Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1918, p. 10

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_ work that I would just pitch over, "I tiave gained twelve pounds lost weight and I don't hes- jtate to 'say A:befieve Tanlac has saved my life," said Frank Snider of 102 Duchess street, Toronto,}ten years. ats 'Mr. 'Snider is a valued|bother me -any more now, and it recently. employee of the 'Chisholm . Mill | ing company. ° tS ae "J don't believe anyone ever had a worse ease of stomach trouble! than I did," continued Mr. Snider. "puring the -past five' years, I went. down. in 'health and' lost weight until. I hardly. looked like f.. During the past. three years Ihave spent 'at Ipast five hundred dollars for treatment and medicines, but, kept getting worse. Several specialists told me they could do. me no good and 1 was given to understand that| thete was lo hope for me. I got sd I couldn't retain' anything I would eat and for fifteen 'months | 1 lived on a diet-of such things as; oatmeal and milk--the very light-| est foods. There was always a hurting in the pit of my stomach. and pains in my..sides and back around my kidneys. Somejimes:I would get so dizzy while' at my on the floor. Many a morning I have started. off and he- TRY THEM The next time you suffer, with headache, indigestion, bilious- _. ness or loss 0! appetite, oe tang Seat ar Mea got \Ardill, in $ Midland by Ge and bloating that 1 had to get up 'out of bed and. walk the floor fer hours."- te "The first few doses of-Tanlac made me feel bétter, so I kept on Haking it and improved until now I'm feeling better than I have i, My stematiejsdon is hard for:me to eat enough to satisfy my. big appetite. free frém all pain now and I have not missed a day's work since a short time-after I began taking 'Tanlac, and I certainly feel very grateful for what it has done for me. My wiféand her sister; who lives in Kitchener, and my brother in- London, are all taking Tanlac on aecount of the good it has done me, and I will gladly tell anyone that-I believe Tanlac is the great- est melicine in. the world." _Tenfae is' sold in Barrie by Geo, Monkinan. inOrillia by M. H. Cooke & Co., in\Elmvale by.W. J. McGuire, in Lefroy: by .G. ayner by West, in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay in Waubaushene by Georgian Bay Lumber Co., Ltd, in Port Me- Nigoll by P. H. Beattie, in Allis- ton- by FB. B. Schell, in Lisle by Robt.' E. Little, in. Gilford. by James Av Blain, in Tottentiam by Chas. A. Weaver, in. Penetang- uighene by. Chas. A. Nettleton, in Hawkestorié by Thos. A. Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard Ruinble, in Coldwater by C. G, Millard, in 'errie, in Brad- ampbell. in Stroud by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst by 'P. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury & Gregory, in Belle Ewart. by A. ford by. V '| Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E: J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stone by J. B. kK and in Vie loria Harbor t . Brown.-- Advertisement, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mitrginian Cigarettes . fatien as we have been able tor | (Prom Minesing Correspondent) March 12.--The topic of most general interest. in this locality just Rows that of the proposed union of-'the Presbyterian and Methodist congregations. to the first, mentioned body, has handed in his resignation as he -intends retiring, we believe, and this made an opening which has been taken advantage of to, bring the' matter of union before the jproper officials of the two churches, with the net. result, so far, that the .co-optrating com- mittee, composed of six good men and true from each denomina- ltion, passed a unanimous reso- lution placing Midhurst, Mine- Gibson under the charge. of the |Methodist branch of the church, and placing Wyevale, Port' Mc- Nicol and other points 'to. the north of us under. the care of the Presbyterian organization. It was indeed "unfortunate, so far as we can see, that the weath- jer was So rh as to, prevent any |but av ew getting out ou jSunday hearS rs. Brown and Byrne appointed to bring: the matter .hefore the two congregations), as their ad- dresses onthe subject were cer- \tainly excellent. earnest plea of the Ma tained in John 17, lowers should ATA is tell how the 200 places where this method of unton had jbeen organized had only sfatify ing results to show, aud at the ijpresent, time when each denoim- ination has suffered from the: ab- sente,and: loss of: so ;many -stu- dents and ministers, who are serving their country overs that 'is was nevess, jo ma some sacrifice in order that every available man be released so that jplaces favoralily situated [should have. some chance to have ithe Gospel message. : the information. of those who Were unable to be 6ut, we inight say that the subject is be- ing held over until some time in May, when these gentlemen ex- + | pee be' hack fo go over the matter'then, [nthe mi sat might not be oat of ph an outline of the plan of co-ope tain it. "While the field is givén over to the Methodisi charge, and inister from nat body is as- signed thereto, and ehurch eol- lections go to 'the funds of that. church, the organmation is to be called a United, Go-oper Communjty ehureh to be governed by boar ed of an equal number of er sentatives from each denomin: tion, The church reilts, Lo bee bined eifher alphabetically. side by side, with each memt name «i ated as Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist or Anglican as the case. may be, if it is so de- sired, so that while they. belong to the United churelithey do not lose. their identity, if stich is the wish, Some pathetic stories were related by. these gentlemen, of the heayy pull of the heart strings of some aged members of yarious congregations of each de- nomination, where re-organiza- tion had been «undertaken, at the thought of giving up the cherish- ed 'associations of the church in which they had been cradled..One good old 'lady said; that "it was worse, than the European war," but, out of the 200 congregations called upon to. unile under this plan, only two, one of éach de- nomination, had refused, which goes to show-how the people have risen to the ocrasion of the tines. On being asked, What about doc- '|trines?" the preacher said, "Oh we leave them to talk about after going to bed." tion of the. country where we 'have ad a,superabundsnce of preach- ing and churches as long as we GUARANTEED / Per 'Jean remember, it ix certainly hard to realize that in !bis fair Canada Bu. "WHEAT. °' Ithey seldom hear a preacher. One instance of a place in 'the west was mentioned, where they 'had only had 20 services in seven years. Another, rather amusing in a way, was the predicament of a young. couple 'who wrote the Mr. Thom, who.has been ministering sing, Anteri Mills, Edenvale and} Mr. Brown (ook fdr his text the Here in this see-|* f ours there are places where]. Income Tax Forms Are now available le Returns must be filed on or before 31st Makch Dominion Income War Tax Act requires you to fill in une or more of the five. special 'Forms provided before 31st March, 1918, In order to assist, the. public to understand just what is required of them, information on each 'Formiis given below. Read carefully, then get three copies of the | form that fits your case and fill 'them in. . Answer all questions fully and 'accurately. For making false statements, a penalty of $10,000 or six months' imprisonment, or both, is provided. * iq anes - unmarried, and all widows or widowers without dependent children; Individuals.--All é whose income is $1 year or more, must fill in Form T1. 'All other persons whose income is : aha on ek : mark on page 4. . Partnerships, distributed. . A separate Form must be filled'in for each estate. F : Employers must use Form T4 to. give names and amounts of salaries, bonuses, commissions and other remuneration paid to all employees'during 1917 where such remuneration: amounted inthe aggregate'to $1000 or over. ; ; Corporation Lists of Shareholders.--On Form .T5 corporations shall give a.statement of, all bonuses, and dividends paid to Sharcholdérs regiding in Canada during 1917 stating to whom paid, and the amounts... - . ~ : i Figures in every case are to cover 1917 income--all Forms must be filed by. 31st March. For neglect, a fine of $100 for each day.of default may be imposed. a Fee In the case of Forms T1-and T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other two, with "the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the case of T3, T4 and TS, keep one copy and: file the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, Dept. of Finance, Ott Forms may be obtained from the District Inspecters.of Taxation and from the Pest= masters at all leading centres. Postage"must be paid on all letters ond documents forwarded-by mail a to Inspector of Taxation. : Department of Finatice, Ottawa, Canada TORONTO, Ont. t have been madel sidered, not only as a matter' of|ihe' plans th iting gentlemen, while it is not possible to give a full rep ing to the unfavorable we )and. children, has heen | without: it on 'favor of Union, and we trust that! Read the Adlet Column. f] } 'CHEMICALS Ae ly cessful in his private practice. ~ And so it' came that Dr. Chase's - Medicines were placed.on public sale at nominal prices. To-day. you can scarcely. find a drug store that is riot stocked with a full line of these medi- cines, and that home is'the exception where there is not one or more of them in use. : : Like most articles of exceptional merit are fre- FTER. the: publication of his. Receipt Book . Dr. ' Chase found himself over- whelmed with the demand for his services and his medicines. Not only did patients come from: many miles to throng his: office, but the mails were filled with letters ordering medicines. Rather than disappoint his patients and admirers, and always anxious to relieve suffering, the doctor decided to give to the péople the great pre- gcriptions which had. been so" thor- oughly tested and so remarkably guc- Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents a box, 5 boxes for $1.00. - Baa Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food (Pills), 50 cents a box, author, on. the. box you buy. 'They 'are printed om every box for your protection, and imitators do not dare to use them: willing. to-be married any 'day. in September, that they could not af- iford to pay the two fares neces- sary to reach him/ but that the; would wait for im until the last day of the month and if he did not arrive by that time, that they wers |, Boing to start housekeeping on 'firet"Way of October anyway. 'The large ign population in neatest minister.that they were}. Chase's free, 5 boxes for $1.00. =. 4 ' Dr. A. W. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-+ istricts, who .ared | We have> been using "MINARD'S LINI- bringing to theni the Gospel, butjand wor t elsewhere, - Will as a matter of safety first. work, out satisfactorily' here, and) MENT in our home for a-numiber of years It is-gratifying to know from|that 'the chareh will forma wn-|snd-use no other Liniment but MINARD'S, . the feeling expressed to these vis-|iled power for z ame, oe eae. gnome 5 Ree sprains, bruises, pains or tightness of the | chest, soreness 'of the throat, headache or + Rest Roomi for the use) anything of that sort, | Werwill, not be single day, for we get new bottle before the other is all used. -- E |the.people recognize the need for}opened under auspices of the : Something of this kind and for|Board of Trade, on Bayfield St.,/fa™ recommend it highly to anyone. the most part we are strongly in| Barrie, opposite the: Vespra Hotel. | JOHN WALKFIELD. ' ba aeiave Islands, Lunenburg Co., N.S, {

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