Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1918, p. 6

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' Page Six THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' Thursday, July 18, 191 E CANADIAN BANK ™ OF COMMERCE 'SR EDMUND WALKER, SRR JOHN AIRD, General Manager C.V.0., LL.D., D,C.L, President HV. F. JONES, As't Gen'l Manager CaprTAL Paip Up, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, - $13,500,000 LEGG "THE FIGHTING TRAIL" By J. Stuart Blackton and Cyrus Townsend Brady _ A Novelization and Complete Details of the Most Melodramatic Photoplay Serial Ever Produced PAGANS ANANGASANEARRZ Episode 7--"'The Lion's Prey" Now that we have changed our position Til ask you my deur girl, just us I was ask ed, will you be so kind as to turn over thr other half of the chart? I would not care . Graziers should consider the advantage of opening an account with this Bank. Your payments on cattle may then be made by cheque and your sales notes collected through the Bank. ™ BARRIE BRANCH GRAND TRUNK 2¥er'e% Mauger, whose features, despite bis jovial [tones and jocular manner. were firm in their expression of sterunens and. deter tion, was Willian, C known tu the comm > "Bull," a strong, stur' ; but. Pnight renund | Insh-Amenesn who hit come to Lot ure holding something whieh! Mine a few years previous in search of bis would warrant my risking ulmodt anything | fortune und was» arching L. F. CROSS, Manager MARKET ITEMS ai We located the ie this afternoon," HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO a Gyn satan he ste etic tee Offers you and all tie family the ouung | Gwyn, as he role at a rapid gant divwa | Rustam oie an El tbe di | the tral, looked beck once or twice to an {NOW nperative that T arrange for the amy ALGONQUIN PARK MUSKOKA LAKES ' GEORGIAN BAY LAKE OF BAYS TIMAGAMI are ali famous playgrounds SATURDAY MARKET Smething of a hold-up took place in the tter mark: Saturdey ig. but of the makers were fun the long run and after waiting Jong tine were forced to tuke lew than [was at first offered them: 50¢ a Ib. from Jall stdes was the first price quoted, but jtbis wis not graciously accepted by many [buyers Then came the 48-49 cent offer sure himself that all was well at the barn, | edit ef the nune and the He did not fear lewving Nan alone with Von (Sapment of the cinnabar to New York Bleck, for the prisoner bud been securely | TRY organization which [ bound aod could scarcely move, be thougii, |! eager that oo un let alone excane bas pets, ean Suddenly. as be rounded another turn | 8# the Central the trail, his horse stopped shors | ¥en Bleck. have ¢ yn's hand, almost automatically, reach [MUS catch up ni ed down to his holster But a few feet Mr Casey. since your are at the bead A representing e be lost, und the days consumed by our strife wwers, in the form of precious ones We sbead, nding leisurely along the tratl, war % the vigilance commuttee hunting down Modern hotels afford city comforts but | and before the lust 45-460 wan gladly ue. { Cut Deep Rawls, the man Gwyn wae on the murderer of Don Carlos and Yuqut many preler to live in tent or log eabin--jcepred. The day was warm, but good care his way to town to meet. the man, we facn the developments of the future will your choice at reasonable cost was tuken of the butter, many having ice|that Von Bleck had confessed. held. the |" ee Rteatly tp eee Becure your Parlor or Sleeping cur accom. their huskets to keep it firm. Eggs also | other part of the chart uf the onnahes s Warrants," replied Casey, "call for ere at Sleepine "Vsoared an price and to one seemed quite | tune [only Rawls snd Draot Von Bleck. for sure just how much they should get. Straw: | |berries are ubnost at their last. but some | as had Gwyn's, but ite rider hice boxes sold for 25e. There were quite lifted bis ey of bluck currants at 25e 0 i the unexjreted halt some re nelusted If you get the n beyond iny jurisdiction, is tn Full information from any Grand Truak ™ gureactions Ticket Agent or C.E Horning Distriet Passeuger Agent, Torunto, Ont men You to ee wl found are after ee fab: Lie sa pity Ddidn't hold Rawls when E had had cuus J. €. BILLINGSLEY | (duart. some very nicely stemmed and clean-| himself looking directly into the busines Mm Von Bleck will be practically heljs Depot Agent Phone 6b | wud quire large; others were on the |end of Gwya's revolver He started, sur |S te interiere with us Gwyn said" As side and would most certuinly have | prised and fnghtened, and obeyed Gwyn's 700% a8 operations are begun Tain gome ---- $$, [to anstall you se man f the nine ells me that you have bad uw great de to be all rcked over hy the purchaser, | command to dismount 1 currants were 13e a boxiberry box | Reluctantly Rawls ulluwed Gwyn to re ed their willingness to discharge such pen ing miueh after the craw -- 450 3 4Ne Jas. Arnold |e teen, Rae 4 Fire & Life Insurance Agent {Ea Hare ae Real Estate and Money to Loan 4 number ot Vaizable Farms and Town Properties thir Sale on the most. reasoo able terms \ BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE 6.6, Smith & Co, bilshed 1809 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT, - Phone 82 i A. F._2. MALCOMSON | Represents Insurance Companies ef undoubted Financiel Standing " and ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Your passage hooked to or from all parts of the world. A. F. A. MALCOMSON | Red currane Fees yuart tr New 5 31S Th OM potatoes busker Berets, basket basket busket green, bunch, 'agus, buneh, page Plants, dozen, Hore Ravlish root, buneh, Rhubarb. bunch, ley, bunch 11 peas, yt. shelled, pew inh pod at. Lettuee, bunch, Hore Ravish, half pint bottle 10¢ Pansy. bouquet, 05e, Pa box, lic. Asters, box, 4 106 Seed Peas, Ib. We. Potted head, Ib. 200 Pork, dressed, Ib. 266. Yorkshire Pigs, young pair, $17.00 Hay, ton $16.00 Wool, unwashed, th. 65-68c. Wool, washed, th, 85-00. NEAR-BY MARKETS (July Lt, 1918) Hogs live $17.75, butter 35-400, Hc, dressed chicken 20c. oats 70c, Beeton eggs rye $1.76 Bradford--Wheat $2.08-$2.10, Tie, rye $2.00, oats 75- peas $3.00, hogy $17.50 \ | THE INSURANCE MAN AND |cwt. butter dlc, eggs 45c. STEAMBOAT AGENT. | Representing Canadian Northerr Square, Barrie. Phone 4475 W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor THE BARRIE UNDERTAKING PARLORS (Successor to the Laie Meaford Webb) Full line of all the latest Caskets kept in stock, in- cluding Grave Vaults' and i Oak Shells. i] Open Day & Night Phone 431 W.RLNeilly, Funeral Director 'an Phone CBROWN 250 2 POR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD ag HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINB OF PIES, CAKES AND PASTRY Bakery and Saleshon: €or. Elizabeth and Small Streets OT SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop. R. G | rama Paria y wd omer Monuments and Tablets.} mster- ial used and first-class workmen employed Yeas Tablets a specialty. Prices always right Alliston--Wheut $2.00-$2.10, oats rye $2.00, butter 32-39¢. eggs 38c, washed wool 60-680, unwashed wool 44-50c, Marlait's Specific Remioves Gall § stones THE Never-Failing Remedy for Appendicitis Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gali Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Cone appear. Not one in ten Gall Stone Sufferers knows what is ths trouble. | Marlatt's Specific cure without in Or oper- Sioa. Buy fou Pe as WM. CROSSLAND ORUGGIST, BARRIE, ONT. 3.W. MAR Children Cry \° re tugny. at being early for !inove his revolver from his belt und then, [Uf exeertence along these lines und ate just Your Readin Needs pherries also were on sale from the bosom of his shirt. he extracte | the man I need, T hope that by that tine They pked owe Cherri the half of the chart Gwyn took at from Sit will be ~ We plan to be mur é ce--none offered a yet, | him, glanced at it go mike sure that. he |THE within the next few weeks. you knew "iS s were quite large. New |had obtained what be desired and not a . : . Are Wel! Supphed if for 9 quarter of a jek [blank sheet of paper. and put it it his) During thr few tuwnths that snmerhiatel eagipee the were the fist for the season on pocket Then, ordering Rawle to walk fallowed the lithe tonin af ho af the baeul anarket were not very | ahead, he turned his horw sbout and drosr nye Yhe greatest tnem oe ke hi oo large and 7 rather a pity to be | slowly back toward the barn where hr had was fairly ahve wi bustling hum 9 thew sa Some okt ones | loft Ven Bleck and Nan anity. hurrying tu and feo, each absorbed cot AS} tie cusket Gaoseberties at 200 a! . . . With bis own itapor ant iision The vil wete auiekly dispeset of Th When he urrived within abouts hundred (lage, from the town proper th the mine, satin dal Uettuer AL i yarde of the buru, Gwyn dismounted am 'lost as it was, anndet the wilds of the we Bookstore thery war a splendid murket, many japprosched the ililuatcted structure (tres tsettted andl Serras, resembled 's fe. Keeping Rawle ulways in from of busy ant hill with thousands of seurrying covered with hie revolver A. few y tbe centre of an epen field [feet feos the door, Gwyn stopped: and tise came with the new life He could hear the threa: of Von Bleck addressing Nat he Lote At first he vine had crested a and the majority of the wal for we could not hear what the agent of the Cras town's adle population wus employed inthe Ural Powers was saying, and then the wards task of huine reached his ears phunly There wie a sue} y the E: You can tell your friend, roan the tne hburhood was seatt Mr Gwyn. ever with Lathe wenden houses, built uy th that [was very sorry Ecnulit tut wait sjuneisest ame chen r tae he returned. but amyportant thustsiess Gvn and Nan wh Nv married ax [it nuperatiye for me to leave immediately Fortunately. 1 arrived before you lel 3H YOU Can negotiate your bysitiess with 1 directly he hey had planned, cabin but a shaft of ane uf t lived an a jucturesque short distance from the man «These wertding hak by muporsant, and surely th Gwyn sa the threshuld 'und Von Bleck buck 1 of the year Pructically the wly tewarit hin whike Nun sat help [entire town hit) turned out at the Lost Jy upon the box where the prooner hud Mine hotel and from that time on, the twen tied Von Bleck wh at Gwyn return wus the li he had expected. In his hand) he Nan's gun, and he attempted to turn quick ly and fire upon Gwyn, bur discovered th: his duties with an ardor that was 'not upon fueing the door, be was in a direet merely inspired by his desire for work. He [line to receive fire from the Easterner's | hud been stunutated by a natural love of a omish thin ma young couple had been the most popular [Folk ie tows ey. soon after hie ad of the vigiluner cu had taken nt as the own weapon He had been covered first."| hght, and the problem of ridding Lost Mi and there was nothing for him to do but jof Drant and Rawls and putting a atc meekly surrender Rawls, standing with | the utr: caused by Von Bleck offered a scowl in the doorway, regarded the whole many opportunities for him to sutisfy the [scene im disgust, He seemed ready te | love pounce upon Von Bleck and thrash him for, well as ly |having told Gwyn that he had the chart. ! who had joined then, in a little hut in the Gwyn obtained the remaining half of the | mountains, only to lose them again when map from Von Bleck without trouble. fol. (they escaped hy the ruse of swinging to ed it and placed it carefully in bis pocket {the mb of a tree through w trap door in with the other, and ordered the Centrul |the roof, and making theig getaway iv the Powers' representutive and Ruwls out of the |durk, Finally, however. Casey's persistent | bar : activities and hix apparent determination | "The two of you," he said curtly and {to round up the gang, so frightened. the with a sternness that made both Von Bleck | fugitives that they bad disappeared and and Rawls heed his words, "had better jevidently had decided that the healthiest get on your horses and ride out of town, If |thing to do wax to attend to their own you want to be perfectly safe. my advice | sffairs and allow Gwyn to carry on his | is that you keep on riding even then." | plans unmolested. For s time one of Vou Dejectedly, ond realizing that they had |Bleck's new confederates, known ax 'One been defeated, Von Bleck and hix confed: | I.ung" und notorious as m former New York erate mounted and rode down the trail to-j gunman, continued to annoy. the young ward the town of Lost Mine. Gwyn and|engineer, but he. also, finally vanished | watched them until they bad disap-|and nothing :nore was heard from him. | peared from view and then turned their | attention to the map. The two portion ------SEESS= placed together, made « clear chart of the location of Cordoba's cinnabar mine. Nun and Gwyn, now that they had procured the chart, decided to find the exact location} { fell from u building snd received whut without further low of time. Baltermun, | the doctor called a bad. sprained ankle, in New York. Gwyn explained, would soon | and told me I must not walk on it for be requiring more of the cinnubar to con: | three weeks, I got MINARIDS LINIME tinue the manufacture of the explosive, an'l, | und in six days 1 was out to work. Wf they did not hurry operutions, the whole | | think it the best Linin nation would suffer, So, replacing the | ARCHE chart in his pocket, Gwyn led the way. and | Edmonton ' \ together they rode slong the trail to» point where a group of three pine trecs, marked | on the map, rhowed they were approaching | their destination. But Gwyn, in over coming Von Bleck and Rawls, bad for- gotten that there remained snother of the outlaw bund with which he had to cope, Drant, the third confederate, had remained in the mountains searching for the mine when Rawls had left. him to return to town, where he had intended to meet Von Bleck. Now, as Gwyn and Nan approach ed, Drant was but a short distance away. He was attracted by the sound of their horses, and saw them coming up the trail, As they halted by the pines to consult the chart, he hid and decided to watch them, 'The two dismounted, fastened their horses, and commenced the dangerous undertaking of fording the river which separated them from the entrance to the mine, Drant creeping cautiously behind the underbrush which hid him, followed. Drummondville, Aug. 3. '04. Forethought and Good Judgment Used 'Tenvellers show preference for | Scenic Route; Busy Men use Night Trains Nowadays, forethought, and a lively sense of public appreciation play aa important part in the construction of a railroad. The Canadian Nor- thern made @ bappy choice in the selection of its route between Toron- to and Ottawa: skirting the shore- line of Lake Ontario and the Bay of s over the height of land be- 'and Sydenham; and Lakes region, adds ® west to the daytime Outside, the limbs of the pines creaked Spring or Summer. in the mountain wind with ' dry, crackling ae slat ae sound. It was very dark and very ionesome br inte station in the thickness of the forest, but impen spade the copts vary pop! ctrable blackness or the solitude of the hil reached neither the eyes nor into the feelng: of the little gathering inthe brilliantly light- ed room of the Lost Mine hotel. Jobn journey in Comfortable For Tickets, Reservations, Liter- ature and Information, apply to A. F. Malcolmso"y Insurance, Barrie, or write R. = Fairbairn, G.P.A, 68 King Si. E., Toronto., . FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA G and Nan Lawton were conversing both happily and seriously with a tall, ro- bust individual, s stranger to Gwyw. The | guy MOONSHINE BOOZE PROVED EXPENSIVE, Nearly $900 in Fines and Costs Imposed by a Pene- tanguishene Magistrate. Penetang Herald.---'Twas an evil day for # bunch of swamp-whiskey operatives, who have been plying their trade about the Town-line between the Townships of Tiny and Flos, when « couple of Provincial Myr- midons dropped in one evening, piloted by local taxicab driver, and purchased 8 couple bottles of the fragrant "Moonshine." As a result of the little friendly ell, four young gentlemen sppeared before the | Police Magistrate on Tuesday of this week, |churged with having, selling or dlispysing, of liquor, contrary to the provisions of The Ontario Temperance Act. They at once |realized that the Departmental Detectives had "the drop" on them for no Hun Jever shouted ""Kamerad" and threw up his hands in token of surrender any quicker than those four worthies yielded submission to the Court, cried ""Peccavi" and express jalties and obligations as the Court might Jimpuse for their delinquencies The several asements made by the P, M. were as follows ---Norman Pilon, Tiny, | Fine 00 and $21.25 costs;Roch Pilon, | Tiny, $200.00 und $10.00 costs; Edgur Edwards, Elmvale, Fine $200.00 and $18.00 costs; Chas, Howden, Elmvale, Fine $200.00 und $8.00 costs & All of the above penalties and costs were ordered payuble forthwith, and in default of payment, four guol, with hard | Iubor in each case alternative did | hot appeal to any of them, and cheques un the Bunk of Elmvale were given in settle: ment of the adjudicated claims. Nur waa the prosecution satisfied just 1 There was the Taxi-mun to be consid: tred The Ingpector was under the im- pression thatg the local fiveryman who acted us the trusted guide of the two detec Uses, bad been making w business of steer ing thirty souls to the pluce of thirst re vleuisbinent, and av be had accepted a drink | Jor two of the ilheit booze, from bis passen- Kers on this occasion, be wus ulso lable to " malty under the Act. A charge was lad against him of consuming liquor jure chased in an illegal place, und be was up 1 it to the extent of $60.00 including This was also settled forthwith The several chury of Inspector Fisher, with Provinenal 1 two detects The I of this District, who, | ctor Sarvis and the | War on hand to prusecure pectors endeavored to ust ie crooked whiskey was bemg manu but were unsuccessful in their in that direction. 'The defendants | evded ne knowledge Norman Pilon swore that he gota five-gullon jug uf the stuff from 4 man who is now w soldier, either wow oversews, or ready to go, and the thers were mixed up in the matter only thewugh Norman Pilon But, say, gentle reader, please do not in azine that because Mr. Pilon was selling the stuff ut $22.50 a gallon, or bottle, that this swamp wh was any chair of life, It wasn't, Tt didn't even look inviting It was a uagty greeny liquid with w cloudy-crewgiy" infusi ing through it, The offigal Court-t ' {that it tasted even worse than it looked. The P.M. took his word for it, sit not a single sigh wus emitted us the iuing contents of the five-gallon jug was ordered to be dumped into the sewer, Aeroplane Fell on Roof While domg some stunts over the Colling- wood waterfront on Fridyy morning an air. tan from Camp Hore had the misfortune |W. A. Boys, K.C, MP. |_------------_--____-_-- Owen St, Barrie, every Saturday. eases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat sultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 pm. and by appointment. Barrie Phone No. 2. GWLADYS JONES THE WELSH SOPRANO. Teacher of Voice Production and Singing. Special lee sons for repertoire, English and Italian, Studio at Mrs. Gauley's, 67 MeDonald St, Barrie, Phone 681. For terms, etc, cal af studio on Wednesdays. Vbices tested free, -- MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In voca) work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pu prepared for AT.CM. degree in both piano and vocal; also ele mentary exams. of Toronto Conservatory of Music or University exams. Studio: King Block. Phone 424. LEGAL -- , ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtuining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyaneer, ete Offices: Hinds' 'Block, No. 8 Dunlop St Money to loan, pect fhe dla' BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitor, Notary Public, Com- veyancers, Etc. Money to loan it lowest rates of interest. Otfices: 13 Owen St, (in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto'. Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. D. C. Murchison CHARLES W. PLAXTON BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC, 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Richmohd Sts, Toronto. pain encores eeti ia DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. -- Ee CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THR Suprenfe Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, eta Money 'to loan. Offices: in Row' Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, KC. ee MEDICAL a ee DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methédist Church. Telephone 167. » were laid in the namie | ------------_______ DR. W. A. ROSS LR.CS, Edinburgh, F.C.P, London, Phy sician, Surgeon, ete. Office and Residenes, Dunlop St, Barrie. Telephone 165 pi Nace Mac a DR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGill (Successor to Dr. R. S. Brosd) Office and Residence, corner EI Bradford Sts, Barrie, Phone 1 ee ee W. A. LEWIS, M.D.. C.M. {SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espeviah ily, Phone 61 $5.00 a | 56 Collier St, Barrie, DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity Universit also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Diseuses of Stomach. Office field and Worsley Sts, Corner Bay Office open until 8 p.m. daily. ee DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Die- Con- Toronto Phone North 3326. to bring bis machine -0 low that it struck the top of a must of w new steel trawler Iving at the east pier of the shipyard. This was followed by an entanglement with wire causing the plane to fall great force upon the roof of the pipe fitting at the north eud of the punch shed and loft house. The crash broke the plane and sent the engine through the roof. One wing fell to the ground and the other was broken to pieces while the reur parts re- mained on the building, The airman jump. ed_and probably saved his life though he eda severe cut on the chin and one of his face and one finger. Headquar- ters were communicated with ond in the afternoon the machine wus removed. SS Geo. W. Livingston BARRIE We believe thatit pays to give our customers service and satisfac- tion; that is why we want to sell you a DE LAVAL Cream Separator 'With a single tool--the combi- nation wrench and screw driver shown in the illustration below, and 1 pert of the De Laval equ ment --you can take apart a NEW De Laval and set it up again in a few minutes. Could snything be caser o& simpler? 'There are no complicated --to 'chain driven, no. cog wheel 00 ball eating to Faced tote oS jurtment can be made by the man on the farm with no spe- ial understanding about machinery, 'The caly tool required with a NEW De Laval Such opie construction makes the NEW Laval the casicat separator to clean. 'We will sell you a NEW De Laval on terms that can't belp suiting you. will receive ACCOUNTANTS -- LAWSON, WELCH & COMPANY ith|CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crows Life Building, 59 Yonge Street, Toronte, Telephone Main 5874. JF. Lawson, ------ H. J. Welch. JAMES. PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to com duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfaction gueranteed, Orders left at A. F. 120 Bayfield St. Phone 191. A. Malcomson's offiee jention. prompt The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. We carry in stock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Pre- pared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERs, Phone; Office 163, Residence 3589. eee PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual | Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. Come in and examine the machine; let us show you what it will do. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA.

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