Thursday, April 18, 1918. AUCTION SALE OF 26 COWS 'The undersigned has received instructions from W. H. MARTIN to sell by Publié Auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 20 STROUD ( Rev. D. A. McKentie and Rev. William Clements will exchange pulpits next Sun- day, Service here will be at 7 p.m., new Jos. Marrin's Yards, Barrie | "™*. The Following :-- 1 Durhum Cow, 5 yrs, old. with calf at foot. The country did not teke to the day- light saving plan as quickly as the towns. Chureh services wera beid on the old schedule. 1 Durhum Cow, 6 yrs. old, due by date) "Representatives of the Christian Men's of sole. Federation which gave addresses on the 1 Durham Cow, 5 yrs. old, due by date | Innisfil Circuit Inst Sunday in bebalf of of sule. the Belgians were well rewarded. about 1 Durham Cow, 6 yrs, old, with calf at) $600 being promised. John Hughes has foot 1 Durham Cow, 4 yrs old, with calf at Polled Angus Cow, 5 yrs old, with} THORNTON foot calf at foot. calf at foot at foot fou Polled Angux Cow, 6 yr. old, with been appointed local treasurer. Thornton Honors a Returned Veteran On Fridsy night, April 12, the people Hoktsin Cows, 4 yra. old, with ealves|%f Thornton were accorded the plearure of {welcoming one of their popular soldiers, 1 Holstein Cow, 5 yrx old, with calf at |Pt, Wm. Mayes of the 187th Bn. Pte. Mayes enlisted on Nov. 29, 1015 > Holstein Cows, 6 yrs. old, with calves| ®t Barrie. The winter, was spent in at foot Jtraining camp at Cookstown, while the 1"Holstein Cow, 7 yrs, old, due by date | following summer months were spent at 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yrs old, due by date ft Canady for Englund. und af sale. 1 Durham Cow. 7 yrs. old, due Apri 1 Durham Cow, 6 yr old. due May [Camp Borden. On October 13, Witley Cump until Dec, 16, 1916 cross-d the Channel and reached the firing 1 [tine for Christmas, On Aug, 15, 2817 1 Auriure Cow, 5 yrs old with calf at [Be Wak wounded in the Jeft arm, when, the foot 1 ders x Victorious Canadians took Hill 70. Eight ow, 5 yen old, due by date of | BOnths were spent in different hospitals in England. © On Good Friday be sailed from Liverpool and reached Halifax on News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents R. H. Somerville. The latter gave a wry jnipressive sermon from Ist. Corinthians 15:55. The remains were laid beside those of ber husband who predeceased her over a year ago. Mrs, Nixon will be greatly missed in the Church, Sunilay School and W. M. 8. She was abvays 10 be relied on for any good work and none ever went to her for » kindness in vain She was one of the fine cl.ristiar. characters so rarely met with. She bore her tng ilness with chrbtian fortitude knowing that all thingy work together for good to | those who love the Lord. Sunford Dempster hax moved in to the village snd opened up 8 blacksmith shop. It was very sad news that flashed along | the wire on Friday that Corp, H. E. Me- Lean was killed in action somewhere 'n i France. Corp, McLean enlisted in the 177th Bn, in Mey 1916, passed his exam. und received his two stripes the following winter. He left Barrie on April 4, 1917 and went to France the following Septem. ber. Corp. MeLean came to Ivy when he was thirteen years old. He was, ax a boy, truthful ind honest; ss a young | man, clean and pure and upright. and had many noble qualities, It was with deep regret that his y friends heard he had paid the supreme sacrifice, "Greater love hath no nian than this, that he lay down his hfe for his friend") A union inl service will be held in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, when Rev T. J Dew and the choir of the Anglican Church will assist in the service, "WEAR-EVER" Aluminum Ware Announcement emor: | "WEAR-EVER" COUPON In order that the factory may have an securate record To our Customers and Friends who did not procure one of the SPECIAL SAUCE PANS on Sale during the last week, we wish to advise that we JUST RECEIVED 100 MORE BY EXPRESS which will be given to all Coupon Holders at the SPECIAL PRICE OF 33° They are REGULAR 65c. and are the BEST QUALITY. CUT OUT COUPON 1 Jersey Cow, 6 sim old, due by date of | i of the number of these Saucepans sold at the special syurham Weiler, 2 yre old due ee cacat oes sacceavi, Me, ian Mex] CARD OF THANKS : price of 33c., we are required to return to the factory oe ne ws © INET Lexy Mayes, was beautifully decorated with | Mr. and Mn. 3 ¥. Kasey on fey, his, SeaHOR iE piven. namie and. nddrese pleenly and bring it with you and we Po ee flags and cther patriotic emblems. About | Minesing, wish to thank their friends and written there i f # Farvow Coit au ald [fae sl other patriot emblems About| cms for kindneer and eympothy in extend the time for one week iv Good Calves, 2 weeks old ri eather Name : welcome and honor the wounded hero, -- | their recent bereavement p . : more up to APRIL 27TH. AU will be sold without reserve N den f ad Address \ Tet aieccnsentr Beers ob comm | aitees Eaek GEIRGS al mibeties fen || D . , L 4 eases, xolox, reading and le i a 'own ate TERMS OF SALE Six months' credit {the orchestra, was given. The early part ecctpeal. Th 0 Ha d C will be given to parties furnishing approved [of the evening was devoted to games, after The Otton Hardware Co., Limited. e Utton Hardware Lo. jonat notes, 8 per cent. per anu 'off (which dancing held sway. until the happy LIMITED for cash on credit sums, Jguthering scattered nfter the rendering of * . . Sle at 1 p.m. sharp. the Notional Anthe On and After May 1st Five Points, BARRIE W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer | a= aa roe OOOO 900000000008 ee eee IVY 1918, our terms will be ' April 16 It is with) deep sympathy | . = = 7 TRINITY CHURCH to all the fmends that I. record the WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The coune of Sewing Lectures under IN MEMORIAM death of Mr. Christopher Nixon. | Through the kindness of the mannger|the auspices of the Institute will com: Third Sunday after Easter jwhich took place at the Ro V, Hos | there will be in the window of Parsons'|mence at the Patriotic Club Rooms, on| In loving memory of Arthur Ewart |pital, Bane, on Thunday. Mrs, Nixon Fair on Thursday, April 18, and the en-| Monday, April, 22; the afternoon clas | Jacobs, killed at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. 830 am--Holy Communion went to. the hospital in December and 'suing week, un exhibition of an English- | mocts at 2.30 p.m. and the evening class 11.00 am.---Morning Prayer and Sermon, | Utlerwent un operation which did not have j man's rations for @ singie day and also for | st 7.30 pan. It is most essential that |-Though he's gone he's not forgotten, 3.60 pm.--Sunday Bebool and Bible |*D* sesired result. and from which she ii Va whole week. It is hard to realize | all members of the class are present at the aM ics denned undther pag Gin never recovered. 'The funeral took place exactly what ations realy are and. it |r leson, In cur lonely boats 'of thinkiog - _Seepaeue on Saturday afternoon from her bonm to is hoped this exhibition will help to im- ---- i 00 pm.--Ewening Prayer and Sermon |{h. Prrsbyterian Church, service being BUTCHERS. || 1.060 ti' she serious need for. conser. Thoughts of him are always dear, REV. H. D. RAYMOND, Vicar. | conducted by the Rev. T. J- Dew and Rev (ae vation of food Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. --FAMILY | SS SSS SSS SS Ha SjaSsae om = -------- 0 Come Early" 4a. | Still Living | *=- . The Cudmore Sales Co. OLD STAND Have just received a large new stock of Boots, Shoes and Dry Goods at a rate on the dollar, and for quick disposal are offering same at exceptionally low prices STARTING SATURDAY, APRIL 20th If you need or will be needing later on, any apticle we carry, it will be well worth your while to take a few steps out of the high rent district to our store, as we will cer- tainly save you dollars. We ask you to come here whether you buy or not and judge our values for yourself and make a comparison of our prices with those of others. This we think is the best advertising we could do and you may be sure to find at this store a surprise as to the high quality of our goods and the LOW PRICES WE ASK invite everybody to come to our store and look over our stock and prices : Below are only a few of the many bargains we have to offer and we cordiall Ladies' very fine quality mahogany| Ladies' very fine quality mahogany 'shade Boot, with Neolin sole and] shade Boot, yith leather sole and mil- fl heel, high top and low heel. <i itary heel. . $7.50 pair, our price EXTRA VALUE IN PUMPS Fine quality patent leather pumps, white kid lined. Com- pare these with any $4.50 value elsewhere..... F Our price, pair ... inna," ;:) Men's fine quality mahogany shade Bal-| Men's fine black kid Boot with rubber moral, Neolin sole and rubber heel.} sole and heel. Sold almost every- Examine the $7.00 and $7.50 values} whcre at $6.00 and $6.50 a pi elsewhere, then see ours, at only per] Price, Pair ss. PIES onsesen 5.89 $7.50, our price.. 98] per pair 5.75 Don't Miss These The Famous Gainsboro Shoe Fine grey kid and very dark chocolate] Ladies' very fine black Vici kid boot, with 'shade, high top boots with high heel] high fine twill cloth top, ina beautiful and white rimmed soles. These are] grey shade. These are one of the Quite the newest styles and aurely a] newest styles to-day and an excellent qlassy, well, wearing boot. These] shoe for the money. Reg. $8.00 pair. - boots are regular 88.50 value, our spe-} our price. - cial per pair White Poplin Pumps, very fine | twill and good style These | will go like wild Are. Put in your summer supply now. | suit the most skeptical buyers. Reg. $2.75 pair, our price, pair| At only, pair 1,35 White Canvass Pumps that will Men's heavy tan_or black oiled leather Work Boot. Be sure and see these before you buy, only, pair.........3.98 Men's fine black leather boots _These will answer the purpose of a Sunday shoe as well as giving excellent wear. A large range to choose from, per pair...... 2,98 to 3.98] Boys' Boots, in all sizes, in a range of prices from, pair. 2.19 to 3.69 Space will not permit us to go into detail. Come und look these over. SS] SEES SSS LSS HS=--=--= EE ---- . Ladies' fine black Vici kid high top and Here We are Again high heel boot. Reg. $5.78 pair, see Ladies' fine black kid Boot, with high} OU" value at, pair top and low heel, no toe cap effect and $4.75 pai Boot, at only, pair ........-- .2.25 'These are good quality patent leather, with cloth top and mili- tary heel. The very thing for an inexpensive, stylish, everyday shoe. The regular price of these are $3.50 pair, our price $2.25 A good stylish Ladie Men's heavy black split leather Boot, without toe cap. Can you beat it at} -------- pai sete ne - 1,98 the newest style. Reg. our! price only, pair We carry a full ange of the. famous Mother Hubbard Shoe for children As there area great many sizes and different prices, we ask you to come in and see these for yourself. Prices + 89¢] Very low, from, pair...1,19 to 2.98 April Showers fine quali silk finish Raincoats egular $7.60, don't think @ when we tell you our Ladies' fine wool serge SKIRTS | Come here and see our full in black and navy blue, all : 18 eu Benere cary for these | range of CHILDREN'S as the prices are lower than at WARE at prices never heard the mill to-day. Our very low | of before in Barrie. priccs......2,89, 3.25, 3.49 Men's fine print SHIRTS, coat style and full sizes. These are some bar- gains, only, cach... LADIES' HOUSE DRBSSE! fy quality washable prints, él ghana price is only and chambrays, pretty designs and al Game and get one styles. Ati..ny 1,19, 1.35, 1.75 a [--}-|----- | | A full line of Women's, Men's and Children's Hose Lay in your stock while these prices prevail Below are only a few of the many low prices we have to offer: Our low expenses enable us to sell for less money Come yourself. Bring your friends, as it will mean] Ladies! Fine Cotton Hore 5-5 wii i je 3be pale and we intend te keep up the past reputation of this Ladies, Eine Silk Lisle Ankle jose, in black, tan, white, only 49¢ Pat | stove for genuine bargains. Leader Ribbed Stockings, for Boys, Men's Extra Weight Cotton Socks, only. THE CUDMORE "SALES CO.,, asses tn Bono ae Old Stand--2 Doors East of the Market SF the lowest possible prices money saving for everybody. REMEMBER THE PLACE We intend to continue deing All good: aranteed as re- " i tc n SooeatelL.. Not ene poor business in Barrie and te quality in the whele stock. ~