i Fa ss ? Sei i oye T 7 a LN ie Vv 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED-------------- CIRCULATION . 3500 Co ies 12 Pa eS: SECTION 2 THIS WEEK P THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING SeS = PAcEs 5 To 12 ------ = -- 55th Year. oo Rita ee BARRIE, CANADA, MAY 16, 1918 {TERME--tlace Coven e No. 20 EDUCATION BOARD -- [visto bem undee-- ter toma thin oF le you, wll tink that OBITUARY = citiimt@teé.., fares [WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI oct The estimates for 1918 were considered |ing' «total of $82,705.06." The Govern. It sure is nice talking to your own folk. Thomas Teasdall at a meeting of the Board of Education | ment grants will umount to $792, leaving & Thope that you are well and not worrying | At the ripe old age uf 4 Thos. Teasdalh, Hill, Munstig being total of $31,914.06 to be raised by levy, | Bn. Sergt-Major Juhnston of the 157th | acteristic of so many of the brave Cun 5 Van etanttty Ramee comnudite's estimate | Bn. reported killed w now reported as alive. | an» who huve done valiant service overseas, | rest assured that I will be looked after and |? at the heme of his dani. sf, ghlay A summary shows the amounts required | th. jyrgest sum is $1,535.06 for debentures A. Lower, Royal Patrol Service Lt Wright has little to say of bis own feuts, |get everything that is good for me. I, Wylie, Hamilton. for & man of bis years by the several commuttees for the publtc | The management committee require $18, gland, has been made a Commander. |®U! reports from the front say he has jean't give you any other address as Tam 'he had exceptional vitality. and digged and \ 'eachers, salaries and $1450 for| Perey Carson, sin uf A. J. Canon of {en during deeds to his eredit in bombing |likely to be moved nt ny time, planted his garden as usual this year. His The property und supply | Haileybury und formerly of Barvie, war one | 2% ane conflicts with the Hun flyers, He| Here are some extracts {rom letter of last illness. fon ut bout two weeks" 200 on fuel ul Jaf dhe LEC men song sane funey stunts [Di eRe to report wn Toronto on May 28 /April 14. Here I am in old England. 'I, duration, an was « geaeed bereaing Soy Careers i an be given instructional work in| arrived this morning; was 24 hours making | of the syste DREAMLAND over town List connection with the aviators now in train. [the trip over from the time we left No. & } $100 pee Remtons, fh Battery: "ing in Ontano |General Hospital. "Am feeling fine only POA summary of the BCH Mie Fd Laver, he werk, hefote leaving |, Mill A Eipare AL draft of calete for [ry tired, "Tam getting along fine. They shows $5. 860 on the fing the dor 'Eotrwuwn rts oxen imei as I have said before, you ean ja former resident of Burrie, died on May m, Mr. Teusdall was born in Markhat farmed there and at nd until before leaving Sin. Royil Air Furée arfived in the city yes |tonk the stitches out of my head to-day In. | "tlay from Vancouver, in charge of none [but it sure will be some time before 1 will and ""Fonee | whe' thai Keg |b able to get out of bed. Somet golishy, of the champion De ta Salle hoe {att an pane Hihinkance feat ok es Sometioes 2 BRO. moved to Hamil: 1 unl s quiet, speetd am the 900 he and his wife ton, He wus w Presbyte home-loving man, much and. sup; fumious Toronto Blu [think that Twill make Canada with the | 1-86.) key team af the sumer ive etlisted | ' rf axle ol ba ae r WS Rell euniceaute, Gaitecines b yi mia Ne snmiet on A hus a ted 'tured the world's championship in. 1813, |wounds that T have but one never knows BA bid -aerpisiotenes , Ar Corps grants "amount to | were outstanding stare it the Real nae [281 sas abo ane of thase that won the hit luck, This seems to be a lovely Hospi Tea sons predeceased him but bes, Tease Teasing the levy: required 813. ! ar Burg wie "He the Boal wane | Studer Cap for Senttle in 1917, "Foyston |tal Dum in, It sure is u big one. I under A ee ith the following daughters: DREAMLAND Guelph the, Pixel for Seuttle last winter alse, but his | stand that it diay been built since the war [MO John Redfern, Barrie; Mrs. Ttchard eval HH Mataltly: ie eimatenodl juelph Her Ae Brag ft Was Foaten an the play off by Van- | begun, The nursing sisters are all English |J#¢kson, Fennell's; Mrs, Alfred Reaman, er teen nv Bre ES i i lche"neaes Gimtustics inhow: Luate dleben 'Toronto, where be wii Selves Whuch team came East but lost |girh. This place is seventy mile from Wed Went i G. eau Barrie; Mrs, Monday and Tuesday tures amount ¢ 19.36. In the man A for Flzb Liestenent 1" 8 x the Tenet He is looking London. eee et Pa UeTen took MpeHibNN erinimatioe'y catiadiée the Uiretn ! finn nad stated that he wus in splendid --____ . : See ia ee ee Hsing Corpe, He war for health fier a surcenful searon at the Pac: | "THE SILENT MAN -- MAY 20-21 [88ers ee ite rt in Bae) ake gue me 8 « to $300, equipment $200, teachers' wis on Sunday offesally | joyce, wus flat Seattle ahd not come | motion ynetures during his extended career | Many friends in Barrie and district learn: Presenting supplies and exomin reaile Siotted Ch have Wel it Sone ast to defend the Stan f. Immed:| before the camera, but it is doubtful if jed with regret of the death of Thos, W. on April $757.50, casetikers 7 S50, ade. Syne tov sled vaso trty after the hockey sean Foyton en any pontesren the appeal of hit newest |Lennox. who died on Wednesday, May equipment, suits, $314.50. Pare, (sted with a battery of artillery st Vun- | photoplay, Sil made by | at bis 7 ve, BESSIE LOVE wumunent, ute $814.50. of ubout G6 wat the too of Thaman Elliott, Pars cover, hut mubsequently secured his trann [Mice H Toe pag Orr ok in Ene fe one heh aii nade fer to ie Flyi 'orp, et we hopes | ner e iday e " . Setocinh The Canudin Press learns that all the [feT@ the Flying Corps, where he hopes /secn at the Opera House Friday and Sat; | ago in Simcoe County. He was for over b - become «pil urduy. In "The Silent Man" Hart will i Building {Candin infantry traning battalions have)" snute News ar y ort will 30 yeurs a grain dealer, buying ut different Toronto Major George R. Rod-|have the role of a miner who has made points. He was known in Thornton as a >: building cor i _repiorte been removed from Shornclife and ure | " ba The building mmittee reported that teak ford fh gers, of Buerie and Toronto, is expected |a rich strike, und who comes from the it Tete ein ae aed aed cael Wale Poet ona eee 1 to his unit at Hxbibition Camp, |desert into a' sinall border, town to enter |20**, Public spirited and useful roan, ! I nth Shoruclife certain medical, cuvuley. and Peel Mieh referment to remain [his claim. His rieb ore excites the cupidity | nombes of the Sime eae Cok 9 snd band "stand with various inwurance Shornchife scieriealcaales" an <, wher ie made an excellent |of the proprietor of «gambling resort, and |! a im 'ounty Counei RING companies, They had paid the Ball Plan- general, depots So _Canoula really' bids | impresdion' during the rioting Major |with the messtance of u dishonert govern: |2OF Noy Years. A very prominent Meth- HEA3048" No "2, $2207.00. Elis € Eli, which bus extended ver three sear ance | EUE"T went eae an February with x nee [ment clerk the mines robbed "af ha [oa "couterente: sail weiee' teeter ot cinating story of Cir- five er 'cent on total cost the dys when othe First Contingent com | (ayy, Tam (he 2nd Denot Battalion, st | valuable property. For five reels that !the vsnaat creheta et wie retired life was 7 waking & total of $7,133.08; Ball pleted ite training on Salisbury Plain unl remained at Quebec citadel |fairly teem with thrills, excitement and | SAAT Bae cae til sea it |xpent. in Barrie, from where he moved to cus life with one of the ])piining 'Mil € Cpl. Irwin Bricker of Toronto spent over |W'h hi men up to, and during the troub- | romance, Hart struggles to recover his | 1? screen's daintiest stars. vee ball | " , lous period. During the actual rioting /mine, and in the end he not only wins (2% late residence in Toronto. The late , $3 jSuuday with bis bruther, A. C. Bricker. He! Moiue Rodgers was m command on the his fight ogainst the unfair forces thet are (Mi: Lennox is one of seved brothers, His mittee bad sold to the Dom- | wus a year 1 h the 43rd. High: | sersets, where his rough-and-ready. methods | banded against him, but also captures the |X, brothers are all living at an old age. $5000 uver Just year's, --IN-- BCE 5 ties Co. the following bonds:-- lander whe meer pe and reeey moet eds = ' The eldest being John Lennox in his 85th --ALSO 100 [iecainbsns ot Canada lock torte dus he Sane, ud cheerful wit gave hin © great repr jhand and heart of very besutifol git.| sco "snd the cuter five younger then the 31 5 fitiaw he: id Ne kof [fem among soldier» and disturbers alike. | Asoeinted with Hart in the production of |eer ant the 9 ne 'A Half Hour's Roar! 1 price 92%, $4,625, with ac' advhtion he a [Nery revere attack of | He has since been offered a Heutenant: |"The Silent Mag wil te Vent [deceased are Tease, the Rev. L. Dr. jal lour's Roar! | cfued interest from April 7 to April 29. pueumonia due to expovure on the buttle- | colaneley und. the post of Anineng Pon young actress of unusual charm; Robert |1£¥ Joseph and' James Lennox." Mr. CHESTER CONKLIN 819.18 $4,644.18; $10,000 Dominion of field. His brother Arthur Bricker, who! vive Murshul for Military District No. 5,|McKim, o versatile screen villain; J. P,|€200x war of Irish descent Cunata V 7 Boni due Dee. 1, 137 : we wound at Mos Moles, with the 'on condition that he transfer {rom the 'To: | Lockney; Milton Ross; Herold Goodwin, |, Three rac G. LL. Yennox, Dr, 3. w. r pniee 787.50, with uccrued inter BA, nisi on Hie way Rome AR rite Military 'Disteict and join the sai | see f : Leunox of Victoria, B. C., and James --IN-- est from Dee. Ito April 29, $224.52--$10,, ther eother Is proceeding wverseus with |p") 'Quebse ietret "The e pal see Spee PRET Lennox of Thornton, survive him. His oe a The proceeds had been deposited | Canadien troops. . ever, hax expressed a desire May Take Over G.T.R. three daughters, Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Baker, "DODGING HIS DOOM" | ithe cemit of the BCL building account Laeut Alfred 4. Wngbe, WC. artved [Tein tor Bae Ronee Speaking Yee OP 6 eamone Mn E Gregory, bath of Toros, ai [The nut lying to the eredit of the re [at the home of his patente, Me and Mrs, | Tt | Storie dition ely . . W. E. Wilson of Nelson ulso survive A Most Wonderful Program|! caine remy part of the riot tradition at Quebec | yesterday, Sir Robert Borden intimated | Mrs ilson of Nelson survive hurlding account wat ax follows ---Ral ace, | Herman Wrigh'. Mulewster St. last week, ie Jan. Bist, 1918, $6,467.67; coupons, +» First Show 7.150... | jer cent, $5000, due April lat, $125 by eet FA aking a total of $6,640.49 | He wie an active parhieyunt ann Admission 10 and 15¢. transferred to the BCT. | the brilliant aerial work thut has won such great priuse for the British uirnien on the the tuilitury. erose ston for the French cell i furlough wfter two und a | BM! Wkewise of the corps tradition of the | that Government control of the G. f, R.|him, Mr. Lennox had up to the time of [fo 2 sellnarned furlough after two and 81 ferveul Omturin Regione. "Am acehantie ee tkge eee Soe ae pee pee fall) Yeas OF MAEAUOE SEE it sh of |i* sail to have heen his principal weapon ee dh | when the gun play of the M.S. A. nppon. d, with a reedy in clearing No War Tax The committer had appointed W. B. [western front, winni Taylor, of Allundale, clerk of such svorks < Continued on page 9 the streets af the ancient city. | F. A. Wiggins in Khaki I for men caste kod) LE Farmers-- ° the local of the Depurtn official head who 1 been in charge . for the past year, F. A. Wiggins bas gone to the line of khaki. He left here on a n e IT e Sarjeant & King for Stockings | 2-252" By Mail | Mr, Wiggins came here ax an ussistant 'to J. Lauehland who luter resigned from the Government service to accept a pori- That Give Satisfaction "Heiss cities Rie Sper, Ope Just mail your cheques to us-- . given charge of the office and during bis we deposit them to your credit Tras nies les Fe ee es Uwneoeen (sie eth sey and send you a prompt acknow- AND THE OLD PRICES LAST. lar Bestuctiasy et has beck teomered ledgment. as es [iter wr hae beet onion ean If you need cash we cash, your cheques Children's Cotton Hose 15c. Women's Fine Silk Hose $2.00 Per Pair |]! gins, hus been instructed to report at Sault by mail, too, sending you the money in a Children's Black Cotton Hose, fine quality These are exceptionally nice Hose, and Bte Marie. registered letter. narrow rib, good color, on sale while _ will give satisfaction; the colors are Blue, From Pte. Geo. €. Purchase Wee understand the farmer's problems they last at..... teres asus ars Pink, Maize, Brown and Black and White. |x Ebert tom 'Pres on Ase sae and gladly assist him in every way possible. Misses' Lisle Hose 35c. isle Hose at 75c. _i it is eix days since T was wounded We will welcome your account. Misses' Lisle Hose in Black, White, Pink Fine Lisle Hose with good lustrous finish, | and Ttind mysell in the sth Conadion Gen _THE and Sky, with beautiful lustre, in sizes and are made to wear, all sizes 8 to |} |ers! Hospital, and no doubt just us soon vel 1 will be sent ncross . 6 to 8%, on sale special at......35e. 10, on sale at. c -50 to 75c. | the Chane "No duke ia 'will have hed Bank of Nova Scotia , |a letter from the Presbyterian Padre ty Mezghieg Misses' Cashmere Hose 40c to 75c. Women's Cotton Hose 29c. the, time oo eet this. I am feeling fine, Baldy Caphah.'6 eines AG. MACURLLAN 7 es 5 pi in't be any better considering the cir: E : Misses' Cashmere Hose in fine one an' e Black Cotton and White Catton Hose in }]| couldn't be any be cating chocolates while Rarrie Branch i a i ' i ting this. Hi uid you Uke to be ub, pure wool and fast eyo eet all sizes 8% to 10, on sale this week iE cinco? "wan" ach 'otha Tusk ot NEW COLLARS FOR THE HOLIDAY ARE HERE just' a few feet from me, I think I have {been very lucky to get off with what I |have got: wounds in both ankles, one up | near the thigh on my right leg, a few frac- tured ribs, different wounds in' the back, a % Organdie Vest Sets in Pink, Maize, Blue Tuxedo Collars in good variety of style je one in the ue fal fe ee and Green. Very new and attractive. in Satin, Crepe, Organdie, the newest a At Hore Vales ner + + -$2,00 styles at... wee . .75ce to $2.00 Into Your Home e e 3 4 i H The New Edison brings the - Fine Pique Sets in new designs on sale from.......... 75c to $1.25 worl' TekL AT® fale yous our ul Ing ee § home, interpreted by the world's es R , D Y P greatest artists. MEN'S UNDERWEA HOLIDAY APPAREL Sir soe Veveanes Cine, mneee (Cay co CAN BE BEST SUPPLIED BY IN SPRING WEIGHT All that is new and dressy in clothing --I. G. KEENAN, as at pives splendid Sale b a and furnishings for Men and Boys is being Cash Is King THE BALL PLANING MILL C0. supplying the needs o arrie esi . . - eis f th h dressers. shown this week--Suits, Overcoats, Caps, aya roan ceceetatnne SOME SPECIALS : Men's White Balbriggan Combinations, | Cravats, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, at the busy Allandale grocery of DOORS--California sugar pine doors, all the standard sizes. res, c + + . J. D. Wisdom & Co, They have Ready for Immediate delivery. short sleeves, ankle length, $1.25 to $1.75 | Handkerchiefs, Etc. If it is something |}|¥;, opened thelr ieeloreay gee ; ' in thie distriot Men's Silk Lisle Mesh Combinations ' ' HARDWOOD FLOORING--We are agents in this district for Eri Sager le * | decidedly new and much wanted, your lor and are, as usual, serving the celebrated Seal Kent flooring. None better made. very popular in all sizes. . - ++ $2.00 Fiala 2 Neilson's ice cream, which Booklet supplied giving full instructions on how to lay MA an? / . Tequirgments will be looked after here. arrives daily from Toronto. the flooring and care for it. Men's Natural Wool Combinations, Aah. . long sleeve and ankle, at per suit $3.50 | Inspection solicited Tn the grocery departinent they | Fig FLOORING--Made from choice British Columbia fir, a s if P . : Hove: noveivas another lerge bhip- clear grain stock. Superior to white pine and cheaper. ment of new prunes, which wii . 8 * - ;. be sold at 13c., 2 Ibs. for 25¢. These are but a few of many lines we are supplying to eRe ete hk Tey ci Te Uliiy tom's tionhl ition SIL pede (y Gown ana. gouatey ue ae yee el ee of the town three times daily, at 9.30, 1.30 and 4.30, with special additional de- 1000 cut tulips and daffodils, information, livery on Saturday at 8.30. Kindly remember this when ordering goods by phone. special for, Baluraey while they We advise early buying to protect yourself ' 7 BOYS' CLOTH 'They have 'received from against advancing prices. - Quebee a large shipment of maple Limited arjeant NY] pS Ay -- |l[sereueetsiconeSo" | THE BALL PLANING MILL CO. SPECIALTY solutely pure, put up in half- 1 ; Y gallon and gallon tins; while it} Bayfield St. BARRIE, ONT. Phone 109 lasts at $1.50 and $2.75 per tin.