} ; Thursday, August 22, 1918* -- approaching, "you certainly threw. GWLADYS JONES a@ scare, into us. We thought THE WELSH (0. Teacher of* YOUR BEST | you'd been blown to bits in the} - Voice Prodwetion and Singing. Special lae- Li explosion, | What's happened to sons for repertoire, English and Isalian, Ate.served. when you place your Banking affairs with See ye FORO 28 if you'd, Studio st Mrs. Gauley's, 67 McDonald St, The.Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-chosen connections, and the strong fin- ancial prestige of this Institution, you will find careful and 'interested atténtion given to your account, and an accuracy in handling the smallest details that you will appreciate. Paid-up Capital - $5,000,000 Reserved Funds $6,555,000 THE BANK OF TORONTO ~ Barrie and Allandale Branches-- ' . H. A. SIMS, Manager. THE FIGHTING TRAIL 6 a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try " } - o munedy' for freckies vith the guarantee! BY J. Stuart Blackton and Cyrus Townsend Brady FRECKLE-FACE $0N AND WIND BRING OUT UGLY SPOTS. HOW TO REMOVE EASILY xf a reliable desler that it will not cost you ® penny unless it removes the freckles; while if it does give you a clear complex: -- ion the expense ix trifling. A pull on the rope and down Bimply get an ounce of Othine--double/ the airshaft slid a compact strengih--from any druggist and a few applications should show you how enry it j to rid younelf of the homely freckles od gets beautiful complexion. Rarely ® more than one ounce needed for the Fort case Be sure to ask the druggist double strength Othine as this strength is | 47 aloging fonthold. gold under guarantee of money back if! ireneth, already iBetaily te xeonn ve fregklen \drained swiftly away. hosen a spot to drill as far up s he could reach, but even so it| pmed that the water must reach iL first "Watet the hole, Nan" be said "If the water gets there first the bundle which Gwyn lifted clear of the water. The dynamite he placed on a dry ledge above. and then with drill and hammer | attacked the face of the rock. As for the jhe worked. supported uncertainty his Are, Well Supphed --at-- ill all be drowne fis fin nt frantiently Ptile the water rose higher and Seott's | Casey. with features drawn tense Bookstore rs stratid fis ears at the the imam shaft for Fthe sett of [he explasian whieh: have rome 'The went by they grew ole Sill the blast did not | Jas. Arnold There was te sina frown | fxevn The atistanen down tne | Fire & Life Insurance Agent | oj... 5. jie fewnted tunnel below Was foo great for Casey to hear Real Estate and Money to Loan! \),,\, rouet fhe trill was] -- Working. He became worried and Acoumber of Valualde Farms (was jist about teattempt to have and Town Properties for Sale on! himself lowered oelow when, with nable terms the most ces mighty: bl the parth shou. SANK OF TORONTO BUILDING |! i ts his feet, He jieainlites relieved. Gwyn must have sue. BARKIE ¢ Joan blawing out the side valet the cian | As Gvyn andl Nan were nearest! . fo the rent an tte wall, through | 6 6 Smith & Co whiel the water flowin milly. (ey were alee the first Cee canis ieee tts be anant a Inauindiatety they realized 1 impending U N D E RT A K E R s ct V Buta short distanee | id of them was the p which the flood wat pec tite the ef feer belaw 1 reaper Open Day and Night i rivet wards (has elit eed helplessly ade them do. Morgue and Chapel in connection pair in the face of their ap. alien parenily inevitable: dugnt, Kwon How as they peered befare them, | hes could see the wate fallin A. F. A, MALCOMSON eo brink of the chasm and Represents Tnsuean of uikeited: Finane Companies S Standing Meine Saddonly ayist as it seemed as) anil \ ALL STRAMSHIP LINE [though they nust ge aver, and | Your pagsage booked to or from) len they were almost close all' parts of the world i ite the 'ine, {u a tne] river below, Gwyn's body struck A. F. A. MALCOMSON 5 hice poutier projecting up-| THE INSURANCE MAN AND [ward beneath (he surface. His! STEAMBOAT AGENT Representing Canadian Northern Square, Barrie. Phone 447a body stri this on the side as it did was thrown to within al most aggp's reach of the shore. had been clinging des- ely to him, was turned to- \ : " ward the land alse, Gwyn, grasp- \f WwW * ° ing this slender hope with the \ . D. Minnikin Of a man facing death, Licensed Embalmer Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS (succemsor to the Late Meaford Webb) Full ling of all the latest Gaskets kepf.in stock, in- cluding Gra Vaults and Oak Shells, Open Day & Night exerted all strength in one super- human effort and managed to grasp the limbs of a bush gro' ing nenr the water's edge, Clin ing to this tightly, he pulled Nan to safely' and together they {elambered safely to land, dust as they reached the shore the struggling forms of the men who had' been imprisoned within the mine emerged through the hole in the shaft. being swept to- ward the river on the crest of the = swirling waters. Gwyn caught the first as he was passing near 7 N the shore, horror written on his Phone .B face. By hoiding him firmly ay 250 one hand, he. in turn, was able FGR THE BEST BAKERS' BREAD Phone 431 W.R.Nellly, Funeral Director to cateh another further out in the stream. 'Thus by forming a. chain, all the miners except two were saved and pulled ashore. These two unfortunates passed far oul in the water before the chain had been formed stfficient- ly long to reach them, and were dashed over the rocks to the death that would have been shared by both Nan and Gwyn had fortune not been so kind to them. A few minutes later the wet and bedraggled little crowd walke: slowly up to the entrance of the shaft and found Casey and Sheriff Hogan excitedly making prepara- tions to go down into the mine in search of them. "Heavens, man," Casey cried joyously to Gwyn as he saw them SANDWICH AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets Sanna EERIE SIMOOE MARBLE WORKS unit dashing down and |! rive i q | Penetang-Midland Brass Band in Attendance ar in a fist fight with Niagara. al "We almost didn't get out to tell you about it," Gwyn answer- ed. "We were swept out by the flood and were almost pitched into the river. Two poor chaps did go over." "Where were you trapped," Hogan inquired, "We would have tried to help you, but L hadn't any idea where you were." s "I don't Know much more about it than you do," replied Gwyn. "IL was ong-ef the shafts on the other side foarhihe river. We have such & netvork of tunnels there now that it's a regular maze. IL would ta. a stranger a week to find his way out "Well, ow that you're all safe! and back again." Hogan said, "I'M get along to town. There are a lot of things that | have to attend to before I've got my new job well under way. I'll leave my dog out here with you. You may need him; he's as good a police; man as any sheriff that Lost Mine} has seen in the last twelvy ii Gwyn and Nan jaughe, bade Hogan goodoye. Nan patte the dog and assured hersel his friendship. And no Gwyn and bis wife, feeling secure and red from their racking exper-| ience, prepared to rest for a while and then go about ates pieaine things againas soon as the water | in the mine had flowed out en-| firely so that the work could be resumed. He did not intend te! allow any time to be lost matters in New York were becom ing too serious for that, But they ri eppreciating their enemy, Von Bleck Bu Koned without fully the persistence sf! who was| so easily tu be defeated. | The bushes that hid from view! the old entrance to the cinnabar | mine---the shalt that had beea in| abandoned since Gwyn bad taken wha aut opened the ma arted slowly, and the | ' Appeared moving caulius-- Von Bleek aml his titile silepates fawered whieh they tad action. when they Woarrival wie He e before band of Y orevalyers. saw who ti t : the mime with the news te the obt shaft ent agent of the Central Powers wait- ed anxiously to hear the repart He didn't werk," the spy con fuded, "Phe flowd almost away with Gwyn and the girk, but they got out all eight Two en were killed. but that doesnt accomplish anything." r are about ther berg fe, said inpatiewtly remy to murder ny enemies-- Pin (i to beat ther What Pin afier ts te des the ming se that they can't get any | eutnabar fo the enenis my reuntry. Pell tne. did this Plead | rum the mine | Yoo the ether answered, the w ff ostayed int Low I have worked | put the wall, and let thew Jout. Evervthiie is all right gow Th seen empty about fwe hours aus when Peame over Gwyn was just omg dewn iets the shaft with a shift ef men tol start werk axain, We'l[ have to Find another way to put the place OU of business thon Von Bleck ny th did not) despair P way was ale uly found and preparations had hu begun even before the man Woarrived to repert the failure af the flood Irageit Block swe'll turn- "If water fails." Von said, with a crafty smile, trv fire. Drant," he ealled, ing to that individual, "you and Rawls get the explosives ready and lay the wires. Bring me the fuse and welll give this old mountain the biggest earthquake it's ever seen." Drant was in action defore Von Bleck had finished speaking. He and Rawls. aided by two or three others, disappeared through the $1000.00 IN PRIZES PENETANG'S GRAND Labor Day CELEBRATION Monday, September 2, 1918 In J. T. Payette's New Driving Park. HORSE RACES Free For All. Purse. 235 Class * Named Rai Gentleman's Race . + $75.00. All mile beats, best three out of five, 5 to enter, 4 to start. N.T.A. Rules to govern, AUTOMOBILE RACES, For Ford Cars only--Ist Prize, Valuable Silver Trophy; 2nd, Nobby Tread Tire. Best two out of three, each heat 3 miles, MOTOR CYCLE RACES, Free For All. . Best two out of eat 5 miles, Stock Machines .. 50.00. 5 per cent. to enter and 5 per cent. ad- ditional from all Winners. FOOT-BALL MATCH between the two Northern Championship Teams. Prize, Value $100.00. The Committee reserve the right to make any changes that they may consider necessary. Admission--Adults 50 cts. Children 25. cts. 'The PENETANG DRIVING ASSOCIATION J. T. Payette, Owner and Manager, 75.00,, moving to her new hom the witl own washing" Washerwomen. are-soarce and dear--so she just used her brains; she had heard about Sunlight--she bought. it, read directions carefully and now has a better, cleaner wash far more satisfaction than ever Before Sunlight oap Rubbing the bar-of Sunlight: over the putting them to soak-- 4 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toroato. . Id entrance into the mme, carry-| tag with them sticks of explosives and fuses the etuls of whieh were held by Von Bleek. tu a few nutes they reappeared without the sticks, "Everything aly." Rawls} announ "But votre not go- | when in the, We Mn te set at the chat Gwyn and the others ure nite working, are yeu? dynamite will not explode and we! use by Dew Carlos and had een | UNE as well wut until they get This new guy. Hogan, might! oul ' sy in dealing out thes hay py was, and there's | nou # chances,' The devil with Hogan!' Von Bleck cried angrily. "Pi here ty vy that mine and Ping be destroy Hoa couple + wple have to die U's better than f warling vintilomy whele nation ts Wipeout by Me stuf Uh = hing. Come, now, get back. Ban ing te let Cer blew AS seen as this first charge goes off aud. the str s--ywu and ote Bean and hay One more lt do the and Ewant to be sur avether blast job up fine 1 nd this whole business mght here while Po have the chance Clear away! Get back! With these words Von) Bleck Lighted the wares im his hand, ant te hithe fhekermg, -- sputtiag jflime went sputtering alow h as diner igniting auother fuse whieh had been usted' ante it se that several Ant ran along inte the f the mine entrance. , he oof another persen than Von Bleck would have peen clouded with) horror at sueh a movement. Rut the aetions of Wis strange nan were impossible tn 1 ter h sei rman, almost E thetic tant ta carry his aims lo disdstrenis extents. New) he was stolid. unrelenting. wmwannily cold. as he watehed the fuse buen nearer aml nearer te the charze that meant destructibn, and wait- ed for the blast (To be continued) Death of John Murphy VYhe death vecurred in Alliston vn Aug. 4i of an old resident of Tecumseth fownuskip in the person of Jolie Murphy. 'The de ceased gentleman resided for almost thirty rs un lot concession only retiring 1 Histon in the early part of this ar on account of i health. Mr. Murphy was in his 7ith year and was a member of the Presbyter- jan Church, In polities dre was a life-long Conservative, "He was a man oof sterling qualifies, a good neighbor anda true friend, Besides an aged widow, he leaves a fanvily of four sons: Thos, A, of Egbert: Robi, A. of Minesing: Willian: B.. of Wilkie, Sask.. and Andrew on the 'old home. stead. W. J. MoLarty Goes to Oshai Orillia Times--W. J. Melar (son of nd Mrs. Peter Me- Larty, Barrie., who has been for some years a valued and trusted employee of the Tudhope Carriage Co., Limited, has been appointed to the position of General Pur- chasing Agent of the McLaughlin Co., at Oshawa. The position is a very responisble one as the Mc- Loughlins do one of the largest automobile and carriage busi- nesses in Canada Mr. McLarty left Orillia yesier_ day, but Mrs. MeLarty will remain in lown for a few weeks before While Mr. McLarty many friends regre{ his removal from Orillia, they are pleased to learn that he has received an excellent position and one which he is well qualified to fill. HARVESTERS URGENTLY NEEDED IN WESTERN CANADA ling to Western harvest fields Northern Railway and thereby give loyal support to the Peoples' Line. Information of value to harvest hands is given in 8 leaflet entitled 'Harvesters Work and Wages" to be had from any GOD SAVE THE KING. | Red Astrachun vaneties. | MARKET ITEMS SATURDAY MARKET Rest feuture was apples at the Saturday morning, bui they ry poor sample and mostly wind- the resent: storms. -- Even the looking baskets demanded --25¢ They were mostly of the Yellow Transparent and Potutors were down in price, 40¢ 4 peck procuring choice ones Some asked 50c. u peck in the curly hours of the murket war not a rush one. poorest. and the better ones 35¢ and 4c. Corn was murke for the first thie season and was fwirly well filled, Lt went quickly Looal tomatoes are very backward im many eurdens and none of any account ar rei yet. Paws beans of the firer crap kre almost done. jose who Fave rota hon crops, planting «0 many days apart ure still able to offer them. There were still a few raspberries left, followed by the old pric, 25c, a box. "They did not look No. 1 for either preserving or imme- dinte table use, Eggs were plentiful' and were 43 to 45¢ per dozen, Butter wos wore plentiful thin the lust market day, and was around 45-46e. per Ib. The Cupning Kiteben, though not is operation, was open for inspeotios. and was visited by: many Eggs, per dozen ....., Butter, fb Chicken, dressed, Ib Cream, quart. . Milk, quart... Raspberries, box Apples, busket few potatoes, peck. Beets, basket, | Parsnips, basket 25e 'Onions, basket * « 500. Asparagus, buneb, 05e. | Horse Radish root, buneb,. 05e. Rhubarb, buneb,.... 050. Parsley, bunch, O5e. |Green Peas, qt., shelled» 206. en Peas, in pod, quart. |. |. .,10c. Horse Radish, half pint bottle. . » Ie Lettuce, bunch, ..... 080. ork, dressed, Ib... Yorkshire Pigs, young pai May, new. 8 i NEAR-BY MARKETS (August 16, 1918) Bradford- Wheat -- $2.08-82.10, barley $1.20, ont» 800, rye $2.00, butter 40c, \eREY 40c { Beeton--Hogs $19.50 ewt., lamb Ib., 196, butter 4Uc, eggs 42¢ Creemore--Wheat $1,95-82.07, buckwheut $1.35-$1.40, onts 90c, barley '$1.55-81.65, hay $9.00-$10.00, potutoes bag 80c, butter 37c, eggs 40-50, live hogs $19.25. Stayner--Butter 37-40c, eggs 38-40c. Orillia--Wheat $2.10, barley $1.25, oats 75-80c, live hogs $19.00, dressed "pork $24,00-8: 0, butter 42-43c, eggs 40-42c, hay $10.00-$13.00, washed wool 85c, do un- washed 60-62c. -------------- Lachute, Que,, 25th Sept., 1908. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited, Gentiemen,--Ever since coming jhome from the Boer war I have been bothered with running fever sores on my legs. I tried many sulves snd liniments; also doo- tored continuously for the blood, but got no permanent relief, tll last winter when my mother got me to try MINARD'S LIN- IMENT, the effect of which was almost magical. Two bottles completely cured me and I have worked every working day since. Yours gratefully, JOHN WALSH. TOWN WOOD SUPPLY The Council is having 2000 cords of hardwood cut in Algon- quin Park for use in town. De. livery will commence in No- vember. The wood is sound four foot maple and black birch, running about seventy-five per cent. maple. It will be sold at cost, which will be about $10.50 or $11.00 per cord delivered. . Citizens requiring wood will kindly advise the undersigned the amount required. , GN.R, Agent, A W, SMITH, 32-34 Town Clerk. but she kale j | Owen St, Barrie, every Saturday. 55, eases of Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Com. Barrie, Phome 682. For terms, etc, cal af jstudio on Wednesdays. Voices tested free. ls MAU E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Cowan & Brown Offiees: 13 Owen Sti (in: the premises formerly oceupied by the Bunk: of Toronto), Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A, Boys, KC, MP. -D. C. Murchison CHARLES W. PLAXTON Bay and Richmond Sts, Toronto. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICTTOR, ETC. Bank.of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loam. GRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THB Suprenis- Court of Judicature of Ontario, Prostom,, Notuvies, Conveyancers, eta. Money to. loan. Offices: in Ross Block, Bare. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. | | MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL | Office and Residence Corner of | Toronte jand ZBlizabeth Streets, opposite. Elizabeth |S. Methodist Chureb. Telephone: 167. DR. W. A. ROSS |L-RCS, Edinburgh, F.C.P,, London, Phy- |sioian, Surgeon, ete. Office and: Resi {Dunlop St, Barrie. Telephone 165. DR. E. G. TURNBUEL | (MoGith | (Successor to Dr. Re S. Broud). Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth andi {Bradford Sts, Barrie, Phone 105. W. A. LEWIS, M.D: CM. |SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espowiab. lly. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie, | DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity Univarsity, Toronte, also Edinburgh and Glasgow, Specialty-- Dixesses of Stomach. Offtee: Corner Baye field und Worley Sts. i 8 pam. daily, DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toroato, will ba at 91. Dis. suttation bours 11 am. to 5 pm and: by» appointment. Toronto Phone Nerth 3894. 2°. | Barrie Phone No, 2. |e, ACCOUNTANTS, LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crowy Life Building, 5 Yonge Staeet, Toronte. Telephone Main 5874, ween, H. J, Welsh. J. F. La JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to com. duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfaction: guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St., Phone 191. Orders left at A. F. A. Mulcomson's offiee will receive prompt attention. The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, eto. e carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre. pared Roofing. Wood Turning and iln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS, PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA, Phone; Office 163, Residence 358. cr @eo@ Hed