Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1918, p. 9

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER Tires Bull Dog Tire Chains Tubes Tire Pumps Reliners Klaxon Horns ( Rim Cut Patches Grease Guns Lace on Boots Tire Pressure Gauges Blow Out Chains Valve Insides Piston Rings Spark Plugs Spark Plug Porcelains Ammeters Valve Removers Valve Tools Spring Leaf Spreaders Lock Washers Ford Fan Belts Radiator Hose Brake Shoes Spoke Brushes Rubber Cement Soapstone Radiator Cement Non-Fluid Oil Stop Squeak Oil Valve Grinding Compound Spark Plug Wrenches Socket Wrench Sets FIVE POINTS % and pupils feeling much better for their holday. j.,, Miss Edna Arnold is visiting her sister in 'Toronto, Mrs. R. J. Hanna. | Miss Rogers of Sunnidale spent Sunday |with her sister here. | Harry Davis and Willis Smith are sport: | Ford curs | Miss E Wrenches of all kinds and styles. 5 SEE US FOR YOUR SUPPLIES AT LOWEST PRICES. Otton Hardware Co. Limited |' :°* --------------) IVY April 9--School nus reopened, teachers 3 jel Biggar of Holly is spending 9 ys with friends here, Auto Jacks Friends here were pleased to see Mr, | The General Public are more Vull j yund Mrs, W. Carruthers over Sunday. | vulcanizers Rey. Mr. Dew is uttending a meeting in | oan Conaphore Non-Glare Lens ]}| toronto this week. | than realizing how good the Osgoode Non-Glare Lens R. Pierson in improving his property' by'| A "Ens }a new fence in front runswic is. Elect Lamp Bulbs |" Tom Gains i on the sick fst \ Bins : Diminishing Mirrors | The men ure trying to improve the road rar » |by using the drag. ht Hydrometers A-number of the farmers are putting in a iI i They play all records. jspring wheat to help production, Spring ' Wee 4 Dry See Theat haa not been sown in this part for s 14 No needles to change. Valv i S nuniber of yenrs Driving Goggles "GRENFEL Cost you less money. Hose Clamps The grim reaper of death visited the To see and hear is to fall in Johnson bon Remover Hodality. Tuesday morning, Apr. 2 und re- eae z moved one who had resided in this neighbor " Cementless Patches jhood for many yeurs and wax well known love with them. Graphite Greases and very highly respected by all, in the ' : ering person of Robt. McMinn. Upholstering Dressing He was 88 years of age, and had been Auto Polish slowly failing for the pust six months, Mr. MeMinn was born in Toronto Township jbut moved to Colwell 52 year ugo and re there until about two yeurs ago GARRETT'S hen came to enc his days with bis son footing Sena] © MUSIC STORE LOCAL SHOW ROOMS FOR HEINTZMAN & CO. PIANOS Phone 259w. P. O. Box 178. As Told by Our Correspondents CUNDLES LEFROY Apnl 10) Miss Greta Daley returned to! Apnl 8 Miss White, Toronto, way the Gravenhurst, where sbe is tenching school, guest of Mrs. T. Gilpin last week nding her hobdays at heme Wm. duck and RP Lueas have each Mrs, Malkin spent » tew days in Toronto purchased a new automobile, S. Marshall spent a few duys in the city cvisiing city friends Miss Luella Wilson of Anten Mills spent last week, a week with bir aunts, Mrs D. Jacobs and © Miss L. Whan, accompanied by her frend Mm S. Pratt Miss Harrison, hus returned to Fulding Mas Agnes Lucus of Toronto xpent Wed Mrs. A. Wilbon of Toronto was a wel uy in the village. here lust week come visitor Adoljsh Guest is spending a few days at ; Crown Hill with Walter Furbes, day to resume her sehuol duties in Huuley © Nash lost' w valuable horse recently ute indigestion. 1 winds and h full wheat Two sawing machines bave been busy this village cutting wood for next win apy iL Trying have re n Markham and Tor frosts are very CRAIGHURST of the late SR. Kanjp of Toronto the isolation hospital, Aldershot, kag Min sing. today no what improved CLOWES . last week in Gravenhurst visinng the farm April 8 Clowes School, No. 15, opened. e's futher. vn Tuesday: Mrs. Fo Orser hur reer Mie O'Bnen spent the hobdays in To. thanks from the Matron Fonto at home Burne, for the gem Curne left here bist week for ffs und money coll Ont, where she wall enter the nd school children of the village a pupil nurse il Day, "the er children *hur rd of Burrie is visiting at her ing many trentx they would not have other Her futher, Mr. Turk, is im wie enjoyed. a not «Child donation has returned to Nobel gi work 1 \ Mre Jamex MeLeun is visiting friends! Mi in Orillin. with her parents Howard Beath of Midhurst spent the -- Quantities of potatods are being shined week-end "here, {from herp now MR. FARMER You are being urged through every medium to pro- duce, to conserve, to save to the fullest extent--but DON'T ECONOMIZE THIS YEAR by allowing your property to deteriorate through lack of necessary repairs. 'That stitch in time" will save you more this year than ever before, so 'look things over." make out your list of requirements, and then come along and let us sell you "Goods of Quality," including Cl for that new stabling, cellar, etc. SHINGLES and PREPARED ROOFING to make those leaky buildings water-pSof, and WIRE FENCING . to replace the broken down, dilapidated rail fence which has '"'done its bit." TRUE ECONOMY means BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. Our goods are right. Our prices are right. Facts which are proven by increased volume of business. TheSarjeant Co. Limited Now is the FARMER'S opportunity to aid our armies and benefit himself by keeping more ENE STOCK and increasing the production of it. LOANS made to responsible men to aid in this work. CALL at our office and enquire. THE BANK OF TORONTO Established in 1855. Barrie and Allandale Branches-- H. A. SIMS, Manager. renee McCullough left on Sutur- | crit from here are attending the April 8A eabh receivert Sunday from!" ~ thut the condition of Gar. JON iat Mr. and Mra J. Readman spent part of || of Stroud Silver Wedding from the Audrey Jury of Toronto spent Easter STROUD | Representatives nf Federutinn of Cs Christian Men's highly esteemed nian will conduct the !Thosr from a distance wha attended the | services on the tnnistil circus next Sunday, funeral were. Mes. Chapp Apnl 14, in the interest of the Belgiun | Mr Goutiellow, Tore Rehef work H.W Ausmen, whe has Schoifel [travelled she contin nr, will take the work | Buchun Send and He Chupman on the of the eireuit Stroud U-Tri Club The conger? given in the Presbyterian Chureh_on April 4 under the auspices of the UTr Club, our patriotic organization, swan a great success. A large crowd en the programme given by local teat, ed by Mrs AC Motfatt, Burnie, Mis G. | Hopper of Toronto, Miss J) Lockhart of Holly, Mowrs Blackmore, Sharpe und | Mayor Proceeds amounted 10 $41 whieh | will be used in sending boxes tw Prance EK Anderson of | F North Bay. | have resumed ther duties here, Mroound Mr. | Miss Vera Holmes of Buxter spent Sun- MacTier, Mrs. Guthrie, Mrs.) day at her home here, Mroand Mrs T) Metculfe, of To whom it may concern: This ix to a T have used MINARD'S LIN nyself us well as preseribed it in wasnt eee CHURCHILL |my pructice where a liniment was required here The regulor meeting of the cure of jtator nn Institute will be held at the | 3 of RENE Mrs Robt, Clementon April 17 CAL KING, M.D, Our teuchers, Mie KE. Atkinson of Bol: Soldiers' boxes will be packed ax ust The UTri Clubs met at the hame of | Mr A Alison on Friday afternoon and: packed eht boxes valued at $2.50 eneh Boxes will be sent every month, Any eunteibutien ether in money or in things | suitable for sending overseas will be grvtr fully reeewved and may be left with Mine JH Robertson, President. or Cod re "Th ng Thar Bit vernl boys sber then: nding frends to ren 4 A very happy evening war spent at th eof Mr am A sutherland, Loon We sixty tive riage. The guests sat down to a very: duinty luncheon at seven o'clock after which a short programme of addresses was con: 4 ducted by Rev DA McKenzie of Chur. chill, interspersed with instrumentyl music by Mises Jacks. Wuarniea, Ambler and able, A unique ineident of | the ng was the exhibition of 9 piece of the first' wedding-enke and a flower from the bride' houquet on that oecusion, | Mrand Mrs Sutherland are fivoursbly und widely known throughout the com: | @ munity, hath heing quits active in public | life and received many expressions of con- eratulation from near and far The were _e recipients of many beautiful | : Protect and * ao! THERS Ow on LOWE ett the singing of the National | ig . . Id Lang Svne" is B th 'Amone thoes nresent fram a distance | eau wi wore:--Mr, and Mrw, T. FE. Raw ond Wm. | ; Tonean, Guthrie; Mr. pnd Mrs. Robt Care L T wedding): Mr. and Mr. C. W mbler a HEF .§ iM. and Mre. Jas, Allan, Miss (Mra Tax Cheesman, Barrie; Mr. 'Mis, W. 8. Fraser and Mise M. McArthur. Readford: Miceee Elsie Ambler and Ponrl a 4 Mrs. Wm. Sutherland, Mise ©. Suth A, Cankstown: Mise Aenes G. . . freee Canymrare antl: WolbStr ' quality by their looks, life and wear. Results land of Blind River. q gathering diverse! hint | (Mrs, Carr had the distinction of being the only guest who was aleo pt the first 1 Ford, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs, John Both: i . ; et MF age Win, Sorin Mie These paints of proven performance show their THORNTON have proved their certain economy. } | April 10--Mesers, Pedwell and Th (pe Tareate: are here for a few days loading HIGH STANDARD saves money now It saves money "next time" be- jumber at the station. i ar and Mrs. O i. Milne spent Sunday and next time. cause HIGH STANDARD is a long- with friends at Lefroy. Sawing of the | ., p | being completed, Mr' ond Mrs, Milne wil It saves money "now" because a wearing paint. You don't need to likely return to their home in Toronto this ee aides' fe " a paint so often. And when after week. ote Eg lave socen ce gallon of cheaper paint. You will years of service it has gradually weak Wal Apr. Fae the home of Me need fewer gallons of HIGH STAND- worn away, it leaves a good surface 16k ee ee Se ARD. Itspreads easier enabling your for repainting. This means saving come, Kindly come prepared to sew. see ee Alas ie Cok come painter to do a better job in less time. of time and material. to for n couple of days this week transact- ing. business, Wy Gris es, puichaeed s new Chey: There is a Lowe Brothers paint, var- rolet' car and is using the machine How. i 1 ia for: nish, enamel or stain for every purpose STAYNER April 9--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackman left last week for Oshawa where Mrs. Jackman will stay a few weeks visiting their son Irvine. Mr. Jackman has se- cured a position and will stay the summer. Mrs. Fleming spent .over Sunday witn Mr, B. Robinson before leaving for her home in Montana, ; Phone 108 Miss Mary Finlayn was suddshly stricken 01 with paralysis last week and was found in 'an unconscious condition. No hope ix held out for her recovery. Rey. H. Toye held a week's special ser- vices in the Methodist Church, closing on ° F 'Sunday night 2 7 4 ee)

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