n any eaper buy: aking resses dvan- refore eaper Grey, 0 yd. dark t and Sky, 0 yd. -In a k and er yd. $1.50 $2.75 $2.50 tones. wick--it was DESIGNED, not adapted, to play any re- cord. And it was designed to play them all BETTER. No needle noise, no scratching, no metallic or nasal This is due to the all-wood white holly tone chamber,--built like a violin. The Brunswick is "All Phonographs in One"--an un- usual phonograph that has frankly adopted the best fea- tures of all and with some added refinements of beauty THE BARRIE Unless you can play ALL these records you have not a COMPLETE phonograph Szuniwiee IS a Complete Phonograph No makeshift "attachments" on the ALL-record Bruns- | EXAMINER and finish. And the price of this COMPLETE phono- graph is in keeping with the economy of the times. The Brunswick brings ALL orchestras, ALL music to your home. not restricted, because it pla: singers, ALL bands, ALL Your choice is ys ALL records. And in the Brunswick record you have a remarkable re- production of the true voice without scratch or nasal tones. a ®) 6 Find this out for yourself. Don't take anybody's word for it. You buy but ONE phonograph--be sure you get the best. Catalogue sent free of charge. LOCAL AGENCY FOR BARRIE AND DISTRICT Garrett's Music Store Phone 259w. P. O. Box 178. News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents STROUD May 20--Mr, and Mry, Cameron Latimer and daughter Leona of Toronto spent over holiday with Mr and Mrs Wm. Lat: m Mrs. Lawrence und little son of Orillis, Mrs. Curry, and Henry Rolling of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr and Mr. 1 Rolling Mrs. Chas, McConkey visited friends in Tornnto last week Misses Frances und Ruth Ford of Toron. to spent over the holiday with Mus Ethel Robertson. Miss Margaret Burcluy spent over the hohduy with her parents. Mee T. Mallhatlund ughter of Barne spent a fe kowith ber nwece, Mrs. Russe Miss Alle New 'oronty Was x fli day visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Levi Bratt Minx Alice Pratt and Mrs Bert Prott spent over Sunday with Mr and Mm Hen ry Pratt Mes. Will Ness of Nova Scotus culled on Inends here lust week Mises Mayme and [da Mathers of Tor onto were with Mre 1. Guest over the week-end. HAWKESTONE Miss Marshall of Sudbury is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fellowes, Mr. and Mrs, Cook of Onilia sper day with the lutter's sister Mrs. T, A. Stone und daughter are in Ot tawa this week, Miss Annie Barnhardt of Collins, York, is visiting her mother, Mr. Skelding and family motored up from Toronto and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mra, Wells Miss Alma Barnhardt spent the holiday with her parents, Miss Olga Priddle is visiting in Toronto. Service will be held in St. Aidan's Hall, next Sunday, 7/p.m. Rev, Gillman will take charge of the service Mr. Hall received = letter from his son in England informing him he has been made Sergeant. He ix one of our bays who has won his stripes on the battle field. Mr. Barton of Toronto is spending the summer with Mr, Wells, Sun New Potato Oni Car of Ensilage Corn, also fellow, White Cap Seed Potatoes in Stock. BROW necessary repairs. make out your list of requir has "done its bit." TRUE ECONOMY means MONEY. Our goods are To Clear Out Dutch Setts, 15c. Ib., 2 lbs. 25c. Garden Seeds by the Packet or Ounce. MR. FARMER You are being urged through every medium to pro- duce, to conserve, to save to the fullest extent--but DON'T ECONOMIZE THIS YEAR by allowing your property to deteriorate through lack of "That stitch in time" will save you more this year than ever before, so "look things over," and let us sell you 'Goods of Quality," including for that new stabling, cellar, etc. SHINGLES and PREPARED ROOFING to make those leaky buildings water-proof, and WIRE FENCING . to replace the brdken down, dilapidated rail fence which Facts which are proven by increased volume of business. TheSarj eant Co.,Limited CHURCHILL Earle Willson of C. F.C, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of Ed, Sloan. McCann, teacher, 1s holidaying at her home at Meaford Mins Abbott and Mist Lethbridge of To: tonto are guests of Mra, James Irving The Mises Tate of Toronto are visiting at "he home of their father. \ Mux Ruby Kendall of Toronto is holi auying at home Mixx Moir of Sunnidule is visiting Miss Tena Rogerson, Mrs Campbell of Torenta in the guest The A -umon choir of 33 voices under t hy: of Walter Reive rendered excellent patriotic elections. The | " by H_ Blackmore and the the carne: » by Teiford Sharpe were | exordlent | Miss Verna Wallace gave several readings |which were exceedingly well given and jwell received She is a reader of great | ability snd remarkable dramatic power Mise Mildred Todd and Mise Sharpe per formed the duties of accompanist with dis tinction. The concert was the best the people of Churchill have heard for « long! time. It-was all local talent and we have just reason to be proud of those whi 1cok | part | SHANTY BAY Mey 27---Mixs Lettie H j Hospital staff spent 2 few da this week. Quite s number of the summer visitors [from Toronto motored up on Saturday last and left again on Sunday. It was very quiet in this village on Victoria Day only sn odd visitor from Toronto. Most people are looking forward | to the 3rd of June for something real. -- | Miss Reynolds of Edger has been spen ding a week here. Useless curs of dogs haye been playing Ihavoc with the neighbors' sheep, Wen- of Orillia at home 'ions, 5c. Ib. i i i a limited quantity of Long- Yellow Dent Corn. White Beans'Yor Seed. N&CO. ements, and then come along BEST VALUE FOR YOUR right. Our prices are right. dall Graham und Ronald Gilchrist are hepvy losers, I do hope the time is very near when the people will be compelled to tie up their dogs or shoot them. It seems too bad when innocent sheep and lambs have to suffer on account of these nuisan- c The Rev, Mr. Crae of Mitchell's Square touk Mr. Irwin's work on Hawkestone circuit on Sunday last, preaching here at 3 pm. Mr. Crae ix a very able speaker and would be welcome again, I regret to report the sudden passing of a dear frend and neighbor, Mrs. W. S Besse, In the short time she spent in Shanty Bay, she endeared herself to all and her sudden depurture has cast u gloom over our village, She wus of a bright, cheerful disposition und had always bad friends wherever she went. She was usually found at Churel' und Prayer Meeting when well enough and could be sured fron her family. She has left to mourn for her a husband and three little children CRAIGVALE May 28 Robt Black 1s spending a le of weeks im Matheson, Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Latimer, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Latimer and Stanley) Latimer ef Toronto spent the holiday at Wm. Lati mer's. Wee Muneer and family of Toronta have moved to the house of the late Mr. Latimer, for the summer months The muny frends of J Leonurd ere him able to be out again, af of Toronto xu h her sister, Mrs. Parsons Mrs, Alex. Fugun of Midland vis sinter, Mrx Purvis, last week Mixs Ins Black of Bar Bluck of Newnarket ap the parental roof, and Mise Carrie t Sunday under Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Mathers and RoE Whitewood of Toronto were holiday visit ore here, Arthur Green visited Owen Sound friends this week, CLOWES Dr. John Waugh of Whitby on friends here last week. Dr. Waugh began hix educational career .here 42 years ugo at No, 15. school, and quite enjoyed reviewing the old register of that date Mrs, Heury Hodge and her sister, Mise 'Lottie Smith of Orillia, visited with friends here lust week Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook and Mr. and Mrs. S. Robinson of Orillia were holiday visitors at J. N. Willing's Arthur Currie of Camp Bordén was home for the week-end Mr. and Mrs, Telford of Paris, Ont., Mr. Neil Morrison and the Misses Morrison. of Guthrie, called on their uncle, Hugh Me- Cusig, during the holiday. Mr. and Mrv. John Syme of Barrie spent | a week ut Mrs. A. J. Thompson's. J, N. Willing lost a valuable horse last week, KNOCK Mrs. Harry Reynolds attended the fun- eral of her uncle in Toronto last week. I agi sorry to report that T. Connell ts nol smproving as his many friends would wis Mrs, Win, Ness of Nova Scotia is spend ing few days with her niece, Mrs. Wm Robertson John Martin spent over Sunday in To- Fonte | Mise Mary Thompson visited her niece, Mrs. F. Robertson, for a couple of weeks Donald Cowan, Toronto, spent the week- end ut his home' here A goodly number from here attended the anniversary in the Presbyterian Church, Stroud, Inst Sugday and enjoyed two very impressive sermons by the Rev, W. J. Watt of Allandale, und alvo the excellent music given by the Churchill Presbyterian Choir, RHUBARB COMES AGAIN IFrom Goud Housekeeping for May.) welcome the we see its curly and green ing the first comer! [ua de liewwus acid flavor captured in pies, sauce anil puddings 1 so tempting after nr win. ter chet- and so healthful, too, the doctors tell us The housewife, weury wath the struggle for table variety, hails its aid; and to the family the first rhubarb w:th its that spring hus come is un event aduys, also, clearer knowledge of what may be included in the children's diet al lows us to add it to the nursery menu, Let us see to it, those of us who have guriiens, that we' have enough rhubarb Planted to enuble us to pull it freely when it ix small, tender and most delicious, Plant » row on the eunniest end of your garden fertilize it well, and you cun have all you want corly ithe spring, Later, it will vell at the market, or you can be the bless- ing of your neighborhood by giving it] away freely. If you have only a little room, have one plant, and do not pull it until the stalks attain some height. If you have a row put a burrel over one plant and thus stretch out its chubby heads into long, pink stulks--distinetly. different from the ordinary cuttings. Last year I threw some extra roots on my compost henp, Leaves and lawn rakings were after: wards added. Through these I soon saw long, juiey, light pink stalks thrusting themselves. These furnished through the early spring the roots, and this spring they will work for me again, for rhubarb plants sre "tough old stagers."" Also you can plunt a surplus root in your ceHar in the late fall to coddle into very early spring growth So much for the garden end! Now for ,the culinary possibilities of rhubarb. The | puddings of which it ix the distinguishing ingredient are many. With a bit of ingenw | ity, refreshing, nourishing, and many times economical dishes may be prepared. Rhubarb jelly made with gelatine sug- 'gests a springtime dessert. Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of gelatine,in one cupful of cold water and let stand five minutes GUTHRIE Mey 27--The lecture given in the Guthrie Chureh by Rev. A. I. Snyder of New Ham- burg, Ontario, on "A Woman's Tongue" was a decided success, Messrs. Alex. and Duncan McCusig are visiting at their home here. Miss Eileen, McArthur of Orillia spent Victoria Duy in this vicinity. Misses Katie und Maggie Graham are visiting their father, Archie Graham, who is on the sick-list. Gordon Bryson of Toronto spent the holi- day with friends in this community before joining his battery at Petawawa, Archie Bensley has enlisted and is now training at Niagara, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sampson and family of Orillia spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. D, Roberts JACK'S LAKE Miss Gertie Wilson of Toronto is holi- daying at her home the last few days: Robt. Ross motored to Hamilton on the 24th. Miss T. Hayes and Miss E, Wilson spent the week-end ut the former's home near Aurora. Mrs, C. and Mrs. A. Dike and daughter Elva visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. HL Riclard G. and T. Allen have recently purchased a new car. MIDHURST E. Winters and Mr. and Mrs. C. Tye of Toronto spent the holiday with their cousin Mrs. J. E. Wallwin, 'Hillcrest.' Mr. and Mrs, J, E, Wallwin, accompanied by E. Winters and Mr. and Mrs. C. Tye, motored to Cookstown on Sunday and spent the day with Dr. R. H. and Mrs. Lendlay. EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Forbes and Mr, and . Drury of Toronto spent the holi- ays at' Wilson Forbes'. Hugh Kelly of Toronto visited khis bro- ther, John Kelly, this week. J. Adams of Toronto spent the week-end with friends here. Cover one quart of cold water and cook j until the rhubarb is tender. Strain and measure the juice, which should amount to one pint. Combine this boiling rhubarb juice with three-quarters of a cupful of suger. Pour over the gelatine and stir thoroughly. j Add the strained juice of one lemon, Pour into scold, wet mould and allow to chill. To vary this recipe, do not cook the rhubarb enough to break very much and proceed with the jelly without straining the rhubarb. Rhubarb Betty is one of the most de- licious of very simple puddings. Wash and cut into half-inch pieces enough rhubarb to make four cupfuls, But er a baking-dish and xprinkle the bottom with one cupful of fine bread crumbs, Then arrange a layer of rhubarb over the bread and sprin: klo with s mixture of cinnamon and sugar (three-fourths of a cupful of sugar and four tablespoonfuls of cinnamon). Repeat 'the layers, huving the same amount of | bread crumbs and rhubarb in each. Have | layer of crumbs on top. Dot the top with half a tablespoonful of butter or a imargarine. Cover the pudding dish and bake slowly in a moderate oven for one our or until the rhubarb is tender. Just before rempving it from the oven. uncover the dish and allow the pudding to get a 'rich brown. Hard sauce may be served {with this pudding if suger conditions al- low. If not, serve with brown wugar syrup or_maple sugar syrup. Rhubarb Compote not only pleases the eye, but the appetite ax well. "Wash one cupful of rice and cook in one-half cupfuls of milk and the same amount of water un- til very soft, but not broken, Sweeten with one-half teaspoonful of lemon extract. Make 1 thick rhubarb sauce by cool ing one quart of cut rhubarb in enough wi ter to cover, until tender. Sweeten to taste. Arrange the rice in border in « shallow glass serying dish, Fill the centre with the rhubarb sauce and serve at once. If de- sired, the rice may, be piled in the centre of the dish and s..counded with the sauce. Rhubarb tapioca makes-an appetizing dessert to serve with sugar and cream, Cut thubarb into half-inch pieces, enough to make two cupfuls. Mix this with one cup- ful or leas of sugar, according to the sweet- ness of the rhubarb. Butter s pudding dish and arrange the rhubarb in the bottom of the dish. Pour over it one cupful of pearl tapioca which has been souked one Dramatic Ocean Greeting HOUGH a mere T land lubber the call of the sea was too strong for W. H. Boswell, of the Passenger Dept... C. P.R., Charing Cross, London, Englend, and when he joined up he decided to fol- tow the footsteps of his viking ancestors, Followed a period of training at one of Britain's great naval bases, after which he |). | was posted to a [patrol boatand | found his sea legs. That patrol boat has proved a friend in need for many of the passengers and crows sent adrift on the ocean's wide expanse WH BOSWELL. by the horrible Hun, and when the "Calgarian" was sunk she picked up ene of her boats with survivors. One of the first to come aboard was Commaoder Kendall, the navigating officer, and a hearty greeting took place between (ie gallant C. P. O. 8. captain and the erstwhile C. P. R. "round the world rate expert," which resulted in the latter loaning the former a clean collar, om the understanding that {t would be returned to him, so that when in the to come his children ask, "Father what did you do in the Great War," he point with pride to the glass encased collar and say, "Son, that was my coils %, worn by Capt. Kendall, of Dr. Crippen and 'Empress of Ireland' fame, whom I helped save from @ watery grave when the 'Calgarian' went down, ip March, 1918." hour in cold water. Mix lightly and add one and one-half cupfuls of boiling water. Cover and bake in a moderate oven for one- half hour.. Complete the cooking with the cover removed, until the tapioca is clear and the rhubarb is tender. Serve with sugar and cream. FURS! ULEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. MoKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 "Heavy. heavy hangs over your head." "O, [know what it is, daddy! You held it too close and [ smell it--it's WRIGLEY'S!" "Righto, sonny -- give your appetite and digestion a treat, while you fickle your sweet tooth." Chew It After Every Meal The Flavour Lasts! Made In Canada f | , rue