Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1918, p. 10

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Page Ten THE BARRIE EXAMINER | TooNTO MAN HAS.) ,7iesansmumet | WHERE ORCHARDS PAY GAL The Sudbury Star gives INED 20 POUNDS following particylars concerning Alexander Gange Says Tanlac|\"',,.ii¢ and death of @ former) Most Profitable Near Cities When Barrieile:--- ' fs zs Ended Troubles of Seven Death came tragically to John Market Is Convenient. Years' Standing McLeod, postmaster at Sudbury in th rly hours of Monday ck after |morning cd with a stroke of EABOR IS THE BIG PROBLEM apoplexy 6 y pout suffering as long 1 did is @peplexy on Sunday evening about | | ~ Something to appreciate and [[eleven. v'cluck, he expired about/¥9 Province or State In North have recommended. Taplac to{five hours later, im peace, hav4] "Aumerica Biae So Large an Arca heveral of the bays on the road |iM& been unconscious all the time} -- Sultable for Apple Growing as Has +k in shape,"|i" the presence of expert medical Ontario. lhelp which was powerless (Contributed by Ontario Department of John MeLeod was in his 53rd Agriculture, Toronto.) and has been a stalwart HIS QUESTION will be dis: man oon the Canadian Pacifie! fe in Sudbury for the past} cussed under four heads: railroad, and is well-known, es-|tineteen years, in mercantile life | Climate, Soll, Labor and pecially im railroad careles, His! for sixteen years and for the past | 'Transportation. statement, while sremarkable, is !!2ree years in the important post} The Factor of Climate. 2 5 x . e j Wi AP Hat uaderful en.i@f postmaster, During his six-| far: ai) climat ; , a lca that tae heom given| teen Fears as (@ tradesman Be, Coa be grown cuimmercially bt } ontinuous " Premier Preparation" in aaa a fellow citizens I gay part of old Ontario. south of a Toronte is epheres 0 : line drawn from Parry Sound to Ot- monotonous or: M e ° -most trying on jetting one's health ba since it put me bi said Alexander lives on Keete recently, Mr. ¢ FRE 3 eee foottme fie news? een. {lmiyor, councillor, school trustee ; " tinue! Mew Ganse, "and have/#id im the Board of Trade, of (™si im fact, there are commercial picked up) twenty) pounds in{Wlich bedy he was treasurer for erohards progucthke: fruit 82s: praat weights Buta certainly w hinany years. In religion be was ¢onsiderably further north than this 7 in bad} taking |® Methodist, a trustee of the local Many people think of commercial ap- ape before 1 began ee , a vy Ble orchards as being necessarily con- é ---- Wanlac, My stomach and kidneys [Conerewation and jiheis nominee Reed to the miller parts of muy cone the Nerves - had been bothering me for six ory #8 lay member to the annual ¢ vince, and to the lake districts, but seven years, My appetite seemed {ference two ye 2 u ! ae the fact is worth emphasizing that Sie aN HUB stomach {@ prominent member of the local we bave varieties of apples sultabie | "g ' ino 4 ame wa' N tell inhi a ro ee er | Becomes eee eet ete DOING the same thing, in the same way, ? freed with ine. My food just! Wilhont the slightest intima. & of old Ontario. The winter bards. day after day and week after week, : ? ion 4 yo indispesitins . Bo many varieties own : + med to lodge like a lwnp inj! on af ans indispesition. Ne throughout Ontario is now ery wail means destruction to the nerve cells and collapse of -- any chest ad fil) me with pain. "ee sain: ei miei ie iS (established, and it is possible to s"- . Kop several hours aftor. every |listiner shock, He was at his! tect varieties which will be hatdy for the nervous system of the human body. NE THE meal Leould hardly get my brealh{Post as usual throughout all of | any district, . ce . . > 4 Hy Thad intense pain aeross iny back [14s werk, attended chureh al hath | | The eet aria aa ine oc, Whether in the munition factory or in the home, in the store or Sports Co, is va ie s services SI ai | im the Province of Ontario is the oc. . a : ay le » i and my kidneys bothered me so/sereices: Sunday and spent 1h*| correnee of late frost in spring, aod in the office, it is monotony that kills. And it is because womans 4 ports at night T eould diy get any ; early frost in fall. Other difficulties : ' what. tried most everything in-law, Mr. E. A. Henderson, re-| Ofte elimatle nature cap be largely work is more often monotonous than men's that so many women knew of but kept getting worse.|turning between len and eleven) overcome by the selection of suitable suffer from nervous exhaustion and prostration, nervous headaches, I wonder if t the country are ' ok got to hurting me so bad {O'clock in the very best of health.| varieties, or by careful discrimination : ji 5 ee eel uker, Leould hardly|He was seized shortly after + AwIth regard tool, elevation, aspect. neuralgic pains and general run-down condition of the body. things ear : 3 ° 6 : » » pre 'tc. It may be pointed out, however ' ys aimdehtaci'back ap. turning home, On the previous » bows . . A i Poser wn tact. Thad gotten to theyevening he had seen nis wife away | (BBL frosts are more common, and It is easy for the doctor to say you uses in the formation of new, rich ei eal ee place wher I was almost disabled jO7 @ short visit te Toronto and] country, than where the topography must have change and rest, but the blood and the creation of new nerve ood "ok Cato for work. One day an engineer |the circumstances are particularly | js rolling and billy. Large areas of expense of living is so great at this force. Eke eal ee jsadt that she was absent at (he | some of the southern counties of On- 2 end. tarlo are, therefore, more or leas un- time that few can afford to follow a ate The late John MeLeord was born | Suited to commercful apple orchard- vice. long and rugged road began ty Mactae ta " i wa ui i Ing because of their dst character | such ad smooth out for me, My stomach [t-te township of Ca jon Hast! 4 more rolling country is mbch to be | trouble and all signs of indiges--|Near Orangeville, and spent lis) preferred, so that orchards can be friend of mine persuaded me 'to try Tanlac. and that's where the . for one can nev If you are a regular reader of this devs what cand paper you will find cures reported 5 ote 0 le But there is restoration and health almost daily, and no matter where of two materials, i 9 ; ps '1 with its stra lion-have disappeared entirely and ;Younger jl in pee Pr ' made safer from frost by the better awaiting you in the use of Dr. you live you will find people who will pgs tna. al al Leat dete me good, Alf the /ious to lveating in Sudbury be alr drainage afforded 1 5 ji , i ji ss . Setiad habe oon | what : at cing we iy a alt my /Wits @ Tesident for short inter The: chotee of varietiea iter various Chase's Nerve Food. This great re- tell you with enthusiasm of the bene: veri " re pu | Pata Aes LOE AC: BU Ae AWdiihiaalinfing, "Mie tnel districts will be made the subject of | constructive treatment cures by sup- fits obtained by using this great food ports an| kidnevs never bother me any more | aishene. ria War-| igter notes | hae hich Nat Dak qeanchnad Tanlac has certainly fixed me upyher, Oriflia and G nhorst te plying the elements whicl jature cure. Bate kenen tie Suitable Soll In Every County. 3o far as soils are concerned, it tume that has jwas well Known and highly re until it is a wel fed throughout the merean- in great shape. I'm feeling better than I have in years and so I have ' . ; | may be stated that there Is an abun-| 9 institution. Th the best of reasons for saying a{!lr trade of the province. Be-| dance of land in every county suitable | customs, und ¢o good word for Tanlae." siles his wife and family of three | tor apple growing. Well drained land r ase S erve oo ee oe Teniac is sald. in Barrie py[Children, Sadie (Mrs, Tenilerson | 1s essential for successful orehardiag. Now. whether wi Geo. Monkinan. in Orillia by M.{Colin and Marjory, three sisters] amd there ts plenty of soll of this play tennis, or-- sp H. Gooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. [ME two brothers: snevive. Mrs leea had in almost every dis 50 cents a box--do not pay more--at all dealers or Edmanson, Hates & Co., Ltd., have an appropri : eit Ee yl Rdwar s i ' 1 2 ung and pongees J. McGuire, in' Lefroy hy G, Rijhewards uf Reooks, Alberta, Mrs.' "summing up Soll and Climate, ie Toronto. On every box of the genuine you will find the portrait and signature of A. W. dite Trocks TY Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West,/Merley of Barrie, Mrs. Reinhart.) may pe eald thut no province or atate | Chase, M.D, the famous Receipt Book author. 6 interesting in thd ay, (of Duhanapolis, Archie of Toronto | in North America bas so large un | vad High in the West | area so favorable in soil and climate | for apple growing as bas the Province | in Conkstown by W. G. Mack in Wauhaushene by Georgian Ba <i r ACU thin opring and » Lumber | Ltd, in Port Me-| xem | OF Qbeario. It thir alavement In true ¢stions tell u true Nicoll by P.'H. Beattic, in AMliS-| tne py dR, Rwkes, and in Vie~/ It becomes obvious that the present 'one of the newsp ton by F B. 8 well in Lisle vy (oria Harhor by 7. W. Brown. --| élstribution of appie orchards in O2-| . _-- 7 7 aes . . ; ne oe bt vittle, in Gilford ry ario is dependent on other factors. | i e! Hi we. Ba Advertisement HAWKESTONE --._ hs been issuer in 504 different lunguages;| Easter Report S. $. No. 7, Essa sar i Profitable Near Cities. E that 30 uillion of these copies had b pai silty; for. Uncle Sam ames A. Blain, in Tottenham by Me as. A. Weaver, in Penetang- eS 1 uishene by Chas, A. Nettleton, The annual nveting of the Huwkestone amaportation 1 tie moat tmport- brunch ul the Bille Society, wis hell ant factor baving to do with the dia-) Wednesday, March Advertising is 8] tripution of commercjal apple orcb- | Church, the oficer Kone issued gince the beginning of the present Senior Room our "bit," a joyot hi ioe war, 10,500,000 having bren issued lat Sr. IV\-Myrtle Coxworth, Marion Ai year: that to the Allies had been given | noid, Clifford Davie, Addie McCullough, Society wash Don't stop advertising because of dull time in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone. 1 ' jiest oar' bau [eae he All. ha . in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, ive foree, and so long as|ards In Ontario, In other words, the re-elected ay follows: Pres, Herbert New | "Theve mate tacts were illumined by de | Estella Arnold. FETC in Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in are peuple to experience | commerelal apple orcaards are locat-| man: Secy, Mrs J McMillan, Treas, Mes cues iain thet. rer sinus L by oh [Je 1V--Violu Witton, Arthur MeQuay ford by W. L., Campbell. in Stroud |Ufacturers {a cater to these needs.| rive 'been with relation to large <l laccrttary, Mer te Beverly: Sinth, ABA? (SCHR, MEO. when bread! wax 83 cente a louf | Amy' Lennox. d icLean, by Chartier Bros., in Craighurst there is a field of profitable work] ties and to the developing markets lof Tawnto, wa uiuch appreciate by thong |, England, drunkenness and view, being 1" Jp. Til--Newie Speers, Leila Davis by 'T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury] for advertising | of the. prairies, the more rapid pas |pre it, who returned a hearty vote of |ylinsrewe, Rureing being the punch. M RPGENS, Toeaber, & Gregory. in Belle Ewart by A Read the advts. Among them | been the development of commercial | thanks to the speaker. Mr. S luted | Went for over 200 erimes, when slav ry j Ri 2 , Junior Room Trombley & Co. in Mt. St, Louis!will be found something for! rebarding. A location near a large |how we gor vur Bible, reference being mude | existed and into Purliument a bill having S, ery) - * elty may be desirable, but If better to the Leun Vulgate of 450 AD. hy Jer Sunday Schoo! by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon-|everybody. | soil. and-climate are:to:'be, found al|omer ti the: Kuglsl tranduiion:caf seme, | Ore weremted, fo.bannees Runday: Behoals, a distance, the more distunt Jocation |known x the Douay version, to the Wy ae is likely to be preferred. provided |eliffe translation into English' of the scrip. Grain Elevator Destroyed transportation facilities are good. tures in the Lith century the Witham | The Grain Elevaior at the G. T. R Some districts in Ontario possess | Tyndule tr nut -n later date; to the [Station, Alliston,belonging to G. H. Law-| Sr. I--Thelma Jennett, Jack MeClenuon, excellent conditions of soil and. ell-| great Bible hy Cranmer; the Geneva Bible | rence, was destroyed by fire Monday night | Virnon Jennett, Lorne MeClennon, mate, but are lacking in transporta-|and half a dozen other transition Apr. 1, A large quantity of grain was| Jr. 1--Erma Elliott, Bruce MucDonald, Uon facilities, and until facilities are |finally to the authorized version unuler | destroyed which belonged to Coffer & Co., | Muriel Thomyson, Lambert Lennox. avalluble little development can tawe |King Jumes in 1611 and the revixed in| Toronto, The fire started at ubout 12 o'clock | Primer--Ethelwyn Arnold. place in commercial orcharding. | 1885. : tight, from en snknown (cause, | Ue gcVAt Helen Davi Lalli Wilson, Glatys 7 . Since 1804, when the British and Kor- [les than four monthe since Couse & Mit. ° Sehel Labor Situation Very Acute, | i" Eije Society. 'wus farmed, it wir {chells elevator at Alliston was destrpyed : "B" Beatrice Schell, Mary 'Thompson, resent time the labor sit-|xtuted that 300 million copies of the Bible | by fire. ' H RD, Teacher. Middle Aged Women. grower by virtue of the emphasis which, very correctly, is being placed | upon the production of exportanle | ot a Other's Are Here Told the Best Remedy it comes necessary to bu! well- * ings for men and their families so for Their Troubles. that a supply of labor may be always Freemont, 0.--"I was passing through the critical ju Lyons, Lornu Jennett, Thos. Verald Elliott, Perey Wilson, nx Cleary, Almeda Elliott, Exith food stuffs. The labor shortage will | result in the majority of small orch- ards being more or 'lesé neglected. But the iarge commercial grower of apples has been in dificulty for years over the matter of Jabor supply. For commercial orchard operations on a sizable basis, it 1s necessary to be within reach of temporary supply of labor for upple pic .ng. Otherwise available. c period of life, being forty-six years of ege and had all . The difficulties of the labor situa- the symptoms incident to that change -- heat flashes, tion at picking time can be lessened nervousness, and was in a general run down condition, considerably by the planting of varie- so it was hard for me to do my work. Lydia E, Pink- ties which ripen in succession, and ham's Vegetable Compound was recommended to me as by taking care to get the right pro- the best remedy for my troubles, which {taurely Proved portion of each, A large area of one tobe. I feel better and stronger in every way since variety ripening at one time is ex- taki: it, and the annoying symptoms have disap- tremely dificult to handle, -- Prof. "Fy Mra, M, Gopprn, 925 Napoleop St., Fremont, J. W. Crow, Ontario Agricutlural College, Guelph North Haven, Conn.--'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegets- ble Compound restored my health after everything else had failed when ing through change of life. There 4s nothing like if to overoome the trying symptoms." Mrs. Froxenos Isis, Box 197, North Haven, Conn. The Forehanded Beekeeper- In March the careful bee- keeper will find a great geal to do in the way of preparing next sea- son's supplies. All used appliances showld be .put in the best of shape and necessary new ones secured and prepared before the busy spring sea- son arrives, New supplies necessary snould be ordered at once. The bee- keeper's supers are his barns, his bees are his harvesters, and given barn- room they will harvest his crop with fess risk of weather injury than farm- ers expect in almost any other crop. Without sufficient barn-room a per- centage of the crop will be lost. Con- talners sufficient for the large crop By that may be expected next season f should also be ordered. at this time. . This applies particularly to preseat war-time' conditions when supplies of material are) uncertain.' Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. IN -- | _TYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND

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