Cookstown Farmers, NEWS OF C fs George F. Thompson 89 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through bit, Mr. Galbraith uf Toronto visited; nursing her brother, C. H. Camp- EMBROIDERIES at Geo, Nixon's last week. bell, who is ill. ; GC. H. Campbell is confined tu] Pte. Jerry chinaing sient the Suitable for Corset Covers, Children's Dresses, Underwear, Trimmings, Etc., all » throug ame week-end at Thus. 'Crumbley's, : Bis howe: throug sllnossy The remains of Thos. W. Len- marked at prices much below Present value. Miss Maxwell spent the week- , WV. nox of Toronto were brought. to end with friends in Torento. Mother's Day was observed the churches on Sunday last. in Gentlemen! The here a(tended the funeral These Natural Raw silk Costumes { only Gr T wan . gone into stock this week and are of House sof Haber to) Sunday at his home here with them the decreed touches uf style, regular ashable Silk Cap in Green, Rose or Canadian Gentlemen," is repre-| Dr. R. H. ana Mrs. Leadlay fashion, Three distinct styles and 1 only Grey Don Mahogany ....98@ each sented in town by H. Fisher./attended the funeral of their very moderately priced at....... Motor Coat, better style than the one i Natural Linen. Hundreds of samples to choose} aunt, Mrs, Ed. Leadlay, in Hamil-| @ |. $18.00, $19,00 and $19.50 above. Regular $21.00 for. .$16.50 Crash ............+...+. 580 each from. Why not have a look over| ton this week. ; aaly Filinetavert Coat ance, : these cloths? The Women's Institute intend 85c. Dark Brown Sfik Lisle Hose Tony ee vata anes Un the If You Need Sul Gloves Get Them Miss Sadie Grose of Lefroy! holding a garden party on June at 65c. Pair and trimmed and stitched in Pea. at Moore & Armstrong's spent Friday last with Mrs. David] 94. These KONE late & GOIENAIG Gudlliy of cock Blue, regular 822.50 for $17.50 We buy in large quantities and only Thompson. : Wallace Dinwoody was un- highly mercerized Silk Lisle, atc! in { only handsome Dress Goat, color | fom the best maker: Ed. Jones of Toronto visited at] fortunate enough to have several appearance very much like pure silk Trench Clay, large Convertible Col, Any Style, Color or Size for Ladies... Mrs. J. W. Park's this week fingers mashed in the cogs of They are seamless and have double tar, Deep shoulder, and the whole +. - 650, 750, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Messrs. A. Kidd, Fred Chantler,| the air-pump, while pumping up i, Sole and Toe, and with wide adorned with large pearl A splendid line of Children s White H. Sutherland and T. McKnight] the tires of their car on Friday ie Garter top. Slightly imper_ buttons. his is a very stylish Be ele es, in sizes 2, send ic attended the Distri Meeting of} last. t, thus the price, 85c for. .6Be pr. garment, regular $37.50 for. .$27.50 rice . tee palr the Oddfellows at Creemore on] Hartford Lewis lost a valuable Tan Lisle Hose in all sizey....600 pF. | A Few of the Sample B. a: and Silk Poplin $1.50 Yd. Thursday night of last week, horse on Wednesaay morning. Pe eee This quality of Silk Poplin should be M. Kneeshaw and family moy-| The four boys' that left on Washable Silk $1.00 Yd. Collars Left at Wholesale Price sold at $1.75 yd. It is here in almost ed out to their farm at Gilford| Saturday to report at Hamilton Por, Summer Dresses ar Walate thie We advertised those last week and last week were PD, and T, Harvey, W. Suth- Silk is quile appropriate. Comes in many customers took advantage of the The Quarterly Meeting of the/erland and Elsworth Fildey. The 8 different grounds, dark and light offer and purchased. This werk we put Methodist Church was held at Bethesda on Thursday night of | Elsworth Fildey will report. for Special at $1.00 | see them __ In good quality Nottingham Lace or A y 3 Swiss Net Curtains, we are confident last week. Business was found] service at Hamilton on May . Lovely qualities and shapes in value: ai ; to be in an encouraging stale.| Flaworth Fildey has been placed Palmolive Soap 10c. es e our values are excellent and less than Rey. Mr. More was invited for the third year. Mrs. Jas. Coleman of Hamil-|men's Institute was held at the can save you SAMPLE COLLARS are all new fringed, size 36x08 inches. each. ton and her son, Pte. Roy Cole-|home of Mrs. T. E, Monkman on styles--Orepes, Silks and washable colors Red, nand Brown Our man, spent the week-end at| Tuesday evening, The follow- All other Palmolive goods at rut prices materials.. Wholesale prices. Special ..... +» $7.50 per pair David Coleman's. Pte. Coleman Bring your Wheat and Exchange for Flour, Bran and Shorts. WE GUARANTEE OUR FLOUR WATER LILY makes the nice Sweet Moist Loaf. MOSS ROSE makes the Beautiful White Crisp Pastry we all like. We manufacture Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for Dark Bread. Wheatlets and Germ Meal for Porridge. Mill will be running on Monday. CHOPPING:- Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Saturdays ROBINSON BROS. - Proprietors OOKSTOWN The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown News items for Cookstown and adjacent handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Flour Mills country may be Phone No. Thornton on Saturday for burial, Deceased was a brother of Mrs. Joseph Cooper. A number from four boys with the exception of in Class The annual meeting of the Wo_ ing officers were elected for the Silk Costumes $18.00, $19.00 and $19.50 with Colored Coin spots and designs Why pay (2%e for this soap when you We buy this in . 2 g ; : 3 36 inches wide. can buy it for 1002 50 gross lots. and money on it. #n Basement 100 cake. Page Four THE BARRIE EXAMINER SSS ursday, May 16, 1918, If it is Embroidery Flouncing you need, be here at 10 o'clock Saturday Morning ABOUT 150 YARDS OF 40 TO 60 INCH PURE QUALITY VOILE AND SWISS LAWN FLOUNCINGS WILL GO ON SALE AT 10 A. M. SATURDAY. THE PRICE WILL BE 59c. PER YARD. FIVE YARDS WILL MAKE YOUR DRESS, $2.95 FOR THE 5 YARDS. WHAT OTHER MATERIAL IN THESE WIDTHS CAN YOU BUY AT THIS PRICE? NO PHONE ORDERS TAKEN, FIRST HERE FIRST SERVED...................... 59¢ PER YARD These Sample Coats Are all New and Authentic in Style W out the balance and it will pay Leather, Silk and Velvet Bags. Every one offered at exactly wholesale cost. Motor Caps 59c and 98c. An early purchase of Motor Caps have you to present cost, Unusual Value in Tapestry Curtains for the Archway, Heavy quality, well has recently returned from the}ensuing year: President, Mrs. H : . i front on account of being under|Couse: vice president, Mrs, John A Clearing Price will be Made on ¢ Barrie and age, Robinson; treasurer, Mrs, W. G Every Serge, Gabardine or ; TTed Roxs of Toronto spent over| Mackay: 'secretary. Mise. ett rare oore rmstrong. , Sunday in town. Dinwopdy: directors, Mrs. McAfee Wool Poplin Suit f 9 Guelph ™ Mrs, Geo. Davis is seriously ill] Mrs. Leeson; district representa- | at her home in West Gwillim-|tive, Mrs. J, R. Conse, Social,| 00000000000000606. bury yarn and packing committees -» Mrs, Campbell of Ballinafad ia/were also appointed, The treas-|urer's report shows the finanems very severe weather and also that the| Now 1 must close with best regards to 7 to be in a healthy condition, The [shortage of coal is rather awkward. I|you all and best wishes to every member 2. total receipts for the year in cash |*hink T should be glad of nice brisk |of the Cookstown Women's Institute. our iver 9 oon 8 Hiture | climate after this damp gloomy country Yours most sincerely, were $1,075.65; total expenditure | over bere, but we must pul up with i EWART E. KIDD. | hag important work to do. Un- ; 8799.63, showing a balance on|until victory ia oun -------- der favorable conditions it di ' hand of Bosides this,| At the present time I have u very good DALSTON tf itwith A . {there is on hand $140 worthsot}iob and in very good surroundings T es f ; itwell. Ifsluggish, relieve . 7 yarn; Red Cross anil Belgian {think { could do all my day's work in| May 12-Seeding is finished in this lo-| " 9 Melee Aiea de sbout half an hour if I tried, but of course | ality. pales valued at $150. were ship-|we must make it last oul ao that we ces | Rex Wateon, John Lavender and Harold ay Ped during the year, and the llook bury at times, Puborne 'sein Kcheli and lesve fr train. value of boxes sent {o hoys over-| I was fortunate in seeing Frank Agnew |i9g on May 24, i a { seas not including postage was}in London about the first of thix month.| John Jory had several hogs killed by 900, making a total annual {1M on my way to Ireland on leave, I lightning last week. Si it's turnaver f i also saw Louis Monkman, but have yet to| Frank Perkins has put up a new garage. IX good wae ef more than re nee Hopper and Lawrence. I haven't seen| Enel Spence was exempted for a tew atch for (treasurer's report at/the latter since in France, but intend go- | 4ays only. 'Medicine in the Weeld.- reasons friend: = [end of year, May 31st, ing to Hastings for a week-end soon and Laraet, Este of Aue Medicine bn tos ¥ shall see them then. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. W. |. Boxes Enjoyed Following are interesting extracts from letters received acknowledging the Institute box packed in Murch In the Field, April 7, 1918. Dear Mrs, Monkmen:--We are pretty busy these days und when we get the op- portunity to rest we make the best of it, but as Tam sitting here on my kit enjoy. ing the contents of a box of good things, feeling pretty thankful for the same, T couldn't get # better opportunity to return thanks for it. The ladies are doing their part in the scrap yet just ax well as we over here, are, T've just got back from Blighty, where I had my leave. It was something of a heart-breaker to come o- 1--Steadies nerves 2--Allays thirst 3-- Aids appetite 4--Helps digestion 5-- Keeps teeth clean 6--It's economical AYonta hing New-- ») Something Sletpful; The BH Color Scheme Adviser OULD you like to "see" your house in its new coat of paint, defore you paint it? Youcan. The way, but mail waiting for me here helped ; . to make things more cheerful. Arthur Branura n-Henderson "Color Scheme Adviser' en- Ww Feltis and Elwood Broome are at the 3rd. ables yor to try out different color combinations before decid- Reserve in England. I spent most of the ing on the color scheme most pleasing to your eye. } time in Ireland. We had a collision going This unique device consists of a transparent outline of w { over, when three or four miles out from house, behind which you place color cards of every known. Holyhead. It was at night. 'Women and 'shade--one color for the walls and another color for the roof. | children first" was the cry and for what 'With the transparent shcet, there come: a set of 40 cards cach seemed an age, we stood in line and of ¢ different color. First you try a white card on the walls, in Keep the soldiers and watched them go up the stairs. The en- combination with a green card for the roof. Then you tye iif gines had stopped for a few minutes, but brown card beliind the wall section of the transparency, along. tallors, supplied! were soon started again and when we got with a red card for the roof. And so on, until you have ex- 'up on deck, the tub was just getting back hausted the possibilities of every known color combination. into Holyhead. 1 was in Dublin for St. We have one of these "Color Scheme Advisers" and will be A Patrick's Ee ee Be - pleased to let you experiment with it before you select your spent in Belfast, then one day in Cooks: | i G <= town, Ireland, and the remainder of my "ENGLISH " 20% PureWhte Load it Ba FLAVOUR ag" time in Derry. Cookstown is a nice little - Dore White Zine { | Y Le burg with a population of four or five Pare thousand. Thad the best time of all in Fo i | Derry, expecially mT met a fine colleen for the Spring painting of your house or any other building. there. was held up six days in the oing to paint this Spring--and equally, of" Li | Port where I landed in France, so had a course you are going teusc D-H "Engish' Paint-the peioe ; \ bien long leave, must clot, but wll with the guarantee behind it. f ; write agnin if T pull through these busy 3 , thi " al | days O.K. With best wishes and many fadaeetes Te oeconaie ieee on cae it thanks to you afl, 1 am, based on its superior covering-capacity and exceptional dur- Se 'Yours sincerely, ability--both of which features we know to be due to the com- | gM Ty ELSMERE LEWIS bination of Brandram's Genuine B.B, white lead and pure | | cyY FRU a white zine, which the makers of B-H "English" Paints main. Jul GUM Lyndhurst, Hants, tain in spite of the repeated advances in the cost of these i| Oa February 26, 1918, ingredients. i Dear Mrs. Rebinton:--I_ wish to extend Color Cards from our local agents. : 3 my hearty thanks to the Women's Institute rt | p| for onee more remembering me kindly by H ALLANDALE, ig a 4 sending me a parcel, I received it a ls Oe ONT. i 7 couple of days ago and everything, was in . condition. You have no ides f - i | § we op serene yur Undace firugh RANDRAM-HENDERSON pate Lf Chew it attr every meal -- | ba eae 2 ee os BRANDRAM HENDERSON) = i much appreciated. : : MG 4 { How is everyt going on in the old eFlavourLasts! [27 ocrtencsc | ! © = Hrequently and am told that you are having { 1 | By + \ i a en on ~ -