Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1918, p. 7

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Ww 'Thursday, March 28, { 8. : : cm Beno ' : y 1 i ~ Dominion of Canada: 54% Gold Bonds . "PRICE: 98% and Interest : Due: Ist December, 1922, to Yield 5.77% Ist December, 1927, t0 Yield 5.65% Ist December, 1937, to Yield 5.60% Interest payable Ist' June and December. ' Bearer or Registered Bonds. Denominations: $50, $100, $500and $1,000 "These bands are free fro the Défninion income Ta anid may be used as equivalent of cash at 100 and-inierest'in payment for furure Dominion of Canada bonds of like maturity. or longer, other than idsues made abroad. More complete information gladly furnished on request J. H. BENNETT BARRIE, ONT. Money in Orchards When Proper "Jy Planted and Cared For. BACKYARD GARDENING PAYS 'Hints By an Expert Fo the Feeding and Care of the Mare and Foal. (Contributed 'by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) \ | de HE PLANTING of commer- cial 'apple orchards In- the Province of Ontario is high- ly desirable for several rea- sons: _1, Ontario is not producing enou good apples for home supply, but im- ports annually from: Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Washington, .Ore- gon and California. ie Production 'in Ontario ts likely to fall off\still more because no cor- jal plabting is being done, Very few: commercial apple orchards have been set out in*this -province since 1981. . 3: Of the thousands of young trees set in-the bloom years-of 1905 to 1911 large.proportion have-already. passed-out of existence. Probably not more than 20 p.c. of. the trees plant- | ed during those years, will figure in | the commercial production of the fu- payable for twenty years only, will' pur- chase a $1,000 Insurance Policy in the Grest-West Life Assurance Company on the Limited Payment Life Plan, at age 35. 'At the end-of twenty year the In- surance will be paid for, and 'a: paid-up Policy will be issued for $1,000. The profits earned under the® Policy will then be payable, unless, as may . be "chosen if desired, these profita have been paid st the etd of each five year period. During the twenty years the Policy carries liberal loan values ; and at the: end of thé period, if the -Polityholder 'so desires, the 'contract may be sur- rendered and the total Cash Value ob- '[ tained. u Personal rates and full details: will be furnished on request. GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 3 Head Office: Winnipeg . OR SEE: A. H. BROTHER Barrie, Ontario. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The Most $35.40 a Year | ture, and certainly not more than 40 a Me them are alive and receiving attention' to-day. 1 ©. P. Assocn. for National Defence | "4 "The home orchard will never It may: be of general interest to the Can- | again be an important factor in coni- adian public to know some examples of the / mercial apple this pro- way in which their railways, 'through the |-vince, b fi th pray Sa whieh a 2 ce, because it is not large enoug ociation for| to be worth while. In seasons when 'Defence, are exchanging traffic in the in- | scab:eagtrol is difficult or when prices terests_of efficiency. are-dawy because of a heavy crop, In one euse the C.P.R. diverted by way. the retu the.small orchards 18 |° of the Soo Line one thousand cars of freight | not large; enough to justify the ex- j?0,u8 to teheve the main ling of the com-| pense and risk involved. When con- pany, along the' north'shore of Lake Super- | ditions are unfavorable the small or- lor. a cars pases ee from bes | chard. passes quickly into a state of Be Ge acs tay. poamiied Ge toegaele eat rac oe one oe . . i mtario Saude oirarain toe donesiig toowsmpion. | eer tt eh Tew ORD EE a ing 2s rites tay are | qy0i) an essential part of diet, taine directa: fron Ee eT 'Quakes |, Waile 1€ 18 true that In cise of ne- eee ema ecg ir Qu ej cessity people can live without it. tt ed cueing by we the National |g also true that. health suffers and erat in tee interesy| RatTitional complaints become much Eg in iets the CPR, main | more Eenerl in the absence from the fine to Se. JoBe for classes of export freight | GlCt*rY Of Iqpah frultw and vogetables. Lane aenatly send ieee | 'Thé apple ithe most important and Sr tenes le ccapepatad aeiubobes| ane eet trait of 'the. temperate | a0) q fully esuiied aul: ieteby: coe Banated Nath fie heath its calture should. not be wenty cars of freight eastbound for Mon- : Tralv cre tured verter the: CIRR~to'| meeleeeee Peeks 9. OW. Crow, (Of the C.N.R. every day. | The Grand Trunk during the winter sea: | son has been diverting one hundred and fifty to two hundred cars'of coal per diy fo the C.P.R; and TH. & B, in 'order to lessen the 'congestion on the Grand Trunk from the Niagara frontier to Toronto and other points. The Grand Trunk has slso diverted fifty cars per day fo the C.N.R. at Toronto. In 'Western Cariada-the Canadian. Now thern has on several occasions. transferred surplus traffic to the sister railways in the Vest, % The pregnant mare should be wel! fed; and given regular: exetcise or Nght work. All food and water given should bé of first-class qualjty. She given more grain than the noh-pregnant mare, as * foetus to support. <All. possib! snould be observed to avoll digestive derangements; henee'everytaing' con- sumed should be of good quauity, eas: Uy digested, fed in proportion tc the amguat of work performed ,ani at regular intervals. In addition to hay and oats, 'she should be given-a few raw roots daily,'and a feed of bran with a cupful of linseed meal, at least twice weekly. Work that. requires excessive mus- cular or respiratory effort should, be avoided so. also should» plunging through deep snow, slipping, etc. All 'nervous excitement should be avoid- ed, so, als} should sights which. frighten her, also offensive odors and operations. -- "The. use of drugs should not: be jolerated, exc>pt upon the advice, of @ veterinarian, If necessary to: gi' @ purgative itvis much safer to give raw linseed oi] than aloes. Towards | ¢ the end of .pregnancy ere: care should be, observed, and, Ww gaily exercise up (o' thegpery last '9 Artistic Roof | is the one that complete- ly harmonizes with the design and finishing -of the house. For this rea- son there is a steadily increasing demand for. Brantford Asphalt Slates for the modern style of homes. Brantford Asphalt Slates have a surface of crushed slate embedded into our asphalt coating, the base of the roofing being felt saturated with asphalt. They are cut the size of 'shingles, and their. beautiful soft colors of reddish brown and dark green give a roof a most artistic appearance. he * colors are the natural shades of the slate as it comes out of the quarries., -Brantford Asphalt Slates are, 'therefore, unfadeable ° --never require painting. : Brantford | Asphalt Slates - very easily handled and quickly laid, saving 'time and : labor, and-therefore costing less 6 lay- < Brantford Asphalt Slates make an/artistic, durable and ecohomical roof. Booklet describing them mailed on request. ~ © Re * yead Office ad Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches << Montreal, Halifax ; : Fuses : a advisable, it sheuld be'given more '| carefully and } of it when: she be- comes somewhat clumsy on account of size and weight. _| 'While it is better to allow her a box stall when, in the stable at all times, it is ptattically necessary: af- ter about the tenth month of gest: tion, as the period of gestation is frregular and the fou! may be born, without any well-marked premone- tary symptoms, any time after ten months. 'After tbe foal-is born the mare should be given at least two weeks idleness, and if she can. be allowed to run idle until weaning time, it will be all the 'better for both herself and foal:--J.H.R., Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. ' - Vacant Lot Gardening. 'The majority of the 'horticultural seciéties in this province have accom- |. plished great things with their vacant Jet propaganda. In the cities of To- rento and Oftawa alone. many acres have béen cultivated. Ottawa reports ever. 100 acres from which 50,000 Duskels of valuable garden products hive been garneréd in first-class con- @ition: Those-interested in horticul- ture in-Tordnto through the Vacant Lot Gardening Association bave also splendid work and in a large Mes: working lots, 80. Average size of lots 3,000 square. fect. 'all marked §=with sign board. Package of seecs provided 725, of which 607 were paid for. Several ehurches,. hospitals, homes, girl guides, boy scouts included in tot Rolders! One lot looked after by a ed soldier who- lost both. his fegs, another by 2 man with only one hand. The condition of both these Jots would shame those who are not thus serjousiy handicapped. All-gar- dens inspected once a week and rémigders seni to those' who neglect |- their plots. The crops produced have a value of $40,000 at 2 moderate estl- \--J. Lockie 'Wilson, Ontario Toronto, Replace Your Buggy Me than 1 100,000 Fords are owned by people in ¥our Dominion are abandoning their old buggies--selling their irivi . Ford the strain of constant, daily use over rough "These are the tests.every farmer gives his car. The Ford meets them in a satisfactory. manner. ! - farmer's ¢ar, so why not replace your horse and buggy. with a Ford?.- =~ - T. R. Huxtable, Dealer, Barrie 'ORO COUNCIL VOTED ° TTT ™ With a Ford "preference to the old ho wn Canada buggy and other makes of cars.' pe neighbors; and farmers in every section of the horses and buying Fords. ' cars are utility cars. They are built to, endure It is the 5 i / Chassis _- = 535 THE UNIVERSAL CAR One-ton Truck $750 F. 0. B: FORD, ONT: T, H.Aconley enclosed $5.00 in payment day 'of timber taken. off rosd allowance as arr- On motion of Mc! inlay and -MeDuff, In view of the fact that so many of the Oro $1500 FOR RED CROSS, | anged Action to be Taken Against Overseers who fail to have St. Labor done in Time. -- Oro Council met on Mar. 21: members present and the Reeve in the chair. John Link appeared. re township's deviation road through nérth half 6,-con. 7, Oro, and 'protesting against cutting timber on said road. On motion of Scott' and McDuff the matter was laid over for invest-' igation. Fred Patterson appeared re cleaning of ditch, line between Con. 4-and:5, at lot 15. 'On motion of McKinlay and Scott, it was ordered that. Mr. Patterson clean out: ditch 'as, requested, at the most _approp and that Cojincillor Thompson hay erected for protection if required. Councillor McDuff "paid Treasurer: $5.00 | passed. trees on road line between Con. 7 and $ lot 14, sold. to- Fred Lidlicra Mrs. Taylor w from west half Car McKinley and 'was instruc For spri cle \ to examine ng vith all the itle to asking for « road out Deaths, Councillor of Mr. Lillicrap's sncwplows. tax, 1917. $2,000. to y on the wor was granted for 1918. te time | Bylaw-No. 445, appointing Oversedrs .of rail.| Highways, Podttikeepers, and Fence Viewers * J¥or 1918 'and 'until Ist: of May,' 1919 wae allow men $2.00 a day of 19 hours, worl 'The Division Registrar for Oro registered 1917; 49 Births, 20 Marriages, McDuff "based in' price list Cotincillor 'Thompson reported - having purchase' snowplow for Township use from J. H. Cooke for $25,00, and that same chad beet paid for by Treas.. "The Reeve reported that R. O; Bell wished -a year's extension for removal 'of tiniber on road: line, Con. 8 and 9 south of Ridge. Granted. 'The Treas. was instructed to refurid A' Muir 81.00 dog F. H. Ball and Jno. Wiggins, Pres. and Secr'y of Oro Red Cross' Society, appeared and: made request for a grant of 'st least of the society. On motioy of McKinlay 'and McDuff, $1,500. |* On motion of McKinlay anidSeott, Town- ship, Overseers in expending road monéy/to Overseers of Highways have failed to com- ply with the Statutes und the regulations pertaining to the office in not' performing the Statute Labor om their various divisions at the proper time as set.forth in'the regul- tions. Therefore this Council unanimously resolve to take immediate action against any Overseer who neglects to have the Iubor performed and returns properly signed and forwarded -to the Clerk of, the municipality by Aug. 15. On. motion of Thompson and MeDutff, iccounts to the amount of' $57.60 were ordered. paid, Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve. H. J. TUDHOPE. CLERK * tii 'Mothers should be. very careful in using: rubber comforts for their "baby.. The only sanitary and. perfectly healthful soother is jthe Perfecto Sanitary ~Soother. Each one is done a separate envelope and itis guaranteed' to Jast ~iX-months gt 10 n. 2. On motion of juff, Councillor Thompson ii report at ng . team with driver and waggon or. plow'$4.00. On 'motion of: McDuff and_Thompéon, 'That Statate Labor defaulters bé.charged on > [etic Collection Roll at the rate of $1.50 per Oyler your counter check books fros The Examiner. The strongest = rat-y-Vakie a SOAP ~Sthy [ee All

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