Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1918, p. 12

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Alliston is considering an in- dustrial. proposition from the Veterinary Specialty Co,,"Toran- to, to establish their plant in that town.: A:guarantee of debentur- es to the éxtent of $25,000 is' asked. 2 ° In . Orillia, only: one "regular policeman is paid py' the town, and: $50 Covers. the services: of: extra constables. One -night- ~watchman is employed at $19.25 per weck. He covers only g cer- tain beat, and 'property benefited is charged up with his services, The Town- Council should have}" no. hesitation in renewing last year's: monthly grant to-the Bar- rie Branch of the, Red Cross Soc- jety. This grant supplementing the.voluntary subscriptions of the ment to the self-sacrificing wo- men 'of all denominations inde- fatigably engaged in. this work: With. a view to 'still further re- lieving the ladies of: their -fin- ancial. burden and encouraging them jn their labors, a canvass of the town is to be made next week, when it is hoped to secure prom- ises of monthly subscriptions that will provide funds adequate to the work the Barrie bran¢h' has un-. dertaken to perform. It is to be hoped that the response' wilt be lgeneral and in keeping with the growing needs of the cause. The Thessalon Advocate points out that twenty country news- Papers have gohe out of busin during the past year. Four times that number should have gone out of business years agoe--bettet still if they never had been start- citizens is of 'great eneourage- 'Mrs. M.-J. York and Clarence York have gone for a 'short. visit 1o Toronto. % Millinery Openings 'at 31 Collins', Allandale, on Monday and Tuesday, Mar. 18 and 19. ~Mrs...C. D. Robinson"-has re~ turned hoine to Buffalo after a pleasant visit to relatives here. Mrs. Stringer of Port Dover and Mr, and Mrs. Moore, Alliston, vi Frank Hill this Taylor has moved _ his family-to Toronto, he having been transferred to the G. T. R. shops there. + Mrs. Lawrence, Cumperland St., has, reached home after a few weeks' visit in Hamilten and other places. * Miss Sylvia MeMorran retarned on Thursday after a three-weeks' visit with her sistergMrs. Fryer, Toronto. Mrs..S. Summers and' Miss Irene Summers -havoe returned home .after a. pleasant: visit in Toronto. ' F. Guilfoyle has moved his family to Collingwood. He has been appointed: assistant-engin- eer on the Reeton-Collingwood Passenger train. © 8.0.E; meat tomorraw' (Friday) > 4 at' 8:00 p.m. the Orange Hall, when the Supreme Presi- dent, Bro. D. J, Proctor of Tor- onto, will pay his, official visit. Mr..and Mrs. T: H. Anderson and daughter of Lethbridge, Alta., visited with their neice, Mrs. R. H.- Stone, Cumberland St., last week.. They left for their home on Monday. Mrs. Royce will give a Sham- rock tea at her residence, Burton Ave., on Monday, March 18, from 4to7. The proceeds will be given fo the building. fund of. the .pro- posed new St. George's Memorial Hall, v.. Under the new time table,.Col- linzwood. gels a night connection with Toronto. via,' the Beeton branch. It is reported that the Beeton train is to be run'to -Mea- ford, giving the latter town. alsq the benefit of the night and morning service. On Friday evening of last week, home of Mr. and Mrs. James Mun- to, in honer of Mrs. Frank Guil- foyle,-who is leaving for her new home in Collingwood. About, 45 guests were preset. Supper was served at 12 o'clock. A pleasant evening was spent in cards and dancing. GRAND OPERA CTT UALS NUH ETE = AN-ARTC wok It sounds ble, dos: maybe it isn't. Come and see, This is one of the mos leased by: Arteraft, and is. considérads to: be Fairbanks' best work thus far, either on stage . Vases 'and sta 'Adults; 16c. Children, Ain addition, one of those very 'entitled "Gall and Golf," will be sh SPECIAL--1 tctus of the.'De LaSalle-Barrie * Hockey Gai , nounced at the end of each SS a = am COMING FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAR: 15 and 16 'DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN "REACHING FOR THE MOON" .THE PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR tuary are demolished, beautiful draperies ruined atid costly furniture, wrecked. *+ An Extraordinary*Production. Don't Fail to See It. fortheMoi FT PICTUR 4 sn"iit? Well, niaybe it is and expensive -productions ever re- or séreen, He. First show, 7.30... Big V. Comedies, also Ford Film. me in. Toronto will be an- period Saturday night. a Farewell Party was given at the |: ed: "In many cases the weeklie: Jere;'mere side isgues;'the pub. lishers. being: interested. in' from one to half a dozen other and more lucrative business enter-| prises. The weeding put process! will continue with greatly accel-' only real newspapers with an amply remunerative territory will survive.. We confidently predict that the time is coming----is, not far\ distant, 'in. fact--when from two \to three weeklies at the: out- side, \will be published in. each county\or district. The 6ld law of the survival of the fittest \is bound to .work out in the news- paper business as in évery other line of human' endeavor.--Burk's Falls Arrow. z Here is the way the Food Con- troller shows it pile: up: (41) One teaspoonful of-sugar wasted by each person: insevery day (2) . Means . fifty-five . tons wasted -per day, : (3) 19.925 tons 'per- year, (4) Valued at 10e. per pound, this\equals. $3,985,090. (6\ A fighting aeroplane is worth #9000 | (6) This waste would pur- chase a fleet of 265 aeroplanes. Is this waste going on in your family? Stroud Curlers Won Local curlers enjoyed a visit from the: Stroud rinks on Monday; games being play- ed both afternoon and evening. The ice was in prime condition and 'the jolly fellow- ship and good sportsmanship of the. visitors made the contests very pleasant. Stroud: yon out by 8 shots as the following scores' show :-- Evening Barrie + Stroud 'Dr, Hurt R. A, Sutherland Hy. Amold LP. Foster W.N, Duff D. W. Lennox 0.G. Hart, sk 9 A.W. Green, sk 12 M. Welker 'L. Black D. R. Murchison Rev. Clement R. H. Webb ©. R. Black W.A. J. Bell, sk 15 Ben Webb, sk 15 A. T. Galt B. McConkey A.V. Donaldson Bert MeConkey D. C. Murchison B. Meredith. R. F. Garrett, sk 10H. Meredith, sk 17 L. Wood ° "\ W. Latimer W. Salter R. Webb W. Moore L. Guest Milne, sk 12S, Meredith, sk' 8 : "Afternoon = R. Tyrer B. McConkey G. Webb Bert. MeConkey D. R. Murchison B. Meredith LRH, Webb, sk 19 H. Meredith, sk 12 W. Rainford T. Foster A. J."Sarjeant R. A. Sutherland F. Garrett A. W. Green R. A. Stephens, .#k 6 D. W. Lennox, sk 15 Majority for Stroud $ shots. Lecture-by Dean O'Malley The next lecture under the uuspices of the Wonten's Institute. will 'be held in Tri ity Parish Hull, Thurday, March 21, By special request' Dean O'Malley has ' been asked to give "The Merchant of Venice," niot only because the, public gengeally will be interested in this play, bui is it would be specially. interesting und Ofneficiul for the C. I. students, who ure at present stu ing-it. 'The other features of the entertain. ment will be given by some-of the Collegiute pupils and the following programine: speaks for itvelf:--Instrimental. Duet,- The Mises Mary -and Helen "Hoss; Shakespearean Solo, "Who is Sylvia," Miss Helen Turner; Le ture, "Merchant of Venice' Rev. 'Dean O'Malley; "'Sherlocks" by Burbeck, Colle- giate Victrola; Portia's Mercy Speech, Miss Flora MacMurchie. There will be a silver collection. | TRINITY CHURCH ~-- March 17, 1918. Fifth Sunday in Lent 8.30--Hely Communion, , 11,00--Morning Prayer and Sermon. 3.00--Sunday School and Bible Classes 7:00--Annusl service of Women's. Auxil iary'to Missions. Preacher at "both services Rev. W: A. Earp, B.A', missionary, to India, on fur ough. REV. H. D. RAYMOND, Vicar. Collier St. Methodist Church : Sunday, March 17 Services morning and evening held in Church proper. The Pastor. 8: Special Session, ie Pastor. |" BAPTIST CHURCH " Corner Clapperton \& Worsley Sts. Minister--W. Harris 'Wallace, Sunday, March 17, 1918 mi, Barrie Markets Thursday Wholesale Prices. beaten ed erated speed' from now on 'and|) . BEAUTIFUL VOILE DRESS GOODS Agent 45 pieces of Lovely Cotéon. Voiles for ~ you stili. can buy' good aour $20.00 and $25.00 . that is-no better. - money can get, Come on Total a A 78 | NEW SPRING MILLIN! IERY On Display Come to. our showrooms for the first glimpse of New and Stylish Spring Millinery, With Misses Marshall and Lawlor in otras rge We have. secured from a Manufacturer's Dresses. Exquisite Designs on light grounds, in_stripes, spots, checks and plaids in the prettiest. effects. Some patterns are printed, others embroidered; they are the prettiest lot we have ever had and range in price from 75c., S85c. and $1:00. As a-speciai introductory. offer We have marked the price for one week only | at yard .. ' 5 of the. showroom: and Miss McCall in c! of Trimming, Staff, you are ensured of a vice segend to. none. It is. our endeavor to. supply you with the newest dictates of Fashion at the most reason-- able prices and with this end in view, have 80. |- secured a grand'collection'of shapes and trim- mings---We invite your. inspection. Special in 'Women's White Silk Blouses, $1.! 48 only, Women's. Ivory White Blouses of good q Habutui Silk,.3 different, styles, plain'and tucked. Sizes 44,.. These are.all new goods and-gffered for one week at the price.; Our regular $2.50 and $2.75. Special ......:. $1. AREAL BARGAIN f Miss Davies, Miss Nash, Miss Tymon Our. Graduate Corsétierres will deem ita privilege to demonstrate how . the new Gossards, designed. for your particular figure type, will) eliminate excess. flesh as if by magic, producing a slimy figure, a.tapering waist line and perfectly flat back and -hip lines. ~ Gossards are the only front lacing Corsets that /completely~ conform to Fashion's lings: ' We offer these néw Gossards at 0, $2.50, $3,50, $5.00-and up. Our speciatived Corset Service 'assures you complete satisfaction. --MEN-- Despite the advancing cost of clothes production: clothes at'a very moderate «| price; provided you buy. . them at the right place-- HERE-- Which: is to_say that Suits .are' - surpassingly good, clothes to*be selling at this modest' sum; for there is much clothing be- ing sold at.a higher price So if you want a Suit and want the best, value that ready in and see. . Special Clearing "Nemo" Corsets F - We-haye about 20 pairs "Nemo" R. MALCOMSON, Mgr. Corsets that ae slightly counter soiled. The models are suited tothe slight, Jnedium and full figures. Sizes 20 to 30. Regular $4.00 and $4.50. Clearing Price $2.45 TRY OUR MAIL ORDER SERVICE ie shopping is done as well'as-though you were here 0 ; VICTOR VICTROLAS 'AND RECORDS Choose from Stock lo chopse---orders of $5.00 and up' sent carriage prepaid. we ke¢p no books for this department, orders will not he ac- knowledged. without, cover purchase, also sufficient to cover postage. If tog.much is sent halance will be-returned. GEO. VIC. i eee et See A Truck for the Farmer pare equipment which will effect a time and labor- ving, and. therefore a money-saving, must be care- fully considered by every good farmer nowadays 4 » The farm wagon, which for years was the most useful of all farm equipment, is now being replaced on the best farms by a sturdy, dependable motor truck. The truck will haul any farm product--fruit, grain, vegetables, stock, fertilizer, or wood--around the farm, or to the - town or city many miles distant, in half the time, and at.a much lower cost. --. 5 ; es The Ford One-Ton truck:is a rapid, economical 'and very serviceable means of rt.- One of these on your farm will save you weeks of time in a single season and will enable you topass through a crisis of igbor short- age with less difficulty. j : _ The Ford truck is spliod as a chassis only. This per- mits you to select any of the many body. styles especially designed for the Ford truck and already on the market, ' Thus you/ean mount the one-which suits your individual requirements. : ioe Price $750 f.0.b. Ford, Ont. fi: ERS |

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