Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1918, p. 4

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Page Four THE BARRIE EXAMINER THE. HOUSE CLEANING SEASON! ico weiss Annal Clean Up," c renovation of every sock ood corner in the house, and in doing so finds she requires new Curtains for some of the windows, Coverings for boxes or furniture, Rugs for the floors, etc. May we remind you that Moore & Armstrong have a better assortment of these require- ments than you would expect to find under present conditions. The fact is, a better assortment has never been shown here. Thursday, May 2, 1918. MOORE & ARMSTRONG'S | -- WEEKLY STORE NEWS CURTAINS FOR THE WINDOWS IN VAST ASSORTMENT Big shipment of Newest Style Curtains just arrived. Mostly Marquisettes, Scrims and Voiles, trimmed with Guipure, Cluny and Fillett Lace and Insertions. and others with Hemstitehing to add to their appearance. Colors White or Ecru, alsu i, the two-tone effect. . $2.50 to $6.50 pair WONDERFUL VALUES IN FINE SWISS AND NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS Choire goods--Almost unprocurable at any price at present--But fortunately we bought them in great quantities about two years ago, and if you are alert to the opportunity of saving you will buy here. No advance over old prices. | 65c. pr. upwards CURTAINS FOR THE ARCHWAY IF YOU ARE PLANNING NEW DRAPERIES, SEE OUR DISPLAY Pretty New Art Ohintz and Gretonnes, used so extensively this season for Coverings, Side Curtains, otc. are hore in all the best Floral Designs and Blended Colorings, width 30, 36 and 50 inch, at... .600, 600, 650, 760, 850, $1.00 $1.25 and $2.05 yd. Colored Madras, suitable for Side Drapes, width 36 inches, comes in Brown, Green and Rose, at -650. yard. For Coverings and Bedroom Side Drapes is a line of pretty Silkoline in Blue, Rose and Gold Combinations. Priced 260 yd. The ever popular AM Sateens, used in yarivus ways, are here in grand array, many old values among them, and we advise early selection Pasian b 250, 300, 350, 390, 450, 500, A GREAT DISPLAY OF CURTAININGS a BY THE YARD It would be impossible to describe in de FLOOR COVERING FOR YOUR BED-ROOM tail all the splendid materials shown. Pu CREX SEA-GRASS RUGS ticularly worthy of mention are:- Marquisettes with heavy Crochet Edge These Rugs are made of Sea Grass and are ve treet eee ++, 600. durable. No floor covering is more sanitary, and for the price none will compare with them in appearance. As- sorted colors in following sizes: . 27 x 54 inches at..........$1.00 30 x 60 inches at seen es $1.25 1 yard x 2 yards at.... 2 yards x 3 yards at 50 ONLY SMALL GRASS MATS AT 19c. These are made of Japanese grass and cotton warp, Voiles Colored Bore STAPLES UNDER PRESENT COST Get your requirements at once while present supply lasts. Wholesale prices have advanced to a marked decree, and later shipments will bo very much higher Sheets. .$1.25 and $1.75 ea. Sheetings....45 to 760 ea Towels ' sees eneie -100. to $1.25 each Towelling...... :1242 to 350. yard Table Cloths. Tapestry and Chenile Table Covers These come in splendid Tapestry and Chenile Curtains in Combination Colorings, sizes that will suit your archway, with either Gold, Red or and in colorings that will suit Green as the predominat- your room. All bought with a ing shade. view to giving our customers | Table C . $210 to $6.00 sack plain centres and colored borders, size 18 x 36. n sine . 'able Linens. . +. 250. x A Splendid Value at yelye for thelr money: . | Table Napkins LVigtnoo to Geare dee Special @ 19c. $3.25, $3.75, $4.50 each. Specially Priced $7.50 Pair | Table 01) Cloth. +--+. .400 to Bo yard HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, GLOVES AND THE BEST DISPLAY OF READY TO WEAR APPAREL IN BARRIE MILLINERY AT LOWER PRICES RIBBONS Something new every day in this Department. Garments absolutely up-to-date. Experienced salesgirls Even in war time our Millinery prices are ; Your requirements will be filled in any of devoting their whole time to these lines und can give you proper service, fully 2h per cent. lower than any previous year. the above lines. ° This reduction has inercased vur sales, and heen of mutual benefit to ourselves and customers alike. Lovely Models now made to your liking. Miss Armstrong in charge We buy from the makers that give Quality oo Dresses giz te By first consideration Sereet Deeeeee cei o50 ts $20.00 We pay Cash for all our goods and buy . : an any Se Separate Conta in Silk, also Wool materials $1450 te $2780 Buy at This Store. $1.25 to $8.50 Separate Skirts of Wool Materials, as well as the Plain and Fancy Silks... | at ....$3.98 to $13.50 Lovely Costumes $15.00 to $40.00 Kimonas $139 to $7.50 Undergarments, Sweater Couts, in fect every line of apparel for either women or children. shown--Alteralions. Waists of every kind and description in serious cireumstances An aeroplane | vate in medicine, has successfully paxed his | hud the misfortune to break his collar-bone | giving $104.00 und the Juniors contributing bad a forced landing owing to engine |fifth year examination und recived his | while shooting one day last week. $42, After reports were read by each of the trouble in W. A. Miller's field near his {degree last week......Jus. Stuart of Col-| The charucter eketeh entertainment, en-| retiring officer, the annual election of of. homo this morning...... Mri. J. Jennett |lingwood renewed old acquaintance in this|titled "The Minister's Bride,"" thet' was| ficers was held as follows:-- Sr. spent last week at Colwell with her | village on Monday. given by the Ludies Aid of the Burton Ave. Hon, Pres.-Rev. J. J. Wheatley, daughter, Mrs. F. Rowe Mn, f OH Methodist Church so successfully, will be re- President--Leslie W. Brown. Stoneham of Barrie returned home on Sat- STROUD peated in Stroud Methodist Church, Friday | Ist Vie-Pren--Frank C. Bishop April 20--Mrs, Ro M. New ond Miss News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents urday after spending a week with her ay 10, Don't miss this treat. 2nd Vice-Pres--Miss Emma Foster. parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Dobson ice-Pres.--Lorne Campbell SIXTH LINE, VESPRA Mrs, Thornton of Oro ia staying with Mr. and Mrs. Grey for a week or two. Pte. S. Pye returned to Barrie on Monday night snd. has been visiting friends hete recently......The tractor is on the line again to assist in preparing the farms for veeding......A serious fire occrured on Bunday night, when Mr. Pratt's fine barn was burned to the ground Moet of the stock was saved, but the loss will be a heavy one, ss a good deal of grain and machinery was destrpy=d...... Mrs. Scott and Master Stewart of Brock, Snsk., ure visiting with her sister, Mrs. F, Carson, Upholstering and furniture repairing neatly done by competent workmen Dougall Bros." CRAIGVALE May 1--Quite a number from here at- tended Nantyr Anniversary on Sunday. James Black and Harvey Hughes have Mrs. Mr, und Mrs. Allison are enjoying month' holidays with friends in Orillia and Port Hope Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Green on the arrival of a daughter, April 30, UTOPIA House-cleaning and seeding are the order of the day......The enforeing of the Militury Conseription Act 'barring exemp a 145.11 | tions is going to leave some of our farmers Warriors ts the loss of thousands of allied troops. The more aeroplanes we can maintain at the front the greater becomes the security of our men in the trenches, and the more effective our artillery fire. For our\aerial warriors are the eyes of the army, of the M 'rte of the air tuarding eur troops from tactics surprise enemy, laying bare his deadly guns and directing cur own guns with unfailing accuracy. At the same time they clear the air of Hun machines-- thus 'putting out the eyes" of the enemy batteries. Young men from 18 to 3, strong, keen and courageous, mem of fair education, and eager for accomplishment, will find the opportunities in the Inaperial Air for their Service very attractive. While training cadets recelve $1.10 per day. Men who come within the provisions of the M.S. A. are eligible only after havi Depot Battalion, when they may, wit of their Commanding Of. re-enlistment in the R. F.C. jolned their 'the consent cer, be discharged for Write for Booklec, "Air Heroes in the Making," and apply directly to one of the following addresses: oyal Flying Corps Recruiting Office 93 King St. East, Toronto Judge G. M. Vance, Barrie Annual Vestry Meeting of St Church, Utopia, was held op evening, Apnl 16th, the Rector in the chair. | The financial report was most en- couraging, the tressurer reporting quite a nice sum on hand. The Rector appointed Jas. Beckerton ax bis Warden und the people elected Hurry McCann, Jos, McMaster was appointed lay delegate to the Synod. Senior Sidesmen, Watson MeCann and Jos. Tiffin; Junior Sidesmen, Claude Carruthers ond Frank Higginson. By s unanimous vote of the Vestry the stipend of the Rec- tor, the Rev, T. J. Dew, was increased, St, George's taking their share with 8t. Jude's, Thornton, and Christ Chureb, Ivy, IVY April 30--The Sewing Circle thanks the managers of the Presbyterian Churca for giving them the collection the Sundyy of the Memorial Service Mr, Harry Brown is sp-nding s couple of weeks with friends in Toronto Beverly Jennett has gqne est to take » position for the Harris Co. of Toronto Dr. Waters, a returned missionary of Indis, gave a very interesting address on medical work there, in the Pres- byterian Church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Arnold motored from Bradford on Sunday and ealled on some of their Ivy fricnds........A few friends gathered in the Hall on Saturday evening to bid farewell to John Ellis, who goes to Toronto on Munday, April 29, to join the ranks for overseas. Mr. Watson took the chair and F. Banting read the address when fine wrist watch was presented. Webster Burton is home from the West see his father, Stephen Burton, who is very ill......Quite a Inrge number of our boys who received 'exemption last winter have been called to the color since the change in the Conscription Act and are reporting in Toronto und Hamilton...... Rev. A. P. Latter of Toronto spoke in the 'Anglican Church on Sunday evening in the interests of the Belgien Relief Fund. Sub- seriptions amounted to nearly $350...... Mr. and Mrs, Jas, McDermott of Utopi who have sold their farm and sre preparing to go West for the summer, spent last week with Rev. T. J. Dew at the Rectory. SHANTY BAY April 29--Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gilebrist have now become residents of thix village having moved down last woek...... Rev. H. V. Thompson of Eri the service in S*, Thomas' Church on Bab- bath lust...... The people in the Methodist Church were pleased with the sermon of Rev. Mr. Ellison of Severn Bridge on Sunday......Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brooks and Mis Annetta were in the village on Sundsy......Mr. and Mrs, N, W. Van- Norman of Toronto motored here on urday, to spend the Sabbath at A. Palk ... Mise King and Miss Saunders of Tor- onto have been staying for a week with James Pue d Mrs, O. M. Doane 'of Dalston' spent Sunday here....Prof. J. G, Hume and son of Toronto spent « n>uple cof days here last week......Mra. Wendall ANGUS April 30--Wm, Gregg went to Colling- wood on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Howe of Berrie, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Plax- ton of Toronto and Mrs, Wm. Wiley and children of Allandale visited at Wm. Wcol- sley's last week...... 'Thos. Vincent of Owen Sound spent a few days at Conrad Bush's recently....... Everard West, jt M. McConkey Elmvale Epworth League Another very successful year has just spent a couple of days here last week....|closed in both the Senior and Junior Ep- Quite a number from here uttended Anni-| worth League of the Elmvuale Methodist yersary Services at Nantyr last Sunday....|Churcb. There were a number of new Miss Addie McConkey spent over Sunday | piers added to both Leugues in the past with Mrs. Hurold Hastings. ....Congrat-| twelve months, and also « niarked increase ulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly on/in the money raised for the "Forward the arrival of a son Wilson Forbes | Movement' for missions ; the Senior League Wilda Ness spent over Sunday with Mrs. -Dr. and Mrs, Rogers 4th Vice-Pres.--Will J. Clement Sth Vice-Pres--Mrs, F. C. Bishop. Secretary--Miss Belle Buuldry. Miss Lillie Hinton. Y. and 8. agent, Miss Grace Organist, Miss Mary O. Bishop. Asst.-Organist, Miss Marjorie Culander. The Joy of Motoring Nature and the outside world. Let it take you into | ET the Ford car introduce you to the beauties of the country, or along the lakes where the air is fresh and sweet. A Ford car will open up new fields of pleasant possibili- ties for you and your family and at the same time serve you faithfully in business. No doubt you have felt the need of a car--your wife has often said, 'I wish we had a car," so why not buy one now? There is no other car that gives such good value for the money invested as a Ford. This is why the Ford car is so popular everywhere. The Ford is powerful, easy to drive, economical, endur- It is the car you need. Cy ing. THE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. B. FORD, ONT. T. R. Huxtable, Dealer, 53! One-ton Truck $750 Barrie

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