Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1918, p. 12

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' Page Twelve . THE BARRIE EXAMINER 4 pee eT eres Thursday, July 11, 1918. played 1a waitin al Allan bawlers Bradford. y three gan sterday, POLAR CUB ELECTRIC FANS Six-inch Fans Nine-inch Fans $12.00 SEE THEM Merrill & Hubbard Miss days in Mrs. $8.50 © Fraser spent a few Foronte last week Horst hus gone te J. A. MeNeil of Me al speut tl at ko with relatives in the week-end wih bis family at} Sarnia Minet!'s Point | Mrs Wo Fox and daughter, Mrs. Wo Co desseqe has gone! Miss Mary Fox, have returned to 'Porontes te spend a imouth!) home after spending six weeks with rel there iwith friends in Rosemount Mrs. 7. Rainville of North | dn the Carpet Bowling Tour Ray is visiting her mother, Mrs. namient last Friday meht, the P 8. Gagnon, Brock St Po leant scored 5 points te the Chas. Marshall PR ticket |Conmmuitter's dG. Seores new read agent oat) Mlandale, has been} PoP. i: Comuuttoe, at transferred to Teronts Private Lewthwarte return Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lawr offed soldier lately residing on Woodstock are holidaying with} Vespea 86. tas nieved his his parents. in Titin st }fanuly te Torante, having se Mrs. oC) Servier aml twefenred "a sition there children of Walkerville are heti- Mrs, Ma Moore of Strat daving among old friends here. [ford Grand President of th Mr, and Mrs. H, Shaver have | Ladies' Secretly. visited with) Mrs returned home after spending af A. Manson, Readford St. tor a fey week with re < in Penetang.}days. Mes A] Manson, Mes. F. J. Ireland oof Hanulton 1s} Gtitfayte and Mes. Mines We spending bis holid wilh Mr.jbeen transterred to onte and Mes Ove vferd St.! Lodge Mise Sadie Forbes of Toronto Hey, AK Owen, Mrs Owen aud is spending her holidays with her | their lilte daughter are now set sister, Mrs. Wim. pson, Titin| Hed an the parses Oy Sun st Jday. Mr thwen qireached his Conductors A. Hiddetl and BR. [initial sermons as pastor af the Cannon are now running on the! Burton Ave. Methodist Churet summer trains from Toranto tojand beth were well delivered Huntsville, and rich in thought, RE BY-LAW NO. 1274 Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notice i hereby given that a By Law was passed by the Council of the Cory tion uf the County of Simeoe on thy day of June, 1918, authorizing the Conn of Simcoe to guarantee debentures to be usued by the Corporation of the Town of Alliston to the amount of $32,000.00, under By Law 323 of the said Corporation of the Town of Alliston, which By-Law was s mended by By Law No. 334 of the suid Corporation of the Town of Alliston, f the purpose of taking over the Alliston Electric Light Plant and of repairing ai improving the same for the purpose of dis tributing Electric Power to be supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, And thet the suid By:Law of the Corpor ation of the County of Simeor was regis tered in the Registry Oifice of the County of Simcoe on the 2ast. day of June, 1918. Any motion to qi the same or part the made within three months from the first publiew tion of this oopiee and cannot be male thereafter Dated 9th day of July, 1918. R. J. FLETCHE Clerk of County of Si Of the Cory Notice wats pie tion of the y feta of June, of S t by the Couneil RE BY-LAW NO. 1273 poration of the County of Simcoe im hereby given that 3 By-Law of the Corpora 'ounty of Simcoe on the 21st 1918, authorizing the County to gusrantee debentures to be issued by the Corporation of the Village of Bradiort ler By ation of the sau Bradford, in the nit nil Light Electric Power Co And tha ton of eed af Simeu to the amount of $15,600.00, Law No 444 of the suid Corpor the Village of Bradford, which vended hy By:Luw } i Corporanon of the Village of for the instullation of a system ud Village of Bradford for the mand supply of Electric Power to be supplied by. the Hydro mnussion of Ontario By-Law of the Corpor: of Simcoe was regis the ai he County the Registry Office of the County on the 2Ist, day of June, 1918. Any motion to quash or set aside the sane or within thre tion of this notice thereafter, Dated 9th day of 28 30 part thereof must be made tuonths from the first. publ and ca be R. J. FLETCHER, SS Clerk of County of Sins RE BY-LAW NO. 1275 'Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe Notiew is hereby given that a By-Law was passed by the Council of the Corpora tion of the County of Simeoe on the 2Tst day of 'June, 1918, authorizing the County 'of Simeve to guarantee debentures to be issued by the Corporation of the Town of Alliston, to the amount of $32,000.00, under By-Law No. 336 of the said Corporation of the Town of Alliston, for the purpose of taking over the Alliston Electric Light Plant and of repairing and improving the same for the purpose of distributing El tric Power to be supplied by the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario. 'And that the suid By-Law of the Corpor- ation of the County of Simcoe was regis tered in the Registry Office of the Co 'of Simcoe on the 21st. day of June, 1918 Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months from the first publica: | tion of this notice and cannot be made| thereafter. Dated 9th day of July, 1918. 28-30 R. J, FLETCHER, Clerk of County of Sime FURS! ULEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED miss M. MoKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 Ghildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S 'CASTORIA . Mutual in he Ame Edna Goodrich, Mutual Star Who will be seen at the Opera House Monday and Tuesday next can Maid," along with "Fighting Trail No. 44" and News of the World. REV. DEAN O'MALLEY 25 YEARS A PRIEST Silver Jubilee Celebrated by A Large Gathering--Gifts and Addresses. (Continued from page 1) and alse in conveying from his brother prests the assurance of their! greetings. Presta' Address Very Reverend Dean :--Twenty-five cycles have revolved since God numbered you among His priests. Your flock em braced this auspicious occasion to out. wardly manifest the reverence of their | hearts. They have woven their prayers on | this jubilee Festival into a bouquet of happy felicitations, 'The faithful claim yoru since the duy you took Breviary and Missal | in hund, but we. us «burers of your exalted dignity, rejoice still more that our priest hood has been honored by your zeal and erudition Tn you, we revere the grent High Priest who vested you with the stole of Melchise dech, in y fit mitusier of jthe Sew Te Through you Chnst has sent the sup of grace into the souls [under your care fur a quarter of a century | Your culleagues look upon you a faith: {ful copy of the Divine Exenplar, a jriest [who has won the hearts af ment by. sue nifiemg himself upon she altar yo We have admired your quahties of tnd and 'heurt as they kept unfolding with the yeurs | We noted that the pressure of external jduties did not cake you forget the sacred |sciences nor the study of the tn: Your j hunger for the Word of God and your im {cursions into theology unt philosophy: have j borne fruit m the school, the acwlemy: vil Vthe pulpit, While le {the cultured few, you have the halt aud the blind. Your d wis }to break Divine Truth to the child and the adult to slake ther thirst with the limp | [waters of eternal life. You made not cul frure an end in itself, but sought knowledge |that other might profit Meanwhile your successful woomg of the Muses won the e of Doctor of Literature years of study and teaching, worn the white flower uf « blany And sluring in that bright ight that beut= upon the priesthood. keep the chasuble jure gold, undrossed by the dust eof two ane one-half decades, is no mean task That so on weak buman shoulders wn heart and ours well uy to the Giver of Grace, with the Deanery of Barne ay that God may grunt you | nny fruitful years before you chant [oNune Dimittis And we breathe the {hope that "He who hath « good work in | vill perfect t unto the day of Jesus you have dot makes your with gratitur rejou andy Tn the name of your cucluborers inthe Toronto vineyard, we subseribe 0 Frou the Meu of the Parish Rev. i Dear Dean eve jton and affection, we, your parishioners desire to tender to you our congratulations jon this, the twenty-fifth annivers: of your ordination te the holy priesth | We congratulure you, dear Father, on the work you have accomphshed among us with sueb signal success | Ever solicitous for the sparitual wants of | your flock, have not forgotten our matertal We deeply appreciute unl are gruteful for the nia = of kin ness which niurk your assoelation with us You have been ever zeaious im promoting the well-being of your people and have ot ull times mumfested a cheerful readiness to correspond with their luwful wishes Notwithstanding. your onerous dunes, you pursuits, and this you bave done without Gmiting any of your spiritual or social duties, With great industry, labor ane abil ity, you have reached the genith mn. thy literary world, and by so doing you have given grest prominence to the town of Bur rie. We note with great pleasure your urnvid amongst us, that you have, hy your kindness, sffubility und good judgment more closely cemented the harmony an kindly feeling that have existed for yexre between us and our separated brethren, We ask you to accept this address ax un assurance of our friendship and appreciation of your faithful labors in our midst k for ourselves and famil prayerr career and a place in memory Signed on behalf of the congregation Wm. Quilter, Pat. Cavanagh, Trombley, Daniel Quinlan Fron: the Sodality Very Reverend und Dear Father :--Twen ty-five yeurs of rich and loyal service in the cuuse of the Divine Muster ix indeed something worthy of « Jubilee and it is the spirit of joy and exultation that w the member of Our Ludy's Sodality, to extend to you our hearty congratulations and good wishes. Yes, five and twenty years have silently glided down the silvery Stream of life since first you cust aside t pleasures und ullurements of the world to consecrate your life to ministry of souls, and ax we rest to-day at this first mile-stone long the path, our minds run swiftly buck over the years that have gone--turn buck with gratitude to Almighty God for the mercies of those and in your your in that Providence thut hax guided you through all their hours. We feel that these, Very Reverend Father, are also the sent iments of your soul to-day as you traverse in memory the twenty-five years of your holy' priesthood. Twenty-five years a priest; twenty-five yeurs devoted to the one tusk which among ull things human is alone divine--fulfilling for twenty-five years the mission for which Christ Himself assumed our nature, presch- ing the dame saving doctrines to the world, distributing the gifts of His goodness, opening the channels of grace for every state and necessity of life, continuing the one unspotted and adorable Sacrifice! What other teacher of men or worker among men is engaged in a task that can at all approach in excellence tWe work of the Priest? Tt is true, Very Reverend Father, that you have spent but a very small portion of 'this quarter of s century in our midst, but the few years during which we have been privileged to claim you us our Pastor, have been more than enough to reveal to us your zeal for God's glory, your kind and ever-ready sympathy, and your never-fail ing charity and self-sacrifice, And so we have come to-day to join our good wishes with those of your numerous friends and congregation. We rejoice with you in your joy, and we earnestly pray that God, in Whose Hands the future rests, have devoted your spare hour to hiterury | We pray for you # long and brilliant | Adolphe | A Short Sketch \ Dean O'Malley w: born in Rochester, N.Y. in 1863, As u child of two he cam with his parents ed | P| Collingwood High bool und was a stud | ent at Burnie Model under 'Mr. Hurvey, After being in bust in Toronto for five yenrs, he en yeurs, and we are filled with a deeper trust | Bigger bar --bigger seller The bigger Comfort bar means more soap for the money than ever before. Think of that--in war-time! The quality is the same--the kind that gives Comfort the largest sale in Canada. COMFORT SOAP Ask for the Bigger Bar--your grocer can easily supply you. If you are still getting the smaller bar, with the wrappers, in war-time. however, its wrapper is still good for premiums. No premiums Use Comfort Soap and get a brighter, cleaner, easier wash, PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED, TORONTO. hiay grant you many more year. ty Tubour an His Divine service. and that when this fe's work is o'er, His angel may chant the glorious alleluae af your Fternal Jubilee in Heaven Sughed by the members of the S the Blessed Virgin he Dean's Reply Rey. Dean O'Malley sail he felt unequ ad te reply to the earnest, searching dines of Dr O'Leary, and miniature indeed tu the eluquence if Deun Hares, but he felt it his duty on this very solemn vecasun of his hfe to express his appreciation to the clergy and Juity and) citizens foe their pr im such lurge rendering iribute to bigs tor what done snd hast been im the lust quart a century The Dean suid he was pro founily grateful to ( this 25 yeur of ery Ins difficult ane { for allowing hin J te rise te the iy of exceflence of the mats and seers andl lal ore olf in there servier an the vine sani of the iant, We have bur to look an to the New Te pent and read the »: writings of these «ample fishermen an are umazedl at the culture, wo ty und sampheity of then though they were Sn sctence and phil ydiy great schulurs and doctors ang to sit yeur after ys at the these fishermen and learn the wisdom imbedded in their words nothing, sud Dean O'Malley, that cun om any Way cumpare ssith the claquence of St | Paul We leave that epoch and come down to St. Augustine and St. Thomas and we tind that swe are indeed miniature We) find that we cun never hope to reach such heights. We think, two, of the men who | |went forth with missionary. zeul carrying | with them the flower of their youth, their muunhood and their culture, laying it on the far-flung chores of America und Australia | where le their whitened bon We cannet in any way approgch these men. [tis in jdeed the scourge of God that has fallen on our era or this terrible war could never have fallen on us. But, sand the Dexn, include myself im this inerimination, for | 1 |hoth priesta' anil people have not carried | on the work given them to de. | Tn conclusion he said, we hay with today omen" who ure scholars and who are saints, and 1 will | rink in from their learning. religion, nd inspiration that which will help me to go en with vigor in prosecuting my duties humble though they be hit theologiewl studies and was St. Michuel's Colleze in the Gri tered uy graduate 1880. The pointed parish priest in Oshawa in 1800, Uxbridge in) 1901, assistant: at) St fichuel's Cathedral in 1908 und for seven urs wax with Viewt-General MeCunn at 8+ | \Mury's Church, Toronto, before coming to Barrie in 1916, In this yeur, he was given |the degree of LL.D, by Ottawa University Dinod at Deanery Following the service, dinnef was served to the visiting clergy in the Deanery. Rev Fr, Cline acted ux toustmaster and toasts to The Church, Dean O'Malley, Visiting Clergy, and Dr. O'Hagan were fittingly honored, speeches being made by Mer. Whelan, Dewn Harris, Denn Moyna, Fr. McGuire, Dr. O'Hagen and others. 'A large part of the arrangements for the celebration fell! upon Father James, Curate of St. Mary's Parish, who, with the Dean, is to be complimented upon the excellent manner in which the details were carried out. Another Jubilee Most of the clerg! went {o Orillia on W where Rey, Fr, Carber classmate of Dean O'Mal' ebrated his silver jubilee. Two of those present, Dr. Sulli- van and Dean Hart expect to celebrate their golden jubilee next year. Rev. M. J. Gearin of Phelpston was prevented by ill- present nesday, an old . cole Her, NAFY, Montes i Jo Jr Il to Sr TL -Annie Orehurd pistes an ordained ¢ Se oi de, Wh oN y, Stella Luck, neing curate in "Dongle Ronald Toronto, and im "| ode Mote Sr IL Perey Muir, Mervin PROMOTION EXAMS. IN RURAL SCHOOLS Craighurst The result of the Examinations held at Craghurst Public School ure as follows Out of the twenty-two pupils who grote on these examinations, there was only' one who failed. Those with ""H" after their with honours, nutes jrarsed From de LY, to Sr 1V. Douglas Fraser. Myrtle Spence From Sr. TL to dr. 1V.--Mary Elsmere i. From Jr HL to Sr 11. Arthur Snider, H., Lorna Spence, H., Katie Greuves From Sr. UL to Jr. T.--Donald Mini H,, Bert Ellsmere, Grace Hill, Velma Ward, Tom Hodgson, Blanche Morrison, Ethel Atkinson, Maurie Readmun, Marguret Binnie, Irwin. Willoughby, Dorothie Ci From Jr. I. to Sr. IL~-Lloyd Herman, H., Willie Fraser, H., Willie Greaves, Lillian Onides Other Promotions. From Sr. 1 to Jr I1.--Goldie Spence, Minty, H., Edna Ward, H., Currie nest Elsmere, [verett Bell, foward, Clare Bell, Horace Mor. Sr. L--Kent Morrison, elyn Spence, Irene At Emma Lise Isabel Calc Ten S. S. No. Sr HL to dr TV Ray Malkin, grove (equal Hunter (equal Jr. MI. to Sr Frank Armstrong, Sr. IL to Jr. Jack Walsh (H.), Katie Armstrong (R.', Normin Brown TR St. 1. to Jr. I.---Donald Bell (H.), Stan- Malkin (H.), Allen Brown. > 1, Vespra --Harold Peurson (H.) el Wright and Reta Win- Willie MeKever and Evelyn I1.--Grace Miller (H.), Jr. 1. to Sr. I--Alice Tuck, Norman Tuck, + dr. LA. to Jr LB.-- Allo Ferris, Sr. Primer to Jr. 1.--Fdith MeKever (H.) und Stewart Bell (H.1, equal. Jr. Primer to Sr. Primer--Kenneth Mil -Recommended. Edna Wright, teucher. H.- Honours' R Minesing The following ix u list of the promotions at Minesing school. Those with "H" after name passed with Honore Jr, TV to Sr, V-Day Smy (Hy, Ruth Orchard (11), Evaline Graves (1), Hamp ton Erulick (Hi Sr. TIL to Jr. 1V---Reta Livingston (H). Olive Johnston (1b, Mury Coles (Hi, Annie Chappel (IL, Willie Smy (H', Wal nce Luck (H Plowright, Vera Knupp, Walton Johnston Thomas Roe Ro Henderson, Principal A. Buie, Assistant S. S.No. II, Innisfil Sr. IV.--Mary Sproul, Allan Webb, Har- old Wallace, Sr. TI Kenneth Jucks, Clement Har: mer, Arnold Reid, Rilda Richardson. Jr. T1L.--Willie Jennings, Elsie Webb, George Hunter, Albert Leonard. Sr. I.--Edgur Sproul, Edna Neely. Je 0 y Foster, Jim Johnston, Billy Hunter, Bruce Wallace, Keith Constable. Jr--Goldie Givens, Marjorie Foster, Dalton Guest, Irene Brewster, B. \Class--Irwin Neely, Howard Con- stuble, Aggie Givens, Agar Guest, Madeline Spring, Melville Reid. €. Class--Eddie Hunter. Olive M. Jenkins, (Teacher) ness from attending and a num- ber of the priests motored out in the afternoon to pay him a short visit. The Ford Monthly will he ex- hibited at the Opera House Wed- nesday and Thursday next, along with Vivian Martin in "The Fair gar, 7 | dr TL to S. S. No. 8, Essa Figures denote percentage. Jun. 1V,--Keith Elliot, 86, Garfield Me- Quuy, 83. Sen, 11].--Thelme Broley, 65, Harold B-> ley, 63, Robert Orrock, 62. Jun. "11.--Teddie Biggar, 83, Huzel Big- Norma Orrock, 78, Beutrice Me- y, 76, Lo.tie Dunn, 7: nH Wilken Elhott, Jun, L--Vernon McQuay, 89, John Dann, 78, Edith Hawkit Florence MeQua Sen. Primer Jun. Primer, neth Elhott 60, ET.L§ yence, teacher. S. S. No. to Sr. IV Oro 'om Wilson, Lillian Jr. 1V Johnston. Sr. HL to Jr, IV~-Wallwin Packard, "| Cecil Surtori Jr. UL. to Sr. 1---Hovey Adams, Laura Besse, Alberta Runds, Ellen Rands, Chris- tina Wiggins. Sr. I bel Wilson to Jr. 11.--Lillian Thomas, Isa- James Luwson, Mary Lawson, Douglas White. to Sr. T.--Edns Ball, Marion Campbell, Jack Martin, Josephine Wiggins, Alex. McDonald, Elizabeth Johnson. S. S. No. 10, Innisfil Jr. TV, to Sr. IV,--Roslyn Van Norman. (Honours), Willie Guest. Sr. IIL. to Jr. IV.--Clara Beelby (Hon- ours), Arnold Meredith, Marjorie Black, Marjorie Arnold, Eddie Webb, Jean Suth- erland, Sr. HU. to Jr. IL--Lloyd Arnold (Hon- ours), Melville Ferrier, Helen Fagan, Mil- ton McConkey, Earl Jobbitt. Jr. IL. to Sp. 1--Clifford Fagan, Edgor Thompson, Morley Webb, Elwood Guest. Marion Hughes, teacher. S. 8. No. 17, Vespra Jr. IV, to Sr. IV.--Dalton Doran (H.), Reginald Bertram Sr. TI. to Jr. IV--Juck Coutts, Vera Walt, Lizzie Sutton Sr. Tl. to Jr. 111.--Hazel Bertram iH), Sandy Courts (R.), Harold Coutts (Rj. Jr. TL. to Sr. H--Carl Doran, Leslie Bertram' (R.). . ._T.H. Beath, Teucher. je Note" H" honours: "R"--recommen- ded. S. S.No, 10 East, Vespra Jr IV. to Sr. IV.--Hattie Maguire Sr. IIL to Jr. IV.--Norma Crawford (Honors) Viola Rowell (Honors!, Cora Fralick. Jr. HL. to Sr, TI--Irene Hepburn (Hon- ors!, © Norman Elliott (Honors) Herbie Elliott, Orma Knupp, Mervyn Fralick. (Re- commented? io Ht to te TIL- Fredy Elliott (Honors), Jr TL to Sr UL Herbie Maw S. S.No. 7, Vespra Jr TV. to Sr TV Annu MeKernan, Jes: iste Bishop. Jr UL. to Sr. 1 Harris (Ro) Sr. I. te Jr, WL Catherine Lux. (Hon- ours), Lillian Donnelly (Honours), Sara Lux. Ellson Bishop. Viola Scott, Gladys. erard Young. Lorne zubeth McKernan, (R. Teacher--Isabelle Anderson. S. S. No. 12, Innisfil Jr. TIL-Sr. IL--Elsie Gibson (H.1, Mon- etty Jago, Eva Kell, Sr. I-Jr. TI--Milton Lougheed (H.). Lloyd Srigley, Murion Reed, Verna Min- nikin, Franklin Srigley, Vera Minnikin. Jr. IE-Sr. I.--George Gibson, Joe Coch- rane, Una Hoover.. Jr. 1-Sr. 1--Clara Srigley, Lillian Jago. Teacher, E. Wallace. Painswick Jr. TV to Sr. IV--Jean Warnica, Lila Robinson, Harold Vaughan, Arthur Howell, Sr. IT to Jr. IV-- Ward Goodfellow, Flossie Marling. Jr. TI to Sr. I1--Morris Booth, Bernice Green. Sr. II to Jr. 1]--Marjorie Warnica. S. S. No. 10, Oro Names appear in order of merit. Sr. III to Jr, IV--Doris Metcalf (rec.) Sr. II to 1I--Gordon Barnes, Winnie 'Barnes, Martha Elson, Thomas Elson. Barbarian." Jr. T1_to Sr. M--Russell Graham (ree.1, 'Walter Barnes, ES meet whi Moser Lean, Evide very] quinin couph decide Sept Af Rest | entert were | a visuln man ¢ matte tee te to be nd Queen Cha. toned corner aeccoun with ul and Tn For Cons for reli A rel foo « pied by The ( to the r the ren upon he Hurton It we deed site bei Asp made th Fund % No ¢ Havin tion of ¢ the Fin mended and the oul aw one The i of Collie oe repail ing of th Sutici Placed « ta mal No 4 the grad Replyir or st fri shall things, Queen's 1 port vas fram Deputy tim ab sions of 5 ing such 'The May ork to npare at presen sary clan: an early ¢ The see was name Barrie's ( Ward Upon u Gracey, C mittee to of police p Ald. Grace Replying Lennox, A \Ward Six 'of the pre 4 much time and Essa § Ald, Ada

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