Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1918, p. 8

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Thursday, August 15, 1918 t ' Page Eight THORNTON | -- NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY WARD waacnioey Solange ¥ The annual garden party and un a t t i sonsert held on Diamond Park, 5 } |e Eee under the auspices of the Red | Mr. and Mrs, Eliot Ogden are} 'There are sume fire boxes in|Cross Sewing Circle, on Wed., 1 spending few days i Teron: Ward, bul they are uf|Aug. 7, proved one of marked 4 Sons of England meet on Fri- any person, as the| success. 4 i day al & p.m. in the Orange! wires are all disconnected. If a} The afternoon was perfect and 4 | Mall, lcitizen or the might. constable| although the farmers were busy ; | s. 1. Vanderburg is visiting} wanted to give an alarm of firertharvesting, nearly every family relatives an Terento for a few! he could not send in the alarm (to! as well represented, and the \ f dave Barrie prigade until he ran to|people from towns und_ villages ae aud Mrs. Ho Hanniton spent) a telephone. Even with the tele- | surrounding turned out in goodly week-end with) relatives in| phone it ix not always easy to get| Numbers. The sports were late i ronte immediate connection with the;in beginningand as one team was e Mrs, J. H. Nugent of Port] fire hall. quite late arriving only two out Colborne is visiting with Mrs. ---- of three matches were played.The q . Hughes. Piffin St. ! Retires After Long Service committee was very sor for Miss May Butcher has returned] 4 gathering of some of the thie and hopes in tne ear future home after spending a inonth| cjuser friends and fellow workers | Bave the game played. Tag. visiting in Hamilton lat. Char Pickett met ut his] ing was ener on during the Mes, Frank Wood spent, the/jome on Thursday evening, Aug./ afternoon | by seme winsome e e. cud with friends at Point] gto celebrate the event of his re. |/YOUNE ladies, | the proceeds shake Couchiching. [tring from the position as | amounting tu S40; The ladies i Mrs. Mo Summerville of T-| section foreman on the G.T.R,,| {he refreshment tent were extte 3 rente i= visiting her niece, Mrs./ a' position hunurably held oy Mr.) Dusy and untertunately ran wit K, F. Wood, Cumberland §t jPickett for a nuinber of years,[ Qf Ice ereain much too ea Miss Muriel Goff and A, Rosen |The high esteen id which be was | SUPPer was served from A to 8.30 thal of Hamilton are visiting Wilh) qeig by his fellow employees was! There being an abunesin'. 3 30 P Mi AND 8 30 P M Mrs.W.G. Mckinley, Bradford St! chown in' the. presentation by|¢verytbing that was appetizing a alVin a als A neeting of the 0. B.C. willl them to Mr. Pickett of a hand-| the bunsry crowd way wall satis: be held inthe 'Traimmen's Hall.| come club bag and pipe, and tol fied. The concert given by the Sunday, Aug 18 at 2.30 pan. A) Picke a beautiful tea Came I ne Pent Maj. Brit 4 Hull attendance is requested wee, tagether with) avery] MANRECTCL Of erie al, and Nery far in their attempl to | that the good wishes of a host of |" Tole uxcieman' Bole an . - = une of the trophies in the ME triends fullow Mr. and Mes, [Teal Jelly Ceara ceaitie concert The services of REV. CAPT. J. WESLEY MAGWOOD have been secured te vent held in Toronto this | pig ao ; : jinted heeatts cone he services of J ae over: theechad a ROD Picket theoupty Pee eee pepe | as xho than expected, but for the Big Closing Event of Chautauqua Week. ' | may be years 0 ess elihe Sergt.-Maj. couldn't please time Ss. whieh was ably read by| he Sergt deb, Oa cantain Maewood is 2 <j ys . Thousands of women are te be Gee oy nich was ably: re ¥ | all, and ie rerta mane 'the __ Captain Magwood is a returned Chaplain direct from the Front, full of pep ' ean are work Meo goat en puke --on| age a asics han hen ti] and vim. "He will give two string addresses, Sunday afternoon and evening od States w ne next fe i Hive 1 a danes ; : months be take the plier of men! bebalt uf yor' Fee eon | take place in the ball after the in Queen's Park. entering the army and 1g inte tunity aT xpressing to you our} Bational anthem had been sung, wea ra . nee os : ~ other industries. Jappreciation in a tangible form | The proceeds. frum the dance The very best musical talent obtainable has been secured for these two If automobile owners persint 0) OF yur comradeship and: trae] afteenain te Even time the Cui, Big Closing Events: Madame Bodinoff, Danish prima donna, and her sustaining Ieiwlitte geeurids 1 Minmat thie] feiendship during. the any Town Then tn taud | rendered company; Miss Ada A. Richardson, soprano, of 'Toronto; William Osborne, 1 ie s as been our privileg ne erie etn AE aaa , lights turned on. they may ex. roy vous eeuaintaice. TG bag excellent mnisie, Net proceeds | American Violinist; Herbert Elwell, pianist and composer. pect a sununons to appear hefive| TAO TT ay piekett, 1b must be | ®35 | camera of | : 4 soe ue :polien mae eae j source of great comfort lo feel], The Drei nt ae ey th oft It is hoped to arrange for the Chautauqua Children's Chorus to be present at pract He also has had | (hay ve spares ene [ene and all wher in-aay wen el the afternoon service. seve eaple for driv. | Bvve mi ¥ ha ity | ed ake this garden party ane ae iie See eei ene (he We able you to delixht in the many oe tt mich a-sulendil. suceess | SUNDAY AFTERNOON 3.30. aH 'i o| things God has bles , : eo ladies oO have net Kempenfeldt lade ; 153) Tey Mes. Pickett to feel thal any if Che Taslies whee hav nat SUNDAY EVENING 8.30. held a very svevessful prenic on hoe partner-in-life has been re-| 20 F sthdis . 7 . an ' Meee ea AT eee eee eee muah high | callie al (he: Metheulinl Chae e A SILVER OFFERING will be taken up at both services. The entire Sark, | xpecled and isement: Weduesday or Friday : = 7 tds nf Me Mee mateh [estimation by his fellow workers) econing proceeds will be handed over to the Red Cross, who hope to fealize, at least 'aged in Ute afternin ix loa ghent exe nave boin|..0he duly hale sepuliitied $1000.00. DO YOUR BIT. supper a leng dist of rares | gag iy hich we might well : . - ', = < Gere panel Tack of space pees | AI ONS TON, "enjaved pros. |The Late Rev. W. H. Thompson FRIDAY--Evening only--The famous Ben Greet Players in "The Com- '| vents giving the names of the My wtile your hearts have ale} The funeral (ook | place fro. edy of Errors." 2 winners expanded by benevo-| his late residence, 05 Keewatin ly - | : Beton ~ avenue, No to, on Aug " . , ; Lo . eae ee cinpiuyet poaeneea| goat Res Wee cena poet wl SATURDAY-- Afternoon -- Madame Bodinofl and her Concert Com- OP ERA HOU S E peoene ined tron tame Lo tine and | died in his ferty-first year afle pany. Patrioitc Pageant by Junior Chautauquas. Evening--Concert by Madame pista atepal Gat he tang mes Ate eo] Bodinotl and company. Lecture, "Actes of Diamonds" by Dr. Russell H. Con- : a ee ainoelty Hee your] Res, EW Neal of Broadway | well. Friday and Saturday | forty-four suf servic to the] Methawiat Church assisted | oy | Afternoons 50 cents. Evenings 75 cents. i ' rat lwa s reward- J. 1 Simpron, Presie August 16 and 17 Givand Trinh Ment by tbe. Lite] Porenta, Methodist Con ; | Pension granted to you, but be | JW. Stewart, ex- ee lllSESE=SE=Bapalal™a=E=E=e=ee_k™_EE e__e_e_l_l_l_l_eSSSS WM. S. H \eand, and more valuable to you.! President of the same pody 100001 | eee RS SD Will be the large host of friends | Rev. ROH, Bell of High Park Me --IN-- Ihe have cemented their lives] thedist Church jehly app $1000.00 IN PRIZES. [ith yours. whereay ian 18/ erative remarks were spoken cont) "THE COLD DECK" ee" jEera the tac hs had |B COMMENT OF THE WEEK : ea " 'helief tha! | served as a minister of the My ENETAN( GRAN |eThe great crowning of all geod,}odist Chureh for several years, | "EGUSSL 'Sueh) wai (aL madwyet (hecoffiersin the'country anil Labor Day CELEBRATION "as aith's final star, is brothertiood™ | two of his charges being A FUqUERL SUEb ae {UAE ene heing 'forced. te take |Monday, September 2, 1918 Monday and Tuesday Fee i eee eee neawurél Geuly 'Mis, Alurie- and Rieinpirg, | bY Side Hiaher for asviatatice 1 /inany' ake helng, Cures 10 take A foot by the sine do we Ts aud | Dertasad, whe. was born al/ie fecatablishinent uf his spill | three and some four: weely off" | In J.T. Payette's New Driving Park. August 19 and 20 yaa oe aera ede ae the son of the|iug business is one that merits) (w overtake the accumulation in = ae nd while opportunity knocks | late Andrew mpaon, attended |e support of the citizens To| the printing department. HORSE RACES EDNA GOODRICH | 0:2 cter' ei eaeator"teh| etarte Grmege, sre he took Hagant sed | Ase oh se tor fone! | wr, | nege.: )sg000 will mean that for five] "Much speculation," says the |235 Clas . Jour part his divinity course. During his! the whole property will be| Belleville Intelligenc hag been | Named Race --IN-- |e en, ae ay wie eal he played a prom |iaxed to the amount" of the aroused aver the probable fect Gentleman' Road Rac 6 aeiee F ea ny Bian * present land value. At the end;upon church life and religion mile heats, best three "A DAUGHTER OF MARY- |. ; tet feet racer sup Dane nwa aecern t nee or the period, the whole property generally of the'war, Prophecies | to enter, 4 to start. 8 " hat climbs oe rae . 8 Ce elled te el wi e jec o ra ve 1 Y i vern. LAND [te baht eT a eee eo ect aa demorrucy Gr the |p. ¢ AUTOMOBILE. RAGES. --AND-- Through night lo day and went inte business, fi tl oan: foe twenly yéate 'and. treo eke sha a Nd comait in of the! For Ford Cars only--lat Prize, Valuable : We wish for you and Mrs.{Sault Ste. Marie and latte cates end Tighe, such 'Aw 18 Ofteti re Stcéheal 'ehacel f rcligion |Silver Trophy; 2nd, Nobby Tread Tire, CHARLIE CHAPLIN! Pickett. continued health and| Toronto, Rev. Mr. Thompson's ee er i ee uch as and. tinivorgal ¢ UES ° religion Bes eer he ee ee | prosperity, and ask you. after wife predeceased him by nearly | Sven. lo entourag! s.Jafter the war, As a matter o prosperity, and ask you, sir, \ rs ed him by nearly! Mr, Fisher asks a| fact there is no need of a new r VOLE INE |remnembering the good you have) three years. Four young daveh-| request which dues not carry |ligion but there is a great need | Frog pe AROR CVOLE HATES. ' Jdone to mankind, to accept this | ters purnives I80 [ONE aH ets] with it one iota of risk as far as/of a more intimate conception Of] Best two out of three, escb heat' 5_ miles. | 'her with this pipe}and five sisters, The broth THE ADVENTURER cs isccccisat?itn 222 ees oot tra) Re" anes ac ra leon (ean of ac i Ma "Si as a moderate en p cer yares Men See see aig | he town will pay only for|surrenderand unselfishness, from | 5 per cent, to enter and 5 per cent. ad- j spect and esteem. head fonds ann f igh Wnts ee power used, the amount et tal whieh mankind has heen drifting |ditional from all Winners. | - speeted partner-in-life w pees . 4 exceed a specified quantity. All! away." b a gratefully fender this tea service and Ross Thompson of Michiga'.|ihe cost of installation 1s to be | -- FOOT-BALL MATCH between the two t and pray thal she "may long be R A \Qc]borne by Mr. Fisher, aud if for) afidtand's tax wate is thirty. | Northern Championship 'Teams, Pre ! spared fo enjoy the memories » : any cause the iill stood idle! seve lls this year, Mayor D,| Value $100.00, | this occasion. "May God grant to Phornton.: Mrs. FE StuoheTthere will he nothing. for the | f White, ue year avon De Penetang-Midland Brass Band in Attendance you ooth the privilege of enjoy- te. Marie, and Misses M-E.) vatepayers to pay. From the) pusiness men, advocated arate of| The Committee reserve the right to Ing these tokens, which it is our|and Laura of Toronto Late tandpoint. no better form | 49 te es iulle ton cleans up the {sake any changes that they may" consider { [pleasure to present. @igned on The pall-bearers at the funeral lof industrial assistance could be | municipality's floating indebted |Mccewany 5 \ [hehalt of your fellow Workers--| which was attended by relatives | desired. In addition to the ab-|noss, hut ihe members of the Admission--Adults $0 cts. Children 25 cts, | |). Hovper. W, Metcalfe, N. Gil-}and immediate friends only. solute safety of the proposition, | Council couldn't screw up their |Th PENETANG DRIVING ASSOCIATION | hraith, R. Craig, D. Couper, W.| were: Rey, R. J.D. Simpson, Rev. | the shortness of the term is an] ¢ we (o (hus piake a clea J. T. Payette, Owner and Manager. hy "Ry Cre Th. | RH. Bell, Rev. Rid. Fallia, Rev A whe ' rm i courage to thus iInake a elean job BE, " ri | Chapin, F. Foster, B. Meredith AH. Bell, 7 -}exceedingly favorable feature. At) of it, GOD SAVE THE KING. | q N. Gre p fey ane Dunlop, and the end of five years, he power -- -------- | Se | Capt. Rev.) John Morris of Lea-| grants will cease and the whole : a + venerable FURS---FURS rail angi te | ede aemtle son a or Teen ee 4 "tax . inelud Bie) ran te incite uville Stats) To wind up the Estate of Mary Graham, From Sapper Morris Bee ata, kus ie would | aR: = receiving {he congralula.| ihe properties known ax the" Arlington Mink Marmot Coats In Big Variety Following i» letter_written in, France be Gaieca ow ra until the] Wane fie heal, Me jpigne mr {Hotel Allandale, and the soli brick tou, * re ric on July 2 by Sapper fortis, 8th Bn. SOA aGinG » induatry | WowsPaperme! others--on | yt 101 Muleaster St... Barrie, cont! will find the priges On QUE) Estey to hr taer, Mie Bere Morrs| @es.aceruing, from (he industry] the completion of farty seats in adem wil be pecived, y ibe Brewton, : '¥ , _ Fagoeen a e e par' he editorial chair of West Dur-| until Suturday, Aug. 17th. Easy terms of T ough( (lhe g&ins Hefore the ad-|" Received your letter of June 4th, a few |xemption granted during the! ham's oldest weekly payment can be arranged, - Properties t0 be y days ogo, so now I have found time to| five yenrs of fixed assessment. Tadd ingly: | Best quality Marmot coats from |answer it. We have been on the move |The mill's consumption of elec-| HELP BADLY NEEDED FOR DEVLIN, Barrie, $67.50 up to 875.00. for this last four or five days, so you see | tric power will increase the ear WEST! Al T F. MACKLIN, Stratfo: : ERN HARVES' . z rd, i Mink Marmot trimmed with |it was impossible for me to answer any|ings of the Electric Light Dept.| Wher alli fester | 82-32 Executors. ; g: When travelling {0 Western ft | Hudson Seal collar, cuffs and belt} sooner, We ure having some very hot} to the indirect benefit of all the} Harvest fields--go by Canadian (SoS Sg SS at $105.00. weather now for this last week und over,| citizens who use light or power.| Northern Railway and give loyal Hudson Seal Coats and Musk- [but it doesn't get quite ax bot as it some: |-These are some of the features] support to the People's Line, i rat Coats at big reductions. times is in Canada, at least it hasn't been | of {he proposition that should}" purchase through tekets and D ING AND até aie 'See our exceptional values in Yet and the nights sre rather cold. We | commend it to the citizens. Over} ask for routing via Grand 'Trunk In this'picture Charlie is an| Wolf Sets, Black, Natural, or | s0 have had very litle rain this summer) ang above these is the chief con-|{o Toronto, thence Canadian CLEANING ) escaped convict and you can't] Brown. both the Canadian and) ang the crop looks splendid. They, eut | sideration that enters into the| Northern. h ] b la hoa i. iherian Wol 4 +s most of it with the scythe but some have question of municipal aid--the Information of value to harvest . elp but laugh at the many] _ Very fine Setts of Beaver, Mink,| reapers and there are very few mowers in|Value of the industry to the/ hands is given in a leaflet en- Your Clothing will be | narrow escapes. Sable. Fitch, Givet, Walf, Fox.|France, All the farm work is done by |community. This value Has been) titled Harvesters' Work and properly cleaned inside and ey and in fact all the popular furs. | the old and the young and in some places | proven in many ways and should] Wages" to he had from any C.N, tside at , Thi First show 7.30 You will Find Gur DrIGeS, OON- | aI bY, Bele ier: thecciber a increase with the improved facil-|R. Agent. 33-35 ala le al Maxwell " * e | Second Show 9.00 sidering the quality, are as low saw Harol er other day on|jties which the new mill and unings and inside of your pom as anywhere in Canada. the march and we were both glad to eee| plant will afford. . | Adults, 16c.. Children, 116. oe eee eee ant wow {each other again. Harold is quite bury |0"t Will ANON Christ Churoh, Vespra, 7th Line || clothing are as important as | Choose your furs and obtain] be ig Quartermaster ip the 5th Engin- a . , ey Sunday services as follows: |] the outside. Why not have b f cering Bn. now. He looks well and is} This is the time of year when|Sunday School and Bible Class-- ; $ COMING SOON the discount, pay a small de-|{he same old boy still, The last box T|many weeklies in the smaller] 2.00 p.m. them done right when you ---- posit and ye will hold them for) had from home was the one with dates | towns and villages are suspend-|Serviee and Adminstration of the |] are having them done? "THE SEVEN SWANS" you, also you can pay for them | and taffy... I went out the other dsy to) ing publication for a couple of Holy Communion--3.00 p.m. 'We know ho: . . at your own convenience during | see Errol McLean's grave snd it was /weeks--some to «et a holiday} Sunday August 18, Rev. H. D. ( Iw ow. with Marguerite Clark | the summer and fall. We guar- long way out from the line: 8 nice erev* | they would not oiwerwise be able| Raymond will he present and will --AND-- antee that you will not only save | it is too along with two o A to enjoy, and others to overtake| address the congregation. Mr. WELL i ' money, but get a better selection, | Ba. Burns from Orillis and Cameron from ; , a} x L i MANHOOD (Th. ney, s porate " the accumulation of job work. In| Raymond is well known to the 'wo ) (The Glory | | Furs bought by mail delivered | %y , exoure-thia writing, as it|aPologizing for missing two people of this parish, and every. Phone 229 of the Nation)" Me was written on my knee in our oid hut,|issues, the Huntsville Forester]one is cordially invited to be zi i taser va Two more ayy waiting at the same|Says: "Scarcity of help has im-| present and give Mr. Raymond a | Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. 4 For the benefit of Sold Aid bigs ne i , 'or the benent o Hers' Al Ju" time to their homes, posed burdens upon nine-tenths| hearty welcome. 1

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