Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1918, p. 4

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EASTER HOSIERY: $1.00 as es mae "EASTER GLOVES OF ALL KINDS We particutirly giention one fine of high sill boot hosiery 2 i ' DY 5 Se: . : s Kid Gloves are high in-price, but we 'have: lots' auch which comes in Sand, Brown, Pink, Silver, White and Black | | a ° under regular $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. and. $2.00 : f . in Sand, Grey, Black or White, Easter Week 2h00 Perr. ales > B 'also White with Black points. 'Worth $1.25. for $1.00. Buy your Hosiery at this Store. ie ars f : 7 é ~~ Chamoisette Bate ce es : : 'Special at' SDs. pair CHOOSEYOURNEW: //<0l\\ « B\- pea , ree eae ( <1 3 % ; ' Hig: SILK: SKIRTS AND. SILK : oe Coan NS = y p : < BLOUSES JUST FRESH RESS aa RAGS AREA -- FROM THE MAKERS | At 'no-time during ee bas oe = - - Big shipmen's of. these during thé past. the Spring Season will work, The skirte rt Bit colors you have a nicer var- Bre very prety 8698 to $1480 ity of apparel to slet Representing. Authentic Styles tedeme six an Gene Waists are Here for Easter of these..are Silk Embroidered which adds to their beauty; others' plain and in fatto style for the most fastidious. Serer 12.50 to $30.00 | ae ae VERY MODERATE PRICE < Sheer Voile Waist from: - Easter Week Offerings Daintily Embroidered or. edged: with- lace, Dresses ¢. 6. 6.8. ss ' as 4 quite approprinte for uny occasion nd all $5. 00 to $22.50 . New Methods, New Prices and New Styles . "wo. moderately priced. See these. No trouble to show you } > are features of our-Millinery Dept. Fancy and Plain Heather- what-iwe have J bloom Petticoats: for Spring RT ek . fi ' We invite - you to see such a lot of pretty mor - Wear 5 s < 4 f will get. eae 'yl€ | all so very reasonable in price, much lower than any past season. "Many factory These, come in plain colors and in fancy Po ' fF garment seat ay, made models designed in New York. Prices:cut to the core. We only ask you to ~ z idaceaeian mea ae iNew des Our chee ase aoe come into the Department on Second Floor and-see them. 'Changes made to suit | underkirt. | $3.50" up - ss : teen, Taffetine, Moireen and Silk " prices "your fancy: - Miss Armstrong in charge. | Undersidvis, ran rie fi @ Butterick Pattern than city prices. . F ia ranging, in pri a pattem, ; e A Gorgeous Array of Cameo Cretonnes Prepare for Apri} Showers AMONG THE LUSTROUS AND and Shadow Cloths "Take a look through our display' of English Paramata YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY RUSTLING SILKS 'These goods come tous direct from the manufacturers and Tweed covered Reinproct Goste sod Jou. will, Bed, LINENS Ii Sil-zome to thie sore We wil te outer | you fre ured of bs vf our Br values hab arg inparpanted, <8: tet" + SOs #1400 noe : thet dre dependable and our showing is, large. 50c fo $2.50 yd. Misses' Rain Cupes and Coats.with hoods to match, '". Iva very:short time linens 'will be un- ' We are showing « lovely quality Silk Poplin, 36 inches. | . 16 the Ready-to-Wear Depts ble' f : Wi * wide, at f SLED yd- | Do not delay in acleting your Cusine oy Curtsinings procurable from any source, We urge iplenc yd. for house-cleaning time, You ave no better choice " eee Coad v : Either of these lines' come in all the bem colors, | and during the season -and pricey' are still advancing. Buy Corsets at This:Store : * mn a! nes WE shia; S0mie E00 cannot be replaced at our prices. 0 i We show ull the new Spring Models aiid ualities this week. No. matter what color oF quality of silk you wish you Bee eee e's 7B to $7.50 pair |e Ntistaction, "Ala Grace, D&A. B. T. and | eet} will find. it bere. eee ce B5¢ to $1.00 yard | Models all in stock. Choose What you Like*Best. . See them. Mail Orders and Rural Tel- - : ' : : : Have you. Used' Butterick ephone Orders receive Special |. / : ~ 1}. Patterns? Undoubtedly the Attention. Samples sent when i i ; Most Popular Pattern Sold Requested. : : : : x Today. We are Barrie Agents. ee The correct way and the. easi-' Q i ~ r ! language is iat us well known Subscription Labels two months. When' -the list is .° @st way to dispose of your prop- f ; ' as itis at homes One of our} savo + tp |Corrected, subscribers will be ad- erty or, sell some' small- article, : fellows walked into a restaurant Prarie ers late oooh vised 80 they may 'check' up their find a-tenant. for your house, find The ferrimcotatine of. The' Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning ib Cookstown | there d with~ the -aid of "@liabels have not been: changed af-|abels.. the article you lave lost, etc., is| # George F. Thompson. News itemt for Cookstown, and sdjsogas _ country, may be |French-English dictionary was line «aneeriptions. were ianged al Fee eee a oad in our want "ad, | #uded-er phoned. to Mr, Thompson end: witl be forwarded to this paper. Prove Bo. VIaboriously trying to order his i SUbRCrIPRORS "wane asd. Ow eats tae ee tong, cither new or Tehowale may-be foryarded through him." |/{POTOUS'S, Ising 1 ore inere|M& 0 pressure of business and] . Read the advls. and save \ Miss Hazel Arnold is visiting|case, but if he starts anything wy or threr minutes, then RPC baat airs te rer Ka , - with. friends in Toronto, funny someone else will firfish it.Jout with "Aw stop Bidding 'the ees fine tot sei ions to}. If you have any news items, The Public 'Library. received|1.was-in an-old cellar a few days|troop and tell ug" what yout 1S BENE ist labels for the last |ring up The Examiner. Phone 194 8150.00 from the estate of the/agdand found a couple'of Barrie jwant." But the game works both -- Ld late Jas. A. Kidd. papers, | complimented myself gnjways.. Another fellow was eating Mrs. Jas. Donnell. and son,}/my luck and Jost no time in find-|in a cafe when a-coupte of girks | R ° . ) Herb, attended the funeral of her}ing the aews uf Cookstown. Ong |walked in.- They looked him over, ooksto wn Flo ur Mills niece, Mys, Morton of Tordiito|is contintally getting thos® pleas-|then one of them asked him' if he | Z who -was "buried at Mountjant little surprises out here Hleould Speak French. He replied | Pleasant. Cémétery, Bradford, on|met Ted Henson three or Tour lin the negative, "Thereupon the | Wh Wednesday 'of last.week.' weeks ago. Tthought he had been (girls held a 'discussion as' to! Farmers Bring eB: pat - Exchange The Methodist Church, which [sent back home, but ix ina Jabor [whether they' would invite thin to 9 for Flour,. Bran an jorts. } ruppetidet. its ilies service ie a a out ; i vey oe ee fey Ae Bie, slow, he Hel = WE GUARANTE > OUR"FLOUR ne 'last-two months owing to-the|Wailing for my leave. [had been [paid no attention 'but finished his shortage of fuel, will, on Eister|trying to decide whether to go lolmeal, then, asx he was zoing ont} WATER LILY inakes the aice Sweet Moist Loaf. Suiday, commence' evening serv-|Paris or to Blighty,but jhe told them in French that hej MOSS ROSE makes the Beautiful White Crisp Pastry we alFlike. ies Amnini is decided for me, as we have just fwitldn't be seen out with, the || We inanufacture'Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour for Dark Bread. «daa A What about your new heard that Blighty passes have likes: of them. Whenrlets' ana. Gerei Meal fe Pocrides. Raster Bonnet? -Don't buy else-[been cut dawn, © Another option --_ - aa : c ' where Before looking -at- Fisher's |we have is Rome, but-1 am afraid' 150 prs. Infant's Buttoned or! CHOPPING:- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays display. . I can't parley with their lingb. Laced Radts.: sizes 2 te 7. worth | x a ee Te P. Rankin spent a few days|There are lols of comforts pre apr. thuethiiet <"siwe'l ROBINSON: BROS, - Proprietors - in Tordnto last week. this week for 89¢ 3 4 it : =~ IR. We Glass and family, have OPERA: HOUSE | rer is tier sauce ines Migs E. J. Ross yisited with r) March 29th jfriends in Barrié during "thé past - jiyenk. ¢ nn } Rev. Mr. -Sinith «of D FRIDAY |iorccctoa ac tne presps cb jChureh on Sunday last and Saturday, March '30th Nurse Welsh is now in alten- fea a: dance-on Thos, Gollop P ' Chas. McFadden attended " funeral of his brother, Stewart ' f ICKFORD McFadden, at Elmvale this week. Service will be held at St. John's | : Rk --IN-- Churéh on Good Friday. | Mrs. W. J. Broley was called ' REBECCA to Aurora on Monday to seo her} a mother. who is: ill. > a Mrs. W. J. Draper and two: OF SUNNYBROOK |lisnsiec" fos" S.S0 . A ~ with, {riends in Barrie | . MeLeod,left this week for | Toronto where he has secured a A delightful picture from . beginning to end. position. Mrs. David Goleman spent a]? few days with friends in Barrie., Dr. Mackay,-of the Army Med- Also. anothef very funny ical Corps, who has just.returned, from overseas, spent a few days Bi V this week with his brother W. G.; Mackay. . entitled From Pte: E. Lewis Pte. Elsmore Lewis writes to a "MASKS AND MISHAPS" }/Cookstown 'friend the following:; This is the first of March and q . ae ithe month was ushered in with Ladies'-- and Children's' [/the same lamb-like weather we've -Matinee. Good Friday been having nearly all - winter. i? "Phere isn't even enough mud to ' at 2.30 p.m. give us a chance de eeate at the 4 ' : - Prices forthe matinee: weather "man: | ideal -conditions : hen = ---- o > . for an offensiv re, and e. rather eee eee et The Khaki Follies at the Grand 2 EASTER MONDAY EVENING APRIL 1ST. AT 8.30 P.M. casualties have been. rather' be- Balcony, 16 cts. low the average during the past' -Ground Floor, 27 cts. six or eight days.. Some think ' : 4 ive i 2 Tater Gee rh er) ~~ ag LE ae Male members of this ; Company are Returned Soldiers ' Orchestra Both Evenings keeps on repairing and . pen now open at Melemmans: iieengtaentne his 'defences, one. oa) on - _ First Show, 7.30 : ' would almost think that were the t \

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