Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1918, p. 4

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b THE ADLET COLUI DRIVER WANTED -- Apply Bryson's Bakery. 34-34 JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. Levit, Bay- field St. Phone 384 12-28p-uf YOUNG DUCKS FOR SALE--Apply Mrv. 8. 33-33; Jones, Oro Station. 4 FOR 8ALE--Three General purpose horses, apply to D. C. Howard, 124 Poctey oS ORGAN FOR SALE--Seven octaves, piano esse. Apply 30 Blake St., or P.O. Box 382. AR FOR SALE, Studebaker, at half priee of new one, W. W. Hall, 2 North Street 33-34p PROF. D. E, WEIR-- Teacher of Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner. 6 Owen 8t., Barrie, Pp. WANTED- Woman or girl for housework Apply Mr. Max Coutts, phone 601r21, Midhurst 32-34e GIRL WANTED--To sist with house. work. Apply Mr C. Burton, Allandale or phone 379 38-16 TO RENT | Storr und Fixtures, with Dwelling attached For particulars P.O. Box 3, Barrie 33-35p BILLINERY PREPARER AND APPREN TICE WANTED-by Sept. Ist. Apply te Box 477, Burne, or Phone 727, 33-34 a ee THE CELEBRATED HOOVER POTATO DIGGER for Sule by D.C. Howard. Call and see them at 124 Dunlop St, 27¢f FOR SALE OR RENT--Rosidence, 8 rooms electric ight, water, 36 Mary St. Mru. Webb, 26 Small St, Phone 119. 49-tf WOOD FOR SA an stowe lengths, EM Freck ROR Mixed fence ruily eut 0) per load, -- Apply Barne, Phone 652 20-tfe, POR SALE 1 Jemey Cow, 5 yrs. old, 9 on: thoroughiired Berkshire Pigs. Apply" to T A. Plant, 2% Alfred) St, Allan dale 33-34p | CLEANING AND PRESSING Your old) suit overcoat can be made to look like new by Hurry Twas, Rose Block, Dunlop St CARETAKER WANTED | For Central Methodist: Church, duties to commence Sept Ist) Apply to James Corbett, 164 Hlizsbeth St 4c | WANTED TO RENT Seven or sight enon | ed house vith conyenences tull particulars to AHL D. Ross, 280 Bloor | Bireet, West, Toronto, Ont went Block H ir, No 3s North 1. Barre, Ont For par No 143 Dunlop St, 31 ty FOR SALE OR TO RENT 5% acres, | large fruit orebard, § room bouse, good | furm buildings, town water, electric hight ticulars aj) L. Gledhill, 72 Covtrington St. Barrie 20-4) | HOUSE FOR SALE --On Muleaster St., | Troomed brick resilence; all modern conveniences; good garden" For further particulars apply to Mrs. H. Wright, 60 Mulcaster St. Burnie 20:34p | €ASH--Another store hus started the cash system. A. Hook. Grocer, 151 Bradford St, will 'on September Ist and as: | es all customers of w better service ut smaller cost to them. 3248 FOR SALE -Shgbtly used hull and stair! carpe Axminster, gus stove, cuok stove yr. blinds, and several other Cull after Aug at | 109 Muleaster StS. Ho Henry. 33 3te | FOR SALF--Centrally peated solid brick | house. suitable for store or boarding | Aouse. All modern conveniences. Sacri | fice for . GF MAT age, and religion, and T. Young, See. 25 to 30 Car F vt buikling form work on Plevator at Midland Highest wug paid first cliss men Apply MeFurlane, Pratt, Hanley, Limited, Midland, Ont 33-33) ia STRAYED. One Rangy Light Buy Horse, white blaze on face and scar on right hip: one Dark Bay Colt, 1 year old, off white star on face. At be gladly paid for R.No. 1, Utopia ARM FOR SALE OR RENT--Lot 17, con. 2, Flos, 100 acres, 75 acres cleured, balance pasture and bush. Comfortable house, bank barn 40x60, driving shed and outbuildings. Possession, Mar. 1, 1919, with plowing privileges, 'P. A. Coughlin, Phelpston. 26th. ---------- FARM FOR SALE--52 acres farm without buildings, situated in Grenfel, eight miles west of Barrie; Lot 21, Con. 12, Vespra. Brick school across the road, church one concession distant, railroad on both sides of farm. Mrs. B. Brock, Box 39, Port Dover, Ont. 83-34c. HOR SALE--Two:storey brick residence on Churlotte St, large double parlor, good Maing'room and kitchen on Ist flat, four Bedrooms and bathroom on 2nd' flat. Bigement with furnace; garden and stable. Easy terms, price low. James Arnold, 7 Owen St, Barrie. 28-tf. BOR"SALE--"Fairview Farm," one mile north of Ivy village, Essa township; consisting of 100 neres; clay loam, in ate of cultivation. Large brick house, good outbuildings, well fenced and watered. Apply to James A. Lenn: x, R. R. No. 3, Thornton, telephone Ivy. 23-tf FARM FOR SALE--Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up to twelve o'clock' noon, August 31st ,1918, for the North Half of Lot Number in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Innisfil, County of Simcoe. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ander Cowan, Barrie. Solicitor for Martha A. Rainey, Administratrix. 33-35¢ 44.) before the rush season--Moffait Local News --Pictures framed by Dougall Bros. 45-tf A big baby show will be one of the attractions at the Barrie Fair this year, Rey. Mr. Strachan of Camp- beliville, Halton Co., preached in St. Andrew's Church last Sun- day. A sanitary drinking fountain has been installed in the Queen's Park. al the west side of the payilion. The old Barrie brewery, Dun- lop St. has been rented py a munition firm and will be used for storing shells. --Now is the time tu have your furnace looked over and cleaned & Parr. Phone 531 34-36 For the rather trivial offence of stopping his car on the wrong side of the street, Robl. Guoch was brought before the P.M. by Con. Hagart and fined $5.00. Yesterday. three lads named Jno, Carnathan, Arthur Cameron, and 0, Doran were charged in police court with oreaking into Roy Stone's store afler the fire and taking some. search lights and batteries, They were lel go on suspended sentence, A number of Barrie business men, who were unable to attend Dr Conwell's Jecture last Satur- yy mght. motored to Orillia on Thesday to hear it and are agreed that if was well worth the trip Newton Beers, a clever mou dramatic artist and entertasie will give his picturesque biblical The Shepherd and the in the Grand Ope House. rsday. Aug under the auspices of Barrie Lodge, 1.0.0 .F. Otte Doran, who was charged in police court by Con. Hagart with sending in' a false fire HOUSE TO LET.-On Mary St. Apply Jno, Bryson, 27 Bradford St 34:36¢ FOR SALE Broken Colt, 4 years old. good driver. Apply Box "P," Examiner. ite GOOD STRONG BOY WANTED 1 work | 10 Bakery Apply Brown's B: B4c | | MILLINERY APPRENTICES WANTED -- | Apply Powell & Co. Dunlop St, 34-34e | FOR SALE One engine, gram separuter | and claver mill Apply Examiner Of | fier 3435p) FURNISHE! . With or ply Muleaster Street . 34tte | pn HAND SATCH i ed Registration Jeave at Po Reurne ©ROOMED FURNISHED HOUSE. TO RENT. -Fron October to Muy. Apply | at This Office a4 tfe FOR SALE. Sulehoard, Dining Choirs and Table. als Quebec Heater. Apply | Vid Buytield 4 a4, LADY CLERK WANTED Fir Albevtole | Bryson's Confectionery COW FOR SALE. (Young) Rabbits for| Wt Thompson, 261 Barrie LOST Crocheted, silk |" 1 alarm on Aug. 15, was acquitted, it being shown that a litte girl from the country was responsible She went to post some letters, and the glass being off the alarm box, she pulled the handle think- ing, it was a post box. \ he "Katryn," the first boat to make the trip from Toronto to Barrie, via the. Trent Valley canal, arrived here last Saturday afternoon and remained till the following day. On board this jarge gasoline launch were the owner, Mr. Walsman, with his wife and son. They' expressed themselves as delighted with the trip and Barrie and hope to have a 4! of boats come up here next séason, Ald. Adamson, who welcomed them on behalf of the town, promised to give them a good time. W. H. Thresher, organist and choirmaster of 'St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, has opened a studio at his residence, 3&8 Worsley St.. where he will teach voice culture, piano, and the theory of music. Mr. Thresher taught these subjects for six years in his native city of Ham- ilton hefore going to Brantford, where he was organist and choir: master of Park Baptist Chureh for over two years before coming to Barrie, In Hamilton he was an organist and choirmaster for eight years, hesides being eon-| ductor of a choral society, Mr Thresher has neen very success- ful as a teacher, having produced | many promising musicians, beth | in voeal and piano PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Laisbles of Toronty is visiting Mess. M. Wells { Miss Frankie Hagar tu visit jends in Te Ald. RB. W. Payne after holidaying at Byng Inlet, Mrs. Boddy of is visiting Mrs. J MeL. Stevenson. | Miss Smuck of Rochester, N.Y.| is visiting her nephew, Geo. D.| Hubbard. | Miss Maisie Kennedy as holi-| daying 1 Teriperancesill: aad! Feronte | Mfs..55 4 Hell oof Porento | Visited un and Minesing last week Geo H. Wilson of tie Lind, Post was un town Jast week ot # motoring trap. Mrs Chas S> Poster is spend-| ing IWo weeks im Copper Chit and | ether pomts a Northern On A dooAL Harris has returned. to upleau after spending -- the we Web with bis fanuly a bo The Misses Latimer of Ke ei visit | Bradford and chile and Uliften of Niagara eo Nistting at WoobD, Dr. and Mrs. Spratt and enit.! dren and Mrs. ail Miss Habbiek have returned after a tetihaw at Wasaga Beart i} Vie Mise). balna and Vivieane M urned tu Hinntsval Mls seks VUSH bet eel and AV fred Mace | Mrs. Thos. Smath. Albert Sty visiting at the home of WoT uth Clarke Pp New. era Lew Ww Stewart uibter Miss Misitinis the former's sister, | NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS To RENT| Mo Ao Harris. Elizabeth i Masier Fred Conran with or without bused PO Rox ay Ragin [ine the balance af th ~ Iw ele amd a | FOR SALE Pure bred Holstem heifer, | Pte. Dr Red atul Miss Wilson, | fresh, great mulker. Apply to Cudmore | Vernet Heneidsall sl 2 dare Kast of Market 34p| by his grandmother, Mrs Sunday with the forme Los On August 12, pur of Eye Glasses | ALE Quantity of Apply to 2. Allandale. 34-36 p | No, LOST.In Sunnidale, Aug. 18, card case with registration card, bank book. -- Fin- der please return to J. E. Sinclair, Allan- dale 34-34 STRONG BOY AND GIRL would like light work evenings in return for room and board while at Barrie High School, Apply Box "B," Examiner, 34-34p LOST -A Baby Brooch engraved "Re on Wednesday afternoon, between Fi cis St. and the Post Office. WANTED--By young le, two furn- ished fooms suitable for light house- keeping. Good references. Box "K", Examiner. 34 FARM FOR SALE--100 acres, west half 11, con. 6, Oro, all cleared. "Frame house and barn, 'Mile east of Edgar village. For particulars apply to Thos. Hewitt, 227 Dunlop St., "Barrie, + 34-36p GENERAL SERVANT WANTED-- For a Toronto family. No washing. Good wages to a competent person. Apply to Mrs. H. B. Myers, 79 High Street, Barrie, Ont., phone 690, 4-ptfe FOR SALE--2 cows, Jersey and Holstein, both young and milking good, freshened in June; also 1 registered Yorkshire boar, 4 months old. Apply Examiner Office. 34-34. "MAKERS OF CANADA'--21 volumes, standard historical edition, beautiful half: leather, never been unpacked ; reg. $85.00, great bargain at $35.00. Apply P.O, 2x 625, Barri 3424p FOR SALE--Two enamelled beds, dining- room chairs and table, kitchen chairs and table, sideboard, rug, hall rack, two set- tees, odd chairs, Singer sewing machine. Apply 68 Mary St. 34 CAR FOR SALE--Ford Touring 1912, in excellent running order, has had careful usage, 1917 coils and extras, real leather upholstery in splendid condition. Anply to W. F. Ronald, 220 Dunlop St,, or Can- adian Bank of 'Commerce. 34-B4e with cham, lady's, hetrween Quee Park | and Bayfield Sireet Finder please lenve | at 410 Bay or phone 295. 34p Meso EOS. Ford, Owen st Vaughn and Miss Norristown, with Mrs. W acon W. A. Atkinson, Mrs. Ale kinson and daughter of Edmonton are visiting al the home of the former's father, G. Atkinson, Blake St id Mrs. Jack Armstrong nuly of Guelph have been | spending a few days with Barrie | relatives on their way home from Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Boag and family are moving this week to Burwash, where Mr. Boag is Superintendent fof the Govern. ment Farm. Mrs. Fred Thurston -- and daughter, Lilliai, of Middleton, New Hampshire. spent a few days | with her Thos. Chown Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Turner have gone to visil some of the western towns, and also {ta see Mrs, Turner's brother. who resides at Grand Forks, Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ramsay and family of Owen Sound have turned to their home after visit- ing with Mrs. Ramsay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham. RL. 8. Perry and his two. children of Toronto, Miss Winni_ fred and Master Randal. spent a couple of Ks at St Paul's Recto: Innisfil, recent! Mr. Sim, teller in the Bank of Toronto, has been moved to &t. Catharines and his place here has been taken by Chas, H. Smith of Collingwood. who was a member of the local staff five years ago. 7 Mrs. H. Ball and her little granddaughter, Vona Ness, have returned home from Thessalon after a pleasant visit with the former's daughter. Mrs. Bailey, also three weeks' camping at Basswood Lake. After having spent a couple of weeks with his family at Glen- mount, Lake of Bays, Ven. Arch- deacon Perry visited h his brother, Rev, R. J. W. Perry, at the Innisfil Rectory, afier which they both went on a motoring trip through the Niagara district, sister-in-law, Mrs.! Boys' Boots here. BOYS' FINE SHIRTS In pretty, light colored with From ¢ sizes up to $4.50 for the largest boys' sizes in the best quality with every price hetween, and every price the lowest pos- sible You cannot do better than buy arched bands and cuffs, sizes 12 to 14. Three special values at 50c, 75¢, 90c. a | WHERE MOST WE ARE AGENTS FOR "STANDARD PATTERNS." HAVE YOU GOT YOUR SEPTEMBER DESIGNER YET? "School Days" are at hand again And your boys will need new Clothing and Footwear after the long holidays. You will find the values in these lines just,a little better than elsewhere at this Store, and besides we give you a 5c. premium on every dollar purchase. Our Premium List now includes such useful School Supplies as Pencils, Slates, Scribblers, Exercise books, &c. We also sell these articles at reasonable prices BOYS' SUITS FOR SCHOOL OR BEST In spite of the shortage in many mat- erials our line of Boys' Suits excels any previous showing. Of course the prices are higher than before the war, but come in and see how much lower they are than you would expect. 3-year to 8-year sizes made in "Buster Brown" style with collar fitting close to neck, belts and bloomer knickers, of Tweeds, Serges and Cord Velvets, range in price from.........eee eee year to 18-year sizes we have all the new Coats in Pinch Back, Trench style and a new style with belt and four patch pockets, at prices according to size and quality, from BOYS' STRONG SCHOOL BOOTS Lines range in Price from $2.00 to $4.50 Commencing at $2.00 for the smaller - -$6.00 to ment... .. sizes 7 to 10. good value at stripes, made SHIPS SE These Caps will stand the price is only (= OPL other pomts of histori Meo Win, Henry master of st Andreas' s: Church, amd Miss Gertrude M Cartweieht daughter of Mr. andl Cartwright, Millon Were wedded on 'Wednes day, Aug. 14. in St Mark's Church The Collier St. Methodist Church | Pastor, Rev. R. J. Fallis. UNION SERVICES Sunday, August 25th --In Collier St. Methodist Church. In Central Methodist Chureh, Rev. Herman Moore will take both wer- TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, August 25th 13th Sunday after Trinity 8.30--Holy Communion. 10.0048. S. and Bible Classes. 11,00--Morning Prayer und Sermon, 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon. Ryerybody welcome. REV. H. D, RAYMOND, Vie: W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical. Voices tested free. Residence und Studio, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. Season commences September 3rd. 34-yrly ARMOUR --At Buxton, un th, 1918, Lo C Mrs. Gordon Arinour, Donald Wilson), BLACK----In the R. ¥, Hospital, on Wednesday, Aug-21, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black, Allandale, a son, BURTON--In Allandale Aug. 3, to Mroand Mr . Burton, Burton Ave., a son. [ASELEY--At Vietoria Square on Monday, August Mr. and Mrs. a daughter, | Pearl $ XUFF--In the R. V. Hospital, on nesday, Aug. 24, to 'Mr. vs, Walter Duff, a daugh- L -In Allandale, on Friday, Aug. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holorook. twins 'boy and girl . McGREGOR--In Allandale, Tues., Aug. 6, to.Mr. and Mrs. E. M. MeGregor, Cumberland St, a daughter. SAGE--At the R. V. Hospital, on Saturday, Aug. 10, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Sage..Phelpston, a daugh- ter. SHARPF--On Friday, Aug. 16, to Mr. and Mrs, T. Sharpe, Killy- leagh, a son. ZAMPALONI---In Allandale, Thur. Aug. 8. fo Mr. and Mrs, John Zampaloni, Burton Ave., a son, MARRIED BURKE--QUINN--At St. Ce- colia's ¢ . Toronto, Aug. 5. hy Rev. Dr. Tracy, Josephine K. Quinn of Barrie, to J. Joseph Burke of Toronto. DORRELL--BOWMAN -- At the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given pursu Trustee Act that all persons h against the Estute of Thomas McKinnon, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the second day of Novem- ber, 1917, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 14th day of September, 1918, after which date the Executrix will distribute the assets of the estate among those en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that she will not be responsible to any person for the assets of said estate whose claims shall not then have been received. DONALD Ross, Executrix's Solicitor, visiting Hamilton, Dundas, St.! Catharines, Niagara Falls, and, Ewe, Ontario 34-36c. DATED 20th day of August, 1918. Central Methodist parsonage, Aug. 21, by Rev. H. Moore, Albert E. Dorrell of Midland, Ss Miss Eva Bowman of Tiny 'p. MINO--CROWDER--At the Cen- tral Methodist parsonage, Aug. 21, by Rev. H. Moore, Wm. W. Mino of Medonte, to Miss Lina R. Crowder of Hillsdale. McKay and Mrs. McKay, Edgar, aged 46 years. $4.50 up BOYS' BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR All sizes Shirts and Drawers, per Br BOYS' MERINO UNDERWEAR Good medium weight, Penman's make Shirts and Drawers, according to size, per garment...... BOYS' STRONG STOCKINGS Heavy ribbed untearable Stockings in BOYS' ETON CAPS E_ TRADE. si August 22, 1918 $14.75 .....50¢ to 75. These two lines are extra per pair.....35¢ and 45c. of Tan and Brown Leather hardest wear possible, the motos wa +s. 50c. each WOLFENDEN--In _ Bart ie, on 17, Albert 64th yea TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES 1918 Taxes for the year 1918 are due and payable at the OFFICE of the TREAS. URER, Council Chamber, on the following dates _ Amounts over $10.00 may be divitled into two equal instalments payable Sept- ember 20th and November 20th. on of $10.00 or ieion Septennber Discounts allowed ax follows:-- ~ +, On 'all taxes 'paid in full on or before AUGUST 29th » discount of one per cent will be allowed, On taxes paid in' full 'on or before September 20:h a discount of 'one per cent on the amount of the second instalment will be allowed. A. W. SMITH, Saturday, Wolfende: 38-340. Treasurer ee ees FARM FOR SALE 125 acres, being south half Lot 18, Con, 8 and North East % of North Half Lot 18, Con. 2, Innisfil, Simcoe County, two miles from Lefroy Station, G.T.R., convenient to school, within three miles of five different denominations of churches, one mile from Penetanguishene Road, three miles from DeGraasi Point, Lake Simcoe. On the pre- mises are commodious stone house, frame barn 40x96, stone basement having horse stable, cow stable, hog pen and hen pén, cement floors in good condition, new cement silo and cistern, well. Soil clay loam, four scres small orchard, six acres pasture land with fountain land level, grain farm in good state of cultivation. Immediate possession, For further particulars apply to Benjamin Averill, Cookstown, Ont. 32-34pe NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT IN BARRIE There has never been anything like it in Barrie with the INSTANT action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE* SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract 80 com- pletely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or constipation and prevents appendi- citis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-i-ka surprises both doctors and pat ients, Wm. Crosland, Druggist. : 01

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