THE ADLET COLUMN HEMBTITCHING dove st Sings! Shop, 12%. ss per yard. & - MAID WANTED-Two in family. at 87° Worsley St; at once. eae FURS REMODELLED AND-REPAIRED--'|: Mine M, MeArtbur, King Blosk, upetains TO RENT--Suitable building for # garage; 100 'Owen. Street. Apply on _premises, 11: |everybody. aaa ET ae 'A. Boys, K.C., goes to Port WANTED--Lndy for bookkeeper and clerk |Arthur next 'week as Crown i grocery sore. Apply Bok "Wi" TH9 |Prosecutor al. the Assizes. ------ FOR SALE--Two good Work Horses, ready for the Spring work, Apply Examiner Office. : # - 10-tf Oe "TO LET--Brick. house, centrally located, rent moderate. Apply, Mrs, A. Henry, | 38 Bradford St. -11-13p BAW FURS WANTED--Best prices paid. Harry Levit, 64 Bayfield St., Barrie, near Ball Planing Mill. B-8-tf. |! ------ = FOR SALE---Yorkshire Sows, five months old ane. registered, price: reasonable. Apr ing a satisfactory recovery after | ply 8... Jones, Oro Station. 1 as 'the total of thejan operation for' appendicitis. in ---- -- e nses of W.A, Boys, |the Royal Victoria Hospital. 'OR BALE OR RENT--Residenee, 8 rooms 'yy 1) Ble ages 'tet riers tee water, 36 Mary Se: wre |M-P. A detailed statement was) . Miss Eunice Webb returned) Webb, 26 Sinall St Phone 119. 49-#f [Published ' by the Returning Of-'home. last. week after a two ficer last week. months' «visit. with' friends~ in Pee i ch ee ee CLEANING AND PRESSING --'Your old} . Ce Re NG ain: Gy look We W. Hall, fount te is Toronto, St. Catharines, Niagara 'uit and ovércout can bem grocery busitwess in Toronts, basliraity and Buffalo. . i new bi Twise, Owen St. Btf| hci, AeA iia SON, dike new by Hiachy 'Tote: Gs SEE [ioved into, rhe. rabldennss Or 2| \ FREE-Rest Room for the use FoR /BALH--Five, young Yorkshire' Sows, |Nutth ,-St.. . recently sed | or women and children, has been aie months "old; also two Tamworth {from- Wa E, Podd. opened' under \auspi¢os of the a ee DD, Miller, Utopia} Barrie -beys overseas Would Biarg of Trade sun Bayfiel St + Ont. 10-15 Lappreciate a this week's 2 eae} -- WATCH) FOUND--In Allandale, on March 5. Owner ipay have same by poe F A aint at The College of Music, Toronto, sroperty and.paying expenses. - Wisdom | % 8. as' Joyce Garr. waa suecess eo , 10-12 not heen for an_atei-| Miss cache vee ecenstat tent: to" the boiler, "the Public in passing her third year Piano- FoR Sa Shorthorn Bulle |Library' woukl have heen reopen jue ee ae ing First a months old respectively. Ale |g this week. In, another ten-days {28s 1 OnOTe : landale 1 Re 1- Phone Stroud, TPF 41 chowld be open again, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Drury: and me : dE eae aos Room for the uae|{auRhiler "uf Toronta and Miss FOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-in the Vi fof Women and children, has Teen | Bessie Ness. of Toronto 'were see ci Stroud Good outbuildings, ete. pened - under auspices uf the /Ruests of Mrs. R. M, Ness over Tose of Brewemes Chis, MoConkey, |Vheetet of 'Tradé. on Rayfield St.;{Tucsday night, baving conte: up | Stroyd. HE gurric, opposite the Xespra Hotel [fer the hockey mateh, Bare potas '|Ness returne i om afl BRING YOUR AUTO TIRES tous for re} Qn 'Tuesday, 100 hogs -and40 | eae ati mah 7 wks ai my ef | roe after Apal dat, All work gatan<| aad of wattle were shipped at [tenns week-end in the| : pen ae Vuleanizing Plant, o He ithe Barrie -stoekyaris: 819,005} ony - -- iper ewl. was the ruling price for | TEAS FOR SALE Gray's Biiglish (lives, And 88.00 to $10.50 fur cat-) BARRIE'S DEFEAT DUE Bug proof, fine sample and good yielders. | {le : About bushels of Field. Beans: Apply | fy thw whituary niotier of Mrs.N | LARGELY TO SOFT ICE A.W Morrigy Thornton, 10-72} jitinston's Tathee there was an] (Continued. from page 5.) WHT! BOWS FOR SALB= [orror. Insted of "Geneva Park") 1, Rene ne aa "SOWS FOR SA innit havo: remi, "Hg designed | rem the Mart Bare ie rived -texes, just weaned. Vind mide out of the' primeval /°° the aggressive and in tlie first No. 1,/Allandale. 10-13) the fake | Coueh hing Mehl minutes the fdus ere Se ee rea PHA a Couchiehitg Ba ee we aac tines Fe aa contrac for two of the}: rhe frat. aeroplane of IMP" Gein broke away: end ruupt populwr cafe in Canada. - Apply by. lseason was heard aver town last bie Tied' the Goat pull sbiol Wide letter only. to Box "A," Barrie Examiner. | wi Aviators fram Texas will [PER Bow : Se FOR: SALE--50 sere. farm for sale: near school, good water. Lot 21, cpm. 12,0, _ i. Ss latter rushed into Moore. and Vera. "Small: payment: down, Kuy [Were popular bere last yea. 79H gig finn out for' a few minutes. terma'batance, « Apply Box 107, Barre Bist and Rend. will Bo lo"Deser- login. was chased for slashing weg le AZ Janta. ; iv spr Rant aah -------- | Over hall the accomuiniation | 2M! Meekiiig: followed. for, inter FOR SALE=Oee brown mere'8 feire Old, tor the' WL, sawing) damonstna.,(reronee. Seven mumutes Jailer, about 1400 Ibs,, good looking, sound and' | Sn an NTS re, "lbvinging sth puck frem behind, in good conditjpn, Price reasonable, Js8, )101- UnCNUe on April 22. NAS White carried it across\ the goal ae ee Brera, Burton Ferm, Allin. heen taken up. 'Those desiring sv vuih and was 'intercepted: by dale. Tht to have the course should phone ON Ie wee ee aeeins Nie Mrs, Harvey) 'No, op: Migayose wie; Scorer. : FARM, WANTED--To rent or buy, 50 oF | (+n ite i Ne ABIY ae ne Mis pressing hard when the period! 100. acres; of good pasture: Jand, with |) 4,0 : AS DOS- | ended. Score 2-0; _plinty of good running' water and good | S120. White changed places, "with fences around outside. Utopia, Ont ter, 8. McMi . . 10-T2p rc, Ww. -------- FARM FOR SALE--Parcel No. 1, 200 acres, Lot 23, Concession 3; Medonte; approx- = imately 160 acres cleared, - Good brick house together with outbuildings. . Also Parcel No? consisting of 80 acres, com-| 1915. -Raluh N. Urry, P.O. Box 447, lieg," Spring gave Whit bad : 7 ; | Spring gave ite a bad prising Lot-24, Concession, 4, Medonte, | Barrie, Ont. __1aat Kump into the hoards and va nearly all cleared, property of the late Wm. Fraser, 'will be offered for sale by * Publie' Auotion on or about: March 29. For particulars apply'to George Jones, Vinsey P.O, 11-12 Fe nk Ah FOR SALE-- (Or exchange on equitable terms, for small house with conveniences and, garden, :near St. Andrew's); 'the premises- 100 Peel Street, attractive, Jnrge, conimodious, and substant i ed. ° Pris . 4 206" 2 A er eae, with, veranda nga aahlty cote, Sue 20," eee riedtul.. Seid 9 to Bs cony, bay windows, conveniences, large - ~ Realizing that. they must bore double parlor and dining-room with man- | WANTED--Several good handy inen to right in, the Barrie each gent tels, nearly acre garden land, fruit and | work on munition boxes. J. R, Eston four. men to the attack in' the shade trees, barn and-gerage, easy walk | & Sons, Ltd, Orillia, Ont. 12-13 ast. period. and an almost con- ey, iene at portion, free oe z E tinual bombardment . of "Koster See Goce; berg ted snk Pon Ae le ee Cruiteiyhtet |followed: Koster played brilliant- Easy terms. "D. W.- Eastman; Box 94, 8 eth 'St, 12-12p |!¥. 8nd had horse shoes hung all Barrie. over him. Cain and Spring also FOR SALE 8t., be- Dr. B. sold local to i FARM FOR SALE. PEGG ac Ket Be Th coe contion of eek ote Soe has disappeared very th Examiner. he [5s Order your Hot Cross Buns at iP _|Bryson's now. i 'Trinity congregation is resum- ing service in the Chureh, gn Sun- day, next: : 20c. doz. Read the advts. St. Andrew's Emergericy Corps misets next Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Jos. L. Garvin. it is said that for. the present a night-watchinan. will not be ap- pointed in place of Wm. Sweeney, resigned, "A very ej of friends at their gathering last night. . FOR SALE Quantity of 38 cote SAC. -With weather more | * No. 72 for sale. Apply J.B. Feilding, reh this ky Ho 74 for eS ding, |tan March this week, G TOST Monday, March 11, betwe-n Barrie |, Apply 44 High St. Hoiel' "Stables wnt. Kidd's Hill, gentle- «gold watch. wich long 'chain at- " Finder please lesv Olympia | Candy Works amd'receive reward, 12p FARM. FOR SALI--60sneres 'within three miles from Burric, one mile from Pains- wick. -- Soil'is clay. loam' in good state of cultivation? Bunk barn, frame house, | good young orchard, never-failing spring. | 6 acres full wheat sown, 12 sores seeded down. -Fall ploughing done. For par- ticulars apply to.J, H. Nixon, RR. No. 2, Allandale. 10-12p field St. "Phone 384. | HEREFORD BULL. forsale Apply-to Thos. 8 ANTED --Cook-general. Apply' Mrs: Huy, 21, Charlotte St. in, figures, Box 397; Barrie. . Watt, Churchill, Among: them willbe found .something for 'y able {ime was spent the Fire Brigade and a nufn- annual |McDonald St; ide Miss Rose. Tessier and Miss ike May |Corbean of Penetang. visited: with the snow apidly and roads are bare in many vopies may be jhad at this office or the book- ack al Camp Mare by April ©! Three of the squadrons who th (The nn Clark WANTED---"Capable muid, good 'wages paid." immediately be 12-13, Fibs: Ste: mo | JUNK of all kinds, wanted. H. bevit, Bay: we 12-20p: Registered. Uiverted the' puck and he ith, Utopia, 12-12 Reference WANTED --Janitor for the Royal Vietoria Hospital. Apply to the Superintendent. 12-1 ee SITE" WY, ITE {was benched, Sutherland soon | Marie strats, anne F reatergr | followed for, tripping Green to Barrie, 2p jstop a rush. Then White got) A-SNAP--Two Ford Cars for-sale, 1914- OFFICE ASSISTANT WANTED--Accurate (Chased. knowledge of steriogray Bt BERKSHIRE BOARS FOR SALE--Pedi- grad sock, five months 'old. Apply 12-12p FOR. SALE--A Peerless incubator, 200 brick house, close, passing well and shooting Sim ar, -- = nae from -every anuly After two $2,500. © si -|minutes of play,Mecking 'scored Scien No.2. 1217 Jon the rehnund f-a hot shot by WITH VIEW -TO|White. Six minutes afterwards, | 12-12 phy. | 2-13 Estap [Barrie MENTION }\iting friends in Orillia. Mrg. J. F. Palling arriyed home from England: this morning. Miss Thelma "Wilson of Angus has Been visiting Miss M. Gordon. town from 'roronto:, after her father's funeral... April 4 for Toronto to:train for a nurse in Wellesléy Hospital. Mrs. 'R.. H. Webb spent a few" days last week in Toronto with her mother, Mrs. Esther Plewe Miss Wanless, of.the C.A.M.S., who is going overseas ere long, visited Mrs, Rainford over Sun- day. 'Mr, and Mrs\ Joseph Irwin, of | Toronto, were week-end guests. of | Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Chomas Sewrey, ; Mrs. M. He Welker for a short} time this week, Miss Beatrice Ingram 'is mak- Barrie, opposite, the Vespra Hotei. At the récent examinations held tally Cainlafter a pretty eush) dona pass feom MeCurry, in the: second. pe an making things hot for Koster, havity deadly | shot and speed galore. skin Ye chad a good chance to' score I slush riled to tally. For five minutes" the} locals .Hammered -- Koster, and} White finally beat bition a pass from: Meoking," 'A. few: 'minutes later, White: after a great rash, | seemed almost sure to | he was dumped by Spring, whe | Hore an dpe goal but th another counter by. a sizzling | shot -from the side "just off fhe | 2 to 2. Acsecond later White -hit the 'post with a hard drive and Mecking gave. Koster several of the hottest kind to s.|5 | Play was very hard and} st ae the period was closing, Green batted one out from behind to Dye who did the worked like Trojans. Barrie'had} them hacked right up against the wall and. it is a marvel 'that the t|necessary tallies were. not made. 4, |De la Salle. played. purely a de-| fensive gate in this period and made not a dozen rushes past centre ice, relieving attacks by. Jlong tifts. rific. pace; Barrie'kept up a ter- checking hard and Miss Birdie Rhinehart is vis- Mrs.-N. B. Johnston returned to|4 Miss Clara Crawford leaves 'on'|' 090900000009 00000 core when | aj of, the Sale. t \ Sale price $2.95. They In Black only, sizes 3, 4 Sale price $2.95 pair, fo These are in beautiful Kid, and Box Calf, sizes combining ; xéveral hot attagks that only hard luck made of ho lavatl. Fin- White, after a rash up the passed lo Mecking who made lo 3, and left Barrie' only one goal down on the round, The ©: citement 'became nse and the Colts. stimulated 'by the urgings of the fans for "just eme- more goal," went for, the met at. a 'tremendous pace, "fA their cager- tess to scbre, two or three good chances were missed. Shot after shot went in'on,Koster:and the but there' was nothing -doing. The gong sounded and the erowd rushed of! the ice, but the refer- ce settled the dispule betweem the time-keepers and sent the teams back for 15 seconds. It was not long, but sufficient for carry. the puck'from the face-off fon. the' final tally. The teams: De la.Salle (4) Barfie (5) Koste' 2... Moore Spring Sutherland Cain » White bye. Meeking Green. Bogardis McCurry Clarke Ingolds The summary: --First Period-- 4---De la Salle. 2--De la-Salle . _--Second Period-- $--Rarrie +. White... 4--Rarrie..:...-White 5--De la Salle...Dye .. -10,20 7.00 t his\team one ahead in |Dyment pi _ _Meeking. Soon on: a pass ing, and Cain followed for a. trip. 'eons fler Bement wont off for slash. 7--Barrie travelled) at @ great-pace, .P--De ta >, --=Third Period-- 6--Barrie......Meeking . -.Dyment . Meeking le... Green 22 8---Barrie WILL END ON SATURDAY NIGHT -- . Ifyou have not yet benefitted by the bargains we are offering, do not-delay_ longer." You cannot afford to miss such opportunities:as this. Pea Several. of the lines originally placed:on substituted others, and the savings to you wi f WHERE MOST crowd yelled themselves hoarse, 3.00" oiy's. 10,00| Way he held Dye was good to see. 5.00] "Rabe" Bogardis never plays to| 2.30| the gallery; but being fe e-Org: many money: The Sale price is $10.95, sizes 34 to 42. sale have been sold-out, but.we have Il be very attractive these last days _ COME ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY AND SAVE. MONEY. ° Here.are a few of t TS: : You Should Secure One of These Men's Suits well worth $18.00. : Stylishly made of Tweeds, Warsteds and. Serges, in You Cannot Beat These Boys' Suits at 'the Price. 15 years. siges 36, 37, 38 and 40. - Black Shirting, in all sizes. A Sale price 59c., now SOME@REAL SNAPS IN FOOTWEAR FOR: MEN WOMEN AND CHILD! Strong, Heavy Work Boots For Men REN *re. good value at $4.00, All sizes in Black, and'fan, a Boot that will give great satisfaction in all weathers. , A-Goed Strong Boot For Boys:' ' Sale price $2.79, former' prices up to $3.50 pair. and'5. Secure a pair of these. " A Choice Range of Women's Boots rmer prices up to. $4.50 pair. qualities of Patent, Dongola in the lot are 2!4 to 614.- 2a See, And You Will Buy These Girls' Boots. At Sale price $2.29 pair, Made of extra quality Box Calf in sizes 14 to 2. formerly. $2.75 pair. * KETS INDICATE LINES ON SALE. No. Premiums Given-on. 'Goods 'at: Sale' Prices. LAST CALL! SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT. GREEN PRICE TIC- A Low Price On Men's Work Shirts x You can gét them now at 59c., id 85 \.° Made.of strong Oxfords, striped Black and White and Snap in Men's Heavy Undershirts worth $1.00. aS Héavy elastic'knit ribbed Undershirts, no Drawers to match. Come early for these. ; The Sale price is $4:79, formerly sold up to $7.50. There's only a few left, so don't delay, sizes are 6 to 'These Men's Corduroy Pants are Great Value The Sale price is $2:95,: Regular price $3.75... " Made of a good wearing quality Brown Corduroy in oe ' worth 75 and 85c. : _. Splashes Oh, Shish! "Twas hard lines The better team Ic Over 1500 people saw the mateh A great 'bunch of youngsters are the Colts, _ Shower baths were in order for !* Spectators '@lose to the boards. Many. local fans "were of the opinion that the Kitehener team issa stronger aggregation than De la Salle, ("It was only a miracle that xaved the Torontonians from he- ing defeatéd:by three goals" says the Tororito Star. Quite so, '\>Moore is a great kid :in goal. His showing in the 'first-year has been marvellous, He combines with a cool head-and a good eye, excellent judgment as to rushing out. to attack, 3 Sutherland played his - position splendidly and. made occasional 'rushes, though the soft ice held him up in -this respect. - "Texas" White was the star of| the mateh, and probably has' not! a superior playing in the Junior O, He-A, 'His stick work and) shooting, even on such ice, was juggling of the rubber was inter- .Tupted by. the had ice and besides lie was very closely watched, but,: jeyen then, he-was. always danger- He shared first honors with end iN LETRA DE_ always in the game, he is a great source of Strength 'to his team. Although the lightest man in the seven, he is one of the strongest checks, 'his -poke-check being a. dandy dne. ae Dyment' was not am the game Jong, but played hard and, managed to make @ tally. He showed some nice stick-handling. The splendid form. shown by the folls this. sea8on has been, in np small. degree, due to the clever coaching of Gordon Meeking, who. [knows all the fine points of the game. Dye, the "bad man" of the vis- itors got enough of his own med- icine at the Arena to make him shy. He never took any chances of being bumped on Tuesday and was only dangerous when uncoy- ered. Fier . The Irish did not show them- selves very good sports. in refus-. ing to earry out arrangements re- garding the referee. Hewitson was agreed upon fur both ganies, but after the Toronta contest the Trish kicked against this and de- tmanded another referee and also a judge of play for the match in Barrie, '-Hewitson did his work well_and the Irish had no-cause for €ompiaint. He was-amonz the 'Toronto newsrapermién who saw 'Tuesday nigt:'s match. -- é * There is some talk° test on the ground of Cain being over age. If he isn't, he certain- ly looks it. EG clea