| { Page Eight NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY WARD a J.8, Brun from his trip Frank MeKernan of ixth Ward on was in the Dr. Barber on a fishing Park Mrs. Jos, Pu are visiting 1 for two week J J. KR. Mor' harvest the crop on the farm of his brother in Prof. H. M of Toronto ure Mrs, W. Wo HL Gordon Paw al fe Bowde: of Hatnilten are tion with Rev Mr. and Mrs 0) rento wer Hunter far Miss Bstel rant is visit us HC. Mehols, Cumbertand st, (Ne en Mes. 6, 1. Robinson of Cleve Tet Banden land, Olin. as visting he mnathier-in-law, Mrs, H. Robinson. | peht arross 'the Oran ee i ines JA, MacNeil) has retuened tap imats tpe ot ih Montreal after Spending two ited, SIME, weeks) Marathon with bes) fasealy ty al Minett'* Collaze ne Outs loetl postman as taki} yen his annual tian and alae teat Vloyd ot Bar finan hat | Arg bakers Dovsition, fo a hatanee Me dre The Committ Sens ef Midhand and sulge it te thank hearty | WMlland | and sig England de a warm ¢or turned to s "children. Monday Carol COMING "Hearts of ul, is spending and Mrs OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday AUGUST 23 and 24 MARGUERITE _ CLARK --iN-- "THE SEVEN SWANS" If you were ever a kid-- we'll bet you were--there's for Marguerite Clark and her seven Princes who were for grown-ups as well as AUGUST 26 and 27 VIVIAN MARTIN - --IN-- The TROUBLE BUSTERS WEDNESDAY ONLY THE TENDERFOOT with William Duncan and and Tuesday, Sept. 3rd "THE BLUE BIRD" For the benefit of the Soldiers' Aid big Griffith Spectacle, is booked for the Grand Opera House, Nov. 6th and 7th. August 22, 19! ------=\ |" TWAS SIX DAYS OF W. C. THOMPSON: & SON FARM LAND AGENTS WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR A NUMBER OF GOOD FARMS Call and list your property for immediate sale. OFFICE: 15 OWEN ST., BARRIE PHONE 288 (on has returned to the West Toronte unday hear are Algonquin all who helped to pien Mrs. its Russell. have after spending a and trip The P,P fo the Committee mothe Carpet tnent at the Oran day night PLJO'Donne Grand Trunk. i niforin NRW Iford und children atives in Toronto son is helping Innisfil Fleteher and family e guests of Mr. and uinphrey 1, son of Rev. AUT cof bis holt mar [him sue MeNeali & Libby. such a great success Dinning Dinning's parents in Hastings. teain scored 8 points | Bowling and Butlons" on the The piekling station of Libby. make the recent and son, retorred hone month with Mrs. "steam 3 points | tourna- ge Hall last Fri- I. late of the nas denned the ly friends wish: Chicago. located FINE ENTERTAINMENT (Continued from Page 7) Acres of Diamonds As a fitting conclusion to the splendid series of entertainmeats came the tecture by Dr. Russel] H. Conwell, the most famous lecturer in America. Thirty-six years agv, Dr. Conweil became pastor of a little mission in Philadelphia and he has seen it grow from that to a congregation with over 3000 members. fn addition, be is president of a uni- versity with 5000 members and all the proceeds of his lectures --of which he gives over 200 a year--- ure devoted to helping r boys get an education. His ure "Acres of Diamonds" has delivered over times uffer { was a curious incident by ch I found the title for this Jecture,' said Dr. Conwell. "1, with a party of journeying down the Euphrates River, af feft Bagdad. My guide telling many stories thal they heeame wearisome, b last he told me one that inte This was the story ear the Indus iver there lived an old farmer, Who was visit by a Buddhist priest. who told him) wonderful stories ot had been | Aiseontented and he seld hes farm and with the money wander through foreign lands. secking for shamends. He never found them and in tis disappomt- ment flung hinself inte f Ju the meantime the aan bse Brunton' s at othe rear oof Ald. Grarey's|had bought tis far leand what F. Ba and | Preperty, has been in operation) he (hought was a strange piece E. "Baldwin ag Te snine" weeks "and Bh large lal pack, "le ejb il ua aL cueidRty quantity of being put dewn Nv. Me. Then the puipit terian churel ver Srna anniily fortnight u 'Taylor and wife patsaf fow slays this w la Hornby of Toe ng her yister, Mrs ne night ordered Wim te 4 Newmarket be: eam one in plaved a grea the renowned B pemts: skip 4 down & points a Jost byw feat pul Aland: AULA et ine th 'Leslie block and 'wn yal Ston was preity well Stone's. siuck pretty well cow surance, There wuilding, which Leshe. any friends encumbers, ete ken up his work nveying One wt the robbers eover procends PM vay $25 or spend! hiss seven points vacant pean of Wiarton of the Preshy- yace ved from heli and Mr. Watt an offic it was held up hy tweomen in a car which was run path of the revolvers while throngh their man named Brown bought a horse from naying part rash ey note feat the | Wwe the horse Radenhurst | twee months im jail at Allandale tw + a bowling match ip od. Law game anv defeated inns rink by Patterson, nd skip ALG This de- ale cant oof the running for League honours Stone's NewS Store Burned Out Suniay, fire broke store in the} soon spread ily ne slore, vecupied by R. The interior af (he block gutted and Roy ax a tata) bass; $1000 in was $2000 00 the is owned by Geo. The Late James Halli will be sorry to of the death of James Hall, inv which look place on Saturday, ner in your heart || vyeuat 10, atthe home ut his : 1, al Whitefi will wans. A picture |/June 27, 194, ef the GTR, fined hin to bis can COMEDY and Tuesday Firemen in the vier at friends i coming points. the officers and . W. E. King of an automobile near Drumheller, wrong with the 6! Hollaway LABOR DAY unconscious, wh: pital, ones broken, bu ments of one the World", the office. after long but suffering. He was a member of Barrie Bay Lodge, No. 44 zi} twisted causing intense pai 27 y Wan accident on a _ while in the employ as a locomotive fireman at Allandale, which eon- bed until the end patient 5 : and E., also a member of the 1.0, First show 7.30 1. 'The funeraigtook' place "ow Prices--16c. and 1lc. Tuesday afternan at Nairn Centre, the service being conduet-- fev. Wm. McDonald COMING in the Cnion Chureh. 'The pall hearers were members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive and Engineers. Orangemen attended and walked in a body, poth lodges taking part The the grave. The funeral was well attended, many from outside Among the florai tributes received was a large wreath from members of the 'B.L.F. and E., Barrie Bay Lodge. N. W. &. King in Motor Acoldent is in Holy Cross hospital, Calgary, as the result accident on Aug. 10, He was motoring with a man from Edmonton to Calgary when, something went teering gear and the car jumped over an embank- ment and completely turned over twice as it rolled to the bottom, 100 ft. below. Mr. King was thrown out in the first 25 feet and struck with such force as to render him ile his compan- ion's chief injury was a broken arm. The mishap occurred at 7 a.m. and it was not until 8.35 p.m. he reached the Calgary hos- Examination showed no t he is suffering severely from shock and the liga- leg are badly Extra copies of The Examiner for sale at book stores or this Three cents each. pocketing | grea the house and =a dtamend. And t A priest cain told Mine tL w the moral o the man hid ay dug an dS own i eet wanderiig abet thew Woull have bad aeres have heen instauees of the sane thing: hay peng." said Dr Conwell We have deres of ditmends an our own erties bate faring peeple fomiztt whe are thinking of leave ing Barrie aiecittise they dee ail think there are oppartunities enough ber But there unities fur riches and ¢ " Piatt on thas tewn think you cannot ever he rich in Yeu never Will be Lance Mr Gikudstone say tha and Canada 0 tthe British Wepnarter of Outaet heen taken tp ail there os Tess than one Hhonder et Watian. Phis is the epportanity how meh Ont nearly develop owe consuler ri Ts onew. ate + your duly too get rich." ithe lecturer 1 kuow Al seme people think you must be poor and dirty to he pious, hn | Ure serptures de not teach people fo be poers and a pear person should never be helped unless he would pay back if able, Mis- applied charity does harm. The strue words and after yo vears of had times we see elieving that the Bible i | and with this power look at the great good thal you eould do." "A man in this world gels just Jwhat he is worth. 'The founda- tion principle of business success is doing things to help your fellow men. Every man im Tv Tess should make a fair profit; if he doesn't he is breaking every rile of business. He is not true to himself and yeu cannot trust aman who is not true to himself. But at the same time the buyer should also profit hy the onsi- ness transaction." "An idea that stieks in th vi of many people is that a million-- aire must be some kind of a erook to make so much money. Upon investigation of 4,043 millionaires in the United States and 940 millionaires in Canada, there are not over 40 that T ean Say are dishonest. Out of these 4.043. 3,780 began life without a dollar. and 3: made their millions in towns that were under 4.000 inhabitants. This does away with the idea that a hig city is needed to make money in. Teach Summer Prices on F-U-R-S and Ladies' Winter C-O-A-T-S 10% disoount--You can choose your Furs or Coats now, and they will be reserved for you, also you ean pay for-them at your con- Seflence during the summer and a Ladies' Plush Coats, Velours, Tweeds, Beaver Cloths, and all the newest and best materials. Plush coats trimmed with fur to your order, We are showing the finest and largest range of F-U-R-8 we have ever had.--Selts, Coats, Single pieces, etc., etc. ---------- A Clearing Sale of our Stock of Men's and Ladies' Water- Proof Coats Every coat in the stock at a price to clear them out quickly Barrie, Ont. whe many | | the people more united than ever 1 true.| Mr. Conwell Sime » would say, "Isn't}of huge fortunes that have been 'here anything greater than] made in this way. | money? y love is greater "Lasked Andrew Carnegie why jthan money, but not without{so many men succeed in small jthoney. Tis your duty to get{towns, and he replied 'Because ho Tt gives You added power] they have lime to think. 'Think~ Ja fortune. es | A Find all they are look- ing for--and more--in ~ the Superior Quality and Distinctive Style in our BIG STOCK OF IRON BEDS in all sizes from 3/0 to 4/6. Call in and let us know your wants. We can please you. Discriminating Bed Buyers =. 'ian OANA the footrail. Ne. 1001 ZO flim "to eee ill <I D | $I 2 COLLIER ST. our boy |telluw'. Th vul by Chr as point- t to be the great- Loman wa: the good Samaritan and he Was @ busin is the fellow > man, A laking interest in your meu thal makes success ted money is the curse of Hardly any vich man's fe rich, upplying a known demand is sary in making money. Find what the public want, get it for them, and you will make money. (ed many instances ers are the ones that do the big things. Women have opportuni- ties now for making money, and some of the most marvellous things have bee! vented by women, and the crue large fortunes for them, Wherever there ts a human need, there is Most of these women have started in low poxitions in life, but after they are rich, their willingness to de bumble things in r greatness.'No matt a matter has to be concentrate your vn it." was Abraham = rule small towns have grown into great cities, all that is needed to make Barrie great is for the people lo get together and all work zealously for the good of the town, If everyone would do Unis whole heartedly. Barrie could hea city of 50.000 in fen years. Mr. Conwell finished his lecture y felling how ho soldier should use his spare moments in reading good books, which prepare him for life after the war. soldier goes to war for Lhe good of his God and his country, and if he wants to serve them io the pest of his ability, he will prepare to serve them after the war, The men that will be great after the war, will be the privates who study for preparation after the war. For Saturday the musica] part of the program was contributed by Madame Bodinoff, a Danish soprano; Wm. Elswell, a violinist of great ahility for his years, and Herbert Elwell, an excellent pianist. Patriotic Pageant The patriotic pageant, Our Allies, for which the juniors had been practicing for six days, was the opening number on the after- noon programme; and ithe ex- cellent acting, singing and danc- ing of the 100 children taking part reflected much credit on the i The Metal Bed You Buy Now will remain just as inviting, snow-white and trim as the day you first set it up in your home-- if the "IDEAL" Guarantee label appears on That's the kind of a metal bed you want, isn't itP 1 Then come in rf select the design you like best among the 117 different styles-- at prices ranging from $3.00 up. "IDEAL" quality is all that the name implies. 493 Established 1869. nurses' of the course services on in the Rev. J service powerful addres | the Th Ada Richa musical number: The sung in a and were --Upholsterinz teaching of® iiss Abigail Moore. the director. The first scene of the pageant was laid in ancient Rome, and depicted the youth of that time making offerings to Minerva, in the hope of bringing victory 'o PHONE 531 uniforms. plause greeted the presentation four attiotic ta national anthems appropriate to each one being sung. Sunday, Hear' Sunday Services Although the concluded night, the management gave the use of their tent for two patriotic and the musicians of Saturday took part without . W. Magwood of Toronto,} wh a returned chaplain, Chautauqua on Saturday | the most and furniture repairing neatly done oy compe- tent workmen at Dougall Bros charge. gave . his evening subject being 'War's Revelations." He paid high tribute lo the men at the front and pointed out some of the obligations resting upon wople at home. Chautauqua artists and dson contrimuter at the servie Miss Richardson's evening tions were "Had [ Jubal' Rose of Life s artistic manner by this gifted singer, OUR WOOD BEDS Which are very classy and up-to-date, will be well worth your seeing. You @n have your choice of any design you like almost, and of different finishes, td match any and all bed- room suites. and HOME FURNISHERS G. G. Smith & Co. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ty ap- bleaux,}was awakened by smoke his room in flames, sleeping in adjoining rooms. e fire been unnoticed minutes longer, upstairs might to death. The fire is suppose: have heen started from a cur! being blown two| dropped off to sleep. the children were heard. to the inflamable nature of building, it was evident tha ould not he saved a tion of those who y Was directed lo keeping the from spreading, In addition to the loss of cottage, furnitur a consideradle clothing belonging to the fan and Miss Moberley was destro sels which tf} Mi CONTRACTS CAN BE BEST LOOKED AFTER BY MOFFATT & PARR WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF HECLA FURNACES PLUMBING GOODS AND STOVE REPAIRS IN STOCK ESTIMATES AND PLANS FREE SOLE AGENTS FOR HECLA FURNACES MOFFATT & PARR Owen St., Next Gas Co.'s Office 3 econd scent Summer Cottage Burned Was a strong contrast to this, the Bech ban: youth of Canada demonstrating eouieed Gt how they ace trying to win. the last Saturday war by thrift, "The costumes} night, when b. "Mo saewaey were varied and pretty, including| cottage, with its vontents, was Roman costumes and Red Crass | Gest . i before eleven o'clock, Carl Stewart, sleeping upstairs, and found the whole of one wall of He lost no lime in rousing his sister, Jack Mooerley and the maid, who were Had ten those sleeping ave been burned d to tain against a candle th remained lighted when Carl 'Mr, and Mrs, Stewart were at some distance from. the cottage when the fire started and were unaware of if until the cries of Owing the tit the atten- nt to help fire the . bedding, linen, quantity of ily ed. d's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. +" 9 YOUR HEATING AND PLUMBING a