Ke A Bicycle feeling fine. a cold lunch. Cycling is easy and RG Look for these Nameplates hen chooning a Bicycle, All of Tigse "weiictnown lines are Make Your Pay Go Further AVES carfare and shoe leather. S nothing for upkeep. € ets you slip home for a hot dinner instead of when you ride a "C.C.M.," the Bicycle that runs smoothly and easily year after year. 'Made in Canada and Guaranteed by CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO, Ltd, Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver ek Costs Gets you to work leasant 18 MARK 18 YOUR' PROTECTION Feat upright bar. Weston, Ont. NEWS FROM THE Mrs. J. T. Clark went to Tor- onto on Saturday for a short visit. Ed. Doran of Toronto was with his parents on Bradford St, over Sunday. Enginoer and Mrs, G, Overs spent the week-end with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Palling and Miss Metiill spent the weck-end wilh Mrs. Jack Archer, Hillsdale. Conductor W. Jardine is back on the Hamilton-M do orun after being off three months on account of illness, "Thank the Pneumatic Tire!" Thank the pneumatic tire for making bicycling profitable. Thank J. B. Dunlop for making the pneumatic tire possible And thank your own good sense after you have as Dunlop Tires carry the exclusive ideas of the inventor, all other bicycle tires are only asi good as imitations can be. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limited Head Office. and, Factories: TORONTO , "Twice as easy as walking Three times as fast fs) RAILWAY WARD Mrs. W. J, Fox "has gone to Rosemont for the summer. B, Perkins has moved his fam- ily to Hamilton, haying secured a position there Miss Irene Campbel] of Toron- to is spending a week with her parents on John St. Mrs, 8. Lambert of Gravenhurst is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F Goring on Charles St Mrs, §. Allward went (o Toronto | on Saturday to spend the week- end with her daughter Irene Mrs. Charles Robertson has re- turned to London after visiting Branches in the Leading Cities. THE BARRIE EXAMIN' CASH IS KING Whenever you find yourself in need of Groceries, telephone your require- her' parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Neill. 8.0.E. meets Friday at 8.45 p.m., in the Orange Hall, after which carpet ball will be played. Mrs. Chas, Edneyand little son, Walter, of Bradford spent a few days this week with Mrs. T. 8. Hounsome, Sanford 8t. Messenger E. Bowen, who has been running on the Allandale- Meaford route all winter, is now assistingson No. 45, from Tor- onto to Allandale. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McNeil and family of Montreal, accompanied hy Miss Loughleed, also of Montreal, have returned to their summer cottage on the Bay for the season. 'The character sketch entertain- ment, "The Minister's Bride," that was given by the Burton Ave Ladies' Aid so successfully, will be repeated in Stroud Meth- odist Church, Friday, May 10. Don't miss this treat. Friday, May 3, pig concert in the Presbyterian Church, in aid of Red Cross. Major Harry Clifton and Tt. Johnston will speak, and there will be an ex-| cellent programme. There should} be a big crowd, Burton Ave. Methodist Church On Sunday last, Rev. Wm. Clement of Stroud preached at both services ana in the afler- noon at Holly. Mr. Clement made a very favorable impression here by his clear and earnest dis- courses. Rev. J. B. Lamb, who was stationed at Stroud some years ugo and who is greatly es- teemed by the Stroud people, took charge of the special anniversary services there on the same day. Owing to the very disagreeable weather, the Scriptural baseb contest final failed to mate ize, but was held over until next Monday evening by the executive of the Epworth League. On Tuesday evening of next week the regular meeting of the quarterly official board will be held at the Holly appointment. The Burton Ave. members will make the trip by auto. The following prices were ad- vertised by a sawmill twenty five years ago: Soft elin 87.50. rock alm $6.00, maple $6.00, pine $12 basswood 87.00, black and white ash $6.00, hemlock $4.00, cedar 34.00. Read the Adlet Column, insisted that, Cheese, per Ib C. Stareh, per pkx, .. Laundry Soaps a Ammonia . White Beans, per Ib Peas (Standard', per tin Tomators, per tin Corn, per tin R. Gals, 4 Ibs. for .. Corn Flakes ,package) . Figs . Prunes Gardeu Seeds, 7 for. Sodas, per pkg... 2 Ib. un Syrup... 5 Ib. tin of Syrup. . C. Onions, 6 Ibs. for Gr. Onions and Letiuee.. Cucumbers ......005 put on T. CRAIGVALE . By the death of Wilham Lat mer on Sunday, April 20, an old and much respected resident of our village has passed away. He had heen in his usual heal np to the time of his aeath on Sun day evening aud, on the family returning home from chureh, his} lifeless body was found ino the; stable: where he bad gone to feed his stock, Heart-failure was the cause of death, Deeeaned was | the son of James patie early pionecr of Innisfil of the Co, Tyrone, Ire of those sturdy "Ulster son in the early fourties came with his family ts Canada, and settled on Lot 20, Con, 14, Innisfil, then an unbroken wilderness, -- Here the subject of this sketeh was born in December, 1849, and on reaching the years of manhood was engaged in farming until twelve years ago, when he moved avery nalive to this vill pu ' property known as \ He was unmarried, a Cons ' Live in polities. and a Methodist in religion. The funeral ons Tuesday fo Stroud was largely attended Rev. William Clement, of the Stroud Methodist Church, officiated. The deceased was a member of the Masonic Order for thirty-six years, heing a P.M. of Minerva Lodge, 'A.F.and A.M. Strond. The Craft cere. -- monies were performed at the grave. a large number of Masons being present to pay the last tri- bute of respeet to one who, as a friend and brother, they had known, respected and honored in life. 'The pall hearers were six Past Masters of the Lodge and all old friends of thy deceased, being A. W. Green, W. H. Martin, James Black, J. S. Leonard, William Latinier and W. J. Leonard, The deceased was also a very active member of the Orange Order for nearly fifty years, being a P.M. of L.O.L. No. 605, Craigvale, hold_ ing the position of W.M. of that lodge for a number of years, when Craigvale 1..0.L. was known as one of the hest in Simeoe County. The immediate relatives left to mourn his loss are James Lat- imer. nephew, Mrs, Samuel Wil- son and Mrs. Robert Givens, nieces, all of Innisfil. Hogs brought $18.75 to $19.00, and cattle $9.00 to $12.00 per cwt. at the local stockyard on Tuesday, ments. Make ita habit to phone in your order as early in the morning as is conven- ient. it enables us to give you a better service and relieves the latter part of the day from congestion. If you have not a telephone, it would pay you to call and inves- tigate the excellent quality and the low prices of our Groceries. Below are a few of the prices that space will permit: TS or Te 280 | Clover Honey, in 12 oz. glass............280 You have probably noticed by the Press that a war tax of 10c per lb. will be We have 1000 Ibs. in stock which will be sold at the regular price, IF IT'S GOOD TO EAT YOU WILL GET IT AT WISDOWM'S when 140 hogs and 50 head of cattle were shipped. Jelly Powders, 3 for. 4 Ib. pail Str. Jam 4 Ib. pail Rasp. Jam. 4 lb. pail Orange Marmalade. 4 lb, pail Str. and Apple Jam. 4 1b. pail Rasp and Apple Jam........... Salada and Red Rose Tea, per Ib.. Our Own Blend Tea, per Ib Lard, per 1b. Shortening, per Ib.... Margarine, per Ib. Bulter, per Ib....eeee eee ERGS, Per OZ. csiswsorsawrerens navies 3To Potatoes, per pk......... eee ee eee Veg. Soup, 2 tins for.. Oranges, per doz.... occ. Bo | Grape-frnit, 4 for ..B and 100 | Pineapples... 0... 6.006 ee eee eee 25 and 300 55c per lb. or in 10 bb. lots, 53c. The correct way and the easiest way to dispose of your property or sell some small article, find a tenant for your house, find the article you have lost, etc., is to insert an adv. 'n our adlet column. -- <==] H MARy PickFoRD 7 Fed Jn The Little Princess" {i} i Mi AN ARTCRAPT PICTUR GRAND OPERA HOUSE, BARRIE Friday and Saturday, May 3 and 4 MARY PICKFORD ee] Nees: "THE LITTLE PRINCESS" In which Miss Pickford will again portray a delightful role of child life. Prices for this special picture: Adults 16c, Children 11c. These prices to prevail for Pickford pictures except on holidays. BIG V COMEDY ALSO First Show at 7.30 sharp. Second Show at 9 p.m. Coming Monday and Tuesday, May 6 and 7 WM. DUNCAN in "THE FIGHTING TRAIL" The greatest serial ever made, in 15 episodes. Adults 16c, Children 11c. Children under 15 years of age will be admitted Free, if accompanied by an adult, to the first episode only In addition to above picture, will be shown, MARGARITA FISCHER in "JILTED JANET." poli alloy to di La ed t the lowil w reco orde! rears ious aceon in th It a st to ec Thes for t amor urrea for ficult to $1 creas ation Sehor tent form effort defici but o stane about regar Cross above for if expen also mites shoul, the but tt appro oulste You to Se Act, 3 for et allow: ment which shoul mates mated by a would tempt it is al lea cluder a firs the Bi seque: Town' I Don and | plaini propel and V spring high ; cla s nol water. Insp Mrs land S the ac compe the ya on the Town Frot Associ ting the el fire h 5] Bates, J. iH