Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN The cost of advertiftig in this column is ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- TION, with a minimum charge of 15 cents per issue. Terms cash. Six insertions will bbe given for the price of four. Where re- plies are directed to this Office an addi- nal charge of 10c, will be made, The foregoing rates are for CASH. When not paid for before the paper is issued, an ad- ional charge of 10c. will be made on all adiets less than one dollar. COTTAGE Apply 43 -- GOOD BUGGY FOR SALE--Apply to T. R. Huxtat 19-206 TO LET--45 Sandford 8t. tf. JUNK of all lands, wanted, field St. Phone 384. H. Levit, Bay- 12-20p-tf FOR SALE. Set of doubl harness, Apply at Garrett's Music Store 1 9-46 For country WOMAN COOK WANTED. hotel G A. Phillips, Bradford. 19-21p FOR SAL.b Good Building Lot, Toronto St Apply E Prince, 42 Blake St. 15-20p BOARD -- iy the week, alto rooms to let All convinences Apply at this office FURS IckMODELLED AND REPAIRED-- Mis BM. MeArthar, King Block, -- up) stair 18:20p PROF. Dk WEIR Teacher of Piano | and Violin Piano Tuner. 6 Owen St, Barrie 13-26 MAID WANTED For general bousework 'Apply to Mrs. J, J. Brown, 20 Louisa Street _--<------ BARRED ROCK EGGS --A few settings for sals from my famous prize winners, C. Hinds 18tfe | Coal Heater, self-feeder and | Welker, 26 | Apply M Bradford St 1920p HEAVY YOUNG MARE, 4 years -- (By "Bydand"'| for sale Apply 8. V, Jones, Oro Station, 20-21e y Tag Washing Ma note or electricity. 19-20 Best prices paid. Hurry Levit, td Baytield St. Barrie, near Ball Planing + RR NA ne FOR SALE A confortable Dwelling House fou Maury Street, Barrie 8900. Alexander Cowan, Barrie Ont 13tf FOR SALE OF RENT Resulence, 8 rooms Mre 49uf electric light, water, 36 Mary St Webb, 20 Small St. Phone 119 and Five Room Flat un and Furnushe 1 Maple Ave ELEANING ANT) PRESSING - Suit abel overcoat can be mude to look like stew by Harry Twins, Owen St 8:tf FOR SAL or dehive handle her. Your old Ray Mare, suituble for driver , perfectly quiet, Otton Hardw AND LOT FOR SALE in the Vil Jage of Stroud Good outbuildings, ete. Apply on premises. Chas. MeConkey, Stroud 12-28e AUTO TIRES of all kinds wanted to re pair. All work guaranteed, -- The Burrie Vulcanizing Plant, 37 Elizabeth Street Phone 405 44.5 mosp RAW FURS WANTED--Best prices paid for muskrats, etc. Harry Levit, 64 Bay- field St, Burne, near Ball Planing Mill. Phone 384 <9 12 16p-tf. Brick dy house, shops, Large di Frank Rowe litte mon hs from June Ist c Ist and Parlormand; good wages; 2 in family. Apply Box 1, Bar. 'Ovenden". WANTED For Fire Hall purpoyes, a + and reliable gr age betwee and 7 about 13000 Tbs, 19-20¢ FARM WANTED 100 ay Joann, about 70 acres eultiv in pasture and bush preferred EGGS FOR HATCHING. From my p greed SC) White Leghorns and: White | Wyandot record winter layers. $1,00 etper vetting ered Kelly Poultry Farin, Alt Op PASTURE -- Ls ree pos Lot 1, Con.t0, Innisfil Salt furnishes! 'ta stock by month or sens ry St over 200 weres Running stream. Charges mode: BF. Quantz, Barrie, 209 FOR SALE--Country Store property on leading County rond, nine miles from Barrie, good going business; satisfactory arrangements can be made with lessee. Executors, Estate of-the late John Jory, Box 208, Barrie, Ont 19-21 STRAYED--From south: half lot 8, on. 12, Innisfil, on Tuesday, Apr. 30, one bay filley 2 years old, two white bind feilocks, white strip down front of face. ard for information leading to re- covery. Thos. Kell, R. R. No. 2, Aslun- dale. 20-20 WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS--Pure Regal strain, from a pen of perennial layers. My hens just missed two days in 365. Sixteen hens laid over 45 dozen eggs in Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec.; 1917. $1.00 Phone 447. A. F. A. Maleom- Barri 15-20 TO RENT--That very desirable house on Bradford Street st the entrance to the ark, at present occupied by M. H. Wel- Eee." "Tue house has all' modern | im- provements and to a good tenant will be rented at a low rental. Apply to James Cheesman, Box 59, Barri 20-20p FEMALE BOOKKEEPER WANTED -- thoroughly experienced in double entry, with knowledge of typewriting. One eapable of taking charge of emall manu- focturing office. Apply stating salary and fpll particulars to Midland Whitewear mmpany, Midlahd, Ontario. 20-20e 19-20 ' 19-19ptf | Local News Try an Examiner adlet. --Guaranteed Prestolene Piano Polish, 30¢. bottle -- Garrett's Music Store. A. MeEachern has house on John St. west Cheesman of Allandale. J Keenan last week received sold his to E. ¢.|in one shipment over $2000 worth of the New Edison Phonographs. Mrs. Davidson and two children of Brentwood spent a few days [last week with her sister, Mrs. W. Jones \ musicale will be given at the home of Mrs. Dr M. Wells on 'Tuesday, May 2t, dt 8) pon Jin aid of Red Gross Orillia Times 6 Jet Dunedin strert Barrie, and soll his house te Mrs. Stewart, Atho Neil MeBachern tat uf face hand badly when working Hine tereh has nieve here Ivy road h and burned recently 1 plumber's ten than wt had on abiants of Orillia ay age r yesterday, 1 scommitted for trial as eure pared with a year Al Stayne < soot beating up. the wh constable, Wot. Weatherip Crown Attorney Cotter prose. jeuted Ro. Sanderson, Country Ree the corner af and will about the end ar, has purchased rent dD, Rewdgers Owen anit Worsley Sts move from Orilbia of dine Sonne the people tsar rannet be cold weal wait feriy in ¥ anti Poperation nist hor daws arrive There we Barrie Tresitaty wh wd on $9.00 stueky mn Por hows rattle le St het wh prives Oo per ewt th has auld te the rently Tregerty Accused canoe in goed candi 20-20p. Apply 20-2 WANTED tion. Phone WANTED Seeand h Box K, Exs ge ew rhornugh canoe, practic 20p FOR SAL ally Iv Clarence Dyment SALE- FOR Fresh Milk Cow th 25 Kesu St. AV TO RENT. -Five-room cottuge, den, Clapperton Street J son rood gar- Frank Juck 2020p |FOR SA nearly Rus Good driver and Apply Pursonuge, 20-21p Al refrigerator, must he in good condition and cheap. WANTED 20-20p GOOD G =RAL MAID WANTED ply te Mrs, Laidlaw Re 126 Wp 20 FIRE Te pnckuges and up. ward 1 Iv and avert ther TED At once, no washing or Apply Me Wismer, 74. Mule 20-216 | ironing. caster St | jFOR | SALE nad phon | Keenan's Second-hand organs, piamn, hs always on bund at 200-egg Peerless Incubator, Iso Peerless Broder. Ap- e. 20p (FRESH CALVED HOLSTEIN COW AND | CAL SAL Dymen*, | Phone 368, Burrie 20ge AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE -1917 Touring | Model Chevrolet, run only 1600 miles. Apply 68 Mary 20-tfe |PIANO FOR Dominion make, in gond condition, reasonable price. Apply parsonage, Minesing. 20-21 FOR SALE--Set single harness, cutter and robe, $25 chsh for quick sale. Apply RJ. Finley, Singer Shop. 20-21p. FOR SALF--One ¢ow, 6 yeurs old, Jersey and Durham, good family cow, great milker. Apply Examiner Office. | 20-20 WANTED--For July and August, furnish. ed house, five bedrooms, water and con- veniences, with view of lake. Apply "Examiner," 20-200 HOUSE TO RENT--All modern conven- ences, solid brick, easily heated. 101 Muleuster St, corner James. Apply to C. T, Devlin. 20-20p FOR SALE OR TO RENT--A five-room cottage, with bathroom and one acre of ground, facing the lake, east end of Barrie." Apply A. F. Garrett, 20.22 FOR RENT--July, Avgust, Beautiful fur- nished residence, park situation, every convenience, sleeping porch, garden in. Apply immediately to this Office. 20- SALE OF LADIES' SPRING AND SUM- MER COATS, Including Waterproofs. These ure all up-to-date garments, best qualities, and we are selling them at big reductions, If you need a coat, either cloth or waterproof, it will pay you to sre our SALE COATS. SIMMONS & CO., Hats and Furs. «| An invitation Flem. | t the! Fringe, | (be | Thos. Hobley's many friends are glad to see him in business again. He has opened a store on Elizabeth St., in the premises formerly occupied by A. E. Lowe, | butcher,- and handles tobacco, | stationery, etc. \ The south haif of the Queen's | Park is being given a top-dress- | ing of good soil before seeding. | A good catch of grass wouid make a big improvement on this park, which was badly worn down by the'soldiers Archie Burton has taken up baseball again and started off the | season by pitching a winning | game for the Wellingtons, who beat the Athenaeums 7 to 4 in the opening match of the city) | Amateur League Jast Saturday. being extenie Counei to sf }te the County their annual outing at Oril next Month its nests OF the Town Couneil and Coramisston, a trip heing made te the Swift) Rapids power plant in the afternoon | --Sinew suffer <u oomany dis hoping ty scene. cheap te att out that in- un exteaval u ef Salada so many cups and, | has that delicious flayer, Latehford, tn the Non. Assives in) Toronte last erved judgment an the! action te cancel notes given hy Arebibald Burton, of Barr AG, Candle, of Barris, and dy Hut, of Chie In conneetion | With options on aA mining prep erty in Northern Ontarie As was done in Barris linsewe Orillia nvie nel County appointment mize by busing Ishoult he peiuted jferiar tea is actu xance vields beside: Justice | dury week sine aml Cole it bats heen cbeeided any nel ote held a general) for the YMA Red] Fund dnt te the | Covent be muahe att ish Vom mall is sng wenbl parse The RI are concert parts tre Uo varies winnie i the Uhoreh [ewer Mastehans aed tau Jeetted ab ehnted nthe party, Lieut Sve a shert hess vn Camp: Borden sor Wyo are in Wrizil nhiress an yer Tlie huniment Drorten ehoonte Village eller St rharartep 5 he Young Met March seh a ste aled in the Met howiest weve Brnday even. jing Maw 7. unter thes auspiee of Cherry Creek, Galfersi WMS Coad oo ie SOS aititertun on and whieh provs Lin be ree Jihovetiol anit Lorre Tekets ia Vian Canaer the matt noting oof te last i mates of the Ss were thaw tenet several com Last the taxpayers ot off sasily ow ites fee ehoe tthe method of education levy. but this year they, may be sure of paving at least nulls, This probable tat the: estimates will he presented next Monday might | PERSONAL MENTION | daughter in Scheneetady, NY Loo Mrs, Mo O'Conner spent aver Sunday with New Lowell frends. | 1 Miss Lael Marr returned to] \1 yesterday after beir } ve for a few weeks Mrs. Kary O'Connor has returns ell fo 'Toronte after" spending two weeks with Mrs, MoO Miss Jean Wisner has r ed from Kingston and Te where she spent the last months. Miss Gladys Ardagh left yes- terday for New Westminster, 18. | ©. where she wil) make an ex-| tended visit. B.S. Currie bas returned home fer spending the winter in Cal-| pnia. Mrs. Currie is visiting | friends on the way home. conte two ife again after a pleasant sojourn in the sunny climate of Florida during the winter months. Mrs. Samuel Wesley and her {two sons returned 'home , last Thursday night after spending several months in the Southern States. Sergt. G. Fowler and Mrs, Fowler have returned to their home in West Virginia, afler spending a week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Fowler of Bayfield St. Mrs. J. Edward Starr of Tor- onto has taken Mrs. Dobson's home in Allandale for the sum- mer. Her son, Major Graham Starr, who has returned from overseas, spent Sunday here, eThe Women Teachers' Associa- tion held its May meeting at the home of Mrs. J. T.. Garvin, Bay- field St., on the 9th inst. A newly- drafted constitution and by-laws were submitted and with a few al- terations adopted, After the busi_ ness meeting, Miss Noble, Fern- dale. gave a reading which was BELEN dn Barrie, on May 9% to} Mr oand Mrs. 2B. Belfry. a} ote hey | PATTERSON. On May 0 to Me ant Mes Waller Patlersen ) TIM OS a sen ; RICHARDSON OAL Bergasanvale, | May So te Mrs aunt Mrs. Fred Nieharedss ' Margaret Hell a danyelite | GOUGH -- McARTHUR-- At th manse, Ore, by the Rey, Campbell, on the 9th inst. Dr. and Mrs. Wells are home|" BEST. WE WANT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THESE OUT- Outing Season Starts May 24 LARGE, NEW AND SPLENDIDLY ASSORTED STOCKS OF ALL LINES OF OUTING GOODS PLACE US IN A POSITION TO FIT YOU OUT FOR YOUR OUTING DAYS IN ELEGANT SHAPE. YOU WILL FIND HERE THE STYLES AND QUALITIES YOU WILL LIKE AND OUR VALUES ARE THE ING LINES FOR THE FEET TO-DAY. Blucher Cut Outing Boots For Boys, Girls and Women, with fine Tan duck tops und Black rubber soles, ull sizex now Child's 5 up to Laches' 6, at ressonable prices Blucher Cut Outing Boots For Buys Girlk and Women, runge the same us in the Tun White Canvas Boots With G.inch top und leutber soles, two styles of heel, These are x dressy und good wearing boot low und high T for summer wear Si: 4 to 6 only White Canvas Pumps A White Pump with leat 6 and the price i» moderate Men's White Canvas Oxfords A stylish White Cunvux Oxford Shoe for men, they That are very extra value, they come in pretty color- have soll rubber sole and are um sizes 6, 7 and S. very | ings and patterns, are well made and lined throughout, all special value at $2.50. with belt loops," some with buckles und others with : . Gow Men's White and Tan Outing Boots Th Blucher cut Hoots in and White wath white of best quality White duck top and White soles of pure rubber, sizes and prices sole, made on new seu: son's lust, with high heel and one ankle strap vas with Blick rubber soles, sizes 6 9-Inch Top White Outing Boot In Women's sizes only, 3 to 6, made of fine White Canvas with White rubber sole and solid rubber heel. A popular outing «tyle. in stock, from Boys' Bloomer Knickers We have been fortunate in getting delivery of several lines of Boys' Knickers, which we ordered months ago and consequently we are able to offer them st much less than the present prevailing prices. We have in stock Knickers to fit all ages from four years to 18 yeurs, at values not equalled elsewhere. Boys' Knickers Of strong, Tweed effect Cottonade, colors Blue and Grey nuxture,' well made and lined throughout, in sizes 26 tw 33, ut $1.00 Pair. Boys' Tweed Knickers Sizes 3 to $1.75 Pair $2.25 Pair to 9 A 5c. Premium Coupon is given with every Dollar Purchase, redeemable at our Premium Counter. dA BORN ROSENEEL DY and Mrs On May te Mr. May Rosenfeld. Galtier (oa daughter PYRER tn Tarrie, un May 13 fo Dro and Mrs. Hey Tyrer. a i daughter VAIR On May 10, ta Me. and} Mrs. Jolin Nair. Hayfield st. a daughter MARRIED CRAWFORD. GU.GHRIST-- On April 25, at the manse, Oro, by the Rev. \. Campbell, Fred- ze Crawlord, son of aw ford, ine J frist of Guthrie, Ronald ames Roy, sen of W wn Hill, to Cath. erine Phoebe, daughter of Join Arthur of Guthrie DIED KERTON--At Utopia, May . dames Beckerton, aged 67 years. BESSE--In the R.V.H., Barrie, M 15, Melissa Bes wife of W. S. Besse, Shanty Bay, aged M4 years, 11 mos. Interment in St. Thomas cemetery, May 17, at 2 p.m, GEARNS--At lot 26, con, 2, Oro, May 15, Ann Bolan Gearns, wife of John Gearns, aged 75 years. Funeral Saturday, M 18, leaving family residence at 8 a.m., for St. Mary's Chureh and cemetery, Barrie. ° McQUAY---In Barrie, May 14, Maria Ann MeQuay, wife of Thos. McQuay, in her 67th year. REID--At 79 Sheridan Ave., Tor. onto, May 9. William James, husband of Annie Meredith Reid, in his 61st year.y "uneral from residence of his sister, enjoyed by all. Mrs. Garvin was a very gracious hostess. Mrs. Robert Tribble, Stroud, to Stroud Cemetery. FINISH FOR THE WALLS OF YOUR HOUSE A Paint-ready to use-easy to appl; giving beautiful tintsand colors. 7 Has all the soft, beautiful, useful effects that are s0 popular today--with the latest colors ia decorations, May be wsed on old or new walle, on plaster, concrete, burlap, metal, etc. Durable, - - WASHABLE- - urable, easily --not easily marred. 'Ask us for Color Cards and for facts about all LOWE BROTHERS PAINTS and VARNISHES 7 They are what you want, MERRILL & HUBBARD Phone 108 MR. FARMER You are being urged through every medium to pro- duce, to conserve, to save to the fullest extent--but DON'T ECONOMIZE THIS YEAR by allowing your property to deteriorate through lack of necessary repairs. "That stitch in time' will save you more this year than ever before, so "look things over," make out your list of requirements, and then come along and let us sell you "Goods of Quality," including C * for that new stabling, cellar, etc. SHINGLES and PREPARED ROOFING to make those leaky buildings water-proof, and . WIRE FENCING to replace the broken down, dilapidated rail fence which has "'done its bit." TRUE ECONOMY means BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. Our goods are right. Our prices are right. Facts which are proven by increased volume of business. TheSarj eant Co.,Limited Lara a aerate FEI and M a son Yo prope outsic lining clothi the o1 them are hi