These gloves are 'Perri we will ie for one week only, sizes SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN OUR SHOWING OF FABRICS FOR SPRING AND S' An American fubric called "Pontoon Shantung." Comes in 36 inch width and in.colors Marine and Japan Blue, Rose, , This saterial has a beautiful appearance and will:give 'splendid wear. .$1.35 yd. Reseda, Jusper, Cluy and White. Novelty Palm Peach std Satin-Striped Gabardines and SILK POPLINS ARE MUCH IN DEMAND > For Skirts, Dresses or Summér Costumés this fabric may .be used." We. show it in about ten colors and the quality .is good. BUTTERICK PATTERN AGENCY Thousands of patterns in stock. "THE DELINEATOR," Canada's foremost Fashion Magazine, may be: had at the Pat- tern' Counter. TOO MANY BLACK KID GLOVES "YIN STOCK 'guaranteed. make. Today's felling. price should bé $1.75 pait; but to lighten our stock sizes 5% to 7% at..$1.29 pr. FACTORY MADE MILLINERY AT.LOWER PRICES ° The war has wrought great changes. purpose. showi good assortment of. you. moderate --B5¢ and $1.00 yd. While our stock of Ready-to- Wear. Tepresents an investment of several thous- and dollars and we have an immensé..variety to choose from, still we do snot We, however, will be glad to order any partic- : ular style of garment youdesire and assure you of satisfaction in every case. $1.50: yd. pretend to say we can'please all. in the Millinery 'Situation, People 'are_economizing and demanding lower priced hats. . "To meet the situation we factory-made -hats and a -visit to our Millinery Salon 'will give you an idea what s 'saving this change will mean to Every model is absolutely authentic or we would. not show. it * / HATS IN A COMBINATION OF STRAW AND SATIN ARE VERY one We. stow thése"in a variety of styles and all are. very: feamennee $2,98, $3.25, $3.50 and-$3:98 'Beautiful Frerich and New York eraluctions are coming from our- Own fori "Thursday, Match 7, 1918, AN OLD PURCHASE OF WOOL SERGE - This Serge is suitable for Dresses or Costumes and well- worth $2.00 yard, indeed we cannot "replace the quality at Jany price. Colors Saxe, Copen and Navy Blues, Russisn and' Myrtle 'Greens,..Java' Brown, Sea Gull Grey, Prunelle ind Black. -- Speci = -$}-50 yard yA VAST SHOWING OF CURTAINS, AND CURTAININGS DIRECT FROM UNITED STATES Having Heed orders for these toffer them at. less, Novelty, Margiisette, Bice and Net Curtains, lace 'and insertion trimmed, ranging in price from .. Similar materials by the yard in good variety. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS AT." SPECIAL PRICES These goods afe almost uriproourable at present. over by the English Government, A COMPREHENSIVE ASSEMBLAGE OF:NEW SPRING APPAREL IN OUR - READY-TO-WEAR DEPT.--MAIN FLOOR ANNEX We boast of this Depariment being-among the best in this County. deavor to show garments that have style and quality that will satisfy our customers. Our prices in the majority of cases are less than city'stores. _ Costumes from $16.50 to $36.00 One piece Dresses $6.50 to $23.00 Kimonas $1.25 to $6.50. Separate Coats $15.00 to $27: 50 Silk and Cloth Skirts $4.25 to'$13.98 Children's Garments of all kinds. Blouses by the hundred in Silks, Crepes, Voiles; Etc. Shipment of Tweed Raincoats for. Ladies and Children. oore & Armstrong "2 Miss Carley in 'goods beforggtbe recent, advances we can . Some' von Values still shown af this Store. $2.00: to $7.00 pai 2Be to 75 yard Mills Hinve been taken +. While they last-85¢ to $5.00 pair SELECT YOUR DRAPERIES EARLY. AND BE PREPARED FOR THE HOUSECLEANING SEASON Nevier-havo.qe 'shown' b:nlote variety af Canieo' Shatioww Cloths, Art Cretonries 'and Sateens, Chintzes, Madras, Etc. Just what you need for Side Curtains, Ete. We en- y = 'Select Early. CRUM'S STANDARD PRINTS This, print is old quality end would have to be sold -at ~ 45c. if bought. from the maker now, It pays to buy the, an CANADIAN PRINTS AND: GINGHAMS, SHIRTINGS, DRILLS; GALATEAS and all the staple lines for every day use may be selected in our big Staple Department. Compare our prices. : OUR CAP NET FOR THE HAIR 10c. : : This net is made of buman hair and is the most popular-hair net in the trade to- Wear "ee once and -you will buy none other. s+ HOe each! Barrie and Guelph | News rom 'Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents BIG BAY POINT March 5-~A -very enjoyable evening was spent at the- home of Mr. and-Mrs, Ed. Guest in 'welcoming Pte. Ernest Carter, who has returned from France. An -address was "read by J., Armistrong 'and C, Irwin. presented him with a purse of money, 'The rest of the evening was spent in music and games, after which luich was served. After "God Save the King" was sung the friends proceeded liome in the early hours of the morning. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Webb -whoéwere 'recently married. We. extend Mrs. Webb a hearty welcome to the community: Mr. Armstrong and Miss Mabel Armstrong of Quebec visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs," H. B. Armstrong last. week, Bert Irwin is spending "s few days at his home here. Edwin Robinson is: moving to H: B. Armstrong's on the 18th concession, E., Guest'in not improving as fast as his "friends would like to see. Miss Hrins Webb is visiting in Stroud, ANGUS March 4---Howard Stribbell 'arid sister Maggie left for the West on Monday night, Mrs. Julius Scots" is visting her brothér in Stayner, 4 Mish Annie Sargeant returned home last week from Midland where she spent a eee with her brother, Harry Sargeant. Mr. find Mrs, Andy' Heatherington of the West are visiting at Wellington Dean's. Everard 'West .of Toronto spent a few days with his-parents, Dr. and Mrs. West. Sargeant-W. V. Muir and.wife came up from Toronto ast week to visit the forme Ghother, Mrs, Thos, Muir who is very Wm. Milne of Stayner visited his father, eter Milne, last_week. Mrs, 'Tikton and daughter June visited friends in Thornton Inst week. MINESING Rev. F, L. Brown will preach on the Min- esing circuit: next Sunday, Mar, 10, as fol. lows:---Minesing at 11m, Edenvale at 3 pam; and Anten Mills at 7 pan: As Mr, Brown is to present to the congregations the imiportant question of Union with the Pres- byterian. congregations in this community, it is very desirable that the congregation at each uppointment be well represented. Friends here were sorry to learn of the very serious illness of William Jones, near Minesing Station. The Union' Prayer Meeting last Tuesday, Feb. 26, in charge of Richard 'Plowright was well attended and proved to bé very interesting and profitable. _ The next 'ser- vice, Tuesday, Mar. 5, is to be: led by Lloy Livingston. Notwithstanding the very iey roads an! the many families afflicted in this commun. ity, the pastor of the Methodist Church wae greeted with a large and. appreciative con- gregation last Sunday. HAWKESTONE | March 5--T. H. McMahon has purchased Mrs.- Calvert's ptoperty and is moving to our village this week. Mrs. Campbell has sold her house ang lot to Mr. Wells of. Toronto. T. A. Stone left last- week for Ottawa for 'a short visit. John Cameron and J. Roe shipped a car- oes, of stock this week. Mrs. E. V. Kendall returned home after 4 few days' visit with her mother, Mrs. Reevie, Shanty Bay. 'A large number of our young people at- tended the dance at D. B. Burnhardt's, on Wednesday night. R. A. Stephens on Sale. 50 Boys' Norfolk Suits fitting Styles,-- BLACK SUITS ce) $0 Delon. tie iat, THE CLOTHING MAN JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT . OF BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS From the New Era Clothing Co., which. we have passed into, Stock.and are now 50 Children's Norfolk: Suits 75) Pairs Boys' Qdd Bloomers 35. Young Men's Suits--Trenich and close" All the above' Clothing has just come to hand and in the -very Latest Styles. WE HAVE EXTRA VALUES IN MEN'S BLUE WORSTED, "GREY AND Ep pera pce arcane roe --_-- = | WE HAVE ALL SIZES IN CARHARTT'S )VERALLS AND from 32 to 50, in plain. blues, 'blacks , and blue and -white stripes, fast colors. é AGENCY for PARKER'S DYE WORKS, R.A. Stephens Sizes | friends in Alliston: IVY March 5--Mrs. J..A. Lennox' is spending @ couple of weeks with friends in Toronito. A. farewell. social evening was 'given in the hall to LT. Letnox Last Wednesday evening before his return West thank him' for the fine roose head.which he pre- sented to the Hall, It if truly a:beautiful ornament and a testimonial to Mr. Lenhox's sportsmianship. _ The evening was spent, in | games and 4° bountifal- lynch was given After which 'Mr. Watson Hook the' ehair, Short atldresses were giveh tye R. Lowery, PLANT STEELE BRIGGS SEEDS FOR INCREASED PRODUCTION Packets listed are contained in our boxes supplied Mefeiants throughout Variety Az. -tihb.- 1b. om | G..L, Davis and others. | F. Banting: read Beans Black Seeded Wax the adress to Mr. Lennvig, AML wih Mr. Beet" Early Blood Turnip : Lennox every success" and hype he, will soon ; pe Matra: return to make. his home The Len: Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield. 1.75 nox Orchestra. furnished fine music, Carrot Scarlet Nantes ... 1:20 | After the singing of "God Save the King," all' went home feeling tke evening 'had bern very pleasantly 'spent, Dr. and Mrs." Davis of (Shelburne are spending a few days ut-the\former"s home Mr..and Mrs, G. Davis, Sr. Mr. 'Lynn has rented and has moved in. Ly Lynn and family a hean Miss Irene Hatton attack of tonsilitis. Harold Arnold. has aaa D. Gauley's farm, Rev. Mr. Dew is not getting better ax quickly ss his many friends would 'like. Reggie Arnold has bought a new driver. llenog "Wilh 'Ai Mr. and: Mrs, W. Carruthers huve moved, | and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Martin are moving to the place the former left. , George Speers Jost a valuable horie 'last | week. | STROUD March 5---Miss Jessie Webb is visiting Mrs. Donbar has returned bome after visiting Mrs.'S, J. Reynolds. Miss 'Mn. and Mrs, A, Moffatt, Barrie, 'Corn 'Cucumber Lettuce Onion Parsley Peas Radish Squash Extra Early Cory Improved: Long Green Toronto Gem..... Yellow Globe Danvers Fine 'Triple Curled 'Premium Gem Scarlet Turnip White Tipped Hubbard .. Tomato S. B.'s Earliest of All 'Turnip S.-B.'s Selectéd Swede 'Sweet Peas: S.'B.'s Best' Mixture Nasturtium -Tall Mixed.. "Above prices all include postage.: ~ Order now, either direct or through yout local merchant." B Write for Catalog| STEELE BRIGGS SEED G Cooney, Ouk Ridges," and Mise J ie Len: {Iroquois Falls. | 4 'rordato, sone & very 'appropriate ser- | nox,-Aurora, were: guests of Mra. D. Lennox | VIGO over the week-end. - L. Robertson ix holitlaying in "Toronti. F. W, Peacock was in Clarksburg. this March 6----Nupse Wanless has returned to Torento. after spending her last leave with friends here before going overseas. weeic utiending the funeral of an aunt, Mise Elsie Nelson hits gone onan extend: | ed visit to the West | Miss Bertie Patterson hax returned to | | | Mrs. D. Lennox entertained: the officers {and committee of the U-Tri Club lust Thurs da evening. All report a good time, Mist Tula Gordon is holidaying: at her | home here. ne Miss Teanie Sutherland 'is visiting, her brother, R. A: Sutherland. UTOPIA March 4--The Seventh: Line contributed |to the Red Cross" Rooms oi Saturday last | $2.40, W. Harve and family are'moving to their imew home-near Cookstown - this week. | Utopia ie sorry t0:loee' Mr: snd Mir Harris | and: family as they. are good citizens and hope they will have abundant success' in | | their new home. Miss 8. McGinnis of Elmvale spent last 'week with Mise E. Ellis Mrs, P. Connor is improving nicely. Mr. and Mra Geo. Elis left for: ther | home at Marengo, Sask, last Monday after an extended 'visit. with friends. here. fon in St. Georges Chireh an Sandy morning. _ MINESNG ST: 'ATION J. J. Dumond of Brentwood spent Fri at A" Potts'. j Miss Irene Potts spent last week with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs James A Smith, Elmvale, Miss Funnie.:Priest hae returned home, jafter spending some time With 'her sister, Mrs. Harry Rowell of Minesing, Miss H. Slaven is sick in Toronto. DALSTON The meeting of 'the . Women's: Institute will be held 'at the home of Mix..G. Wilson on (Thursday, Mer. 14. Mra "G, W. L: Hickling will address the meeting on "Hard- woot Floors and Their Care." | "There will be a knitting contest for which prizes will be given. Come and take part in' contest, Music also will be provided. The concert on Monday night was well attended and was @ financial sucess, the sum: of $22:50 being realized. Canada' s Victory Bonds: Fee from dnreine Tax "Of the Dominion. of 'Canada. + SY per cent. Interest "Payable June Ist and December' Ist. Denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000. 1927 or 1937. LEFROY | March 4--Mrs. ©. Powers of New York spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. nd. { Mt. \N. Grose: The windstorm of Monday. night blew of ¥ portion of the roof.of W. Rogerson's harn and also moved "ome fish houses to the other 'side of the lake. Mr. snd Mrs, Angus King: of Keswick visited at the home of her brother, L Morton, on Sunday. . Miss Ida Rogerson has returned from visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs: 'Nosh Grose entertained a. large 'number. of their friends oti Friday evening 'in hohof of their 'nephew, R: Cax- ning, RPC. Mr. Scott and-his wife (nee Agnes King} are spending a few days with' rela- tar in this vicinity before returning te the st Ohildren Ory. 4 FOR FLETCHER'S: : { = AST ah LA: