Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1918, p. 5

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Thursday, August 22, 194 'The urgent and imperative demand for hogs every farmer who will raise them. our local manager; he will help you out. COOKSTOWN BRANCH, T. Miss Edna Ross of Toronto is] Maurice visiting at Daniel Wilson's: nh spending Rey. M. F. Cree of Alliston vhanged pulpits with Rev. G home his week, Cadet Bert Marwoud made al Gtto Arnold fight over town on Thursday] ins howe heee t wvening of last week. M Mrs. Meyhew at Rosselair, Mus-| home koka. Miss Mrs. Ellis of Toronto is visit-| at To H. Arnel ing with her daughter, Mrs, Wan| A HL eennd Henson prices iny® few days still able] Gadel 'Tom bargains boots fur men are ngland, is ne Mr, Clarewon The Dominion Alli nee will man' Methodist Chureb next Sunday Mrs. Morton of Keswick and sen, Norman Morton, of To- ronto, are visiting with her son, Huntsville and Born, on Sunday, Aug. 18, to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Rarusay, a son.! Wook W.W. MeMillan's ftte girl is) Mr. and Mrs my quara with diphtherim,| daughter. ) also John Sherman's son of Tos] MeMahon a rente, wha bas heen visiling| were in Torentr them, Both cases are deimg| Mrs. Px nicely runto Miss Kathleen Dui of Sun-| Arnold's dridge spent Saturday at) Geo.) Lieut. dohn Duff's Miss Galbraith of Newmarket/age during the vis Man, spent last week with her : A comrade + Mra. John Kell [Gordon Nevils hurtin month ae Mr. and Mrs, bell of Barrie spent & ered the former's mother, Mrs, John | & Campbell Miss Parish Visiting at Win. Miss Lonise a position in T Mr. and Mr of Toronte town be ay follows 1 time yeu reer to him just) be ni fell HARVEST HELP": vous, Esear have ried $12.00 TO WINNIPEG | ti- HOGS BRING BIG PROFITS opened up = ready and profitable market for Each hog you raise will bring a handsome profit quickly--the more hogs the greater your income. Increase your herd now while prices are high. 'To do this you may needa loan: if 20, const UNIO! ION, BANK OF CANADA BARRIE BRANCH, - A. LESLIE, Manager. THORNTON BRANCH, Wet HODGSON Mer NEWS OF COOKSTOWN The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown ts George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be banded er phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him: have charge of the services at the," week-end Visitor at J, H and L was speaking fore be went on duty for the last tine, when be was telling me how be had been dreaming of you and thought he cermin [was homme again, TP omay say he J was well liked amongst us allund| yar 7 5 GRAND TRUN CYTE NY | wins always cheerful and ready to] fr stpment this ye SYSTE help anvone who was weaker than himself. He suffered ne pain as has the Summer out Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Johu| west, returned to Lown this week. | in action Nevills, on Sunday, Aug. 18, a] Nurse Kathleen Readman of], Mirs Gladys Reid returned to Aaughter Toronto spent a few days at her| the City on Tuesday yemore, of his week : i det Bert: Marwaud 9 Geo, Dull is visiting with | Hoare spent Ue week end ach | ome after spendin Arpold of Suumimdale was *s over Sunday, Fisher and family enjoyed] ing her sister, M in Torouty this week.) Mis. Webh --jardill of "1 lays with Mr, and Mrs. Ross mtu is at Aug. 20.--Mr. and daughter visiting at the home Miss M. Ardill Ponto Ardill. Mrs. Win. Reid i trip on "The Matthew Camp spent last village, On 'Thursday seve! latives fi Mr. and Mrs. Hill fred of Toronto and R. Grose of Bellevill relatives Mr. and Mrs. Wm t Wim. Donnelly and family spent} Of Barrie spent seve umining on Sunday Sunday with friends at C last week near Minesing, | ing Iwo weeks' holid {Miss Kelly of Tor Mrs. Crowe and children of T ronto are visiting at 4 Mis~ Ida Smith Was returned News from Neighboring Townships i =e LEFROY and Mrs. T. Reid f Powassan are of S. Coulter and| Aubrey spent sume A. Adams and Wm. Barry have each bought a motor car. Mrs. Black of Toronto is visit- ing ber sister, Mrs. Wallace. enjoying a Sergeant F. Dale of Niagara week in the| M ral of his re- m here motored to the Scoteh Settlement to attend th memorial service for Pte. Archer, killed in action a year ago, and and Wil- Mr. and Mrs. e are visiting Word was received py F. Whan treswick. whe has] that his nephew, Pte, Fre of Orillia was seriously wounded Whan, » MeCullougt ral days here Adams' g two weeks F. Tebo,. G-T.R. agent, is huv- ys 'Onto is Visite Wm. Barry. | = visiting at' the Lawrene who | home of her unele. A Webb nv able lo take] few days las! week charge of a machine, patrick taf Torontu was Mr. and Mrs. To Wt Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Howe and sot of Hamilton, Rey. Mr. Doane of | Mr, Score af] Miss | Alliston were visitors at Do F | days, returned to his bome this} w . Read-] route are spending moon at Tent City 1] Miss Irene Greases h friends here The sympathy of ToL. Weob and] this community coe Mrs. Jas daughter, yon Tuesday. te and children of To iting at Tr H his oldest ied in aetic sorrow being Is pretty hospital raid in] yields ace reported vf the late Pre wrote to his Jmother of the death of her suppose by the ve this that the tes have notified you that nobas made Ue supreme sacrifice in this mighty struggle yand justice, ye alse 12 r » close to bin he instante 4 for any personal . . was pretty well destroyed. 1 could | burst; Plus 1c. per mile beyond. | {find nothing. He was buried today] Geo, M_ Coutts, Midhurst; J son was the Marquis w bushels more hewn in this xe is Visiting this week at Alex.] F ee, ois now boeked fer} WI run about 20 Arnold's lanada Mrs. Greenlaw of Glan Willan, How Gordon Nevils Died to 4 are nearly a record ¢ 60 to 75 bushels to for many ¥ such a good. Alike as tn high as ten nushels quality. bot will he rather poor cceap. half that amount wal Vo The standing in wheai competition, the auspici the is EXCURSIONS property that 1 thought 1 could] cultural Society f fi end back to you. but be must] Roy Hickling, Barrie; KE. W. Carr, vthing he had in R. ket jocket and as the jacket} Stroud: BF, J. Frankcom, Pratl, No. landale A due and about 3 p.m. in a British Ceme-] Black, Stroud; B. TREAS- tery. Hoping » divided ble Sept- From Toronto and all stations west and} days," south thereof in Ontario. ° eptember Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn-| vxaminer that Phone 68! minute, and let us sell you has "done its bit." TRUE ECONOMY means BEST VALUE The Sarjeant Co., ing, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. from the thresh J. E, BILLINGSLEY the rate of four bushels per it MR. FARMER You are being urged through every medium to pro- duce, to conserve, to save to the fullest extent--but DON'T ECONOMIZE THIS YEAR hack of by allowing your property to deteriorate through lack o necessary Fairs "That stitch in time" will save you more this year than ever before, so "look things over," make out your list of requirements, and then come along "Goods of Quality," including Cc SHINGLES and PREPARED ROOFING to make those leaky buildings water-proof, and WIRE FEN ICING ; to replace the broken down, dilapidated rail fence which MONEY. Our goods are right. Our prices are right. Facts which are proven by increased volume of business. these few lines} hurst; J.J. Oro! following QQnv 1918 will help fo alleviate the suffer-| Livingston, Minesing. ing so many mothers are called| Between' the firs upon. to endure these strenuous | there was a differenc ; points. The highest score was Oats are yielding well, A For further particulars spply to aay| farmer near Allandale told The| Matriculation Succe: den FOR YOUR nied 86%. ed a First Class (Rng. Fr. and Germ in the Province of was one of the 21 examination. Helen W. Lawson ful in the Junior ma' Rye . Buckwheat... Spring Chicken Old Fowl NEW LOWELL Dull. who was] Harvest wounded in the arm a short tine} this district and very sat Fall wheat} ver has the fon su much barley, and the yield is trom 30 bushels to the several farmers reportiog vined the Royal Flying Corps in] 'T) HW. Davis of Barrie spent a with A. Kirk: Dale of To. their honey isited friends | n Victoria Harbour last w S. Hiflston of the erling the people of < out to Mr. Douse and his family in' their son, Jack, om last week. well over im sfactory jushels und probably 5 op. cunning the were, Not rx has there been 1) of peas so well matured, and Uhe vield should be i ing oul well, fo the ac was badly damaged by frost. Polatoes are oof good siiall and a Last year yout SOO bags were shipped from this pom, but less than 1 be availabe Spring Wheat Competition the Marquis held under Barrie as follows-- Sutherland, Midhurst; Lloyd t and fourth ce of only 5 fa s at Oven- ba oats came machine at} In Honours Scholarship Ma- triculation, G. Rhoda Bird ootain_ in Moderns nan), gaining 14th place in list of all the girls Ontario and girls granted Matriculation as a result of this was success: triculation, Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale Prices. TL T4942 $15,00-$18.00 LD. $12.00 re Oats} ~ .$1.50-82,00| ashes in basement at a reason- 09}. Sinclair--t.ove--That the res- | Hunter be appointed in his stend. .|and architects as soon as such .|changes are confirmed by the On Sunday, Aug. 18, there pass- ed away, al Bis late residence, 44 As Told by Our Correspondents Charlotte Bt in the person of Wellington J. Partridge, one of ie best known and most highly THORNTON respected citizens of Barrie. "De- s, Geo. B. Henry is spending [Ceased was in his 78th year, be- a ecg GeO. Henry is spending) ing horn-Aug. 3, 1841. Nearly a ev. F. J. and Sirs. Dunlop and] Bundred years ago, Oct, 1819, little daughter, Helen, of Kings|the late Gharles Partridge with FO eee ee i nerage [his wife and two ehildren came renewing old acquaintance here.|0V¢f from Albany, New York. newing old acquaintance here-| and, passing through (he present will 2 site of the city of Toronto, made his way up the Penetang oad and eveulig on Suaie mY \and settled at Crown Hill, five Ne NS gh Sundea Ave: 22-| miles north of the present' tow pant Sunuay- at Buri: of Barrie. Here the deceased was gat Sunday at Stroud onto {Dorn and spent the greater part is holidaying with her mother,|Of bis life, In 1850 he was ides 70 married to Eliza L, daughter of Mt Mes. W. 'T, Hodgson}! late) Richard" Drury" and are cpeiting theit holidaye with | Sister of the Jate Hon." Chas Pees iairig chair, holiday Drury. 'Their homestead was on Harvest will xoon be a thing of |LOt 17, Vespra. which with hard ae een eine osaer | Work they transformed from, a Othe day forest to @ beautiful home. Fif- Hupert Brown of Belleville | et years ago, through failing ee eee eae ashes, |surength, he was compelled, to De engaging wth ber prewmg' [leave his farm and purchase his Misses [nene and Florence Bar-|/ate residence in Barrie. | Here, lon visited, Benmtang friends re. | With the exception oT a few years spent with his son in. Burk's Falls, he spent the remainder of his tite. Deceased was an active chris. ave for. Toronto inthe near | Han worker, being af the time of future (0 take a similar position, | BS death a member of Collier St. sae eee pee eae | Methodist Chureh, and for may Sunday with friends in Barrie cary the Sunt. of the Methodist tiends in Barrie. ||Sunday School at Crown Hill. He Georgie Donnelly bas re- her position as clerk in Stewart's store and will turned. home' after a4 (G | was also an ardent worker in the finds Torte," 'lt 'l temperance cause. He was a Mrs. W. J.C. Boake and ebil- | |-iheral in polities. . dren Nave returned home afte The funeral was held on Tues., couple nf months' visit, with ier | ANE. 20. fo Crown Hill cemetery, coe Drv Bowman of | acact site of the school he attend. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Deering of Pa @8 a, boy. af the ansence Huntsville are visiting the latter's | pis PHS the ne J; fev, Mrs. W, J. ©. Boake, for a pall haieea were We days. - " : John A, Jamieson left on Tues- eines a, Pariridee, Albert Ray forse Tp wens dwell and Fred Marr. He is | survived hy his widow, {wo sons, | PARISH OF INNISFIL Dr. A. WL Partridge of Burl Red Cross work done by Falls, and Rey. H. 1. Partridge Paul's, funisfil from Februar M to July 31, 1918. was as follows 94¢ pyjam ) Shirts. 2 hospital) alsin one sister. Zz fe i { Bank 1s onjoving two weeks' holi- | gnitte Noah oy a ; Wie Merton eet, Thompson ay | Ditty Lie we dave. Mo Grave is relieving. See ee, ees Bees AT) or Bareles a eee aearzaret Thompeon ts] ° Harold Rilssell of Torontu, who] Miss Mabel Sawer and Miss| pillows, Gash on hand. § an T ea #8 /has heen working on the farm of|'Trunan returned ty Toronto ont! Scpviees Sunday Irwin Addison JOH. Readman during the holi- nflor spending two weeks| pants, It aan.: A former resident of Edgar, and one highly esteemed in the cirele of his acquaintance, died LIGHT SESSION in Vancouver last. Saturday in the person of Irwin Addison. EDUCATION BOARD | Deceased was born at Edgar m 1866 and farmed there until he . . went to Vancouver eight years \Collegiate Building Being Since going west he had not Pushed Ahead -- $10,597 ved the best of health, but ; w?s-y| Was consideraoly improved the More Paid on Architects'|j,.1 two years. On Wednesday, Certificates. Aug. 14, Addison. started east lo visit fr her journey was inter a wire stating that her had been stricken with paralysis on 'Thursday evening. In addition to his wife, who was formerly Miss Dulfield of Dalston. deceased leaves one son and three daughters, Of a family of nine brothers and sisters, but four survive, three having died Peter's, pm; routine nature lari attention of | the Education at its August meeting held on Monday night. A meeting called for the previous Tuesday did not ma- termlize owing to lack of @ the Agricultural Joint letter was received » Inst four years. 'Those Stating that the. buildings had] {the last four Sears a oiton, s"removed to the sites select | Ryerie: Mrs. 8. Gardner, Elmvale: doby the Agricultural Society | Robert) Ollawa: Thomas, Edgar. and Jomt Stock Co. f , On account of his frequen absence from town, Trustee Mc- Henry Wise \\dain resigued from the ouilding | St, Catharines, Aug. 19.--Word committer, reached the city this: morning y Owing tu the depletion gf the|of the death at Rochester, Miun., supply_of enginecring graduates |of Henry Wise, a promineat aml andergraduates of the uni-| lumber merchant of this city and versities, the Committee on Teeh-| extensive ownér of northern nical Edueation is searehing for| timber limits. A few months ago material (o take the and| his health began to fail, and he asks the Board of Education (o| paid a visit fo medical special~ Supply a list of students suitable | ists in numerous cities in search to enter the engineering profes-| of health. i sion. The commu Two sons and two daughters referred to the principal of t survive: Rev, Andrew Wise of To- collegiate. ronto; O. Whitney, at home; Mrs. This committee reported Charles Edwars Toronto; and ments to the Ball Planing Mil Miss Oli this city. amounting to $10,597.32; KE, A.| Mr. Wise was well known al "ett & Co. insurance on material | Craighurst where he did business on the ground. $45; on J. Nelson| for a number of years. vacancy in the Burton Ave. school, that the Management Committee be authorized to fill vacancy when resignation is re- ceived. King --Channen-- That _ the Property and Supply Committee arrange for anthracite coal for B. C.L; also to arrange with Central Schoo! caretaker for removal of Plus half a cent anle basis. ignation of Trustee McAdam from e Building Committee be accept- ed with regret and that Trustee MeAdam--Sinclair --That the Special Train Service: changes. extras and deductions authofized be the Building Com- mittee be co:.tirmed in writing by the Secretary to both contractor Board. ro! But, ob, I'm proud my only boy, For God knows best ; His will be done, WESTERN CROP 20,000 Farm Laborers Wanted $12 to Winnipeg t per mile Returning, half a cont per mie to Winnipeg, plus $18.00, Comfortable Through Trains, Lunch Service at moderate Special Accommodatioa for Women and # Scenic Route by O.N.B. Exoursion Dates from Barrie, Aug. 28 and 30. By regular to connect with Harvesters' train from Toronto 10.00 P.M. For information see: A. F. A. Maloomson, C.N.R. Town Agent, Barrie. or write Genera! Passenger Dept., 68 King Bt, E., Toronto, Ont. 'Ask for "Harvetors' Werk and. Wapee" Lonfiet. 14 CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY; 'Far more éffective than Sticky Fly Catchers. re tohandle. Sold by WITH THE MEN IN. KHAKI (Continued from page !) the effects of the gas and despite the fact that he, too, felt the attack he went back of the firing line and orought up reinforce- ments a seco: ' to his parent. about ten o'¢ he was not mained at his post of duty until two o'clock in the afternoon, when he groped his way out and found a Red Cross Ambulance, which quickly bore him te a hos- pital. There he remained for a few days when he was conveyed upon a stretcher to England. "For four days I could not see at all and could only speak in a whisper and oh. it Was grand to hear and see the Canadian nurses, the first [ had seen or heard sin I left dear Canada four years ago.' At the time, he did not think that he had done anything worthy of notice until lately when he ree In a letter stated that ck in the morning eling well but ce- d tin bh to the Can tien with the troop will kindly leave their uames with H. Rail Robertson's Drug Store, or Box, (97, Barrivr, not later than Friday night, Aug. 23. at six p.m. Full 'particulars received upon reques: aftai armouries on Muleaster St. F day thirty urgently requested to be present, Outside troops. if possible, are requested to attend. Full' uni- form to be worn. A mevting te arrange vill be held in the td night, Aug. 23, a4 seven- {I those | going are F.. HARRY BALL, Assistant Scoutmaster, F.S.0. 'N MEMORIAM MILBURN--In loving memory of Pte. W. G. Milburn, killed in action at the battle of Lens, on August 16, 1917, and way buried in Risumont Cemetery, Lievin, France, aged 20 years. 'The days are long, the nights are drear, The anguish breaks my heart, Has bravely played his:part. His grace doth me employ, I do believe I'll meet again, My one and only boy. --Sadly missed by Mother. In the bloom of life death claimed him, In the pride of his manhood days, None knew him but to love him, None named him but with praise. However long our lives may Inst, 'Whatever lands we view, While memory can recall the' past, We will remember you . A loving son, s brother kind, A beautiful memory left behind. --SISTERS. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear girl, Florence B. Maxwell, who died Aug, 22, moving contract, $2000; W. D. hed eset to Enay we sl' mesh again j Mon Oar oe ot eave, A. A. Wolfenden Where parting is no more, ; f 3100. ie BASIS YS! After an illness of over yor.) And our dear Florence we loved so well, a % rie m Arthur Albert Wolfenden died on Has only gone before. wo O08 ot Victory Bonds wued| Saturday in his 64th year. | He) God knows how much we mise ber, ao oe ad tn aero, was born in Whitby and lived in| He count the teun, we shed interest from June {to ANB-o0| the United, Stater for about 4Q| And whisper, 'Hush, she only sleeps produced 39.953.97 (On duly 2y'| years, working at his trade of| | Your loved one is not dend.| the concrete work being tlhat ne | marble cutter. For the last five Some tims, some day, ou eye shall see, NV. B. Taylor was notified 1hat ¥¢/ vears he has resided in Barcie.| | | The face we loved so well Turik aetloes eons ean Anglican and_a Mason | Some day, some time, her bund shall clasp, jurther noticr. 720 for labor| (OF 35 ears. One brother sur-) To never my fore and. material te agricultural| Vives. Re Te. Wolfenden, pares. --FATHER, MOTHER snd BROTHERS inten i Interment took place at Whitby building was approved. | wiss M,[on Wednesday afternoon under ; H, 'Bowen's application be filed] Masonic auspices. Ohildren Ory \ with the fist of supply teachers It h ite FOR FLETCHER'S it i 'i te ix you have any news items, Ik in the sverrinry's Hants gitd. [ring up The Examiner. Phone 141 GASTORIA | ing commit he authorized to {' deal with any minor alterations i in the construction of the B.C.L, ! deemed necessary or advan- ' tageous, including installation of § ji water service, erecting fence: i Hunter--I.ove--In_ view F

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