Page Twelve A BOARD OF TRADE : : : : _--_ IT PAYS TO SHOP AT VICKERS' (Continued from page 1) } - ; Mr. D. B. Wood strongly urged the need | J}. . r . of co-operation ov, the part of business men THIS F ACT IS EMPHASIZED AT EVERY TURN YOU MAKE IN THIS GREAT DOUBLE and pointed out the various ways in whi * boards of trade could amist the commun- STORE WITHITS COMPLETE STOCK OF WELL-BOUGHT MERCHANDISE ity. He spoke of Canada's vast resources 'and great outlook. This provinée, he = said, was likely to attain a population of Fac oL ee SEASON FOR SILKS | CONCERNING HOSIERY wan only u matter of time when Canada , eed ee de ik SS IN CORSETS 1S | stings all seasons is the season for Silks. | Do you know that Canadian Hosiery buyers at Hill 'said there wus food enough to feed Lee ere eee a ea tort adenmane. Silks wholesale are not permitted to cross the ' seers mere Eres ' F Silks tae chery, Burporee in a aerehowtiin-- Allantic to buy from British Manufacturers? | ing Heston sstaligeat, Lal reay elt pellyinoe A NECESSITY plaids, stripes, checks, and fancy effects: Do you know that Canadian Manufacturers can a 'of Canada," said Mr. Wood. The chief Some of the best numbers: only deliver 40% of their orders taken? Fuoetinn 'of 'beens ot trace "the Esco Our Misses Davies; | 36 inch Black Taffeta, fine lustre finish, good | Do you know that there's going to be a famine q not clothed with legislative suthority, like Nash and Tymon are well wearing quality. Yard. . - $1.85 in all wool Cashmere Hosiery with no relief we eet puncita, but they hed force, He qualified to advise you in |:36,ineimGolored Taffeta in Navy, Plum, Rose, in the situation for months? instanced the Hamilton Board of Trade, 0 3 Nile, Burgundy. Belgian {Midnight That's why you should buy your next year's } and said Mr, Frost lifted it out of an the selection of your Cor- Blue, ete. Yard.......--++ 1.65 to $2.00 | ou iniy now: it not only means that you can see, Oe ae, e dl phd ores | set Needs; each of these | 36 inch Pongee Silk, light grounds, Fancy and J save a lot of money bul you are urd of having ! i ae seesaisetion of several hundred mes. | young ladies holds a di- Gingham designs. 'Wee... 750, to $1.60 ] (he quality and sizes you need. The menborsbip for was only $10 a year, ploma of efficiency from | 36, inch, Extra Fine Wack Palle Ruy Stockings HERE and NOW! Stocks are but they raised $8000. But it was not the Canadian School of aplenc' r Dresses, Yard.. complete and prices the lowest consistent with to rouch the money aa the tremendous me: an 36 inch Silk Poplin, very popular for Dress juaiity and good Merchandising, because we fares they: Hal 8 any. ork seth they Corsetry, and our assort Black and a complete range of colors, Best | acted on advisement and bought large stocks , freight, exarem aud spamenger 'ates. they ment of styles and makes grade... .- : : before the heavy advance in prices. bring influence to bear on the Legislature, is complete, We recom- | 36 inch Silk C If you intend planting a garden, this off Yard in town and city halla. He was not say: mend the "Gossard" seis Se ses: oe. ing will be of interest--good only up to Satur- ing it boustingly, but he could say that : . "| 36 inch Tussore Silk, plain and faney weaves. | day, April 20th. the Hamilton Board of Trade never got be- Front Lace Corset, the Black and colors... .+ . See a ee aa ae -- only Front Lacing make | 6 inch Raw Silk, Oyster White, very popular, | 1B every Hosiery Bure or Garden Seeds treo ee ame long their line, 'The sim we know of that gives es . 900., $1.36 and §2.00 Ji seldey puroWans FR! a es fem tet perfec satisfaction : x Haslet murchans Of 1 a! tr the country and Empire a¥e' sino: nell die Pictorial Patterns and Magazines With every Hosiery purchase of $3.00 > é Speaking of some of thr outstanding Ramu "A: in Grace" Distributors for # pkts. Flower or Garden Seeds free Vickers' for Stockings ' problems, Mr. Wood said there were to be | Temes a) Ease : With every Hosiery purehase of $5.00 Grow Vegetables like these m9 nore haxuries wa no droves, to eer | and "D & A" Make Victor Victrolas and Records fy pkls, Flower or Garden Seeds free "and get your Seeds Free. ore who Wid nothing were to be drum- med out of the country, What a blessing ! it wax that they were being weeded out, Hf echt vase! |! QR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT *,,;-2"2¢: | | SOME SCARCE GOODS YOU MAY NEED go to work hould now be eon: | with a Grand hat w ive pis and nett bard a Showing of the Newest of Fashion's Fancies; new ideas added each F 10 7 terns Asie and plain, half bleached and unbleached. Yard. .300. hey would show the world the of | re Oxford Shirtings. light colors... egy eae wo 26 15e-, 200, and 250. * af that wim thet seam tava! day that make your visit both a pleasure and a profit. Selonl Days lea, English make, light and dark Blue Stripes, Yard... 350. Mr Wood proceeded to speak in favor . A a = m aght and Darl ints. Yard... ' of techincal evluention, arguing thut it was | This week's arrivals include the New Shapes in Amber, Aero Leer a etiale American end Canedian 1 oh na' abe. iat the, meee and: syormensynet Mustard, Grass, and Tuscan Shades. king. wide width, Yard 1. AT. ly trained, m order that we might 1 English. Yard 260. he human mistits we saw to-dig Nee ee eee eee ee ee ee EES 2 HU ' BoP Angas Gee 8 a ieee SE ieee a seomiecclal: paarior 5 : for Kimonas. Rose, Helio, White, Cardinal and Blue -40c, win he anno et | PURE LINEN HAND TOWELLINGS Tillieoultry Shirting. limited quantity, check and stripe. Yard... -50c. service. Public opimion is a force that | will ultimately donate Canada; -- pubic | Onee a necessity, now a luxury, and theyll seon be w memory enly, be- pane meh an pe Soe Ot cause itis now timpossible to bay it from the Makers, Gotten is taking tty ganized in bowrds of trate and chamger OF HP place we have a quantity bought 2 years age and olfer iC at yard aie so rehable by which pubhe opinion can be Whieh is less than maker's cost of 4 months since, H's a chance you should CG ers form L become a mighty welding forre tike quick nllvan lage' B as in the force of a business men's orgaol | tke (uit bi SH Lae Es nation." | Mr, Wood spoke of the general outlook | and suid the British Empire --= -- --_ = --_ to Cunada, hall its resource forest. ike bie igre sand 'wealtt, 'or all Burton Ave. Methodist Church Send your orders for engraved visiting cards to The Examiner. kinds. The business men of Canals i 3, Laat § y, the Birst under the Daylight = -- should) meet and master all thowe pro jSaving, comparatively few members for- shoul and jnanter, al) ae Fee Jgot to move the clock ahew!, nearly all be Hamas oe Hee ee celta ing im time und apparently" uccepting the : . holdol the: kien. thal yeni age Oe | a ere iemar'The new || At the Wellington Hotel, on Monday, April 22nd. smseqal Barris) Tet rae or yeu |tegime wil aud nately cutting down ten: . . Caen ee ircene amd the results| Mite. Robert Stanley moved thie morning ) Mist A, Harris of Hunteville is paying , | the amount of power used for lighting pur DORENWEND'S Display of Artistic Hair Goods. ty will be grenter than we should have thougtt | to Milton short visit to Mr. and Mrs, K, Ferry, Cum: °° 7 RON ete soul uot the men of Canada| Mré. Barry of Toronto is visiting her | berland St The Biblical buseball contest in connec Shawl be seen: by ev toaster these problems? Kith und kin son, Roy Stone Me wad Mil. F Barre havesresmed| Hon with the Epworth 'League: w, arousing sarge (pencil Aiets of the roe a hn oecie| Mr MeMichan is home again after / home after @ plewsant holiday in Brlleville much interest und will prove @ great isn engl woman.' who te visting. in Colwell al haiases gene to bible wy. The captane op would keep xttructive ' SWe wl meet these problem with af, Mr and Mrw. Thon Walton were in) J. Suinmem of Hurrowsmith is viniting Y'lotin ae' se yout, a are 3 ribet cera and intelligence: aol an 2 gut Seay ad' povivaet ome (Oe it pa, Mr and Mr S Sum Ladies who have not ward we will vee in the near future al (8 0 Gs mers, Innisfil St. 5 ' fore whete foundation ix built by such | Mfter vesting in Fergus | Mr. W. G. Wice hax returned Lome BAPTIST CHURCH mifficient hair to: do authorities as yours, expanding to the asvociating boards of 'trade, and extending to proper fields, until it embraces the | mighty foree of the Britivh Isles when this wyr-stricken world shall have returned tw peaceful days, und the voice of business nen, speuking through boarile of trade, shall he heard, grvat barriers will | Hi have been removed, and business relations; established so broad and far-reaching, so | wnefieil, that not Canada alone bi each') portion of the Empire will binesed as | never before in ats hetory." In conclusion he urged them to stand behind the me and lo stand behind the guns in the pre sent conflict : Donald Ross moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Wood aneh Mr. Garden for their in teresting addresses t has aceurred to me." he that some change hus come | uable source of i or you would not have bad | mean expense, he Quch a gathering of business men, -- Ten, | pleased to give $10 twelve, or fi am ngo it woukl not have been possible to have got together |ed; and Mrs, Stew suct' a number." He attributed this to | were called into th visit. 10 Suxkatoon, Mr ¥ | Mass Grace Mus Clement fr are Visiting hey would not hol Dean 0" the need of special to join the technic: should be taken the end of the year. the upheaval which was taking place, an | the part they had to the fecling which was growing and de- | supper. veloping that every country and town had | by the Rev in warm terms of women, its future before it, and that the people must rise and tuke advantage of the situ ation in which they found themsclves, or G. McKinley left on Wednestay for 9 tron, Toronto ezine of Toronta is the guest | 'Ana (Of ber nephew, Wm. Rusk, Rev mall hae after u visit with Toronto friends, thot a publicity corps be formed anc the specches which might be given by | th prominent men outside wid inside the town | Knapp. 'The vote of thanks was heartily accord- 'The vote of thanks wax moved which sentiments were endorsed by the second s Suxk with her son there, uurned home |! returned home | 1 ev, Mr, Cumming. 'om Meuford and Willis | Mrs Mie: MeLraghlis. 'her house on Basa St. ee eee eed : | Mr. Clennell, @ar foreman at Allandale, Ii their own. zing, uraiti young men | Ave. al school. Ile suggested | Mr id. that | onto and Mra. J last werk owing to the former's brother, the down and published ut | That would be a v information It would said, but he would be for a copy S@0. EF. shurp in, the Orange meets Friday night commenced. art and the other ladies e room und thanked for North-Bay route after spending 'ken in providing the the winter in Florida, Last week Engineer Frank Hill 11D. Raymond, who spoke |a tclegram from North Bay te praise of the worl Ke | that a first-class position was aw heartily Mayor Sprott. |day night to secept the position. after spending the winter WJ. Watt went to Cookstown this ning to participate in the induction of Long, Sr, has moved to Schom- werg, and Roy Ferguson hus moved into jhax moved his family from South River 'alley seconded, and spoke of |to Mrs. J. A. MeNeill's house on Burton TH. Knapp were in Tor: Inte Russell Hall, after which another carpet bowling tournament will br Conductor Geo. Clark has resumed his run as passenger, conductor on the Toronto: him on the T, & N. 0. He left on Wednes- Pestor, Rev, W. H. Wallace ® Sunday, April 21, 1918 11.00 am---"The Christian Hope." 1 7.00 pan. "Open Wintlows." Aunual Meeting, Wednesday pril 24. Collier St. Methodist Church Rov. R. J. Fullix, Pastor Sunday, April 21, 1918 Pastor will morning and The evening, Good music. preach welcome. death of Hurlburt's Shoe Store is in a position to fll al) your requi ments in tennis and outi and only the very best gu tennis goods handled have heen placed: on sale at very prices 5 85c.. 89" at 8,00 part of " i Oe, S109, 2904 received | sai uel pair. uv. . siting for! Read the advis, and save money. justice to their appear- ance and GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD ore invited to have a FREE DEMONSTRATION of the style that will an- swer their needs. LADIES:-- Switches, Braids, Transformations Pompadours, Waves and many other hair- goods creations of the finest quality hair. GENTLEMEN'S: -- Hygienic Toupees and Wigs which are _indetectuble, fextherweight und are worn by over & quarter million people. A benefit to the health and uppearance, REMEMBER THE DATE OF VISIT Monday, April 22nd. DORENWEND'S Head Offic 105 Yonge St., Toronto. Popular Prices : 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 1 A MOST DELIGHTFUL S JOHN FOX, JR.,WITH LOUIS: You will love June and her kinsfoll far more on, the (GRAND OPERA HOUSE, TAGE STORY OF THE F ' EUGENE WALTER'S FAMOUS DRAMATIZATION OF E ASCINATING NOVEL BY 6 E PRICE IN CHARLOTTE WALKER'S FAMOUS ROLE stage than you did when you wandered with her through the pages of the interesting novel. BARRIE APRIL NOT A MOVING PICTURE 23. JUNE"