this about | Es were: |ohoine showed nt judge | Shakespeare's earliest piny's. is this propery is « comfortable brick, dwell ton by FE. B. Scholl, in Lisle by] what he would do oe wouliin't do, Fashion| ment, most of the numbers being| "arely xeon now, save in outdoor |ing house with modern conveniences, Robt Little, in Gilford by| giving the young people whole- Faght | ments most of the pombers ivide| performances, though it is one) CONDITIONS OF SALE--Ten per cent. Pe James A. Blain, in Tottenham by| seine advice, he turued ty the Nally atl. it ensembles these | that appeals with a charm all its |of the purchase money is to be the James A Ryeaver, in. Penetang- | ®if, which, he suid, had made the | saan itnved hemecives artiats/OWn. While the humor is oo-|time of sale and the balance within fourteen mT Be " Nattheton, | World look like a menagerie, with ° FO ee ee eee Gnd more | Yiows and lacking in, the grace |days thereafter, . 2 uisheno by Chas, AL Nettleton a aie cant the seer MY LM Ds mm the highest degree aie matig [aud subtlety which make the later! FURTHER TERMS AND. CONDITIONS in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone. ey hair, and vel, he sala | : Saplauceakeoident tent |tomedies so richly enjoyable, the |will be made known at the time of wale and in Hilledale by Richard Ramble, jaye seen se many word things | : plane accorded thet on were | Comedy of Errors yet stands agin the meantime may be learned on, appli- S s 4n Coldwater by C. G. Millard. in| happen Tam an optimist in uy ou witc the Gr March from. Aida|the. incomparable pattern after = to Don: 'oss, Barrister, Barrie, Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- | old Tosaw negrors sold on Nordin Serenade (Grieg', Hun-| hich nearly all modern farco / Ontario, orto | a as ' ford by W_ 1. Campbell, in Stroud ) the auetien pluck in my youth) Jearian "Rhapsodie "Lite the] ban heen pmogtleds ae £0" | 52.34 ns "Mortgagee's Solicitor, , ow slavery is) gone. saw ou eran fantas ro ike als € iy 2 w faree | 32 Fy By hantier Bros. in Craizhurst | nw sbiers i gone 1 0 | and Walren Me--Unable to Rest jigcfirann, Vale Biiiiiant) played| seen in recent days follows closo-| a Bretiors Spee ' by T, Hill, in Collingwood by JuCy ing men of state: now ducling! or Sleep, I Walked the Floor No solo. Butterfly (Ole| ly, the rapid-fire action of this |DATED this 2nd day of August, 1918. & Gregory. in Belle Ewart by A.) \! evel years ate ad olsen, Cossacks' Revels (Tschai- tale of two pairs of twins. Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis | (jy. tevaved against| 2 Nervous State -- When cawski'. rearole (Hoftman),| 'The production as given in by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon-| thy north anid north Bpecialists Failed I Found = [ifungarian Dance -- (Brahms),| Barrie was one of the most C di N Y al : y E J. Peters & ' q =| the north and north a garian ance (Bri s),| Barrie was st de- on Prine by J, B. dykes, and in Vie- | south in my) countr me + Cure Gypsy Melody Sarasate, played| Hzhtful eomedy presentations anadian Nation . c . _-- | grandsons of the men who met : ax a violin' solo; Maria,ever seen here. in the ' 34 | toria Harhor' by T. W. Browne oni tial tet are keepin: Genet: Poel and Peasant|¢ompany there was not a weak Exhibiti ro Overture Suppes; Canary in the| spot and the cleverly delineated wDIdOon Advertisement. step with your Canadian boys This is the kind of cure that has|\Voods, (Weltman mirth-provoking roles quite cap-| 4yg, 26 TORONTO Sept. 7 =--S>= the way to Ber 2 y ich Read the Adlet Column. "This war is nol an unmix [ee Windsor people thinking and tall Cantabile (Tschaikowski) : tured the andience. an - = evil. It has blessings as well asin ection py se teed neve 'ese ture from William Tell (Ros (Continued on Page 8) --While horrors, Out of great disaslets | pagtoaliy different to the usual treat-| The Tschaikowski Quartetle is 300,000 admissions sold first of the coue teat lessons | The parti | ments for the neryes that everybody | Mace up ax follows: the cellist day of advance sale. Come y morn- . ion between the rich and 'wants to it. Gradually and cer-jand pianist this year "being urprised A NERVO poor is crumbling down, Young: tatrly tt nodrishes the starved nerves | different, the former ones having FURS! with the crowds to thegreat- virnming women who three years age, back to health and vi nd the bene- | been iirafted by the U.S. milit est Exposition in the 40 years' itey. Wunnen who | {hret lant dance |fita obtained are both thorough and} authorities: Leon Weltman,|ULEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED history of the C.N. E. eid, a galt ' fo {he next dinner are now stand. |!AUAE | oo. or arenur atrect, [{linnetor: F. R. George, 'celli : Slirous. if ing side by sig with girls from | yMts M_ Smitheon, 27 Arey gufer: [Julius Osman, pianist, and Ed Miss M. MoKERNAN « nwvhich factories and Saops in Red Cross |ing trom nervous breakdown, which | Ward Kowirski. violint 58 Small St, Barrie. Phone 328° | I he Heroes in. fact The banker's: son aud wig 'caused by a shock when fire! Mui. Farner, al her song re-| 5 Miss Kelly Tells How Lydia | sevice. E iy Tells How Ly blacksmith's poy are hunking {0-| broke out in the adjoining house. My gether, and if the blacksmiths | nerves were in such a state that, after hoy falls wounded in No Man's | golng to atta pel ted pares a 'Ankers 6 i |quieted down en 0 Tai the anker's om wil" no) Sula 460% TOGOMN aaa /Sharin ine porsalis and a pany baat ere ae Faited & around the room, or go downstairs. af wide ranze, England and the United States | Bven when I would be dropping off |ainple power and perfect (raining are realizing they are allied by|to sleep my limbs would twitch and [Included in her selections were much more than they are divided.|waken me, I used to have cold, nery-j the Jewel Song 'aust. a The United States has pul. aside|ous, night sweats, sometimes would }quain( 'Musean folk sung and a the distorted lens of prejudice. eer apyrorgenirie ie stat way patriotic number entilled "When and sees how from her mother | for quite & Bete Mn oasible for me |the Boys Come Home." The pro- came her language and laws, how | to get warm or ke moma? fSynen |ETaM was concluded by Mme. England's navy has protected our] oq the street I would eee two or three | Farner singing in turn the Star Monroe doctrine, and how. when | objects at once, and did not want any|Spangled Banner, Marscillaise the German fleet entered Manilla | person to speak to me or bother me.|and Rule Britannia. As she sang bay to hearten Spain, England's | Any little noise irritated and annoyed | ach song she was draped in the flest-anchored between, and said|me very much. I had consulted | roids of the flag of the. nation, In tuhslange to. Germany, "You |spesialits end tried many remedies [the " 'ndience standing and touch my runaway daughter, |Seiee At last I tried Dr. Chase's applauding enthusiastically, Columbia, and T'll touch you. Netve Food, and before long could see "T rejoice that the Tnited States that pits recent ee ree The Ben Greet ers is rewarding England by sending | benefit 'am now feel On Friday night, the big tent is rewarding Million men to help better that I can go out on the street |, "Cheers bark had the largest well. destroy the mad-dog of Europe. | fo" 2vor and go about the same as/Crowd of the week, the attraction and we can ask no better record] geual. I sleep well at night, and am|being the famous Ben Greet of our soldiers than Canada's|¢eeling more like myself every day.| Players, the most popular offer- n Fess brave sons have made." I am pleased tobe able to write you! ing on the Chautauqua program. fis gates @ Com- |" Referring to the atrocities com-| to tell you how much food the Nerre| To lovers of Shakespeare, the ever since ive you my per |initted by the Germans and the | Food fone tas: ~ name of Ren Greet is familiar as humanity of the allies, he said: | ened and bullt up my whole Seay jone who has presented the plays %, 416 80, Mth St, Newark,.| your fag an en flag ill f gna suffering from nervousness of af the ereat hard of Avon out of never go do in eat any kind.' ' doors in a style conforming to 'The reason this famous root and herb niyrant who knows no law. has| "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cents a|that in which they were originally wan Miss |N0 honor nor respect for. the box, ® full mectensst . maa given. No embellighedents of} virtue of womanhood. There have | $2.75, at all dealers, manson, | scenery are used, which seems a Kelly's case was becanso it went to the heen reverses and may be more, | Bates & Co, Limited, Toronte | 09) decided novelty to those accus- r te | but after Bull Run comes Appo- | Rot be talked tite nave ene Sint, tomed to the elaborate scenic mattox, after Calvary comes » effects 'at now play such a cital in the evenjng, quite sang her way into the hearts of her She is possessed of a E. Pinkham's Vegetable of Britain" 'A production of tremen- dous force and beauty, with 1200 participants. All the colorful parapher- nalla of romance apd his- tory in the making. In- spiring, dramatic---2 spectacle every Canadian should ese, j MOVEMENT - LIFE | SPLENDOR | A Patriotic Thrill in every scene THE Never-Failing Remedy for e eye Appendicitis , Stomach Disorders, icitisand Kidney Stones are often caused by Galf Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. Not one in ten Gall fe Sufferers knows what is the trouble, Marlatt's Specific will cure without pain or oper- ation, Buy from WM. CROSSLAND ° firey 'BARRIE, ONT. Sai Mts TORONTO rat Face it af OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Wilco at dderiesion te 25 cents (Consult your local agent regardin;