building east of Post Office) Worsteds-and Tweeds. from. Your order solicited Workmanship and fit f Telephone 731. At the January elections, Allan McIntosh was elected .deputy- reeve of Collingwood, but was) disqualified and his opponent, Wm, Williams, given the seat. Objections being raised, Mr.Will- jams resigned and a new.election was held when Mr. Mcintosh was returned by 66 majority. Mr. Williams will be 'greatly missed in the, county counci] where he) proved himself a very valuable member, 'particularly: on the Ed-| ucation Committee. DO YOU KNOW There is not om the market at>$1000.00 that has as well-equipped an engine, with rotary pumps for oil and water. That has as good workman- ship in painting, trimmings and generally good quality of material used. © . hat our model 490 can go to $1000.00 and still be equal to any, competitor in its class, and in many cases superior. That it is liable to. be in- creased in price at any time! | \ and 7 THAT'S * REASON: i advise you to buy. now and} be sure of delivery when you | require your car as there will| surely be a Shortage of \ MODERATEPRICED §:."". so 'ition is entirely cars: this season,. Compare our model 490 with the higher priced cars of our own or any | other. firm's make and, you imust conclude that I'm giving you absolute facts, that 'the model 490 ; CHEVROLET is certainly the biggest car value on the market. I give my customers service and do my. best: to look, after them when 'they have purchased and 'that policy is one of the reasons my, sales are, made easily, . d ECONOMY -- is necéssary--save. the- time you now waste on the road » And use it in production. Save the food you waste.on driving horses--put it into beef and catmexl. Save stable. work, feeding, grooming, etc. - by: buying a fo] and you will not only increase your production, but also your health and pleasure. : "Come in and see our new miodel.. Let us-talk this matter over with you and again let me say if you think of getting a car' : ee -- ANNOUNCEMENT TO THE PEOPLE OF BARRIE =" AND VICINITY Will move into néw Shop,.in the Ross Block (first - full line of Serges in Blue, Black, Grey and Brown, also D Good assortment to choose H. J. TWISS, | -- COMMENT OF THE WEEK . put. Legislature and official announ- . B. McLEAN) == : BARRIE Ave., \Toronto, on' Thursday, about-tst. of March; witha, @|™rs- Eutdeey was. married only, " és é six weeks.ago. She-was the eld- early. ully guaranteed. Ladies' and Men's Tailor. Dayfight saving "is soon to be into effect, a- bill for this purpose having already passed its second reading in,the Ontario cement having. been made. that! there is also to be a Federal en- actment that will put the clocks one*hour ahead. In Great Britain and Europe the plan has been tried with excellent results and) there is no reason to believe that. the measure. will bé less satis- factory in Canada if given a gen- eral application. ; The Dominion Alliance did well to promptly repudiate and con- demn the statement of one Capt. Bailby that ninety per cent of thé Canadian troops on the western front were dpunk on Christmas day. . No one bit a fool or a rank fanatic could. utter such a -stan- der 'and expect to get away with it. The attack on the good name} of Canada's gallant fighters has served one. good. purpose, viz. toj bring into prominence the splen; did tributes from chaplains and others as to the sobriety and generally exemplary conduct of the sons of the Maple Leaf over- seas. BR. F. Garrett may think he can) 3 parcelk ay i rie, was partner in a machine : ° i a get the w orth of bis money i ne shop 'in Meaford. He came to Ten ee io. att your opportunity to save money and get them-home in vance. ihe ¢ cause e rie pars ago to take a 4 H f: ¢ Bee ance. se niontion, the, Town pure. 38 sears neo io take Aline Iate.B. C.-Cameron, and his the sleighs. They will certainly be dearer next summer. Gouneil' and the contractors for the new, school, but he can have little hope of blocking the plans of the Board' for the erection of the new collegiate, In, deciding. to grant the request of the Board for the' necessary funds, th Council. did soy not with any in, | tention or desir prevent the te dink rit ite Se onaline eee having. an exceedingly tetentive eehtee fie TAME pagar memory, few. were better, posted ply wished to provide the fuTds) iy wuprentsavents or public ques without delay and. at the least} iinaee- Muete, had a great altrac- ppneele aur toe cee Sure )tion for him and he was a mem- that another vote would ShoW @hnen of the band both in Chatham large -muajority in favor of the} cna Leantington. © present propos. | different from the former one, it-is "definite in almostvail ils details, whereas! the lack of exact information. in thé last: bylaw: submitted caused its defeat, Were a vole to be aken on the present application lor $59,239 there is little doubt] lit would carry, for a majority of) the cilizens appreciate -the value | of thé collegiate and desire that the new building be constructed with as little delay as possible. L.? CREDIT.SALES \ "Tuvaday, March 12--Wm..H. 'Rouse, 'at lot 14,,con: 9, Oro. Farm: stock 'and imple- iments. Sale at 1 pim., W. A. McConkey, ' auctioneer. "Wednesday, March 13--Rev. L. W. Thom, hold furniture, horses, rigs, etc. Sale at une fhm, "W..A. McConkey, auctioneer. Of Thurs, Mar. 14, Matthew' Robertson, Jot 17, con, 5, Vespra- (Mill Road) will sell farm stock, implements, etc? Sale at 1 pm. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer. Ow Friday, Mar. 15--Jas. Hunter at West Y, lot 4 0, 8,. Oro, oo sell his farm' stook,:implemrenta-ete. at 1 p.m. 'W.. A, MeCONKEY, - Auctioneer. 'Wed, Mar. 20, Jos. Donnelly, lot 8, con. 7, Innisfil, will hold a credit sale of farm stock and implements. H. A. Grose, suc- tioneer. 5 IN MEMORIAM ' , In ever loving memory of my' dear husband, Albert (Bert) Thornbury, who was killed at Utterson on March 9, 1917. "Gone but not forgotten" I do not forget thee, I loved thee too dearly For thy memory. to fade from my life like 8 dream, % The lips need tot speak when the heart In loving memory of E. H. Firman, ~| who papsed away March 10, 1917. Hope .on, 'hope 'ever, for long vanished faces, Watch fof our coming on the: golden shore, és E'sn "while we 'whisper in their- vacant words "Not lost, but gone |business in Bartie and sold out |parents by mamty friends the end came. _ jerson, nt:the Presbyterian Manse, Midhurst, house- | urns sincerely, riah Nagy My thoughts often rest where they seldom Surviving. are:> .Wife, and) are .seen, : . |dayghter,; Lucy: .two brothers, Rest in Peace, George and Wilfred; three sisters, WIFE | Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Perkins and. ~ IN MEMORIAM : Mrs. Orr. ~{npplitics he was. @ OBITUARY 'Mrs. Raiph Lindsay Mrs. Ralph Lindsay, nee Miss Olga. McWaters, died -yery. sud- denly at her. home, 49 Central estidaughter of J. W. MeWaiers, who 'formerly~ owned a harness to Fred Loth eight years..ago. 'The remains were taken to Wye- bridge on Tues., Mar.. 5, for ins terment.. Mucht sympathy is ex- tended to the young -husband'and || Barri John Culverwell After an illness of several years, John Cuiyérwell passed a~ way at his home on March 3, in. his 95th year. Mr. Culverwell Was horn on, "Lambrook Farm," near 'Newmarket, the son of Robt. Culverwi He had been a res- |! ident of. Barrie for 53: years, a quiet unassuming cilizen, hon- orable in. all his dealings: He is survived by his wife, two sons, Harry of Detroit, and Wm. of Chicago, and four daughters, Mrs. Arthur Kraus of Slatington, Pa., Mrs. H: B. Richey of Toronto, Miss Bertha ahd Mrs. J.D. Milne ef Bar Two of his sisters are still living, Miss Jennie .Culver- well and Mrs. Snider Interment took 'place' Wednes- day afternoon, in.the Union Cem- etery, Rev, H. D. Raymond -of- ficiating. ' Walter Patterson, Sr. Having reached almost. four score years, Walter Patterson, Sr. died on 3 ch -4 at his home on Bayfield 5 He had been in), failing health for a year but had been in bed only a week before a Borw Galashiels, Scotland, on -Sept. 14, 4858, he came, to Ganada in 1863, working 'at his je of. machinist in different including Goderiéa and Chatham, At the time -he was foreman of a 'shop in. Chatham, one of his fellow employees was Wm. Taylor, the florist. For a lime he had an interest in a sash and door factory in Leamington, and a year before coming to Bars in position in $ active Ww oh ty' of the ald Scottish cot and a very str ver since Goming tc ada' he 1 been. a subscriber: to the Ho rend it diligently and His: first wife died 45 and his: second passed years ago. , Survivin) are: Waiter, Oliv of Barrie, 'Interment took place in the Union Cemetery yester Rey. H. D. Raymond took the ser- and the pall-bearers were: Thos. Rogers, P. Love, Jas. Pat- Geo, Livingstone, J. F. Jackson'and Chas Brown. L vices: Rev. F. A. Drury "Rev A. Drury. who? died on Feb, 28, was born March 5, 1863, in fhe Townskip of Vespra, near Parrie, and followed farr for some years. -He was united i marriage to Miss Almin 2 ef Siratford, Ontario, a0) years ago, al nuded in Bi for ¢ number of years, whenshe worked at the brick business. He left that occupation to take vp" the ministry; joining"lumself to the Free Methodist denomination, and hecame Pastor. of Crown. Hill Church. Besides* Crown Hill, he was Pastor of Kimbo, Galt, Kel- yin and Sarnia churches. He was ordained while on the Galt cir- guilt. ,about fifteen . years ago. Owing:to throat trouble, he: was compelled to -leave the ministry but was Treasurer of Western Onfario, Conference for the -past to fruit growing at' Beamsville. and} remained at that for about fourteen years until death over- took. him. on. Thursday, Feb. 28. La/Grippe and stomach trouble were the cause of his death. Liberal, x "THE BARRIE EXAMINER _ ilton, assisted by Rev. W. E. Me-|years ago.he was compelled to re- Quiggin of Kimbo, conducted the tire from. the road, being badly. services. iment with: 'asthma, years one of the best known en- gineers on this division' of the R. G.T.R., breathed his last on Tues- day evérting in the 'Royal Vic- 'toria Hospital, where he had been clergyman. The immediate ct |was paralysis with which he was years ago. The members of their stricken twenty-four hours pre-| viously. ' on, England, sixty-one years ago, and came as @ lad te-Canada, his father, Samuel F. Hayward, be- ing engaged by the G.T.R. as lo- comptive foreman at the -Point St. Charles shops, Montreal. The father continued with the Grand Trunk throughout his. active life, being master mechanic: at Port Huron when he retired. 1 ning on the G.T.R. at Stratford, in 1880-as fireman but it was not; skill and efficiency. secured him, somp. of the best Tuns, most pf the time-on the passenger trains and hen a f 'ei id Scottish lnetween Allandale and North metinnl meses ty orknianstip. TRoy, He awas well liked "by his ' Liberal, {ow "faflwaymen Some ten eighteén years: He then went in-|| Deceased was a loving husband and' father; who loved to do that, which was right. He made a host of friends wherever he: resided, and was respected by all who knew him. The funeral took place from the family resjdence to Kimho church : and cemetery; on Sat. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. W ui S " a morning at 10: o'elook. M. Eagle, District THREE OF THE BEST , ALL MADE IN CANADA, THE COLUMBIA THE BRUNSWICK THE PATHE © All made in Canada Cost you less. With or without needles to change. GARRETT'S. MUSIC STORE Price $20.00 "3 Lines of Records Columbia, Brunswick and Pathe. BRUNSWICK. Price $145.00 family. are: Mrs. R, A. Stephens and Mrs. Walter N. Duff, Barrie; Arthur, North Bay; .Mrs,- Thos. McKenzie, Barrie; Mrs. Byron Ashley, Detroit; Gladys, Victoria, BC. Surviving members of his. fath- er's family. are: Samuel, North Bend, 'B.C.; 'Thomas, 'Transcona, Man.; Chafles, Detroit; William, ; Mrs. N. W. E. King, Cal- s. Kalfemeyer, Port +h.;. Mrs: Johnson and Miss Kate Hayward, Detroit, Mich. He was a member of.the B. of L.E., under} iwhose auspices. the 'funeral -will -for be held tomorrow afternoon from the 'residence 'of his son-in-law, A. Stephens.. Rev. J. R.. Fallis of the. Colliery St. Methodist Church, will be the officiating Arthur James Hayward Arthur James Hayward, tient since last September.) His' wife, who was Miss. Mary ause of his 'death Ambler of Stratford, died fifteen Di Deceased .was born at Bright-~ FARMERS! DOES YOUR BARN.OR HOUSE ) = "NEED ROOFING ? ". Believing the cheapest and best permanent material to: cover your roof at the present time. is B. C. Shinglés and 'as' Freight rates going up will make them higher in price, now is the time to get your supply. started. run- James "Hayward We 'have just received a carload which we are offering at close 'prices to turn them quickly. This is The Sarjeant Co.Limited EX. MILNE. OFFER THE NEWEST STYLES AND CLOTHS. FOR TAILORED AND READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING -' FOR THE COMING SEASON READY-TO-WEAR DEPT March 15th we'will have on TAILORING DEPT. Having bought 'our cloths months ahead we are able to offer high-class "Suits and : Overcoats at old prices." display- the newest and~most ~up-to-date range: of Men's Blue Serges and Worsteds_ Suits and-Overcoats shown to_ guaranteed ........ ence Old Stock Tweeds. . . $25.00 Fancy Worsteds in. Browns, Greens, Blues and Greys' . Write for Samples. _ the men of Barrie and vicinity. These garments are. made swith a finish, fit and comfort, that gives them that supérior look. INLOP ST.,