Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1918, p. 6

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y e Cor. Elizabeth and Small 'SIR EDMUND WALKER. CV.0., LLD. DCL, Presiden Caprrat Pato Up, $15,000,000 SIR JOHN AIRD, General Manager ° y oplalengrers disoBl 'RESERVE Fon, « $13,500,000, A GOOD INVESTMENT The money you save earns interest when deposited in our Savings department, and both principal and' interest are safe and can be obtained when required. for immediate purposes? BARRIE BRANCH ' Why keep in the home more money thap is needed L. F. CROSS, Manager Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeving cars on .night trains and Parlor Care on principal day trains Full information 'from any' Grand Trunk "Ticket Agent, cr C. EF.' Horning, District Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. Y.vE. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent Phone 6b Are. Well. Supplied ~at-- Sect' 8 Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan 'A number of Valuable Parmsand Town Properties for Sale on the most rexsor abie terms. BANK (OF TORONTO BUILDING | BARRIE 6.8.Smith & Co. ihe! 1800 FUNDERTAKERS -Open Day and Night tierce peeing' Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT. + Phone 62 9 4. F. a, MALCOMSON Repteseats Insurance Companie: of undoubted Financial Standing nd ALL, STEAMSHIP LINES, Your Passage hookad to or fron V parts of the world, A. F. A. MALCOMSON THE INSURANCE MAN AND * STEAMBOAT AGENT. Représenting Canadian. Northerr P.O. Square. Barrie. Ptione 447¢ ' of ape W. D. Minnikin Licensed Embalmer Proprietor _. THE BARRIE j UNDERTAKING RLORS (Successor to the Late Meaford Webb). Full line of 'all the latest |, Casketa, kept in-stock, in. cluding Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. Open Day & Night © Phone 431 W.B.Nelily, Funeral Director Phone CBROWN,- "250° FOR THE BEST INS BAKERS' BREAD - iE BREAD BREAD * SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF . PIES, CAKES AND. PASTRY - 'Bakery and: Baleshap: itreet+ jwith the Professor he hax been a sort of {dabbler with him in his studies. 'the Professor's gone right into a thing and | BLACK BOX By E.Phillips Oppenheim (Continued from" last week) CHAPTER IX \ The Inherited Sin "Getting kind of used to these courthouse shows, aren't you, Lenorat" Quest re- marked, us' they stepped from the wutomo- bile ind entered the "house in Georgia Square. * 'Lenora shrugged her shoulders, She' was certainly, « very different-looking person | from the tired, trembling girl who had' heard Macdougal sentenced not 'many weeks igo. "Could anyone feel much sympathy," she arked, "with those men? Red Gallagher, as they called hini, is more like-s great brute animal than human being. I think that, even if they had sentenced him to 'death I should have felt that it was quite the proper thing to have done." Too much sentiment about those," Quest agreed, clipping the endl off w cigar. "Men like that are the face of the earth. - They did "their -best to send 'me there." "Here's 4 cablegram 'for you!" Lenora . | exclaimed. "Stowaway answering in every |your deaasiption of Craig found on Durham, Has been urrested, us desired, and will be by Lord Ashleigh.' Reply whether you are coming over, and full details a3 to charge." ood for Scotland Yard!" Quest declar- ed. "So they've got him, chy All the sume, that fellow's: as' slippery ss an eel. the"ocean, eh "L should 'love," inean it reully ?" Quest nodded. "The fellow's fooled. me pretty well," he continued, ""but somehow I feel that if I get amy. hands on him this time, they'll stay there tilf he stands where Red Gallagher did today, I don't feel content tn let unyone else finish off the job. Got any relutives over there?" "T have 'an aunt in London," Lenora tald him, "the deafest old lady you ever knew Lenori replied. "Do, you a visit." Quest moved' acriss to his desk-and took up 'a sailing list. He studied it for » fow moniénts, and turned buck to Lenora. | "Send 'w cable "off ut once-to. Scotland} yard," he dirceted 'Am sailing on Lusitania © to-morrow. Hold ~ prisoner. jCharge very serious. Have full warrants' Lenora wrote dawn. che message und went to' the -tephone te send it-oft. Ax xan as she had finished, Quest rook up his hat ins! 'Come On," he invited outside, We'll. just go Professor and tell him the news, Poor old | chap, I'm ufeuid he'll never be the sany mun again," "He must miss Craig terribly," Lenora observed as: they 'took their places inthe | automobile; "and yet, Mn Quest, it does | seem to, me-a: most smaging thing that a') nian so utterly callous and cruel as Craig | miust_be should hay been a devoted und | faithful servant to anyone through all these | years." Quest nodded, "Tam 'beginning to frame u theory about that. You see, all the time Craig has lived Where understood it, Craig, you see, -hasn't man- aged to get ;past the first crust. His brain wasn't educated enough -for the subjects into the consideration of which the. Pro- fewor may have. led'him. See what I'm driving at?" You mean that he may have been mad?" Lenora suggested. "Something of 'that sort," Quest assented "Seems to me the only feasible explanation. 'The Professor's a bit of a terror, you know. 'There. are some queer- stories about the. way he got sore of his. earlier specimens What be has gone through in some of those foreign countries no one "knows. Quite enoygh, to unbiilance any man of ordinary nerves and temperament." Re Professor himself is remarkably ": Lenora, weBrecisely," Quest narod but sen see, his brain was big enough i Tt gee Ahold all is was t's: uring stui itacle vies man like s a Be Ee) Lies i 7% respect.| taken to Hamblin House for identification | Lenora, how should you-like a trip across | Shi'd give anything » have me niake her | "\ fine race thry seem to have been, until : ano 'miming skeleton, We a. wonderfal Be tit osetbenes canbe have solved, if I had' been',able 'to place. them fairly before the scientists of the world. Do fyow understand much about: the human frame, "Mr. Ques: 1" shook his -head promptly . 1 n't even care who my 'grandfather was, (less who' my grandfather a million aes removed might have been." Let's step into the study for a moment, Professor, if you don't mine Lenora here is a little sensitive to smell, and a spray of lavender water on some 'of your bones wouldn't do them. any harm." The Profeteor ambled amisbly towards 'the door. "E-pever tiotice it mytell" he said. "Very likely that: is because I 'see, beyond Pa wit fragments into the prehistoric worlds whence they\came. I sit here alone sometimes, and the eurtain rolls up, and I find myself back in 'of those far cor- ers of South America, or even'in a certain sper in East Africa,and I can. almost fancy. at time rolls back like an unwinding reel 'and: there are 'no secrets-into which I may not look. And then the moment passes, and L remember' that this dry-as-dust world is shrieking always for proofs--this extraord- inary. conglomeration of human animals in weird attire, with monstrous tastes'and ex- traordinary habits, who make up: what they 'call the civilised. world. Civilised!" 'They reached: the study, and Quest pro- duced his cigar case. "Can't imagine any world 'that existed before tobacco," he remarked. cheerfully. good to see you humam enough to enjoy a ie' Professor smiled. vie amember to buy any for my- self," ne of yours is. al wtiaat AH nui] ainthed 06 see, is completely. recovered." "Tam quite 'well, thank you, Mr: Ash- leigh," Lenora -replied. "I'am e* ting 'that I evér-had. nerves. I" in the-courthouse. sll the morning, and I even lookéd curiously at your garage os we drove up." Very' eqod--very good, my deur!" the Professor murmured." At the courthouse, from Bethel being tried, Quest?" Quest nodded. "Red Gallagher and his mite! got it in the nsek, too." "Personally," the Professor exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with appreciation of his own wit, "I think that they ought to have got it round the neck! "However,: let ux be thankful that. they Sg disposed of. Their attack upgn you, Quest, introduced tather @ curious oe into our troubles. Ever: now I find it a little difficult to foi- low the workings of our friend French's mind, could Yes, they relly have imagined you guilt | SFreneh: 'is, all riyht,"" Quest declared. fell into the common error of the det | without imogination." Quest took out the cablegram from his |nocket and passed it over. The Pré. |fessor's fingers trenibled 1 little us he read | e He" passed it back, however, without mmediate comment. "You see, they Rave been eloverer over there then ie were," Qurst remarked "Perhaps," the Professor assented, " at lewst,: to" have my servant Craig--who is lying in an English, prison, Do, you know that his oeople have -been servants in the Ashleigh family for hundreds of years?" Quest_was cleatly intergst'd. Say, I'd like to hear wbout that! Werte his people jusr_domestic servants: always?" The Professor's face. was for ja moment troubled. He moved. to his: desk), rummag- ed shout for-a time, and finally' produced an-sincient volume. "This really belongs to. my. brother, Lord. Ashlsieh," he explained. "He brought it over with him to show me, some entries concerning which I was interested: Tt con'ains a history. of the Hamblin etate since the days of. Cromwell, and here 'in the babk. you-see, is a list of our farmers, [bailiffs und domestic servants. | There. wat jn Craig who- was s tenant pf'the first | Lord Ashleigh, and fought with him in the Cromwellian Wars as 4 trooper; snd since those days, so far a* I cun vee, there has never heen atime when there hasn't been A ja°Craig in the service pf our family The look of trouble had once more cloud- Professor's fice: He shrugged his * He admitted. "T am, afraid T myst 'admit that-we come upon 1 bad piece Af family. history here, Silas Craig entered the-service of my father in 1858, ax undter-gamekeeper, Here we come upon the first bluck mark against, the name. He appears to have lived reputably for some, years, und. then, after a quarrel with & neighbor ubout some trivial matter, deliberately murdered him, a crime' for which he was tried and executed in 1867. {John Craig, his only son, entered. our ser- vice in 1880, and when I left England. ac: companied jue ax my valet" here wax a moment's silence. Quest shook his head a little: reproachfully. | "Professor," he said, "you are a sciemific appreciate ihe significance of t during. all this time, wher you myst have seen for yourself the evid- ence culminating. aguinst Craig, you never: mentioned this. --thix damning 'piéce of evidence." 'The Professor closed the book with .a.sigh, "I did not-mentiow it, Mr. Quest," he 'acl nowledged, "because I did, not believe in- Gr uilt, and I did not wish to further. prejudice you against him. That is the whole. and siniple truth. .Now tell roe what your SYMPTOMS? |: Pains in the Back or Sides, Cénstant Headaches, Swollen Joints, Urinary 'Troubles, Stone or Gravel?. You will find the remedy in, the box below-- Quest "Still life doesn't interest me," he declared.: Poaes 'are "booes, after. all, you Enow. eh? Were those chartiing friends of yours |" It 'seems hard to believe that hee . of these crimes. Is he} men of the R.F.C. x less as the knights of inspires young men re-enlistment in. the R.F. Write for Booklet, you are going to do about bis arrest "Lenora and [are sailing to-morrow "We are taking over the and 'shall bring: Craig Quest replied. back here for tri 'The Professor smoked thoughtfully for some moments. Then he rose deliberately to his feet. announeed it culmly but irrevocably. "| shall come with you," he asounced. 'T shall be glad of w visit 46-England, but apart-from that { feel it to be my duty' T owe it to Cruig to see that he hus 9 fair chance, and I owe it to the law to'sce that he ways the penalty, if indecd he is guilty iss Laura accompany ing you, too?' Quest donk. bis he "From what the surgeons tell us." he it will be some weeks before she ix uble to travel, At th must tell you shat Tam glad of 'It is my dut} Craig is lost to me, the sooner. fuce 'the fact the better.' At the same time, I will-be frank 'with -you, Notwithstanding all this accumulated .pile_ of evidence, I. féel in: my hurt the urgent necessity. of seeing" him {ace to face,.of holding him by the. shoul- ders, 'and' asking hitn 'whether these things are true. We have faced" death together, Craig and. 1. We have done more 'than that --we have coprted it, There is nothing ubout him T can wecept "frgm hearsay. I al with, ging, Me Quest." The Professor rose from bix seat in some excit-magp-us the eurriage/ through the great gutes of Humiblith He ack. nowledged with w.xmile the 'ful curt sey of the woman who. bold i8§ f pring one feature of Englirh life not entirely reproduc: ible in your own: wonderful country. I mean. were plunted by my uneestors inthe days of Henry the Eighth, Shake beer a ntud- ent' of tree life in South -Ameriea, and in the dense fotests qf Central Africa, but for real character, 'for-spl ndor .of growth and hardiness, there is nothing)in the world to: totich the Ashleigh' owks "They're "some trees," admitted, 'You! notice, perhaps; the smaller ones, which seem dwarfed: Their' tops were cut the Lord of Asbleigh on ye day (Wat Jane Grey was behealed. . Qneen Flizubeth heard of it, und threatened to confixeate the estate, friend: that mos the crimindlogist gone to the making of and 'make a natural' avenue past of the river there," the Professor pointed out. "Full of trout, that river, Quest. How I used to whip that stream when I was boy! They swept presently round a bend in the avenue," : Before them on 'the hili-side, surrounded by trees and with a great walled garden behind, wis Hamblin House. Quest gaye vent-to a little exclamation of won:ler a5 he. looked at whole of the west tent was Elizabethan, but the Georgian architect entrusted with the task of building & great extension kad is work in a manner almost inspired. Lines and curves, sweeping évery- wher* toward® the same constructive pur- Pose, had been 'harmonised by the hand of | effectual his unemotional temperament, repeated bis exclamation as he resumed his place in the carriage. "This is where you've got us beat itted, "Our eountry places are' like ze Makes Knights of the Air EVER' since the 'world began. have valor, bravery and dash been held so 'high as. they are to-day, among the Heroes all, and comrades staunch, fear- them, courageous, noble, strong. Men, 18 to 30 years of age, of fair education, are trained for 'commissions in this service. ceive during training $1.10 per day. . Men who come within the provisions of the. M.S.A. are eligible only iftcr having joined their | Depot Battalion, when they-may, with the consent of their Commanding Officer, be discharged for "Air Heroes in the Making, and apply directly to one of the following addresses; ypereienl : Poyal Flying Corps Recruiting Office 93 King Sf. East, Toronto Judge G. M. Vance, Barrie He had come to a decision. He'| the home. life and surroundings of our arist- ocrucy. You see these' oak. trees?" he went | 'on, with: a 'little wave of his hand. "They Look -at the turf, any * e older part and the | | old, th&be with, them of spirit to be like C. "4 | Sie fas an "aunt! in Hompeten latter explained. "I "should" have liked to haye seen' hir safely there myself, but we should have -been sn hour or two later down here, and I tell you," he went'on, his voice gathering a note almost 'of ferocity, wanting to get my hands on that fel- low Craig. . I wonder where they're-holding itn," "At the local. police-stution, T_ expect," the Professor 'replied. "My: brother is a uagistrite, of course, anit he would-see that proper arrangements were mare. 'There 'he is at the hall door." iront a moment or two. later. Lord Ash- Heigh came forward with outstretched. hands, the genial stile of the welcoming -hest up on hig In bis inatiner, however; there a distinet note of upxie Eilgnr, my dear fellow," he exclaimed, "I am delighted! -- Welcome bick to -your home! Mr.'Quest, I ani very huppy to see you here: You have heard the news of course "We have beurd nothing replied You didn't go to Scotland Yard?" Lord Ashleigh asked. We 'haven't. be. to: London at all" Quest' expliined. "We. got' on: the "bont rain st Plymouth, dnd your' brother man- ged: 10 induce one of the directors whom. he siw.on the platform to stop the train for ius wt. Hamblin Road. We only left the host two hours ag. wrang with 'Craig, is there?" Lord Ashleigh motioned them to follow him, "Please Come this way," he invited. He led them. agross the ball which, dim- ly lit snd with' its stiined-glass windows, wis almost like the nave of, 9 cathedral into the library beyond. He closed the door und turned: around. "TL have bad news for you both,"-he' an- | nounced, «Craig hax escaped." (To. Be Continued.) the Professor Leave your: order for counter sheck books at The Examiner of- None 'etter, prices right. | A NERVOUS | ! MEAROOWN Miss Kelly Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegets "| St. Methodist Church. The carriage drew up before the great | We only left the | The Barri Pal , /ULEANED, ALTERED' AND REPAIRED - Ls GWLADYS JONES © THE WELSH SOPRANO. Teacher 'of Voice and - Special 'les- sons: for ire, English and Tali Studio at Mes. Gauley's, 67 MeDodsld St, Barrie, Phone.681. For,terms, etc, call at studio on Wednesdays.. Voices tested: free... MAUD. E. CLAXTON, L-T.CM:° . PIANO: AND VOCAL LESSONS. 'In, vocal | "work special attention is given, to Voice Production.' Pupils -prepared for AT.C.M. degree in both piano gnd vocal; also. ele mentary. exains. of Torohto 'Conservatory of, Music' or University éxams. -- Studio: 'King Block. Phone 424. "LEGAL ' 'ALEXANDER COWAN - 'Successor to. Lennox; Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaming-probste of wills, guardianship' and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete. Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop 'St. Money: to Joan, * ; BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- veyancers, Etc. Money to. loan est rates of interest. Offices:'13 Owen St the premises: formerly occupied by the of Toronto). W. A. Boys, K. D.C. Murchison CHARLES W. BLAXTON m PABeisrey SOLICITOR, ETC, 606 Coutinental Life Building, southeast 'corner Bay and Rickmdad:Ste,, Toronto. "DONALD ROSS, LLB. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, Money: to loan. CRESWICKE .& BELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR THE: Supfeme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proztors, Notaries," Conveyancers, ete. Money. to' loan. . Offices: in. Ross Block, Barrie. W.'A, J. Bell, K.C. ---- : DICAL. "/ DR. HiT. ARNALL : Office and Residence Corner of- Toronto and 'Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth phone 167. DR. W. A. ROSS LROS,, Edinburgh, F.C-P., London, Phy: ssician, Surgeon, ete. Dunlop St, Barrie, Telephone' 165. DR. E. G. TURNBULL (McGill) (Successor to Dr, R. S. 'Broad) Office and: Residence, corner Elizabeth .and Bradford "Sts, Barrie, Phone. 105, | | W. AS LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, espevial- ly. Phone 61. 56 Collier St, Barrie. es DR-VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty-- | Disenses of Stomach. . Office: Corner. Bay- |field and Worsley Sts. Office open until 8 pm. daily. |. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122. Bloor St W., Toronto, 'will be at 91 Owen 'St, Barrie, every Saturday. ° 'eanés of Eye, Ear, Nose' sind, Throat.' Com sultation hours 11 am: 'to 5° pm. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326, Barrie Phone No. 2. CHIROPRACTOR DR. VYLA M. FINLAY U. C. C,Graduste. Office and peace a MeDonald 'St.,. Barrie. ACCOUNTANTS . LAWSON; WELCH' &. COMPANY 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, . Crown | Life Building; 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephone Main 5874 HJ. Welch, JLF, Lawson," { JAMES PATERSON . Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County 'of Simeoe. Prepared to com duct Sales at. reasonable rates, "Batifsetion guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St. eH Orders left a€ A. F. A. Macieos will receive prompt attention. Miss Doane is the only one in Barrie asd . | Allandale me hee corsets filled with Spirella boning. Corner Sophia and Mary. Streeta' Manufacturers of Sash,- Doors, Frames, Flooring; Ceiling, Mould- ings, Water Troughs, Tanks, etc. We carry in stock 'a.'large assortment of Rough and Dressed Cumber, B. C. Shingles and Pre- pared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty: Dressing done promptly. Consult- us with your building. THOS. ROGERS, Phone; Office 163, Residence 358. FURS! y Aes Branch fice, Elma, Ont. MP... Office and Residenes, ~ 9 7

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