{ Page Twelve ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, July 18, 1918. EF ( NEWS FROM THE RAILWAY WARD | up their residence with Mrs. Me- Donagh. on Sanford St. W. Bel- eskie was working for the Gray- Dort Motor Go. but owing te the stall bei nievd, Mr. Beleskie laid of and has umed werk at the local carriage work= The Allandale Bowling Chih played two Northern League games at Allandale on Wedne In the afternoon Bradford ited in Allandale games, AL R S. 0. E. meet Friday at 8.45 p.m. sharp in-the Orange Hall. Thos. f f Toranto ts visiting th < Gateher, Mrs. TS to spend two werks with te in Gilferel Mrs. €. MeNiven & Toronte Lo spend a we Honnseme ta was Ss gone te k's bold with her mothe Mrs. J. Conway of Toronto is] oly visiting her daughter, Mrs. B.C.) wa, met aml re Nichals, for twee ke winning all the Mra Wo, Walker af Teronte [ay alker, BE. Shear and WG Clark te viiting with Mr, and Mes. S.,oeing the wintung =kips In the No Wurst for evening Aurora was played and Meo and Mrs. EK. Knapp and) the result was Allandale 2. Aurora Marat Tarante ate visiting [1 WG, Clark and A. R. Walker Ho Knapy's, Burton Ave won their games but B. Shoar was Reanten left on Sunday | defeated by 11 ports. eXtended holiday Winnipex and € M. Gratin ef Grilli a week or so at for ar Willian course necessary for matricula- lion, which being secured he entered upon his probationary work serving in the charges of Emsdale and Utterson, Then followed his course in Arts and Theology, his B.A. being secured in 1908 After a year spent in Englehart he was ordained in 1909. The same year he was three four rs at sent pastor atyGone Bay for al 'Chatsworth nt bad heen two ye ale when ¢ Allandale te su whe had been taken this chureh for the special work in Queen St. Torante. Mr. Owen bh already tim te . BL Lamb made a bod impression in his new charge and The Examiner wishes for him a pleasant and fraitfol | pastorate here DR. O'HAGAN'S TALK Enjoyed by All Who Heard him speak on Life and Works of Dr. Drummond. the week-end with her mother Mrs. TH. Retinson, Bradford St White went te Strathroy sday te attend the funeral of Mrs. H. White's father at that place Mrs. W. Yaeman (nee Miss Maude Hardy of Part) Arthur | spent 'Thursday with Mrs. JH Knapp. Rorton Ave Acmecting at Hie OLRLG. will be | held in the nmen's Hall en | Sun July A full atten- Rev. A. E. Owen, | Albert: Bulward Oyen, the dance is requested Miss Nora Firman bas gone tol Hey assist in the office of H, Diteh-|new mumister ef te Burton Ave burn, Muskoka Wharf, Graven-) Methedist Chucel, ts the son off! his frivnd, Rev. Dean Oo Mdley hurst. far the summer: Mr. and Mrs. Raward W. Owen willingly devoted tis Galents te Tp Wisden went fe Wandser {amt owas bern in Deneaste fad the Red Gros sucety on 'Tuesday mht te atten! We yorkshire, E When hey Bare, and an lite caudie rod Ledue of the A.B. and AM Jawas five years of age Is parents ALE. Ute veer ie Che halle adel from Barrie Jenme te Thornton, and there the Poblie Tabrary te hear vs St. Georgets Wo AS nade a des [povlived days rf the fitare ine Interpretation of Hie work of Ute eifed snecess of the strawberry |ycter™ were sf His Public Canadian poet festival held on the chy chool, training was received! AL the euter( the Ipeturer last Wednesday, Everythi Under John A. Corbett, Who has ;etiefly touched upen --shalect splendidly earried oul perfirnied a sinnlur offices for[Puetry and thee conditions whieh prareeds anmonnted te fuite a few very sucessful prow pereated | Dr. Dearmiond aig a Mro and Mrs. dB Shave} fesewanal aud Dusiness men, At] Preneh Canadian duileet poet. te returned £ rken| Barrie Gellegnle hh the O'Hagan patd a tigh tribute te) the French-Canadian -- people. OVER 5000 PEOPLE holding that ther languace as " % spoken by the educated ¢ sete CAME FOR 'TWELFTH Quebee was equal te the best - rene a 0 ' 228th Anniversary of Battle of Showing how 'the name of note- worthy engineers is being painted on the insignia of C. P. R. locomotives. ART CHARLEBOIS. years by the C. P. R. has recetved such widespread expression of approval as that of naming passenger Iocomotives after the engineers, who by reason of their fine service a is Z ° i E i . 4 g i 3 deeds of exceptional heroism bave earned special distinction at the bends If the engineers themselves are pleased, still more so which realizes that an admirable system bas been dis- therto = iy jon. They are in on the newly adopted insignia 'of the railway--e circular band enc! shield on which fs painted a Maple Leaf. The name of the engineer fs shown in letters of ; upon # blue ground, while the green leat, the white shield end the [cath 'beaver afford a color combinattoa exceedingly striktn; and effective. painted und been "eek Martoey, who runs the President's engine when the head of the "ayctem Deaves Mfentreal for the Weet, bas auch skill in starting a trate {lore pesecagers woakt net knew ft js tn motion unless they looked out \ Portage, be. Phomas OH author und on the stall of the legiale Institute, give the pe ot Barrie a delightful hour with bro Brumann, the Halttant Poet, on Weilnesday evemne the foth mst, br, O'Hagan, whe had turer Barr been attending the Silver Jululee Referring te Dev Hie devturer said that the pe Hie habitant went Freneltanadiin Drummond Jand apprectating qualities, Dr. O° Hi ings from Druminend were iniqae atl al revelation in patties Hut power fo the audienee, Th levhine: titerpretedl th poems fram Drummond Weeek of the Jule Plante Views 'Temps and The Last and at the conelusien of the Ieeture, read two ef his own poems TT Take Of My Hal fe Athert oo and "Bohs of Randa- bars Dr, O'Hagan certainly will Fhe weleonied to Barrie agai LAWN BOWLING Yesterday Aurora and Bradford played the local bowlers who were two down to | Rinks and scores were ux follows Barrie Bradford R. Mulcomson G._ Wood P. Clarke A. Martin R. A. Stephens W, L. Campbell A.C. Bricker 32 ©. Wilson 6 C. Beelby A. Thompson A. Habbick G. Ogilvie W._ Hess P. Holt A. Brownlee 15 B. Davey 23 H. Kennedy J. Broley A. Simon A. Coombes W. Turner Dr. Campbell G. Hubbard 13. 0. G. Bernhart 19 Barrie Aurora C. Kendall McQuade W. Young Fleury W. R. King Willis R. A. Stephens 18 Rothwell 15 F. Marr C. Tucker T. T. Young E, Hill ©. Bricker C. Webster A. Hay 15 D. Webster 15 A, Habbick F. Butler W. Hess H. Teasdale W. Turner Teuman A. D. Simon 16 Dr, Butler 25 Aurora 3 pointe, Barrie 3 Fell Into the Bay About eight o'clock Monday evening, the cottugers wt Big Bay Point were provided with a little excitement when an. sirplaie Gropped into the bay near the old whari. 'The machine was flying over the land when the engine stalled and the pilot headed for the shallow water slong the shore. Scarvely hud the wheels touched the surface when the plane plunged headfirst into the water which fortunately was only about four feet deep at that point Spectators expected to see the aviators carried beneath the waters, but they had unbuckled their belts and had no difficulty freeing themselves from the machine as it went under. The same day it was rumored ti aviator had tumbled into the bay st Bay and had been drowned, but this pr ed incorrect. ------------------------ SS GRAY HAIR Dr. Tremain's Natural Hair Restorative, used as directed, is guaranteed to restore tap gray hair to its natural color or money fefunded. Positively not a dye and non- injurious. Price $1.00: On sale in Barrie by Wm. Crossland, Druggist. 26-46eow wedded, Mrs. Owen being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wickelt of Toronto, He was ON HABITANT POET, uy the Cane} the lutter and broke even with the former | PET RAY EEE and four $1.65 to Boyne Celebrated in Barrie --26 Lodges Attended. (Continued from page 1) Bevd th FB, bower, ef: W. Ban- te iN. Coyworth, Loy Awersl po A, Davis, rf The 8 hoo yards open 8 eeu, dennett, Re Hay Thomp- ion wae rls Orangemen R Nison, D, dennett. | D, aml ©. Masters ) ok OBL Wines, Bo Monkman N | Bays 16 and under apen - [No Martin, Alfred Brown, A. Urry. 100 yards ('Orang J, Nixon, B eT. SONS htipaan, Orangemen's daugh- Watson, Fo Arnold. 1 } 50 yards Mrs | Mrs Orangemen's wives Mrs, Monteith, ix, ladies 'open' Mrs Mrs. Kell, Mrs. Florence yards Orangemen ently) -- H. Keys, J. Gairns, P. Boyd | Boys' Root Race W. Martin, | P. Bureh, 4. Dobson. neemen's daughters, under 12. M.H, Meldred, Edith Garside, O, Miller 100 Cauley, N no yards = /O.N.B)--R. Me- Givens, B, Thompson. | Blues' --T _ ©. Camp- Forsythe," pell | Special Prizes Fife and drum band pivces--Anguy Lodge Oldest: member--H. Maxwell of Angus Lodge, 64 years a member, under 5 Oldest) Charter -- Allandale Lodge, 1854. Resi dressed lndge---Golden Lion, Hingwood, whieh also had the largest number on parade with 61. Best carried banner--Tory Hill Lodge. Best 0. Y. B. lodge--Creemore. Best Ladies' lodge--Colling- wood. Drum Beats John Mackay marched with his old lodge---Creemore. 'Allenwood was led by @ man on a while charger gaily decorated. The ladies' lodge from Colling- wood headed the procession in seven cars, Selections by the Ivy band © greally enjoyed. They were not at all stingy with their music. Creemore Orange Young Bri- tons with their fancy caps and sashes made quite a gay showing; Thompsonville had a fine han- ner, well carried, and nearly landed the prize for this feature. Golden Lion, Collingwood, had a good fife hand of 15 pieces. In ifs lodge ranks were fov "men in SCREEN DOORS 8 different styles Prices from ELECTRIC GRILLS $6.50, $7.50 to $10.00 REFRIGERATORS, 4 different styles and si THE LEADING PLACE FOR KITCHEN FURNISHINGS AND HARDWARE. OTTON HARDWARE CO., Limited [booths we | Fergnson, Allandale, 88. |the Canudian railways as distinguished from | gy4t," 1015, will now pay $2.83 -Jernment on the Railway War Board. Once | ¢4'93, Headquarters « Summer Specialties * such as Screen Doors, Window Screens, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Electric Irons, Electric Toasters and Grills SCREEN WINDOWS 9 different sizes Prices from 35c to 70c. adjustable to any size window sizes. $3.50 Canadian Beauty and Hot Point Electric Irons at $5.00 and $6.00. s, at $11.50 to $25.00. BEAUTIFUL GOLD BAND DINNER- WARE, semi Porcelain with China ....97 pieces for $35.00 FIVE POINTS ably net greatly missed as quietly few are usually able to hear ib 'y, wished the new schedule in Canada. Their in fluence and their method of presenting their request have undoubiedly been a big factor in securing the all-round upplication of the increased scale of wages. inafeh between market, that had for, failed ty mater remy The new wage scale will, it is claimed, add forty million dollars of additional ex- Te cakegietwue by their pene te the companies, aud the undoubted im respicuus by (melt expectation i+ that this wil be compensate a ul' FeRUla HONS we for by a concurrent increase in rates. The responsible Ri » Commission and the Government rary restaurants and A lady drummer was an attrac-, sre looked to for sanction for further tw tion in the drumming eompeti-' reuse taritls and it is understood that Leen dnuhe handled the stieks tit will be done, | Only freight rates will jon, and she handled the SUCKS 6 'pyied, The pastenger rates in the two sery cleverly, countries are now similar, and the cost of oldest members travel on either side of the border is such as Motfatt of Barrie, 76 % discourage much of it. Some months se aa Orangemen? 2. general increase of fifteen per cent. s gems in Canadian passenger and freight tariff Collingwood, war ullowed. Quite possibly to the latter Collingy i, 70; un extra ten per cent. will now be added, w Lowell, G5: making it on u parity with the United . Tottenham, 70: m, States rate Caledon East, 82: Jas Ameng the Win. years, SR y Thos. Cimber Thos. Bassett, Js. Robins, sam} W Matthews were Under the McAdoo award, nx now adsvn:- ~ ed in Csnuda, s position paying $50 per {month on December 3ist, 1915, will now pay $71.50, and one paying $75 ber, month, M il $105.75; $100 per month, now $1. 1.75 5 ore neal ee Ballway: Mes | $125 per month, now $153; $130 per month, (Toronto Telegram) now $174.25; $175 now $195.50; $200 « Ottawa, July 16.--Application of the | month, now $216.75. McAdoo award to all branches of labor on 'The work paying $2 4 day on December + 1.25 only the Federated Trades immediately in | uy' now $3.17; $2.50 per day 4s Oa dispute, reflects the influence of the Gov- $2.75 per day, now $3.88; $3 per day, peng ent on Workers paid by the hour or by the United States adopted the new schedule | fvilenge will receive increases calculated it wan considered only a matter of time |{y give approximately the sanie amount when Canada would follow suit, becuse | tf jcreased income to the worker in euch the conditions both w« to working and liv- | oy. ing in the two countries are similar, While the shop men have been aggressive in they demants, and have brought the| If you have any news items, 0 a head, the big brotherhoods Mug UP The Examiner. Phone 194 AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE The undersigned has received instructions from W. H. MARTIN to sell by Public Auction at JOS. MARRIN'S YARDS, BARRIE ON SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1918 THE FOLLOWING: 1 Durham Cow, 5 yrs. old, with calf at foot, Durham Cows, 6 yrs. old, with calves at foot. 1 Durham Cow, 5 yrs. old, due by date of sale. Holstein Cow, 5 yrs. old, due July 28. re 1 Durham Cow, 6 yrs old, due 11th 1 Ayrshire Cow, 6 yrs. old, with calf of August. ut foot. 1 Durhum Cow, 4 yrs, old, milking. 1 Ayrshire Cow, 4 yrs. old, due by 1 Durham Cow, 4 yr. old, due Aug. 5 date of sale. 1 Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old, with calf 2 Extra good Holstein Heifers, duc at foot. by date of sale. 1 Holstein Cow, 5 yrs. old, due by 1 Durham Heifer, due by date of date of sale. ry 2 Holstein Cows, 4 yrs. old, milking. 1 Jerey Cow, 6 yr. old, due by date of sale 2 Farrow Cows. 2 Heifers, 2 yrs. old. --_----$_--_------------------------------ ALL WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE Terms of Sale--Five months' credit will be given to par- ties furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent per annum off for cash. khaki. The eustomary "Twelfth" Sale at 1 p.m. Sharp. W. A. McCONKEY, Auct. oratory was WANN, DUL V5 iS ce it