Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1918, p. 4

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PROTECT - Your Family Your Business | .. Your Future.' » With: an* Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Tnsurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. i 8.8: No, Donated by . Amt. Received No. 1 Schoo! Board $2.00 | ae: U2 Eehoal Board y ' io. hoo] Boat NEAR-BY. MARKETS No 6 School Board (March 7th, 1918) No. 8 School Board Elmvale--Wheat $2.05-$2.08, 'rye. $1.70- | No. 11 School Board $1.80, oats 88-93c, flour $11.00-$12.50, but- ter 38-40c, eggs 44:45¢, dressed hogs $24.00 'cwt, potatoes $1.75. + Beeton--Wheat -$2.08-$2.10, outs' 86-88c, barley :$1,50-$1.57, peas $3.50-$3.60, butter 40-486, eggs 40c, chicken 25-300. "The Beeton World" says that four hun- ~ dred dozen eggs and four hundred Ibs. of ~ butter were bought up by one commission. man last 'Tuesday. Eggs dropped' 15¢ and butter advanced 3c, wa Alliston--Wheat $2.00, peas $3:25, pota- | toes bag $1.50, chicken 22-25c, washed wos! 60-68¢, unwashed wool 44-50¢, butter 37-40¢ Orillia -- Wheat © $2.10 bushel, bar "ley $1.30-81.60, oats 93-95c, peas $2.75- $3.50, butter :40-42c, eggs "50-52c, washed wool-72-75¢, unwashed woo! 58-69c, pota- ; 1 © Innisfil. Township Financial. Stateme i $1.50, short haid wood $12.00- Sao : 8.8. Donated By Amt. Received ------ No.. 2 School Board $2.00 No. 3 School Board 5:00 } HOLLY - {No.4 School Board 5.00 March 4--Simon Smith, the Evangelist, |No. 5 -Schoel'Board 5.00 willstake charge of the service it: the Holly|No. 6 Schosl Board 2.00 Methodist Church next Sunday at 2.30)No, 7 School Board 5.00 i pm.- It is hoped to ave a large crowd |No. § School Board 5.00 to hear him. .{No. 10 School Board 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell of Crown Hill | No: 11 School. Board 5.00 called on 'A, Dyer recently: , No. 12 School Board 5.00 Mrs. R Reynolds is in Toronto with ber | No. 13. School Board 3.00 daughter, Meryl, who is very sick. No. 14 . School Board 5.00 ----_-- s. |No. 15 «School Board 5.00 Minard's Linimeht Cures No. 17. Schoo! Board 3.00 ; ss Township Council....... 10.00 A ng aS PRET RR Women's' Institute'. 3.00 CONSTIPATION CURED IN |¥ rom Sale of Eggs . 10.0 HIS 78th YEAR WITH. ye OUT DRUGS | --}Paid in prises. « : Balance Pid you ever know any! person-who was permanently cured of Constipation by take ing drugs of any kind? . Drugs seem to! assist Nature at the time, but'as time goes ' 'on larger doses are 'necessary until the trouble becomes chronic, Na. 1°_ + Scho¢l Board $5.00: Intertial Bathing is the only real cure for | No. °5 School Board "5.00 "Constipation. _ It keeps the Colon or Lower | No. 6 -- ," School Board 5.00 Intestine free from all accumulation. Soon | No. 7 School Board 5.00 the system performs its regular funetions | No. 9 School Board 5.00 unaided ,and there ix no further trouble. .|No. 10E _ School Board 5.00 Mr. A.Mokean, of Conger Lumbér Co., | No.Ul School Board 5.00 Parry. Sound, writes:--"I have been troub: | No. 15 School Board 5.00 Jed with constipation for the last\35 or 40|No.17 School Board $.00 years, and could not. pass one day. without | Township Council . | taking medicine. .I have used the 'J.B.L. Cascade' since getting it 21\days ago, with wonderfull results, 'Will recommend any 4 ; persoti to use it." A. Dr. Chas. A. Tyrréll of New York inven- | ted and: perfected the "JB.L. Cascatie" for Internal Bathing, which is today the only efficient means of accomplishing the desired 4 results," Dr, Tyrrell has published an in- teresting book ,on Internal Bathing, cxlled "Why Man of To-Day is Onl 50 Per Cont Efficient" which can be had free for the, asking ut. Wm, Croasland's: Drug Store, i Bartie. He will also Be pleased to show a 'und explain the "J.B.L, Cascade" to yon. - Auction if \ W. H: MARTIN earlier. Paid in prizes Balance From Sale of Eggs . Paid in Prizes . Balance .-.. Sale of 24 Cows The undersigned has received 'instructions from 2475 MADE EXHIBITS AT THE SCHOOL FAIRS The Nine Shows held in Sim-|. coe County. last. year bad pense except the prize money which. is-re- ceived as donations from the Township Council, school boards, .Women's Institutes, and interested individuals. On sccount: of 'the fact that much of the 'itioney was col- lected after the Fairs were held the finan- cial statenients have not been 'published. Late as it is we wish to thank all who don- ated for their support, and those who helped out the day of the Fair for their interest. This year we hope to receive the moni Below. is a financial statement of the Fair and J trust that any errors or omissions will be brought to our attention. Rural School Fair Association, F. A. Wiggins, ¥ , District Representative, Oro Township. Financial Statement . $72.80 $62.00 Children 'Cry FOR FLETCHER'S | CASTORIA ' Corset Week at HAVE YOU WORN NEMO CORSETS? This 'make of Corsets is. of American: origin but 'anew | Canadian factory has "been ° established and "Nemo Cor- sets" may now be classified as p-to-daté aie the styles shown at this Store and a -model, entirely different 'to SEE WINDOW DISPLAY - " THE LA DIVA CORSET -- No. 4000, 'as illustrated, is a fashionable:and well-tinished any other model. .The-stays dre made -of. non-rustable woven wire, flexible and guar- Thursday, March-14, 1918. GRADUATED WAR» Those Enjoying .the Highest applied, did, nothing more. than cause a ' national stocktaking, it would serve a | (Received since Dee. 1, 1917) | most usefial purpose. ~ "Maden Canada." < lm) finding favor. ) ERNOAB Sere! and advise stout figures to try this make NOW IN STOCK satisfactory. among our Customers, but if els. " We are Barrie Agents for BUTTERICK PATTERNS and have the largest stock of Patterns in the town. Even j + TAX.ON INCOMES been placed in the Incomes Will Pay Largest Amount. If the income war tax law, about td be Ladies" Auxiligry 2 reducing model as illustrated is particularly géod and is. Price is $5.00 pair Stout, medium or slight figures may find: models here that will suit them, but' we especially. recommend IF YOU HAVE A LIKING FOR FRONT LAC- . ING CORSETS, WE HAVE THEM. 'We have not found front lacing Corsets very favored-by you we have theny in up-to-date mod- . A La Grace Styles. Brassieres front or back fastenings, all sizes 50c., 75c. and $1.00 MILLINERY DEPT. NOW OPEN. BUY YOUR EASTER HAT EARLY. May we imipress upon you the fact that we are sell- ing Millinery at less. A beautiful assortment of factory made Sailors and Trimmed Hats, at very moderate prices Ki ON SECOND FLOOR SPRING DR We endeavor that La Mode has' sell, and you are assured of satisfaction, Buy from Barrie's best Silk and Dress Goods Store. Moore & Arm | strong : Barrie and Guelph Simcoe County Children's Aid Society The monthly meeting of the Executive Was held on March 5th and satisfactory progress wax reported by all committees. Inspector Justice reported another ward had children are under our care. at present. will "be pleased: to hear -of suituble Homes where some of them may be pluced. { The 'following gifts with the thanks of the anteed-"in every way. Any medium 'or. stout figure can wear this particular model . j we comfort and perfect sup- Port. " This self-. of Corsets. No. 125, sizes 19 to 30:.. . .. -$3.00 pr. No. 131, sizes 19 to 30... -. «$8.50 pr. i No. 135, sizes 20 to 36. . 2. «$4.00 pr. line, especially in Barrie." ' No. 152, sizes 20 to 36. eee ee. $5.00 pr. .No. 506, sizes'20 to 36.. see ee $6.00 pr. - find yours.' - Maternity Waists - they are Hygiean Waists. : this Department. SS GOODS AND SILKS show the fabrics, colors, and designs rdained for Spring wear. n war time we stand behind the. goods' we Shelter und that nine He and"A Friend. are acknowledged | --Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. Executive and the (Advertisement) CROMPTON'S A LA GRACE CORSETS This make of Corsets has an éstablished re- . putation as to-both quality and style. - They have been tested and tried and proved to be:a favorite : We carry in stock over 20'different Models in this make. and among them 'surely you may 'High, low or medium Bust. - $1.00 to $4.00 pair Nursing Corsets .. . LADIES--!n our Corset Dept. you 'will 'find a good assortment of Sanitary Goods. STIRRING ACTIVITIES IN COSTUME, WAIST AND DRESS DEPTS. The daily. arrival of new. apparel adds. interest to Exclusive Models at moderate prices. . A great array. to select from:and if-not in Stock we will be pleased: to order 'any.garment you desire. ' . MAIN FLOOR ANNEX. *¥ West, D. Stewart, Presbyterian, Church and Sunday: School, Mrs. I. Drury, Miss N- Hart oo -to Sell by Public Auction at 3 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 5 yr. old, with: calf at 'foot. - « 1 Durham Heifer, with calf at foat, 2 Durham Cows, § and 6 years'old, due to * T Holstein Cow, 7 yrs. old, due by date of hala bk 'Terms of Sale--Six 2.) Of foreash. = "Sale at 1 pm. Sharp. aia - JOS. MARRIN'S YARDS,. BARRIE: : _ SATURDAY, MAR. 16 _- The Following: | The taking of an inventory of one's re- sources invariably induces w desire to save and A desire to save when translated, as it | very frequently: is, into'a determination to | J save, means getting on with the wat, 'as well as happiness all around. This process ;> firet_an inventory' of one's resources, then & slesire to save, applied to-every uniuarried person, or widow and widower without de- pendent, children, receiving an income of $1500 'and' over, and to all 'other persons, receiving ap income of $3000 and over, will unquestionably. result in°a large pro. 2 Ayrshire Cows, 6 years old, due to 1 2 Davham. Heifers, due to calve in calye in March, 7 calve in April. : Durham fod 3. yearg old, die' to income receivers between, will be called portion of éases, in a determination to save. geal u ¥ . 4 A 'And that méans more general prosperity and 1 Bolten Cow, 6 yrs, old, with calf at I Talia 5 yeure old, dut to | rewed national strength, Ps ih ee But -2 national: stock-taking -is only 'in- "4% Portas Cow, 5 years old; with calf at 1 son © yoara-qld, due to calye | sssental' of course: Ge the hie eos foot, ' i "in ome : of the income war tax, which is to pfovide 1 Dosen Cow, 4 years-old, with calf st 1 ie Bier 2 years old, due to {tevenue for the Prosecution of the war in fost. i calve in - i manner 'as) possi The 1. Ayrpbite Heifer, with-ealf at' foot. 1 Holstein: Cow, 6 years old, due to \jtax is to be graduated,' aggording to" one's calve in March. a called upon to pay; those enjoying the high- ae F tat itcomen will be -ealled spon to-pay \ 1 Holstein: Cow, .5-years vid, due by, date © 2° Ayrshire Heifers, due to calve in April. f3 party : be yerng tebe aoakine * 3 Holstein Heifers, due to calve in April. | Stestest amounts, and: the great body Edenvale Women's Institute, $4.00; Mid- Women's Institute, $1.00 with clothing and Friend, 25¢.; Eric Orr, $2.00; 0. 8. Rowe, $5.00. 'Other eash donations have been acknowledged re. cently, Clothing and' Bedding from--Mrs. 7. 'W. Smith, A Friend, G. Vickers, Mrs. MeAr- 'thur, Mrs, F. Loth, Mrs. Fisher, Miss Irwin, 'Miss' Brownlee, Mrs. Cooper, Mrs, J. iary, Fruit and Provisions: from--Mrs, W. A. Lewis, Mrs. McPherson, Mrs. Lyon, Mrs. the | Ch : : March. ; : a tereanet, the purpose of the sete Brecisteriaa' -The-above are a Choice:Lot of Cows. 'Parties requiring 'any |ciams By way of Uiuertion, the tamer |e Gece will'do well to attend. All sold without, reserve. prick cheareag thar scree wis : : . 3. | preteta which his own' family 'communes, Ss mionths' credit will be given to parties | Ths place ihe reo row wren furnishing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. Pee annus op: conuer| inthe income reeived | W. A. McCONKEY, Auct. | ney at 3 : Sree = Ales > Fe Bi] hurst Women's Auxiliary, $5.00; Dalton | April 1913. Dear ,Friend--God give me a" message. that Jesus-would return in about nineteen und a half years to -gather'up his elected T-warn you to be' reudy: for his call: James Chapman,. Missionary, /7, rue d'Heliopolis, Alger: IL-lp N. Africa hy i i Canadian Government and Municipal Bonds . $1.25 pair ..... $2.00 per pair «++ 39c, 50c, 75c:and $1.50 _ Girls only in <charge. COAT, MAIL ORDERS receive prompt and 'care- ful attention always. Rur- al telephone 'orders filled and goods sent first mail. e ~ WOULD YOU LIKE $1 iets the (Pelephone Girls, Mrs. R. Paton, irs. Ross, Mrs. Morton, P; * Fair, Mrs. 3 MacLaren, Give tad Linden Connor, Gre: | TO $2 DAILY AT HOME, more, rt lex L, J Higes, Clifford West, Allan TE nee KNITTING. SOCKS, ON AUTO KNITTERS ? EXPERIENCE UNNECES- SARY. Send 3-cent stamp. Department 406 C. Auto Knitter Company, College St., Toronto If yo know 'df a homeless hild or: a childless home, com- municate with the Simcoe. County Children's Aid' Society. | Box 91.4 ° Barrie, - ; (Se? rv

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