-MONEY IN CATTLE - or go under' National demands make it essential that more cattle be raised immediately, "We must go on the surest way to go under is by not keeping the Allied armies fed. The proft of raising cattle ia enormoas on account of the prices now prevailing and prices will continue high even after the war. Raise more cattle as a duty to the nation and your bank account. If financial help is required, consult our local manager. UNION BANK HEAD OFFICE. BARRIE BRANCH, - OF CANADA: WINNIPEG, MAN, 218 A. LESLIE, Manager. COOKSTOWN BRANCH, L.B. AVERY, Manager. 'THORNTON BRANCH, W. T. HODGSON, Mgr. . pired on July 7. tion to others not officially confirmed. NEWS OF COOKSTOWN:: | occ". ina' sni Sink thon | 2 Steam t O20 oat Be, was a kind and loving mother, | the Distinguished Service Cross with two THE BARRIE : Newmarket and Mrs. W2J. Baker with whom hg lived; also three sons, James of Fort Wayne Ind., George of Alliston and Al- bert of Nicolston. He leaves one brother, George, in London, Eng. His remains were buried at St. John's Cemetery on Thursday afternoon. 'The pall-bearers were John Robinson, Thos. Knight, Geo, Jebb, John Kidd, W. Meher and Ja: Donnell. ~Reath of Mrs. J. Sherman x. John Sherman, widow of late John Sherman, passed away at her home on Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Sherman was a victim of heart trouble and had been a sufferer for some time. In spite of the skilled medical attention and kind nursing, she finally ex- EXAMINER DARING AVIATOR MET DEATH AT LAST Australia's Premier Airman Grandson of Robert Little, Formerly of Innisfil Tp. --- Press dispatches recently reported the death in France of Flight-Lieut, Robert A. Little. He is a grandson of Robert Little of Toronto and « cousin of Mrs. m, Freek and Mrs. Andrew Carson, Bar rie. His father, James Little, was' born near Thornton but bas been a' resident of Australia for many years. To J. W. Henry, Thornton, The Examin: er in indebted for copy of the Melbourne (Australia) Herald of May 11, which had the following reference to Flight-Comman. der Little -- Victoria has produced an airman who rivals the greatest known fliers. Aged 22, be is o captain in the Naval Air Service, and is officially credited with having brought down 38 enemy machines, in sddi- Bars, und the Croix de Guerre. Thursday, July 11, 1948. WHAT DO YOU MAKE? WAS paxsessed of many 'The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown sing 4 mii He hax had many smazing escapes froin fe George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be & us death, and has not lost» drop of blood handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. She is survived oy three | He iv now' in London after an extruordin. ~ 99 Gade bim. Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. | daughters, Mrs. W. MeMillan, | ary adventure. Flying at beight of 19, P PLE IN THIS ara and Sadie al home: als |000 ft, be attacked six enemies. His ma. Will Ross of Stayner spent a Mrs. David Thompson is visit'} eur sons, Jack of Torente, Lou {chine was peppered, and spun down to few days last week with bis sister, / ing in Toronto with her daugh-| ce Reston and Milton at home, | 10.000 ft, where he was attacked by a sec R Mrs. John Flyun tees, Mrs: Wray agd Mrs. Handy.|" pipe pemaing were buried at | smgmet com corm, The conteobsof bik : 'Sear hn Kell returned to) Miss) Mary Daft called on peripleedy, Geneived, the Bs Searnan MM aBHeM Vee ieee oe Lewis' cemetery on Tuesday tail way shot off, und the petrol tank fell = Halifax Friday ta tends in town last week on her afternoon. out, hitting his pilot on the bead. His Mrs, Capt, Thompson and) way home to Sundridge plane hurtled down out of control, flatten . t gon, Dut af 'Toronte dre spend: Rey. Me. Creighton of Bradford Women's! ineetite ed out at 300 ft. and crashed down in No THAN FIVE MINUTES ORDERING A ing a few hebdays with her) will take service at Sk John's! gy yeoman' imamate | eas Lees Sa tase etatel ; he Women's Ins sh toe cue. His. only serutche parents, Me, and Mrs. Geo. Duff, Chureh on Sunday evening and |gmugh your valuable paper their hearty (nose, while hin seroplane 'was reehiced. 10 a _ COW Campoell has returned to fev W. Creswick will preach al /thanks to all those who have helped to | iatehwood, $e il town after a mouth's visit at Tor Bradford. make the yeur, ust ended, so decided a suc | He refused -the command of w squadron ti ornty and Ballinafad De Mackay of Tarante visited fees. The community at large by ther |because it would involve the cessation of T. i. Webty ain 1 family spent His brother, Wo G. Mackay, on | Remerous support have assisted in ruakiig | his felting: He ix keenly anxious to add * ray, Om nee ie ' us this » banner year, and the society sleeply |to the list of his victimes, nday at Bradford tunday appreciates this factor which hus so nat. | Daring Exploits Described (bo neq neglect getting your be Bo Avery has resigned bis |erlly helped | ~enacottiees ehoce umaeing secora Je:ahes| registration + Fisher's have pestlion as manager of thy Union | Special mention is made of the kintier | ubect of the above. calle. tueanuge os | : a fill storks un hand--several Hank and is gente wilt the Auto ]of the following friends, whose work the | Hight Commander Robert Alexander Littl, ' Rink bie-eheiae-tr Sales Ce, Tarenti. Mr. Me. [ledge are deeply grateful for of the Royal Naval Air Service. As set Inds be chose front | The ladies hoth mand out of the village | fyrth above. he has won the Distinguished i Mrs WOR. Colman and Wd, Millin of Ottawa s Is Mr. /who have baked so futhfully in order that | Servier Crust with two Byrn, und the Croix F fbave sold then farms Ayers cach month our boxes might go forward [Tenace Crom with two Bars and the Grobe - 7 1 af West Esaa. Leva Tlesen has serured a /to_our boys : | iiecesdento uve bi My TBS Herale' i Wo Ress visited this Hien in Tarente There whe, bee a YES, Robert Ale: der Little w the son of frends at Slayne IP Dunning of 'Taranto. spent /Moner durime the past year Mr Jan of "Ryde" Punt oud, . Sets ee of WN | Meo Younger, wha haw ke | Windsor, and was educated ut Seoteh Col . ed Morler, Mrs Willian he Kowith lis son. Hod. Dune | pain of socks during the e loge, On: July 27; 1918, when he wae 30 rT Miss Suth Mhooef tame keeping ap the supply, whieh busy women |e Ot ave his futher sent. hin to iu Sere Masitars at Mes Card of Thanks | fennel te chard to de, jund to attend un aviation school. It cost i rh Friday last Wood) Tak I Mr. Harry Fisher. who has had so much: hin, 6500 tw quolify, and he wax then ap - Dat ihoaibselison BEldey its uke Wiles 10 yrouble in the handling of Red Crag yarn Dal BAO tunity, and he was then at . here vistted diving thes past weet = fer their kindness Mr W t, who has without chart. i Service. = + with fice: aan. Stes. Wine, Hishiies Horenneetian with her given us the ase of the Advocate for the TTT. tai7 he began him long 1 pan at " Publishing of sll notiem and advertising : s i een pereavinent and gloniot ord by witming the Dis . "on of all enterthinments during the year REL eecice, Cres. Oe ee id of ped ugh obese Snes |_gMis Stella MeBride' for her work i] the auie yenr. when he had the defeat = f treaties spout Motebty in fewer The Late Chas. Wesson {selling for Red Cross quilts [uf 1 enemy machines to his credit. he was Miss Hertha Sethertionh aurse 0 Charles Wesson BT ee een rar an ncn jawarded his first Bar to the Cross, ad also { iy Taine at the Western Hes. nich esteemed echizen af Cooks. | BMts fer ther serv generane lanaicie| won the Croix de Guerre On Jely 1, 1917, IN Al VAN A H A VA ' Plat, "Porentes as Detaving ab tower eobaway after ah 7 the. tooseiy . [rhea He ete pili the A ty ot Bay: her heme here ny Miness en 'Tuesday of last | At otherm whe have made our year 0 Met ihe Distingurshed Service | Cros x Mrs Wook) Maekiw ail daeghe week at the than. of his ich. [success by their support in any wiy and a Bur to his Distinguished Service be fer, Ruth, spent a few days hast fer Mrs, Wood. Baker | bas eepmection. wid the Pieeak Aart EE nde PRICE UNTIL ] HAVE PAID IT a week with friends in Barrie Mr. Wessen was 82) years © | thank Mr_no Giikecay for the free use of |; Hie wile and infant son are at Dover, . f. a . wie 7 : England, und hie brother. Private Jamex x Meo and Mes. To Ro. Wray, | iuse and had heen confined | his |hie piano, the Cookstown Brass Band for eofland and hia oraher, Pnvate, James < p and Mero and Wes T. WW, Handy eff bed fer the past three or fore /ite splendid music the singers who so splen Tiare in ihe Batile 'nf Lone Pine, He sub: 1 Toronto spent Sumlay at Mrs.[momths. He was born i Ware | iss assisted and all who helped in the pro-| quently returned to Melbourne. @ David Thompson's fwick County, Englund, anid caine |eramme. or in the work of ire Garden|. Flight Commander Little bos uted many WHILE THEY LA T | AM PRE w Mr. and Mrs, Wood) debh and) out te Canada about i2 years for and: of on he hi be ai Kaa types of aeroplanes in his exploits, hix - ! : son, Gord P Torante visited | first | P Rewwtint Reebiive eee eaen te da eran il baking [favorite Scout being christened "Lady ; son, Gary of Toronto visited) first Living at Newton Robinsin [+o generously donated cream, milk, baking | yuu." Before he had wequired the ma. \ in town this week 'land later moving to Cookstown, |of all kinds and their time and to the local | Si" is hod already brought down four . \ * Mrs. Fred Fisher amd Meo and | where he spent the remainder of |merchants and other men for their help. | enemy plones He hus had numerous hair: PARED T0 DELIVER YOU 'A CAR 1 b Mrs, Melville Fisher of Torente| his days Er | breurith escapes und the fuet that he ix still 4 t ia vicilabs at iH Boaielre ait ie Ania sie: Fon iathate Presented with Gold Watch |alve acems almost a miracle. Up to date x iy HEneeattiancanil ein Ina ete ~ | John A. Trask Appreciated at Lindsay | his tally of German machines in 38, 28 of 2 vosttios Wowan ina soul aes "oI e/ which he had vanquished by September, Mrs. Harry Fisher and children | in religion he was an Angliean iSite lose i ero eei a oe at had vanquished by Sept : Wednesday for a few | He was predeceased by his wife | 4. Trask, (formerly of the Central School, His rank was that of flight sub-liew- outing at Delphi en the} about 27 years ago, but is sir. | Barrie, was presented with a gold wateh | feqant, und he is now captain and fight Georgian Bay. wived ay four daughters, Mr¢,|and chain by the staff and pupils, Dr, James | communder , Mrs Cabentand soy of Toronte| Fleming of Allicten Mra. Jaa. l= Hughes, Toronto, who was present to| On one occasion, when Little wax flying aa ad oe Ge " ne istan, Mrs. J85-/ jrevent meduls in connection with a League | tlone he met 11 German machines, which spent Sundav ard. 1 Readman's | Trotter of Hamilton, Mrs. Staley [of Enpire competi 'g cd he British | Hi i as at i amilton, Mrs, § of Empire competition, paid a tribure to {tied to cross the British lines, "He at cC ALL considerate, unselfish, who would surely Mr. Trask os a |Christinn gentleman activities st Port Arthur. In a short address the feelings of the school children, staff und parents, were truthfully shown. Mr. Trask, who hus the past cight years, was given praise for careful. tutoring. make good in his new and larger field of | been principal of Alexandria 'School for | his kind words, Christian teachings and | Though it was regretted | tecked the last man, shooting him down, The others fired a few shote at him. One shot penetrated his oil tank, and his mi chine ran out of oil. He turned about, put his ten enemies to flight, and glided back 'home. He has had numerous single combats, in one of which he drove down « German plane und took prisoner the two officers 'on board, both of whom hud Tron Croses. He has performed numerous daring feats RIGHT, AS YOUR MONEY. WON'T MAKE THIS MUCH IN TWO YEARS while engaged in bombing raids, and op one occasion #aw four German planes attacking 8 Britich machine. He drove off the enemy sir-craft, and subsequently destroyed one | that Mr. and Mrs, Trask were leaving, yet | it was recognised that the field would be | wider at Port Arthur. On behalf of the | sebool and staff, Mr. Trask was presented | *For Summer Smiles and AT 6 PER CENT. 'who quaintest Summer _,dresses and . for the lady 'her patriot- ism about her like.a wraps McCall Patterns for July NOW ON SALE C. T. DEVLIN, Barrie Dealer with a gold watch end chain and Mre. Trask with « beautiful bouquet speeches of appreciation were mace by Mx 'or Kylie, tho Rev, Canon Marsh and others attendance at the school had increased fram 250 to twice that number. 'The Post says; Mr. Trask's departure from town will be regretted by our citizens He was « fine type of citizen and ulways manifested a keen interest in the affairs of the community. He wax a | member of St. Andrew's Church, an 'enthus iastic member of the Jand Curling Club, being » prominent skip, \His many friends will wish him success in | his new sphere of Labor. 'The Late Wm." Mitchell | The deuth of William Mitchell, of Guth- rie, Township of Oro, at the age of 86 years, aceurred on June 25th, 1918. The late Mr. Mitchell was born in Scot- lund in 1832, and came to Canada with his parents and five sisters in 1853. One sister, Mrs. James Mitchell of Toronto, is still living at the age of 91 years. Some few ears later he located in the above men- tioned township, of which he was a resi- dent for about 50 years. For 35 years he held the position of postmaster, formerly at Mitchell Square, and for the last 25 years at his late residence, Guthrie. He was a life- long Presbyterian. His deep interest. in the spiritual welfare of the young led him to take an active part in the orgeniza- tion of a Union Sunday School at Mitcheli Square, of which he was superintendant, He was also instrumental in the inception of the Sunday School Association work in that township, and was secretary of the 'same for' many years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Mitchell, and three sons, William, of Winnipeg; James, at home; and George of Sault Ste. Marie; also four daughters, Mrs. T. Pearsall and Miss M., of Toronto, Mre! E. Bellamy, of Winnipeg and Mrs, E. Breakwell of Vancou- ver, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc., Short | In his reply, Mr. Trask mentioned that dur- | Ling the eight years he had been there, the | prominent | lorticuliural Society | of them ZA full account of his exploits would fill © book, Suffice it 10 say that the record which he has established, bears more than worable comparison with that of any other hero of the sir, | |Ni THING ELSE LIKE IT IN BARRIE | v --_ : There has never been anything like it |m Barrie with the INSTANT action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, ete., ae nixed in Adler-i-ka, ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract «0 com- pletely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, ges oF constipation and prevents appendi citi. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-icka surprises bot doctors and pat- ients. Wm. Crossland, Druggist DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at Maxwell's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? We know how. MAXWELL, CO. Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. COME IN AND COMPARE OUR CAR WITH THE HIGHER PRICED ONES AND YOU WILL BE CONVIN- CED THAT THE CHEVROLET IS THE BIGGEST BUY ON THE MARKET, EVEN AT THE NEW PRICE. G.B.McLEAN DEALER AT THE OLD PRICE.