tion. 'In former days wé had 30 bushels to the acre in old Ontario, to-day 19-is the average, while in the De Country, where the lana T AVA LE NEXT WINTER LARGE DEPUTATION FROM YORK AND SIMCOE WAS FAVORABLY RECEIVED BY PREMIER HEARST LAST WEEK. - ~ (Newmarket Era) mx The Government of Ontario is * at least cognizant of one fact, and that is that the people of New- -- market atid Aurora are.thorough- * ly alive to the- necessity of a Jarger fuel supply for. next win- er, thas been tilled for centuries, they | grow an average of 32 bushels to j- the acre\with the assistance of fertilizers, which are lying dor- mant at our deors.. 3 The serious outlook for' next - : r winter was emphasized 'by Mayor ment Buildings in Toronto and|Sprott of Barrie, -Mr, Thos, Evans, were presented oSir Wm. Hearst, |0f Bradford, Reeve MacDowell' of Peemier -of the Province, at the|Midlaid, and Mr. J. M. Walton of head of 'the stairs, being intro-|Aurora, also calling atteritian to duced by Mr. G. $. Henry, mem-|the central location of. the' Hol- ber for East York, land beds and the facilities' for Mr.-P. W.. Pearson, transportation. reeve of Newmarket, was the first vokgaderst er eset eens f Wears out. Records Nuisance of Constant : ging deputy- On February 27th, a delegation | spoake, and in 'a very concise, of about, 200 'people from theljogica' and methodical. manner |"ead_@ letter of hearty. endorse. ment of the scheme by the Board of Trade of St, Thomas and pre- sented ms/signed by thous- ands of ayers in the two Counties asking for immediate action by thé Government, Ja reply to-the deputation, sir William stated. that there would he no chance of 'having. peat or the winter of 1918, as it would be a physical intpossibility: far the peat lo be prepared, "He agreed with the deputation that the: sit- uation next winter would not be Counties of York and Simcoe, in-|stated the fuel conditions' as they cluding two special cars filled. at exist today, the possibility of a Newsiarkét, and Aurora arid the substitute in, Peal, giving a brief remainder from Bradford and|hist ry of its operations in this Barrie and other places on the Province 'and its production in G. T. R., as well as those' frém|mar elablle form at a cost of $1.- the Mt. Albert section .on thd|ga 4 pr fon and -used: with satis. other. G. T. R..liné, met in a body faction in the city of Ottawa, the in the Main Hall, of the 'Parlia- presence of 14,000 acres of a igs licher valtic of peat within 35 S - ines of Toronto, the value, of ; Hacking Coughs Hydro to. the Province, and the opportunity of developing an in- dustry sécond:orily to food pro. Fox tak [duction in this: Province in its !less serious than it had been we ing coughs jimportanee, 'and asked immed_|Winter. The: question {of seve = ~the "kind ; jate action by the Government to|PiNg peat- was receiving {he careful attention, of 'the. Govern. ment, and a large sum was being axked: in the e for' carry- ing on the work of investigation. The Government already had the best expert available investigat- ing in England new methods of manufacture. "Sir William ve: strongly emphasized the necessity of municipal councils throughout the province organizing to meet: that make your throat sore and: & your herd ache, that rob you of your sleep until You" are so run down that you aré in danger, of pneumonia or consumption --take give us a native fuel and make [us -independent. of ia foreign jeountry, Mr. Thos. Griffith, Warden of the County of York, spoke of the action of the County 'Council in the matter and endorsed the pro- position, = . Mr. Geo. Brodie, representing ;the United Farmers' Associdtion Thus does this Pathe' Sapphire Ball give you better music and more enjoy- ment from your instrument, as well as ensures longer life to your. records Here's 'the Pathe' guarantee : ' é "Every Pathe' Record is guaranteed to play at east one thous and times without impairment to the unexcelled beauty of tone " Chamberlain's of Ontario, spoke: entirely from| the situation next winter. He Cough Remedy. |the farmer's standpoint in an ad- promised that the government, | uy Peotlies, : 7 mirable and ipree manner, He would not besitate 'to. take what- = and heals 2 inte ene Wi 0! eh ti ereared Gam" Gabe | One farmer. in thie "section oon Hens (were: thought advis. i ee ee ities fountry that was not using coal.| ign' fe grote fuel emergongy. 7 4 stops the tickling in the throat, || Country ng Hon. @. Howard Ferguson. ahs 124 by ite tonic emeees helps you | |The, demands of production "and| yoy that there wera. suppties Chamberlain's to throw off the disease, . 8 quite different * the 'scatcity of help would: not permit of the fime to redice the of wood available in Algonquin Park and that under government Ifyou are planning 'to buy a -phond- to play, Pathe" Reécords--or -- better from the ordinary cough medicine, remaining trees to fire%ood. Be- supervision it could. be cut chy raph, you should certainly hear 'th ' = , " j ate t » cE 2 : Is 'aph, e 'still -- any. Pathe' agent will muke f 'Reale, Fagen ,osthes but ates | |sides the-trees have a far more] municipalities who 'applint: tee Pathe' "ou will be onchatees by its. "you a liberaltallowatee for we ieee fh 2 eaithy ondition fare eae nie he hele Indlusne Permission to do 'so. his wood wonderful.tone. If you already have a change for one.of the new Pathe Period b j sere rare male and the neces-lonutd he laid-down in Toccete and aph, ite si i i the 'best and most rel; , eould a n graph, it be easil: juipped Designs Preparation even prodacey tele | {sary rainfall, dis well as the home! Hamilton: al one halt the :present Phonograph, it can op Capp ee ; = ofthe many birds' which destroy looxt of woot. The peat question Send. for the PATHE CATALOGUE. 11 contaitis sciegtifces planation of! a the. injurious insects, In addi-| wag being taken up by the Gov exrlusive Pathe! methods of recording and reprieve Sound, loyither with "ps tion to peat as a fuel he pointed erninent, and experts were work- interesting chats on Period Furniture, Wil be thatled free upon request, bees] out that the bi-produet was one|yne nent & question, * as : ' : ' i te of the most essential. commodit- ema : by by teak ia ene need a THE PATHE FRERES PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 'OF CANADA, LIMITED whe 2 TORONTO. :. CANADA . of 1 f ' gual : : cone * = # view Ta SRT ae é "oF ele j «© 'a = . wou! } : ¥ eed ? rrett's Music Store 2 . . Ss : SIC 1 r Phone 259 w anni head | a 3 | ; : | RD and Cookstown: - .| to be supplied by the Hydro-Electrie Power. i HOW FORD MOTOR Co. A very pleasant evening was spent at the | Commision of Onto $2358 | IS HELPING ALLIES | home ct My ama Meee Raymer on'! " And tht the said:By-Law of the Corpora. pect | a Friday of lant week when their Fiend end } tion of the County of Simece was registred Pics 5 ing |Mighbors to the number of about fifty [rine ees ces fh rg : Submarine "CHasers, Flying |rigtor {the nuter of Mre, Rey. | coe on the 131M doy of egy oa rae Machine Cylinders, Etc., thats daughter aah Shale Ard) Any iotion to. quash or set sds ths ular i ji z u same or 'any "part theréof must be main "ea Made in Its Factories. sented with silverware each. " An. address |84R€ pp F war rend ig Tie ces eb ellie | Sesi ae oate SOL be 'pubii- taken cation of this 'notice 'and cannot. be: maie thereafter, ° . 4 Dated 14th diy of ebriary, '1918, 8-10 R. J. FLETCHER, Clerk of County of Siineo suitable: replies were made and -all joined in singing "Blest Be' the Tie that - Binds.". After 'spending nearly forty-five years in Sunnidale on the farm' where. they still live Mr. and. Mrs, Raynier. intend moving to. Stayner' next week. Best wishes were -ex. tended to Mr. and Mrs. Raymer and daugh- ters upon going to their new home in Stay. ner, und hopes thet they would -still live | many years to enjoy it. i ------------ --Upholstering and furniture repairing sieatly done. by competent workmen 9 |_ A month ago .the daily prodtiction of the | Ford is due |, and secondly : BY-LAW. NO. 1261. Of the Corporation of the County of Sim-oe pany ut Detroit are making all ihe eylinders | for every Liberty flying machine motor that is being built in the 5 ates, wind they are | also building a certiin nutuber of these 1 Liberty motors complete, Notice is thereby was passed-by the:Counicit of the Corp tion of. the, Cotinty of Simcoe on -the authorizin Tn additio: this, Mr. Ford is maki 4 Kinds of tee stampings nich ae Range | Dodgal Bros. ; *5* lCounty of Simeoe' to guarantee debe sheaths for swords, in fact every kind of} Read 'The Examiner Adlet Column to. be ind by' the. Comporatinn "of ; age {equipment that oan be made in steel stamp- | <eeeeanereerenssartennsionnisieaanes | ing. He hus also undertaken to build COUNTY BY-LAWS from two hundred to one tholisand sub. | marine chasers. Thexe oui are tro ku, | . BY-LAW NO, 1256... _ Of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe No. 359 of. the said jSerporation of the' Village of Becton, for system in the dred: feet lorig. with a 25 ft. "beam, and will be built compicte by the Ford Motor Com- | }pany even to the equippime of the 'power |plunt. These of course ure steel boats, supplied by the Hydro-Electric Power Cam - Pod 4 'yHO IS THIS DR. CHASE?" we know him was to love him. He inspired The first one has" already been completed; |. Notice is' hereby Biven 'that a By-Law " are sometimes asked by ons: , confidence and respect, and made lasting | it however, instead of being rivetted togeth toe ae Can a ee phere er in the regular way, was bolted together, [It is now being torn apart and sufficient |parts'are being. made from these patterns | | to put together the first two hundred boute, These bdats are going to be built. on tr: "Who know his medicines, but are fri wherever he went. not familiar with his "interesting life™.. <a aus 1 happened that when Dr. Chase story. ~7 Placed his most successful prescriptions on the a " market, so that the people might obtain them more readily, they met with a reception in Canada os rs: the Corporation' of the to the amount of $9,000.00 under By-Law No. 259. of the x The boyhood days of Dr. A. W. Chase elling crane similar to the way curs are cation of were spent in the vicinity. of Buffalo, N.Y,, 9" Well.as inthe United States. Srccmbled, | On all these boats, Liberty.| ssid Corporation of the Village of Totten | is notice and cannot be mace = aad as he haa pot pee ae a Rae Rizal sr from Mr. Parish will give you some motors and' pressed steel parts, Mr. Ford is |ham for the purpose of paying for the' | thereafter. . ii "4 idea Ow Dr. Chase's Medicines became known 'installation of, a system in the said Village Dated 14th' day of February, 1918; J : f profit} th all 2 i cal doctor, Ke took the first: opportumity. througnest' Genase: bree eat ot Arecioan Gane ret ot Totrenhses, for the transmission and /8-10 - RJ. se i] of ar endance ete Baiversity of. Michi- Dr--C in ¥ $67 y} at the actual cost, 3 puprly of Electric poe a Light x be Clerk 'of County: of Sim=s+., in, ited-at r. ij s 3 'i . Chase in Re Tractors. At the present time Mr. ed by the Hy lléctric Power. = ee ee, gan, located nn ! Went. to ; Ford is mot afisting tie Poot Tractor, to the | Commission of Ontario, bearing .interest a RE BY-LAW NO. 1269, * After graduation he-began the 'practice public, Of the Corporation of the County of Simos. edicine in ~) anid, at- kidneys. I could not work on account jf my back of these for the British Governgient and has | _ And that-the aiid By-Law of the Corpora: 'Sa time represented tee aaa at say diver oer ice tnd | 0h of te County of Senne | nate fGen 4 ond will have delivered by the end of March | in the Registry Office 'of the County of Sim- | Notice is 'hereby given 'that ¢ By-Law Was passed by the Council of the Corpors, . o valance of t ' ' jash i f the County of Siméoe on the 23th is going'to give the American Government | Any motion 'to."quash -or set aside the Hon of 4 K ER : same' or any part 'thereof must' he shade of' Jaouary, 1918, authorizing the finés of his State, an Government pa ie at co art |S taal ited th ade ate : for treatment from As he was acctistomed to travel across western. Ontario to his native city of Buffalo he frequently sto; over at Canadian towns and cities - for special consultation, and in this - way made many. friends in Canada. cation of this notice and e thereafter, Dated ith day of February, 1918, S10. RJ. F "You can scarcely imagine how much good they did me. ~The 'The character and -personalit coat z : of. Dr: Chase was guar fete Farlen, Sturges Bas ste 8 JACK'S LAKE . . : Rae The thaw of the last few days is weleome Dr. A. W. Chase's. medicines Note that the portrait and s-many of the farmers-in this community' are for sale by all dealers signature of A. W, Chase, | ba _-- Papen or sent on receipt of price M.D./ the famous Receipt © ig nw of Me. ee es: Then ge by'. Edmans . Bates & y Book author, are on every E. Troyer of 1 a r'. Edmanson, Bi heat i cael | pe a Se