Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1918, p. 1

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THE - BARRIE - EXAMINER WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------------------ SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 once : 3550 Copies} THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING |. 8 Pages 55th Year. W.€. Wall Basiea Menuges BARRIE, CANADA, AUGUST 22, 1918 |--Bingle Copies S ets, Per annum [in advance) 51.50 No. 34 "TWAS SIX DAYS OF Arete FINE ENTERTAINMENT sh parentage County Kerey, Als PAULTOL Cats thes, nay | WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI | f churehes, Chautauqua Provided Great} <);:;,,; ust to the] |) Wer came to Lets ye os 2 un ie v 2 E Pte alli alstern. se Lectures and Music--Come J rey) 1s |AWalter Haleiong, had been kille Again Next Year. dtartte plac tien anit the Jer which Ireland ts net eatin blendie Patt, New Lowell. as Vo these whe were fortunate enough te attend the Chautauqua We hand, He went ave enlertainmients last week. the th Bn eourse pre eat iilerest, within. x0 Lieut Oswald Lenn, sett COMBE ebgesmient wilh a not int} Me. dustiee Penney. whe telleetual predit. Net ouby was Goghts whieh | Weundits was te (he q . belight fully enon the Janguage |b hated being " Phen we looked tipeu f the citte Hall easualloe ary fee seet Attteetie th these are ealled upen be bed t another Moury's eff the Vale of Ay Neo eIrish Januting ¢ Blarney Stone left out Allusion} Loeut. Girasett venga a Ply despateh fren: Strattord. statin that ht Hob Graselt thd be wits mide to the beauty te | neath: heepatal witha wend an ferred fe the Sa th. Senne anette aid ate orn eirls of Kerry and Cork the the at ne stuieel te then heer he was Shehtly wearnded: ty euttidde 1 "ist the en AeUIbOsd ie Abbe: the) Examiner shrapnel, bat ih was net sericaus Regent ME te UT Peas women shown, Seenes! Taeut ostie a pepulir efticer enetath fe keep hin aut of the i Ne Hepocting the "eun-running™ and | tthe treneties arming of the Ulster Volunteers yi artien, He bet Cffert nener carne te Mrs BK Dat, son of Mr aud Mes Vie Wai. Meure was placed in} mene wornded i the ws tek quved ing were fepavel This Week Arthan mueler wath the 15eTh Bn | cha ai ante j he so peem. Phe Harp That] Dae, ginstet wend in arnt. dos Vai Cpl, Berne Sx feo would Hah ase Oner Phy Varas Hall Jardin yshiet weund oon the admitted te a Wien | pei bee eaten ee the Listes ana Mey te ade Jesse MeKilliean, gunshet fal oen Sag Loo safferity aa ee ea Wide pt eet at wat weenie an the abd evivshot wounds ite The be a Nie) een ee Ny 4 We Cannery ford called) for Hi Tuesday'> Glebe appeared a tit chest es aosen oof | reer hel kitted. Vhs repent was aatene talion asa. privale, bulsson'won tripes and was conumission before go- vf dl Aba tuen Hospilal on Aug 9 with zunshot wounds in tad and hetirek. Word caine te tis iether, Mrs Woo) Moore, be Owen Stl foot Memebiy Pt Is a son tp Cunt whe tits feet oun guard auty at the Welland ean yosetite fame, At the time at Histment he ow Vo Deviurs ste Ihe nena as a erpilawed: at He went ae mW and datshter Sweeney. a live i vw Reval Rath. Collisgweed, be Wo Chenas Fhivabeth ast.) Weish ard trish Wht a the seecnd Simece fate on Meaday that her Pre Vhe imasieal progearine te fi ; Seed te first day oh the Chinato ihe Mite Techie tech G8 He Weblole (le Hed Uistermien enbisted altiess rete tio! by tle Nols Hea myn in the service of Keng ' Quartet, rompesnt ol tens Welsa ened HOw snd tse hese scene Vreht th Gernnitis iy Hy gave its hts opanien thet Hono "He Hill whiet eo | ed the whole cf Drei and Parliament dobe sue aller tine Tis Gurls Gis Siuipily Me was a ser ean Pe PW Davidseti at real war the leet Tesland whorl Wee] tater with ter leek resent var seh a fobedp but des tebe subgeet ts alterient sunny Sul ou Page 3 Apples Wanted Ser D. G. McMackon b Stetetly hand queked and ols : : . Jectures were replete with Uynred ony Sprig Waste, Nace UNE ae ayarded the Cron de Misang since uly Hi belyrced to have qmenee and wit steh as the and Nw 2 < eariy Pau Sueree: hen! pulled alae are alde te Asfiuving Duchess and tall apples., ¢ Noten was recently pecerved hy Below are two Tetters rece an exponent oof the Hibernan| foals supply. the bareel character and as an iferpreter| same, Call at the apple factory, Aoeus that the at trish events he shewed a} cor, Sophia Stand Maple Ave) terden MeMad Hing the band make arrangement~ te have aearided | the iit Crew na UP your crop taken eare co Guerre for "gallantry displiyes north | TWoGosshing dinte (200 the etd" seret" MeMneke & features enisted with the 58th Ba, res being portrayed by one . . j Capt, Carmichael and w 1 lantern slides, ~The The J.D. Wisdom Ga. Atlan 5 in November, 191 fure was bisterical as well as date have been almost tow ousy| ruary of the fel geographical, peainning with th advertise, but woul tke too him in F faking of Ulster by the O va vour attention to a few! peen sir serving with teiling the stery of "Red O Saturday prices; Choice roma.) machine gun seetion of the Nint Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick, | toes. 5 cents Ih. or per bskts| Brigade, and taking. part in "such prominent Irishmen as| sweet corn, I Aa, | per doz. | 67th Battery Canam? the 71st Ba Jeli fi sand Kitchener, whe were bern] Get in frelamd, were alse shown. If 4 and Rarrie for Barrie Fair, Sept | ' ir. Sept The New Fall Coats at Sarjeant & King's They have arrived and we are pre- pared to serve all early buyers with the opportunity to make their selection from a large range of beautiful gar- ments. Our prices are absolutely right-- If one has in mind quotations of three years ago, today's figures look high, but our prices ranging from $15.00 to 65.00 are 10 to 15 per cent. below the market price and we can assure you of our usual right values and right styles. Coat materials are scarce--and this condition will increase with the de- mand as the season advances. With this in view we shall commence the Fall Season with the largest stock of Coats and Ready-to-wear Garments that we have ever had. vataty | |e ewes | We are using every effort to maintain old values by anticipating your needs, but cannot promise repeat orders at present prices, so we advise an early selection. Dressmaking and Millinery Departments will reopen September 2nd. SARJEANT & KINGS THE STORE OF SATISFACTION for Meo and Mrs. 2 MeMaeken of oy Mrs b. Ethermgton, 32 under already oceecived by you, thal per doz.: large | number of shows", including | py Wh are cabbage, [00 each: shan| Passchendaele. Was the enemy. tire that though as] cantaloupes, U1 doihe each; Two other sons of this family y vere ab to the af some | Califorma peaches and pears, 50¢) aiso are in khakis Frank. with the fistance, they | told by and Richard wilh had to leave it. And the Ree Pte. E. Etherington Pene- d | Wing St, ging particulars of the vedeath of her sen, je) Prem the Chaplain, Major Al} Baynes-Rerd--- "TP regret to write nfand confirm the news, doubtless . Etherington, h Bn. is reported the aight of duly W314 was witht patrol in Noo man's land" on that night hi when the Scout offieer was k chaud) yeur son and anothe Ws FEssat s | Wussing sey and the grass aren parties been oul Hight since, have he anable to dis. | either of the] eroar any the two Jnussing meus 'There are three posstlulities: either {hat your son | | ts heen taken prisoner, or! wounded and taker prisoner, or He killed in atetion, A. third Jinissing man found his way bac though wounded Jabsenee. Any 'of alternatives ts a possibility. Time {4s the only thing that will Swe With every assurance of sympathy for vou ins your voNiety aml assuring you that Jany news will be forwarded to fyeuw at once, PE pray that you may hw sustained and that, favorable hews may he received." om Gapt. Bradfield, 0. Be is indeed with very sine that 1 have to write Cl He th heen oficial as 'missing. believed killed. He has deon missing since the night of July (2-14. That word *missing' is a terrible werd to friends, but Pam very I eannot bid you hope as there ix no doubt of the worst. Unfortunately. itis. not permissible to give 'letails at the present time, but the inen who were near Clement at the time are quite certain of the worst. Every effort humanly possible has heen made tn recover the body, hut as yet withont success. Glement flied a hero's death. Believe me, Mrs. Etherington, we shall all miss him very much. He was very popular with his officers and comrades. and alwavs cheer- ful under any circumstances, no matter how trying, and always willing to undertake any duty no matter how diifieult or hazard- ous. His oss leaves a large gan in our midst. The consolation you will have 'if. consalation there can de at such a time) is that he taid down his life nobly for a great cause. TL hope some day, Mrs. Ftherington. [ may meet you in Canada, when Twill be able Leslte Thomas, was admitted to Ca gun Thom went over halle Sop in have been over 1 nicl tbe wo Smatley Mut burs Haw tall Sloat 1 ; CoH Eihs, Penetang; G.G aw ner Acthur Nin wien Hospital on Aug. LL wath ginshot wound in the shoulder The has mothe front line reaches since last September ites the Tal been in the miaehine guy ton | Hate W Word came to Me. and Mes Jobin A. Beil bast w that their eon, Lieut. Al Guthruy fell had fan nal eubl | four. Hot the Bell fam was Zille r Ha tha had Ty Mes sun | Mer ive unt si he whe to express my feelings which pen and paper cannot convey been wounded mi the knee and he is new ina Devenpert hospital fly wounding took pla \ug gan the Preardy drive, 1 took am aehive part inn in Simeoe county and w command af "A" Co, of th Hn. when that unit went a Graseth and C3 have 1015, Lt. Lindsay Burton Kilied novial Chureh and was active engaged in Sunday > york i) he answered the eal] and Although but oa lad of eighteen vs hospital on Aug. £0 with shot wounds in the head. Pte. as a with the 7 Bo wo time has been one of nf Division signaller t yy was a in the ne fighting in Tember, 1916. 1 the last three weeks there 0 casualties, uding killed, of whont were officers. Among the nded = from Sum Coury: Ro Brash, Coldwater; xt J. AW. fan 2 C, Palmer fey Rimval mmgwrods "P. V wo f teow Tuivale, H.W. Ander Midland; Wo Bak Vtopia; ud hestene: BH. Wilson, Orillia, recenwed foun Vu 16, that his sen Diurtin Alferd Nixongawan a faethe first Birmingham ne threugh the ndacle without a serateh el he sang in rent pat county with 177th Bu. quartette, "When! ned be was company minner Wis battalion atid prey ieusty tound was in Abbevi On Sanday they e fram (heir sens fing that the of] N Me had | tomnent in bis Capt. is the only one ver rs a casualty. All three sons of Mr. and Mr went averseas and all th heen wounded. a record any ily might be proud of. Russell wounded at Festubert in Leslie "got his at in 1916, he Sergt. Wm. Boag Killed oday came to Mr. and Mrs. ry G. Boaz the sad méssage their youngest son, William, heen killed in action, Lt.-Col, b Burton, holida nner collage a wn Friday, the sad m heir eldest son, y Burton, had been killed uk J. Burton and ng at their Buren a fine ne fellow in every way. He a member of the Eaton ved up to fight for the cause knew fo be right and just. doohis fathe he join SEPTEMBER 2 TO 7 : IS SAILORS' WEEK Appeal to Be Made on Behalf of the Dependents of Men of the Mercantile Marine. I fide ts sur suppert Th ds to be called Sailers -{durn "| wide halt thet ts some Little tim The one thew Pa days a appeal is te now sines un appead then: fur patriotic pure about to be rat Dominion Made on be- of the brave men who risk: Hives at sea in order that those on land may enjoy the pro- due Rova 1 im ha 124 held rida Col. In trene At eabhe the Burt "Ban we day Whi any frier likel toge: Tore trie: whe antams', he filly yareniis Woshort ti In ac in' the "Bantams same company of the battalion were of the ea Wednesday, 4, when a house to-house There wilt wal all who a share in nd to the ndeats of sailore have lost thetr lives, shoulé* Rarrie's is Sept. 4 canvass will be ade. Cl be nu taz day, so fh would Like t6 have lending a helping fh wives and de whe 5 that the collect ne | Navy, there ts heir wives and + milies, The Na at Britain t uke . mod and the Navy Hit as sippleme semen died th WHE you net on Sepl 4 en hall in Trinity Part r for ontar explain the ohje threugh" te had b mis, fel se does nat with the be pension Horehef for ayy AeUe be matter ue of their ane 1owe might show your te the hese will be seb Wo public meeting to be sho Hall on 10 Tate we oles, the will attend ris of the =--_ by hie 1 seen Hes only two month i n detained an Bu ne (ime that the . ceived in action announcing of Lieut. on, a similar cable was re ntams." had also tion. of their enlistme: » the cablegram particulars, it is nds in' the vity y the twe ther, Lieut. sito boy, Lou, Awarded the Military Medal La unee Corporal ceived stating that his chum, Lt Houghton -- Coughlin, of the been killeé vughlin and Burtor » inseparable chums from the uit togettrar being in. the did not give thought by that" most hums set death ehlin was & Russell & sun of Edwin Rogers, New Lowell, and nephew of Thos Rogers, » has been awardeé the 1 medal for conspieu- ous 1 y during a deadly gas afiack. The incident: happenee on May 26 when the Germans (to play a few pranks upon were with Iam completely exh the Canadians, A number of men at the time austed from (Continued on page 5.! name dee tion of the war. to-day. --THE Why Your 'Savings Are Needed Too Do not hesitate to open a savings account with us because you can save only a little money. It is the hundreds of savings accounts, small and large, that en- able Banks to lend large sums to the Government for the prosecu- Open' a savings account here Bank of Nova Scotia AG. MACLELLAN - SS.

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